• TODAY: SA'S LAST-DITCH SUMMIT' GOVT ACTS ON RATIONALISATION' SUPER SPORT * In The News Left: Zambia's PaStor \11th ref'erenoe to lIlY ~ :In this matter (paz'8gi'8ph 96 of the Nevers Mumba once Report) it Is rrrt st.ror\g convict1on that Mr N'Iclreas Q.dbeb Is not wielded born·again ru.1table to hold the po:Jltion of Pef1l'\Wlel1t Sec~tary: Forcif9l .Hfn.lrn power at tbe highest or JJrtY other 31m.ilCLt' po:.llt1on in the Go'\f'ernnent of Nanib.l.a. levels, but now be's 1 an inclined therefore w1 th We re~t and as req.l1red by the .raio.ingeyebrows ... See QTb.Jds'IIan Act. 1990. Section s(1 )(bb). to reeamend to you as the report in The 9,.C)eM.or of Mr CUlbeb that t.hrou@tI you as the MJ.n1ster oC Foreign Weekender. Affairs the Cabinet seriously o::ns1d!!r the poss1b1l1 ty of' replac1llg Hr Right: Contro,,"ersy Q.dbeb as soon as possible. rages on f)vcr the would bP .- • Ombudsman's report. I See pagts Sand 7. LATE reports yesterday said tbat RW80dan Three die in Prime Minister Agathe UwUingiyimana had been kUled near the presidential palace in tbe alpital Kigali. -1 Shooting brobout in KlgaU after the kiU~ I, ing of PresIdent Juvenal BabyarimeDa and Burundl President Cyprien Nmryamlra I when a rocket bit thejr plane approaching KJgali on Wednesday night. The Fl'ench~pnoted plane crashed on isaster Wednesday night as it prepared to land at 1 KlgaU airpo~ killing all 12 people on board. • See report OD page 8. Six tons of rock crashes down DON'T MISS OUT! spokesperson. They Security manager reportedly in meetings TOMMINNEY were 450 feet under- Scheepers yesterday with an Inspector of TODAY'S Weekender ground al the time and it would not let journalists Mines from the Ministry PROBES ARE being launched into took three hours to get take pictures of mine of Mines and Energy. is packed with interesting the deaths of three men in a mining thebodies out. AlIlhree, buildings and barred re- Mineworkers Union articles, reviews, people, accident yesterday. The named by police as T porters from the mine, of Namibia General Scc­ Oosthuizen, J van der and would onl y say pro- retary Peter Naholo at­ games, and more - AND Mineworkers' Union of Namibia Westhuizen and D van duction was back to nor- tacked mine manage­ claims the Otjihase copper mine Wyk, we re supervisors. mal. ment for low health and you can win N$150 in near Windhoek has a bad safety Mine management Police are to launch safcty standards. He said cash in our Spot The and executives of their own investigation accidents at TCL mines record and the tragedy is only the Tsumeb Corporation into the incident and the occurred at least every Word competition. latest in a series of accidents. Limited, which controls Ministry of Labour and' twomonthsandonlylast Otjihase mi ne, did not Human Resource Devel- cont. on page 3 So don't miss it! The three died a~ they ton~ of rock crashed on i~~uea c;tatemenl yester- opment may also be -;:==~;;;;;;;;;;:::============:; turned towards the tun- theirheads.accordingw day and could not be called in. Yesterday 11 ~n'~I~,~,.~t,~w~h~'~n~~t~o~s.~·,~a~~N~a~m~i~b~ia~n~P~o~li~,=e~,~o~nt~a'~t~ed~fu~r~,o~m~m~en~t~,~m~ine~~~~~~~ 'YOUR TICKET Great public interest TO THE FUTURE' AITEC Namibia '94 Conference in Lubowski's inquest at the AITEC '94 Computer & Telecommunications Exhibition THE inquest into the death of Swapo activist by Deputy Commissioner Jumbo Smil, apparently during the Namibia International Tade Fair, AntoD Lubowski, who was gunned down by claimed that Lubowski was murdered by unknown Windhoek Show Grounds, 2()-'23 April assassins outside his Windhoek home on elements of the SADF's notorious Civil Co-opera­ 25 lOP International, leglonaland loc al ur,erts will tion Bureau (CCB). deliver papers, discuss case studies and ead panel September 12 1989, will start in the dIscussIons covering: Later 1be Namibian published a report alleging Windhoek High Court before Judge H Levy ~ Global Trends, NamibIa's Plac, In th' Information on April 18. involvement of certain high-ranking police and Age, Latest I.T. Techoologles, PolicIes, Applications army officers in planning Lubowski's murder. As a ~ How 10 Develop Your Business thtough There will undoubtedly be greal media and public result the Namibian police re-opened investigations Telecommunications interest in the inquest inlo Lubowski's murder, into the murder. Also as a result. the newspaper ~ HI-t&eh Applications In Industry, Transport, Trade, which is being held almost five years after his death. faces a defamation claim ofRJ,5 million by those Commerce, Health & Tourism InformaUon Systems The case is set down for nearly a month in the who were named in the report. ~ Human Resources ConSlralnt~ & Challenges for !.T. ,nd Telecoms In Namibia High Court. Whether the defamation action goes 10 court will ~ Open BusIness Forum on Staff TrainIng Bnd In a recent meeting in court to discuss the inquest. depend largely on the outcome of the inquest. Deployment Judge Levy made an appeal for witnesses to come Representing the Lubowski family at the inquest ~ Professional Solutions on Outsourcln9, Oownslzlng, forward in order to establish once and for all , who will be Advocate Wim Trengrove, Senior Counsel. Database ManBgemen~ Networking, Viruses, was responsible for the killing of Lubowski. assisted by Dave Smuts of the Windhoek Bar and E·Mall and other key problem areas. A Police i the murder, briefed the Phon, 2 Friday April 81994 THE,NAMIBIAN POLICE Chief In- tainedthatHeyman's spector Sean Geyser decision proved he is to lay a civil cbarge was not guilty and Bank open - but of racial discrimina- sion by Prosecutor- Geyser confirmed added he would not lion against Nampol General Hans hisdedsion but could pursue civil action Commissioner of Heyman not to pros- Dot elaborate OD the against Geyser. Management,Huberi ecute the criminalease charges as he thought ". want to promote not for business Mootseng. which Geyser made it was sub judice. national reconcilia- This fo llows a deci- against Mootseng. Mootseng main- tion," he added. A NEW commercial bank opened its tral) Bank," he said. Many people came into the bank's doors to the public in W i ndhoek yester- Ii-;; ;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;~~;;;~~~;;:;;;:;~~~~~~~~;;;;~;;;;;;;;~~;:;;;;;;1 day. but is nolye! ready to take deposits sparkling new banking hall yesterday to ord.oany business such as giving loans. make inquiries and Rascher said they The City Savings and Investme nt were happy with the level of inquiries. CITY OF WINDHOEK Bank has been. told it will get a provi­ "We are just as keen to do business as sionallicen.ce but some sleps still need they are, but we all have to be a little CITY STORES TENDER to be take n before it does receive a more patient. " Prime Minister Hage licence and can start business. Geingob has agreed to open the bank Yesterday managing director John officially on April 28. Chainnan Aaron Tenders are hereby invited for the supply and delivery of the Rascher said CSIB had opened itsdoors Mushimba said yesterday the opening following, carnage paid, to the Municipality Stores. (Siding 941-417) 10 receive applications from prospec­ would "herald in a new era of banki ng". tive account holders and to answer in­ Rascher said the bank was also mak­ - Stationery (Yearly Tender) quiries. But they cannot begin busi­ ing sure all its computer and other sys­ TENDER M. 32/94 ness. tems are working well and the bank is CLOSING DATE: 29 APRIL 1994 "We are receiving excellent co-op­ aiming to be "slow but sure", The main eration from the Bank of Namibia but delay seems to be over capitalisation and - Hydrated Lime (Yearly Tender) our new clients must understand thal several steps have to be gone through TENDER M.33/94 we cannot begin to provide any bank­ including approvals of balance sheets M.34/94 - Oil Filters & Air CleanerlFilter ing services until we have been issued and of the capitalization of the bank. All elements(Two Yearly Tender) with a final certificate from the (cen- could be ready within a few days. M.35/94 - Batteries for Vehicles (Two-Yearly Tender) Fraud case carrying on M.36/94 - Retreading of Tyres (Two-Yearly Tender) State. and Warden at the Wtndhoek JOSEF MOTINGA Central PrIson Pieter Nels and Sec· M.37/94 - One only floor mounted column type retary to the Head of tbe Prison. Drilling Machine THE NS2.5 mIWon fraud case in· TubafenJ Ilangula, were witnesses 'fOlvfDg Genrum naliooal Retnbard for the defence counsel. During,the CLOSING DATE: 6APRD . 1994 Strowltzki and NamibJan national bearing It emerged that while BereDd BOck was yesterday post. StrowitzkJ was in Medklty and the Tender documents are obtainable from the Municipal Stores, Private ......... today. Wlndhoek Central Pr1so~ the. court StrowiUkl races 130 cbarges or bad ordered that bis proJ)frty be Bag 12009, Windhoek, on payment of N$5,OO or R5,OO per set of having submitted Cal6e claims ror confiscated and sold. Under cross· two documents. refunds ofeldse duty and luellev­ examInatJou. StrowJtski deo1ed bav­ Its durin& 1"1 and 1992. while ing been served with a series or court working at the Ministry orFinance. orders by Esterbulzen. He only ad­ ENQUIRIES: TeI: (061) ·391-2270 BOck is accused or having accepted mitted to an I)rder nl)t to .seUl)r buy TBIEWENGA / tbe claims knowing they were false, property.
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