F.No.9-127/2011-S&F Government of India Ministry of Culture S&F Section ****** Dated 15 March, 2012 MINUTES OF THE TWENTIETH MEETING OF THE EXPERT COMMITTEE UNDER THE CULTURAL FUNCTIONS GRANT SCHEME (CFGS) HELD ON 2ND , 5TH & 14 th MARCH, 2012. A meeting of the above Expert Committee was held on 2nd & 5th March, 2012 (which continued & completed its work on 14 th March, 2012) under the Chairmanship of Shri Nihal Chand Goel, Joint Secretary to consider the proposals for financial assistance under CFGS. A list of the members who attended the meeting is annexed. 2. The Expert Committee considered 252 applications which were complete and supported with all documents as required under the Scheme. The Committee examined each proposal individually before taking a decision and recommended the following 106 proposals for financial assistance under the scheme:- (Rs. in lakhs) Sr. Name of Organization Subject of Proposed Project Time/Duration Grant No. of the Project recomm- ended ANDHRA PRADESH 1 Depar tment of Urdu School 3 day National Seminar on February 2.00 of Humanities, University of "Contemporary trends and socio- 2012 Hyderabad, P.O Central cultural issues of the marginalized University, Prof. C.R.Rao Road, sections of the society” Hyderabad- 500046 2 Mother's Lap Charitable Theatres and Arts F orms of 16th 06.05.2012 to 2.00 Organization, 30-118, Century Andhra Yakshaganam 10.05.2012 Kothapalem, Somalingapalem (PO) Yellamanchili (MC), Visakhapatnam District, Andhra Pradesh 3 Sri Ramalaya Natya Kala Sadguru Maharshi Shree Jayadev 13 th -15 th 2.50 Mandali . Vill: Halkur, Taluk, Cultural Festival February, Madak Sira, 515281 State: 2012 Andhra Pradesh. ARUNACHAL PRADESH 4 Arunachal Pradesh Art & Cultural Festival ‘Lo -sar 2139 ’– 25.2.2012 1.00 Culture Eco Tourism Buddhist New Year’ at Society (APACETS), West Indraprastha Park, New Delhi Kameng, Arunachal Pradesh 1 ASSAM 5 Chtralekh Drama Jyoti Prasad Agarwala Theatre April - Sept. 5.00 Production , Hatobor, Festival 2012 Kaliabor, Nagaon, Assam, Pin- 782136. BIHAR 6 Lok Kala Vikas Sansthan , Seminar -Cum - festivals 08 th to 1 5th 1.00 Village- Prem Brahanda Kothi, June and 25 th P.S-Ghatho, Distt.- Samastipur to 28 th June, (Bihar) Pin- 848114 2012 7 Bharat Natya Kala Kendra , Bharat Natya Mahotsava 2011 -12 01 st to 07 th 2.50 Jaya Prakash Colony, March, 2012 Madhubani, Distt.- Purnea, Pin- 854301, Bihar 8 Bajjikanchal Vikas , Vill - Seminar & Festival 15 th to 18 th 1.00 Hakimpur, P.O-Fullar, Distt.- June, 2012 Vashali (Bihar) 9 Dishayen, Baghawa Gali , Gola Three days drama to create 23 rd to 25 th 1.00 Mohalla, Arrah (Bhojpur) Bihar- awareness in people about famous April, 2012 802301 freedom fighter Babu Veer Kunwar Singh Vijayotashav divas. 10 Ashirward Rangman dal , Kali 3rd Ashirwad National Dance 23 rd to 30 th 4.00 Asthan Chowk, Near Rotary Festival 2012 June, 2012 Blood-Bank Begusarai 11 Jagriti Natya Kala Kendra , 3-Day Theatre Festival February 1.50 Vill- Farasut, P.O- Bargachi, 2012 Distt.- Arariya DELHI 12 The Raza Foundation , C - Aviraam - A multi -arts festival 13 th to 21 st 5.00 4/139 Lower & Ground Floor, February, Safdarjung Development Area, 2012 New Delhi-110016. 