BULLETIN SOUTHERN METHODIST UNI\TERSITY GENERALINFORMATION CATALOG NUMBER: PART I == 1954-1955 The following bulletins comprise the General Catalog of the University and may be obtained by writing the Registrar. Part I-General Information Part II-The College of Arts and Sciences Part Ill-The School of Business Administration Part IV-The School of Engineering Part V-The School of Music Part VI-The School of Law Part VD-Perkins School of Theology Part VIII-The Graduate School Part IX-The Summer Session Part X-Administration, Supplementary Information DEPARTMENT OF AIR SCIENCE AND TACTICS R.O.T.C. The University maintains a unit of the Air Reserve Officers Training Corps where outstanding students upon completion of required courses may receive commissions in the regular Air Corps or the Reserve Air Corps. For further information see bulletins of The C:Ollegeof Arts and Sciences, The School of Engineering and The School of Business Administration. Information may also be obtained by writing to the Professor of Air Science an<;l Tactics, Southern Methodist University . BULLETIN ·soUTHERN MEIHODIST UNI\'ffiSITY GENERALINFORMATION... ,. •· .,,,. ._ , .., · . CATALOG NUMBER: PART I --~ 1954-1955 CONTENTS Pag-e ADMINISTltATIVE OFFICIALS OESClllPTION OF THE UNIVERSITY - 4 The Schools 4 Academic Standing 4 History 5 Ideals and Aims 6 Location 6 EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES - 6 Buildings - 6 Libraries 9 Laboratories and Museums - 11 Publications 12 HOUSING ACCOMMODATIONS 14 Applications for Residence - 14 For Men Students - 14 For Women Students - 15 For Married Students - 15 Meals - 16 FEES AND FINANCIAL REGULATIONS 16 Tuition and Fees - 16 Payment of Accounts - 19 Refunds 19 Aws AND AwA11.Ds TO STUDENTS 20 Scholarships 20 ADMISSION TO THE UNIVERSITY 24 General Regulations 24 Application for Admission 24 Transcripts 24 Admission Permit - 25 Residence - 25 Health Examinations 25 Vaccination 25 REGISTRATION 25 STUDENT LIFE 26 Student Activities 26 Student Organizations - 28 Health Service Privileges 30 Employment and Placement 31 Loans - 31 Other Personnel Services 31 Convocation Activities - 31 Lectures and Programs - 32 SMU Alumni Association }2 UNIVEllSITY R:e<iULATIONS - 32 THE UNIVERSITYCALENDAR SUMMER, 1954 SHORT TERMS, SCHOOL OF EDUCATIO N June 5-Friday: Regi stration · for First Short Term, ··12-5 p. m . June 5-Saturda y: Fir st day oi instruction, First Short Term June 24-Thursday: Examinations, First Short Term , and Registration for Second Short Term June 25-Friday: First day of instruction , Second Short Term . July 14-Wednesday ·: Examinations, Second Short . Term July 15-Thursday: Registration for . Third Short Term July 16-Friday: First day of ins ,truction, Third Short Term Augus t 4-Wednesd ay : Examinati ons for Third Short Term and Registration for Fourth Shor ·t Term August 5-Thu rsday: First day .of in~truction for Fourth Short Term A11g11st24-Tuesday: Examinations, Fourth Short Term Noce: Short Term classes meet on Saturda y. REGULAR . SUMMER SESSION .FOR CO LLEGE OF AR TS AND SCIENCES, SCHOOL OF BUSINE SS ADMINISTRATION, THE GRADUATE SCHOOL , THE SCHOOL OF MUSIC, AND FRESHMEN IN THE SCHOOL OF EN ­ GINEERING. Jun e 3 to Augu st 26. T wo· terms of six weeks each: June 3 to July 14; July 15 to Au gust 24 . June 3-Thursday: Ori entation and Counseling for all new students , 9-5 p. m. Ju.ne 4-Frida y: Registration, Fondren Library, 12-5 p. m. June 5-Saturd ay: Fir st day of instruction, First Term June 10-Thu ·rsday: Last day for adding cour ses J1t11e14-Monda y: Last day for droppin g. courses without penalt y July 12-Monday : Last da y of instruction, First Term July 13, 14-Tu esdar, Wednesday: Examin ations, First Term July 15-T hur sday: Registrat ion, Fondren Library, 