\ * . i > . ■ ] . L ,\r f THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1953 PAGE e ig h t e e n Average Ddily Npt Press Run - The Weather l®auicl|f0lfr lEiifttittg J ifra lb Far th« Week Ended Forecaat of U. 8. Weather Burenn Fab- 1«. ISSS Ralir beginning late tonight; 10,903 > f ’loud.v, rain, windy, warmer Set- Tra^itioii and Hard Work- Member of the Audit urday. WEEKt Bttman cnmuiationk - MrincKesiet^— A “€Uy o f ViCtdfie^CKflrm^ X- February is a n\onlh of American tra*Sitibn. The birthdays of two of America’s greatest sdns.ociffr this tnonth. VOL. LXXII, NO. 120 «;biaalfl.d Adverttalng on Pag* 2S1 MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1953 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—IN,TWO SECTIONS) PRICE FIVE CENTS Washingtoin laid the foundations of a country, and Lin­ coln saw it through its worst storm and kept the structure intact. It took hard work to do both jobs. That’s Ten Dozen Diapers a Day And it is only by hard work that the tradition of Amer­ ica’s greatness will he kept alive. We in thrsuperm arket business have been doing oiir part to prewrvf the tradi-' Witness Charges Anti-Red tion; and we skall TOntinue, with hard work, to help main­ tain what Washington tnd Lincoln help to build. y Check These Values At HALE’S Self Serve aaid Meat Dept. THit nuiE STATE HAI.E’SI SUNLIGHT 400 Escape, Three Hurl as Fire Sweeps School Fresh Ground, Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Cards Sold Collectivist BUTTER BUTTER FANCY, LARGE By Saigh to COFFEE I.b.- CUCUMBERS 2 For 35c Scheme Is Lb. 77c CENTER SLICES PINEHURST Lb. iTALiAN PEPPERS i h 23e B eer Firm Also Bared Pillsbury m St. lAiuis, Feb. 20—(/P)— Swordfish i;»rre 30c Clean. f»^ and wide-awake, the Pinkham quadruplet, look out on the world from their Weat Bux­ Wa.shington, Feb. 20—(JP) RADISHES 2 Bch... 19c ton, ..Maine., critt... But for the pareat. of (left to rtght) Rehecea, Wll M eU^_and JMe, life l« more The St. Louis Cardinals were .—Senators 4iigging- into- aL difficult. Their $20-a-month fahn hoii*^ la 160 year, old, haa no bathroom or hot water, 8ilaa Pihk- sold today- for 53,750,000 Id C A K E M I X FRESH HADDOCK FILLETS G iant 72c (NK.\ Tele- leged subversion in the ham earna only $50 a week. And hla wife haa to waah 10 dozen diapera dally by hand, Anheuser-Busch, Inc., of St. “Voice of Amerrca” developed Kch. photo). \ ________ _____ ’____________ _______ ' Louis, one of the nation’s fUESH OYSTERS KRAFT PARSLEY 10c stories today of anti-Conmui* GOLDEN largest breweries. nist references cut from c GREEN OR YELLOW The sale was announced jointly CHOC. STEAK COD, HALIBUT by the brewery and Fred M. Saigh, broadcast scripts and of a ' '* I BISQUiCk VEIVEETA S Q U A S H t Lb. 19c 10 on Bus who decided to take- himself out Vole© official’s suggesting to WHITE c o m of baseball after getting a 10 a new woman em^oye that And in rhn froitnd foods you win Rnd Libby's month prison sentence for Income Froneh Friod Hoddoett or SeoHops . * . Boordsloy Cod L»r*re gixe hrthisvahw! she join a collectivist group 2 Lb. Box tax evasion. and bear children without Cokos . DovHod Shrimp and mony oriior itoms. CcHoPkK. In Blizzard In addition to the National raidNiry Anqd TOMATOES 19c Ciiis News Source League franchise, the Cardinals benefit of marriage. o ik * Mix « a • • e S5e \ own nine minor league Clubs and 1. VirgU H^FulUng, a Now Torfc Washington, Feb. 20— (;?)»»>«« entered and left either have working agreements with Six employe of tiio Voice, toatlflod to Sweet Potatoes 2 Lbs. 39c ivj?? Found Safe irttoontinura,. ‘'Tnot W the front door or by a side door, others. tho Senate InvoatlgaUatu nubcom- I PALM DALE Lower Meat Prices... Will Keep Stanky tnlttee that Uireo of his felloer I W H ITE MEAT u- normally parking their cars in I..ARGE W ith hlS cabinet-, today. Ana ;^ jg t Elxocutive avenue alongside workera watored down antl-Com- TENDERCURF. BRISKET ■.( Denver, Feb. 20— (/P) August A.. Busch,._'Jr., president reporters, previbusly told: the White House, correspondents of the brewery, becomes president munlat nferences in ocripta until radio report to the Sterling, ho felt no was fighting “idniatar T U N A c . 