13 Salvation , F -11/13, Street No. National Seminar on Literary March 2012 5.00 6, Joga Bai Ext., Okhla, New Theory and Poetics, with special Delhi-110025 focus on Urdu 14 Manav Uttardayitav , C - National Seminar on 18.03.2012 3.00 7/376, Sultanpuri, New Delhi- ‘Remembering Motilal Nehru: In 110086. the Vanguard of India's Struggle for Freedom’ 15 Jamia Millia Islamia , Three days Cultural and Literary February 4.50 Maulana Mohammed Ali Jauhar Meet 2012 Marg, New Delhi-110025 2 16 Delhi Ballet Group , Shilpi Ballet " Lavanya" (Daughter of February, 3.50 Bhawan, E-841, Chittranjan Soil) 2012 Park, New Delhi-110019. 17 The Kas hmir Education ‘Shuhul Taaph -III’ - Annual 24 -26 5.00 Culture and Science Kashmir Cultural Extravaganza February Society , B-36, Pamposh 2012. Enclave, New Delhi-110084. 18 Aamad , D -168, Bathla Apts, "Parampar -Pravah" - Festival Cum August / 3.50 Patpar Ganj, Delhi-110092. Seminar September, 2012 19 Kala Shri Foundation , Annekta mein Ekta 22.01.2012 2.50 IX/5737, Street No.6, Subhash Mohalla, Gandhi Nagar, Delhi- 110031 20 Pratibha Sanskritik Classic al Indian Theatre Festival 31.3.2012 3.00 Sansthan , S-239, School Block and Seminar Shakarpur, Delhi-110092. 21 Yashica Education Society , Panchamrat – a musical concert April, 2012 1.00 159-A, L.I.G, Flats, Rajopuri Garden, New Delhi-110027 22 Atelier Theatre Society , 680, Bachpan - Atelier's Children 23.4.2012 to 3.00 Floor 3, Mukerjee Nagar, Delhi- Theatre Festival 2012 6.5.2012 110009. 23 Rumi Foundation , Kowarta Jahan -E-Khusrau at Lucknow 10.03.2012 5.00 Studios, Janapur Village Mehrauli, New Delhi-110047 24 Jawaharlal Nehru International Seminar on 12 -14 March 3.50 University , New Delhi-110067 Reflection of Indian Culture & 2012 Civilization in Travelogues. 25 Aga Khan Foundation, 2nd Alam -e-Khusaru October - 5.00 Floor, Sarojini House, 6 November Bhagwn Das Road, New Delhi 2012 26 All India Deaf Art and Fifth All India Cultural Festival for 2nd to 5 th 1.50 Cultural Society , Kothi No. the Deaf Children December, 172, Pocket-7, Sector-4, 2011 Rohini, Delhi-110085. 27 Geeta's Upasana , D 308 Jhankar Festival of Dance March - April 3.00 Prvasha, Anand Lok Sopciety, 2012 Mayur Vihar Phase-I Delhi1100091 3 28 Urvashi Dance Music Art & Dance Fest - 2012 17 th to 19 th 3.00 Cultural Society , B-1/65/2 August , 2012 Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi- 110029 29 Society For Library Library and Information 16 th and 17 th 3.00 Professionals , B-535, MIG Professionals Summit (LIPS) 2012. March, 2012. Flats, East of Loni Road, Delhi- 110093. 30 Acharya Chhau Nruttya Chaitra Parva (Annual F estival of 10 th to 13 th 3.50 Bichitra , B-19, IIIrd Floor, Chhau- Dance) 2012 April, 2012 Paryavaran Complex, New Delhi-110030. 31 Hindi Sageet Institution , B - Bhatthkahdne Music Festival 5th -7th 3.50 6, Qutab Institutional Area, December, New Delhe-110016. 2011 32 Ambalika , B -4, DD -8, Kalkaji, Design & Refinement 1st February 3.50 New Delhi Development Workshop for to 30 th April, Primitive Tribe of Jharkhand 2012 33 NETPAC India , B - 90, 4-day International Conference on 1st Week of 5.00 Defence Colony (FF), New Roots, Identity, Modernity November, Delhi-110024 2012 34 Institute of Vraj Culture & Silver Jubilee Celebration of the February - 1.50 Development, 429, Prakash Institute of Vraj Culture & March, 2012 Colony, East of Kailash, New Development Delhi-110065 35 