Homecoming week activities Kellenberger, Dian Nelson and free to AS card holders and sion order of the floats. There will kick off tomorrow night Pam Townsend. dates. Dress is semi-formal or will be a surprise Grand Mar­ formal. shal leading the parade proces­ with the crowning of the 1963 The band will be under the Ten clubs are planning to sion. queen and her court.. direction of Jack Wheaton, mu­ have floats n the pre-game The coronation will take place sic instructor. Pat Hughes, com­ Student Goevrnment and the Homecoming Parade, Nov. 9. at the Coronation" Ball from 8 missioner of activities, arranged Associated Women Students are Story book characters, old cars to midnight in the Student Cen- for the band. He is also in charge preparing the queen's float. The and fireworks will highlight the . ter. Bev Eckels has planned dec­ of entertainment for the after­ queen and her court will ride on parade according to Homecom­ orations with a regal theme. game dance. the float. ing Chairmen Judy Wherta and Queen hopefuls include Ilia Tickets for the Coronation Lucy Finch. Flowers and gifts for the Allgood, Judy Bement, Darma Ball, are available in the Stu­ Clive Grafton, dean of student court are being arranged for by Castro, Sandra Hickey, Claudia dent Affairs Office. Tickets are affairs, is handling the proces­ Miss Wherta and Miss Finch. RR1TOS COL tuese Vol. VII, No. 12 Norwalk, California November 1, 1963 BV WILLIAM REED This action followed a visit 11709 Downey Ave., Downey, The Circle "K" drinking af­ Talon Marks Editor to a Circle "K" party Friday some time after 10:45 Friday fair marks the second incident AS President Al Mercer was night by Blakemore and Dean night. There they found a ma­ in" recent weeks involving cam­ suspended from all campus of­ of Student Affairs Clive Grafton. jority of the members of Circle pus organizations. On Oct. 16, fices for. one week by admin­ According to the deans, a keg "K", the AS president, some Beta Tau fraternity and Sigma istrative decree Monday by of beer and punch containing non-members and the alcohol. Phi fraternity were the subject Dean of Student Personnel John liquor were on hand as refresh­ Chaperones Drinking of action by the Dean of Stu­ Blakemore. • ments at the party. Blakemore said that the dent Affairs. Wednesday Mercer resigned as Liquor Not Allowed chaperones at the party had ap­ Beta Tau was abolished and president of Circle "K" along "State laws do not allow al­ parently been drinking as well Sigma Phi placed on probation with club vice president Mel coholic beverages on the cam­ as the students. at that time for violations of Dody. With the suspension of pus,' nor does the college permit The event, according to rules governing club activities. Mercer from the student gov­ drinking at any college - spon­ Blakemore, was an official club Blakemore explained to ernment the mantle of the pres­ sored organization event," function. He pointed out that "Talon Marks" that the ad­ idency falls on Vice President pointed out Grafton citing the ] the affair had not been regis­ ministration intends to enforce Jim Logan. Senator Dody will Student Handbook. tered with the college as the the'laws, "The rules are there preside over the senate in the Blakemore and Grafton said rules require. to be enforced," said the Dean interim period. they went to the event held at The direction that possible ac­ of Student Personnel. tion against the club will take Rules Enforced has been left to the sponsoring "We are not going to wink Kiwanis Club, Blakemore said. at - rule violations just because The fact that only Mercer has rules have been violated in the been disciplined at this time past," added Blakemore, does.' not mean that others will . gjertmr .said that he. recog­ not be punished, added Blake­ nized his responsibility as presi­ more. dent of the Associated Students The final disposition of the to see that laws are enforced. matter has been scheduled for He added that he would rather Monday. At that time the Ki­ that any action taken be against wanis will offer their recom­ him than against the club. mendations about further club Several members of Circle a c t_i v i t i e s and what action "K" questioned whether the should be taken against club meeting Friday was an official members involved. function or not. Mercer was suspended from However, Grafton pointed out his offices at this time, Grafton that any function where an in­ said, because the AS president vitation is extended to a single is responsible for enforcement group, publicized on campus, of rules established by the col­ known to the adviser and where lege and, the. Associated ' stu­ money is collected must be con­ dents. sidered an official meeting. LBSC Art Show Opens Monday For Week Run The Cerritos gallery