2814 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE February 5, 1991 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Tuesday, February 5, 1991 The House met at 12 noon. Americans who have recently become member of the House Energy and Commerce The Chaplain, Rev. James David unemployed that will be the losers in Committee. Ford, D.D., offered the following pray­ the game. It is my understanding that this will also clear the way for me to assume the tem­ er: The President has partially recog­ porary assignment to the Foreign Affairs Your word, O God, is ever with us. It nized the importance of funding the ad­ Committee granted me by the Caucus. comes to refresh us when we wake and ministration of the unemployment pro­ Thank you for your time and attention, guides during all the day even to the gram and is proposing to free an extra and please contact me if you have any ques­ night. We are grateful that no matter $100 million from the trust fund. Mr. tions, or need anything else. where we are or what we do or what Speaker, while this money will not be With every good wish, our individual concern, Your word enough to fully cover the expected Sincerely, speaks to us the message of new life shortfall, it will go a long way toward PETER H. KOSTMAYER. and hope and peace. ensuring that unemployment benefits HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, We remember in prayer those who ex­ reach those who need them, when they Washington, DC, January 29, 1991. perience the test of battle, those who need them. Hon. THOMAS s. FOLEY. are hostages or prisoners. May Your Speaker, House of Representatives, word, 0 God, that brought the whole Washington, DC. world into being, strengthen and keep WHAT WILL CONGRESS DO WITH DEAR MR. SPEAKER: I am writing to for­ them and each of us, now and ever­ THE BUDGET? mally resign as a permanent member of the more. Amen. House Foreign Affairs Committee, in order (Mr. GEKAS asked and was given to accept my recent appointment to the permission to address the House for 1 Committee on Energy and Commerce. THE JOURNAL minute and to revise and extend his re­ In addition, I am writing to confirm my ac­ marks.) ceptance of my appointment last week as a The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam­ Mr. GEKAS. Mr. Speaker, the Con­ temporary member of the Foreign Affairs ined the Journal of the last day's pro­ gress now has the President's budget in Committee. ceedings and announces to the House hand. What will it do with it? With warm regards. his approval thereof. Sincerely, The Congress must pass a budget, ac­ GERRY E. STUDDS. Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour­ cording to its own rules, its own laws, nal stands approved. The SPEAKER. Without objection, by September 30. Will it be able to do the resignations of Representative so? Not if past history shows us the STUDDS and Representative KOSTMAYER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE way. The Congress has only been able from their membership on the Commit­ to pass the appropriation bills on time The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman tee on Foreign Affairs, as established before October 1 twice in the last 25 by House Resolution 8, adopted by the from Florida [Mr. HUTTO] come forward years. So can we expect the Congress and lead the House in the Pledge of Al­ House on January 3, 1991, are accepted. to do its job? No. The election of those members to the legiance. That is why I am introducing legisla­ Mr. HUTTO led the Pledge of Alle­ Committee on Foreign Affairs on Janu­ tion that will say that if by September ary 24, 1991, by the adoption of House giance as follows: 30 of any fiscal year the Congress has I pledge allegiance to the It'lag of the Resolution 43 continues to be effective failed to pass the budget, then auto­ in the order established in that resolu­ United States of America, and to the Repub­ matically last year's budget will come lic for which it stands, one nation under God, tion. indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. into effect. This will prevent the threat There was no objection. of Government shutdown. It will pre­ vent actual Government shutdown as UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE PRO­ we had this past fall, to the detriment THE PRESIDENT'S BUDGET IS A GRAM MAY UNDERGO NEW of our American people. SHAM SHORTFALLS If we as a Congress know that our job is to do what we say we ought to do, we (Mr. BILBRAY asked and was given (Ms. LONG asked and was given per­ have got to pass this kind of legislation permission to address the House for 1 mission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his re­ minute and to revise and extend her re­ to make sure that never again shall we marks.) have that fiasco of the Government Mr. BILBRAY. Mr. Speaker, today marks.) shutting down while our own troops are Ms. LONG. Mr. Speaker, I want to President Bush sends us a Sl.45 trillion highlight one area of the President's in the Persian Gulf area waiting to do budget that even the finest doctors in budget request, the unemployment in­ their duty. the world, could not heal. surance program. Again the administration attempts Last year's budget process short­ RESIGNATIONS AS MEMBERS OF to present a budget that will decrease changed the administration of the un­ COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS the deficit, however, we are presented employment program and now unem­ with a record deficit of $318 billion, a ployment benefits are held up for The SPEAKER laid before the House budget that I believe is a sham. weeks on end because we did not appro­ the following resignations as members Last year, the American people were priate the funds set aside in the unem­ of Committee on Foreign Affairs: told that the deficit would be reduced ployment trust fund for this very pur­ HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, when Congress approved a $500 billion pose. These funds have become hostage Washington, DC, January 28, 1991 . deficit reduction plan. However, those to the budget process in order to create Hon. THOMAS s. FOLEY, savings are nowhere to be found so it's Speaker, House of Representatives. paper savings in the numbers game. As DEAR MR. SPEAKER: I am writing to for­ time again to bring back old ideas. the unemployment rate continues to mally resign my permanent assignment on In the rebirth of the Reagan new fed­ rise, this problem will only become the House Foreign Affairs Committee in eralism proposal, OMB proposes to worse. Unfortunately, it is working order to assume my new post as a permanent shift programs over to the States, and DThis symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., D 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. February 5, 1991 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 2815 again attempts to ask our seniors to spirit of glasnost by cracking down in HOORAY FOR OUR TROOPS bear more of the costs of the Medicare the Baltics and in other republics. The (Mr. DREIER of California asked and Program. Unfortunately, the adminis­ United States has played a major role was given permission to address the tration did not hear the voices of sen­ in supporting the government of Mi­ House for 1 minute and to revise and iors last year when they said they khail Gorbachev and now must lead the extend his remarks.) could not afford additional costs. way in supporting the dreams of the Mr. DREIER of California. Mr. As the Budget Committee begins its citizens of the Baltic Republics. The Speaker, like many of my colleagues deliberations of the 1992 budget, I urge American taxpayer should not be this past weekend I had the oppor­ them to be very wary of this budget forced to support the Soviet Union and tunity to attend a number of protroop and make the necessary cuts to reduce its repressive policies. rallies. the deficit. When I was in southern California I had delivered to my office a poem CONTINUING BRUTAL CRACKDOWN WHAT KIND OF COUNTRY WILL which I would like to share with you here today. It came from a 10-year-old BY SOVIETS OF BALTIC REPUB­ OUR TROOPS COME HOME TO? LICS fifth grader called Danny Gorden, who (Mr. SMITH of Florida asked and was is a student at Washington Elementary (Mr. DELAY asked and was given per­ given permission to address the House School in Glendora, CA. It is entitled mission to address the House for 1 for 1 minute and to revise and extend "Hooray for Our Troops." And it reads minute and to revise and extend his re­ his remarks.) as follows: marks.) Mr. SMITH of Florida. Mr. Speaker, Mr. DELAY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Here is a story about Kuwait over there. the President's budget has now been Saddam got jealous and pulled Kuwait's hair. to bring to the attention of my fellow presented to the American public. I So sit right back and listen to me; Members the continuing brutal crack­ I will tell you the story from A to Z. down by Soviet authorities of the Bal­ hope, quite honestly, that our young men and women who are fighting in the See, Saddam got mad 'cause Kuwait had all tic Republics. During the past 5 years, the oil.
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