Impresario, Vasant Kunj, New 3-days National Festival of New 26 th to 28 th 3.00 Delhi Choreography March, 2012 36 Sopori Academy of Music SaMaPa Aalap Festival 2012 28 th January 4.00 and Performing Arts to 12 th (SaMaPa), Lodi Colony, New February, Delhi 2012 JAMMU & KASHMIR 37 Samooh Theatre , F -934, Three days Seminar on Literary, 3 days 2.00 Talab Tillo Jammu-180002. Performing Arts and Culture Festivals in the regional languages of the J&K KARNATAKA 38 Kinnara Mela, Tumari , Post: - National Cultu ral Festival and Last Week of 2.50 Tumari, Sagar Taluk, Shimoga Seminar February District, Karnataka Sate- 20012 (5 577417 days) 4 39 Yakshagana Kendra Unit of Inter State Cultural Exposure - 01.03.2012 1.00 Yaksha Gurukula Shikshana South Indian Festival 2012 Trust , Shivaprabha, Sri Vadiraja Vanam Hayagreeva Nagara Kunjibettu Post- 576102, Udupi Taluk, Karnataka 40 Shantishwari NGO Celebration of 150th Birth 23 rd to 25 th 3.00 Organization , Swamy Nivas, Anniversary of Swami April, 2012 1/51, 1st Block Kamthana, Tq. Vivekananda & Dist. Bidar-585226, Karnataka State. 41 Sri Rajarajeshwari Spinifex Orchestra (Netherland) & 19.01.2012 3.00 Kalaniketan ., #85/11, 1st Dr. Suma Sudhindra's Veena Cross, 1 Main, G.D. Park Extn Ensemble. Vyalikaval, Malleshwaram, Banglore-560003 42 Shree Krishanna Parijatha Killekyateru Nomedian Leather 10.04.2012 to 1.50 Mandali , Post Dadanahatt Puppet Folk Art Festival 12.04.2012 Tq:- Mudhol Dist Bagalkot State Karnataka. 43 Ranga Sougandha Trust , 5-Day Festival of M ythological July , 2012 2.50 Vaddinagadde, P.O. Siddapur, Plays Tq. Siddapur, Uttara Kannada District Pin-581355 44 Nama Tuluver Kala Navarangothsava 25 th Feb. to 3.00 Sanghatane , Shri Adishakti 4th March - Temple, Shri Devi Nilaya, 2012. Mudradi Post-576145, Karkalla Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka. 45 Sri Raja Rajeshwari Nritya 10 Days National Dance Festival April - 5.00 Kala Mandira Trust . No. Golden Jubilee Celebration & December, 1442, 2 Cross, K.R. Extn, Nupura Charana Nruthoythsava 2012 Tumkur-572101, Karnataka. 2012 46 Natyapriya , No.7, 4th Cross, Navarasa Karnataka -Dance & April to 3.00 Hutchins Road, St Thomas Music Festival - 2012 Decemebr, Town, Bangalore-560084. 2012 47 Nadam, Narthan Academy Mega Festival "Kala -Nadam" 12 th to 19 th , 3.00 for Dance and Music, 143, November Coconut Avenue, Malleswaram, 2011 Bangalore-560003 5 48 Kalatheera, No. 61/1, Sri Sharavathi - 3 days National folk February 3.50 Ranga, 3rd Cross SBM Colony, festival 2012 BSK 1st State, Bagalore- 560050 49 Natyalakshana Akademy, Ban galore Celebrates April -May , 5.00 #35, 20 th Main, 1 st Cross, BTM Rabindranath Tagore’s 150 th Birth 2012 Layout 1 Stage, Bangalore- Anniversary 560068 KERALA 50 Attakkalari Public Workshop on De signing Light for 19 th to 30 th 2.00 Charitable Trust of Performance and Stage March, 2012 Contemporary Performing Technology Arts , 39/3525, Kausthubham, Manikkath Road, Ravipuram, Kochi, Kerala-682016. 51 Thodayam Kathakali "Aattasapthakam 2012 - 12.02.2012 to 3.00 Yogam, "Avanthika" Bharathaakhyanam" 18.02.2012 Chalapuram, Kozhikode- 673002., Kerala 52 Thunchan Memorial T rust , Thunchan Literary Festival 01.02.2012 to 3.00 Thunchun Parambu, Tirur, 05.02.2012 Malappuram Dt.
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