starting represent many current move­ : Monday will exhibit a collection ments oh the "modern" scene; ' of faculty works from Long Long Beach State has long been RESIGNED AS CIRCLE K' OFFICERS-Club President Al 3Ier- Beach State" College. kiiown for the quality of its art cer, left, and Vice President Alel Dody submitted resignations The works are drawn from faculty. Wednesday after the club was found to be holding a drinking the major areas of endeavor in ''This exhibit will expose many party last Friday night in violation of the education code. : contemporary art and amply avenues of approach to- con­ —Talon Marks Photo temporary art in Southern Cali­ fornia. Some of these directions- will be known, many will chal­ Theta Phi Holds lenge, some may even antago- _ nize," said John Blakemore, Convocation To Honor dean of student personnel. Installation Of. particular note are the New members and officers of sculptures of Kenneth Glenn Theta Phi were installed in a with his direct and forceful im­ Our Honor Student: candlelight ceremony at the agery, the strange interlocking shapes found in the graphics of Cerritos College will honor its uating in 1939 he served as edi­ Chateau Briand restaurant in Dipk Swift, the tremendous scholastic honor student of Al­ tor of the "Postscripts" page of Pico Rivera last Sunday. quality of Orval Dillingr pha Gamma Sigma at the Fall the "Saturday Evening Post," Darma Castro was installed as plastic Honor Convocation scheduled as the youngest editor ever president of the sorority. Other ham's paintings, and the refined for Monday, Nov. 18. hired by the "Post." . officers installed were Polly Ax- design sense of Alvin Pine's ford,* vice president; Jeanne Zu- jewelry. Classes will be dismissed Since then he has served as pardo, secretary; Marsha Hol- The Cerritos Art Department promptly at 9:45 a.m. and shall reporter, for the "Arizona' Star," will be holding a reception with resume^at noon. IBM cards will man, treasurer; Jeanne Gipple, 1 coffee and assorted goodies not be passed out this year as managing; editor of the "Eve­ socia chairman; Lucy Finch, from 7 to 9 p.m., Thursday, Nov. they were in the past. ning' Courier" in -Prescptt and scrgeant-at-arms, and Diane 7. The exhibit is open from 12 Amory Speaks has written a number of, top Henry, historian. \ selling books. to 4 p.m., weekdays Nov. 4 The special guest speaker will • As in the past., the woman through the 22nd. Any sale of be - America's foremost social Amory will also-speak at the chosen best pledge was ap- work may be handled- by con­ historian Cleveland Amory. Cat­ second forum to be held that , pointed historian. , apulted to fame in 194T by the night in the student center. The. Ten new members were also tacting the artist. nationwide success of his first public is invited to both. , installed. They include Gloria book, "The_ Proper Bostonians," Gowns Denote Degrees Biddlecomb, Margie Bova, Judy Amory has firmly established Gowns for faculty and Alpha Duren and Diane Henry. Oth­ his reputation as one of our wit­ Gamma' Sigma rnembers will ers werer Carol Mitchell, Kathy Coeds Attend tiest social commentators with be furnished by the AS for those Poe, Sandy Wagner, Anita his subsequent literary efforts. who do. not have their own, ac­ Wehrle, Lyla Wetrick and Don­ Amory attended Harvard Col­ cording ot Dean of Instruction na Woodward. AWS Meet lege and was president of the Bruce Browning. Measurements The installation climaxed two Delegates from Cerritos. are Harvard, "Crimson." After grad- will be taken by the College weeks of., pledge activities dur-, attending the Associated Wom­ Bookstore through Tuesday. :' ing which ' the pledges became en Students and Women's Ath-( In the academic procession < acquainted with the active mem­ letic Conference at L.A. Harbor BULLETIN the gowns denote the. degree bers, President Castro stated. College in Wilmington today. "Talon Marks" learned Thurs­ held. Candidates for the degree Other active members are The purpose of the conference day the Fall Convocation has of Associate in Arts wear black Mary Boudousqiue, Janet Wal- is to discuss activities and prob­ MAGNIFICENT SEVEN—One of the seven beauties will be named dron, and Judy Wherta. Inactive been cancelled. Speaker Cleve­ gowns marked with no hood or lems each college has in AWS 1963 Homecoming Queen tomorrow. They are from top to bot­ color. The tassel of the. cap is • members are Annette Adanto, The theme of the conference land Amory notified the col­ tom Dian Nelson, Claudia Kellenberger, Darma Castro, Pam worn on the right. The honor Margo Hagin, Linda Kimbrough, is "The Sky's the Limit". Fea­ lege that he would be unable Townsend, Sandra Hickey, Ilia Allgood, and Judy Bement.
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