39e tJach 49c Personal Ivory 4 for 25c there was a strict rule of had accessto the officials at either of the Cardinals and Williarn Wals- CORNED BEEF . v T O c i HONEYDEWS Colo., police station early this ingham, Jr., will remain vie* prea- Influoncos" In hla work. He named silence, encountered a new, ' ident and be operating head of the them aa Harold -Borman, Donald RHINE. PACK - LARGE TEMPLE Medium Ivory 3 for 25e morning aaid that nine school ui 1 Asked the rcaaon for the change, Taylor and Robert Goldman.. RACORN or MlRRIfMIPFt Hi block to getting any scraps .Snyder, assistant White baseball, organization. W HITE m e a t BUMBLE BEE KRAFT children missing since yester­ While no sale price was an­ Sen. Jackoon (D., Waoh.) asked Large Ivory 2 for 25c of news from the session. ./House press secretary, said it was Fulling: "Do you think they aro; 1 ROLANb TUNA ... 29c ORANGES Doz. 55c day in the snow-locked north­ The cabinet members werq In- simply a parking problem—that nounced, the Post-Dispatch said it All the nearly 400 pupils oaeoped but thiro peroono weiw Injured an Ore deotroyed pubik) ftehool $4 B A C O N (Sliced),,; Lb. 59c H fU n CY WHITE MEAT JAR SPREADS ern Colorado had been found learned that the brewery gave Communista?" structed to enter and leave the Police Inspector Hobart Francis In Albany, N. Y. The Injured were Principal Charlea A. Snyder, 00, riind School laopoctor John Shop Fulling: " I would hot ilka to safe and unharmed at a farm White Houae through a rear .door. that amount. ordt55,.'vho leaped 20, feet from a window, and fireman John J. Slolz, 40, who w m otrock In the m o ^ \- ROFT->HCA'i2U>. TENOKK - . —a-.,-........................... PlMfc»TO-PINBAPPLE ... propose^,th* ..ri.ew .fo. stato -my ^^rinlon on that/-’ . - .._.H1 OLtVE PIMEXTO-RELISH THIS m U E T his hieahs ■'rfehOrl'ers h av e"’rib' congestion in West Executive ave- BUri'ch said' -he ' anticipated • no­ with a piTSBUiT hose,’ according to' Albany bos^tal atUtdies. ' Mcbobl t 4 'won one of tho rili' (Hd iiceadi house. change In the administration of the Friendly to Redo 1 PRUNEJI^ICE . \ . 31e TUNA Frozen Food Sp^iats Sheriff E. M. Brown who led a opportunity t6 interview them be- buildinga the city Juid planned to scrap. It was built In 1608. (AP Wlrepboto), OiaJrman M cCi^y (R„ Wis.):’ ., aearch party .into the area radioed fore or after the meetings al­ \ Snyder added that the same sys­ baseball organization. He referred L A M B L E G S 69c | j to Manag|r Eddie Stanky as ‘‘one "Art you convinced they ara 7,03!. Can 2 Jars RE.STLAND. FARSI that the children and the bua driver though the White Houae said Uiat tem' is being considered for na­ friendly to the Communist cattsoT’*' ItH U S m b s . EVI.SCERA^D If LB. n were eating bacon and egga at the wasn’t the purpose at all; tional security council meetings. of the greatest managers in base-- Fulling: "I do boUeve that." ] U O b . 3 5 j Merle Careyi farm ,12 mtlca iiorth- Under a new sy.stem which went Onij! rep o rter . risked why Ihi.s ball today." - ................ ( Fulling said there had beam weat of Sterling, when found. They "We are fortunate in having} NATO Group CLAMCHOWUER Into effect, today, the cabinet mem­ chftng* had. not been coa-tderecl him," he aaid. UvS. Troops Canada Tax "quits a change for the bottor’*; eOFFEE -*^ 95c T U R K E Y S b 59c | had apent the night at the farm. bers’ cars are directed through the SNOW CROP FDRDHOOK necessriry in,the Truman adminis­ since the subcommittee hegaa ita ' CHOICE .Q UA UTV.... ...i— .......................... It waa not Immediately known southwest gate of the White tration. Snyder said he didn’t know Approved B.V Frick Pledges 224 investigation. MAXWEU HOUSE 10 O b 2 5 j how far the! farm . houa* - l*.!from- Honso anU' are-parked in- the south' but' that 'Vtoaybe the cars were Busch smid the transaction had | 2. Mias Nancy Lenkeith, an ex>- where the bua .atalled. Other de- grounds where newsmen are not shorter then.". been approved by Ba.sebnil Com­ Bombed by On Income employe of the Voice who said she u . LIMA BEANS , taila were lacking. There are few missioner Ford C. Frick snd War- RIB ROAST BEEF 63c | allowed, •; __ , . JPresidejit..!Eisenhow.cr rounds..o.ul .-“telephonea hr the' krear reri Gllc.<’ National League presi­ Million More CO FFEE 87e SNOW CROP The officials then proceed direct­ his first month, in the White Hou.se hoi* bpirilon much pum ried «hU». All PinehMrat beef Is either choice or priim grade H { 2Larre59C The bua had laat been heard dent. Communlat prepnganaa aJinad tC. from at 3 p. m. (m.a.t.) yesterday ly to H)e cabinet room without today— to air appearances chipper Bu.sch said no Cardinals stock U N P lan es Forls, F e k TRY URDS EYE . gavemment inspected western dressed.
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