www.mustangdaily.calpoly.edu Taking a Hike: Local hikes offer oppurtunities to become one with nature, 5 SUMMER Truly Entertaining: Is MTV about the musics 6 TODAY'S WEATHER High: 83° Volume LXVIl, Number 3, 1916-2002 Low: 58“ July 4 -July 11,2002 Racism hits SLO billboard PostNet takes position as campus copy shop By Bonnie Guevara As an added service, the architec­ SUMMER MUSTANG STAFF WRITER ture department and other interested students will he able to print out offi­ After serving the Cal Poly campus cial blueprints. for more than 20 years, 2nd Edition “We are looking forward to provid­ has closed its doors as of June 30. In ing students and faculty with new its place PostNet, a postal and busi­ state of the art technology,” said ness center, will open in the PostNet owner Randy Miller. University Union in mid-August to To maintain excellent relations offer Cal Poly students and faculty with the students of Cal Poly, Miller copy services, guarantees that all former 2nd “There are two reasons for the Edition employees will have the change,” said Michelle Broom, opportunity to work for PostNet. Associated Students Inc. public rela­ Miller currently owns three tions assistant. “One, we want to Pt)stNet franchises in the area. Since bring more services to the hub of the Cal Poly PostNet is different from campus, and two, ASI has a partner­ his other stores. Miller Icwks forward ship with Cal Poly’s Housing and to the new twist on the business that Residential Life to provide a larger the Cal Poly location offers. It will be mail service to the students than able to be accessed by all students, what is currently available.” not just the students with self-trans- PostNet’s worldwide franchise pro­ portation, he said. gram has licensed more than 400 “PostNet will be a great edition to PostNet centers in the U.S. PostNet the UU,” .said economics juniot offers postal, business, communica­ C rystal Myers/summer mustang Marta McNeill. “I know I’m not the tion and perstinal services. These ser­ only pers^Tn who lives within walking ATecate Beer billboard on Santa Barbara Street was spray painted with the words "Learn English" vices include copying, packaging and distance to campus. It is sti much in yellow. While the police were unaware of this particular incident, the vandalism was covered by shipping, binding and laminating. more convenient to walk to the UU Tuesday night. If the perpetrator is caught they could get a one year jail sentence and/or a fine. Tlrere will also be new color copiers, as opposed to driving my car to stamps and mailKixes that students can rent out. see POSTNET, page 2 Petition finds its way to Poly W ritten by CSU faculty, the petition brings attention to the injustices in the Middle East By Sierra Z. Fish withdrawal of Israeli armed forces SUMMER MUSTANG STAFF WRITER from occupied territories, compliance with the United Nations Q)mmittee Localizing the array of tragedies Against Torture 2001, ceasing to build that have tormented the Middle East new settlements and vacating existing is not the easiest thing to do, especial­ settlements in the occupied territo­ ly while we live thou.sands of miles ries, and that Israel rc.spects the rights away on tranquil ground. However, a of refugees and allows them to return California State University petition versities to their homes or be reimbursed for to stop arms sales to Israel has made its their losses. way to Cal Poly this summer, in hopes pt policies “If faculty sign the petition, the stu­ to bring- attention to the injustices dents and staff might follow and this overseas. against The petition, which started back will become national,” said Manzar east at Princeton, has now been Fonxihar, Cal Poly history professor. pas-sed to CSU campu.ses on the oppo­ “This is an urgent issue. There is so teacher/student site coast via email. The petition to much violence, and people are getting CSLI administration was created by killed on K>th sides. This petition is Telationships CSU faculty and written by Shema not asking people to take a political C rystal Myers/summer mustang Gluck. stance.” Tlte petition focuses on the injus­ Fonxihar said the controversy By Caroline Lindahl Relationships action tor instnictors. S u m m e r m u s t a n g s t a f f w r it e r Policy, which ju r v e y tices that Palestinians have faced due fiKuses on two main is.sues: the Israeli (^al Poly’s policy has never been to the continual military (Kcupation government following international governs faculty • 84 percent of put to the test. From plagiarism to vandalism and student rela- men surveyed said and attempted regulations by the law and also respecting human rights. The policy is overseen by the and underage alcohol abuse to drug tions and pushes they would date Israeli government. It also fcKuses on “This issue relates to the apartheid Student Grievance Board of the use, most universities enforce long for avoidance oi their professor if the violation of human rights by the issue in .Africa,” Fortxihar said. “TTie Academic Senate. established policies concerning the situation was Israeli government, and the govern­ international attention caused the such assoc la­ “I’ve been a member (of the inappropriate behavior. Rut defin­ right, compared to ment’s denial to adhere to interna- government there to recognize the tions. board) since it’s inception, and AccorJins to only 49 percent of titinal laws and regulatioits. The peti­ increasing lack of national invest­ ing such inappropriate behavior there has never been a case brought tion states, “As California State ment in their country.” recently led to the instatement of a an article on 'T™ "' ,.->v,vt (The sun/ey was before it,” said Gcotge M. Lewis, University faculty, we believe that tmr Archbi.shop IVsmond Tutu, who controvetsial law at O hio’s CNN.com, pro- ^ ^ given to 107 ran- chairman of the Student Grievance universities ought to use their politi­ won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984 for Wesleyan University. fessors at selected Cal board. “When the Amorous cal and financial influence to encour­ his work against the African Last March, the university’s fac­ Wesleyan cur- Po|y students.) Relationship Pr.licy was proposed in age the United States government apartheid, has played a major role in ulty approved the new policy ban­ rently face seri­ the .Academu. Senate, 1 oppxised it and the government of Israel to bringing attention to the conflict in ning relationships between students ous reprimands, including dismis.sal because it seemed to me that any respect the human rights of the the Middle East. He commented to and professors. Wesleyan’s has if they date students they supervise, such abuse would be covered under Palestinian people.” the Intetnational Herald Tribune joined dozens of universities across advise or evaluate. sexual harassment.” I'hjke University and the C'ollege The petition calls for the U.S. gov­ about the parallels between the the nation creating guidelines for However, there is a difference of William and Mary have also ernment to cease military' aid to Israel apartheid in Stnith Africa and the improper relations. Cal Poly has a unle.ss four mam conditions are com­ embraced comparable courses of similar rule, the. Amorous see RELATIONS, page 7 plied with. TT>e four conditions are : see PETITION, page 7 2 July4-July 11,2002 News Summer Mustang Poly crime decreases, CRIME ROUND-UP W e a X h e r July 5 - At 11 pm a 31 -year-old man was arrested for police work together indecent exposure and public intoxication after knocking on a women’s door and pulling down his pants. The WATCH woman was able to slam the door and call 911. After a By Laura Dietz light phones. A technical writing brief foot pursuit by the SLOPD the flasher was booked SUMMER MUSTANG STAFF WRITER class was assigned to come up with a into SLO County jail with a bail set at$2,500. If convict­ plan for locating some of the emer­ ed, this misdemeanor could carry a sentence of up to a 5-DAY FORECAST Despite a steady population gency phones, in response to student increase in San Luis Obispo, the survey concerns. year in jail and a $1,000 fine. FRIDAY crime rate at Cal Poly has declined. The San Luis Obispo Police High: 82° / Low: 60° The number of burglaries on cam­ Department has been working to July 6 - At 10:30 pm a 21-year-old man was arrest­ pus decreased by half from 2000 to accomplish similar visibility in the SATURDAY ed for battery, driving under the influence and evad­ 2001, and vehicle thefts dropped community, through their four-point High: 80° / Low: 55° from 12 to five. The Cal Poly prevention strategy. ing arrest following a police pursuit reaching 70 mph University Police and the San Luis “The issue is that we are a safe on Ramona Drive in San Luis Obispo. The pursuit SUNDAY Obispo Police Department attribute a community hut we aren’t an immune began after a fistfight in the Albertson’s parking lot, High: 79° / Low: 53° large part of this success to communi­ community,” said Rob Bryn, neigh­ allegedly started by the man, involving about 10 ty-oriented policing. borhood services manager in the people. He was booked into SLO County Jail with a This particular philosophy of operations division of the San Luis MONDAY policing is behind every decision bail set at $20,OCX).
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