8-1 p. m. July 16-Friday: First day of instruction , Second Term July 21-Wednesday: Last da y for adding courses July 23-Friday: L<ist day for -dropping courses without penalty A ugust 21-Saturday: Last day of instru ct ion, Second Term Augus t 23, 24-Mond ay, Tuesday: Examin ation s, Second Term A ugu st 26-Thursda y : Graduation Exerci ses Classes meet regularly for periods of an hour and one-half Monday through Friday . In addition , they will m eet on the following Saturdays: June · 5, June 19; July 17, Augu st 21. · FIRST SEMESTER, 1954-55 1954 Septembtr 13-18-Monday-Saturday : Orien-tation and Counseling for all new studenu September 13-Monday: Meeting of University Faculty, Karcher Audhorium, 10:00 a. m. September 13-Monday: Departmental Counseling for continuation and transfer students 1 :00-5 :00 p . m. September 16-17-Thursday, Friday: Registration September 20-Monday: Fir st day of instruction September 27- Monday: Last day for payment of accounts October +--Monday : Lan day for adding courses October I I-Monday: Last · day for dropping cours es without penalty October 23-Saturday: First deficiency report No11embtr 6-Saturday : Homecoming N011tn1ber 24-Wednesday: Thanksgiving recess b egins, 10:00 p. m. N011ember 29-Monday: Thanksgiving recess ends, 8:00 a. m. December I-Wednesday: Second deficiency report December IS-Saturday: Christmas recess begins, 11 :00 noon 1955 Jnu11ry 3-Monday: Christmas recess ends, 8:00 a. m. Jmury 17-Monday: Examinations begin Jam111ry26-Wednesday: Examinations end SECOND SEMESTER, 1954 -55 /,;,,uaryi7-29-'-Thursday-Saturday: Orientation and Coumeling , for all n ew . student, Jan-i111ry 28-29-Friday-Saturday: Registration January 31-Monday: First day of instruction FebrU11ry 3-Thursday: Meeting of University Faculty, Karcher Auditorium , 4:00 p. m. February 7-Monday: Last day for payment of accounts February !+--Monday: Last day for adding courses FebrU11ry21-Monday: Last day for dropping course ~ without penalty March 5-Saturday: First deficiency report March 2-4---Thursday: Alumni-Founders Da y April 2-Saturday: Second deficiency report April 5-Tuesday: ~aster recess begins, 10:00 p. m. A pril 12-Tuesday : Easter recess ends, 8:00 a. m. May 3-Tuesday : Meeting of University Faculty, Karcher Auditorium, 4:00 p. m. May 5-Thursday: Studen •t Activities Recognition, 11 :00 a. m. May 14--Saturday : Last ·day for final reports on removal of incompl ete, 2nd on correspondence courses for graduating seniors May J 2-Thursd2y: Student Honors Day Convocation, 11 :00 m.a. May 19-Thursday: Examinations begin May 27-Friday: Examination, end May 29-Sunday: Baccalaureate Servic es May 30-Mond2y : Graduation Exerciie6 The offices of the University will be closed on September 6; No vember Z5; December 22, 23, 24, 25, 31; J•nu ary I; April S , 9. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIALS Umphrey Lee, Ph.D., D.D., Litt.D., LLD., President of the University Hemphill Hosford, Ph.D., Provost Loretta Hawkins, Assistant to the President Willis M. Tate, M.A., LLD., Vice-President in Charge of Develop­ ment and Public Relations Layton W. Bailey, Secretary and Treasurer Trent C. Root, M.B.A., LL.D., Comptroller of the University Orville J. Borchers, Ph.D., Dean of the School of Music John M. Claunch, M.A., Director of Dallas College John Alfred Cook, Ph.D., Secretary of the University Faculty Earl H. Flath, E.E., M.S., Dean of the School of Engineering Laurence H. Fleck, M.A., C.P.A., Dean of the School of Business Administration Merrimon Cuninggim , A.M., B.D., Ph.D., Litt.D., Dean of the Perkins School of Theology Hemphill M. Hosford, Ph.D., Vice-President and Provost, Acting Dean of the Graduate School William Mayne Longnecker, Ph.D., Dean of Students Frederick D. Smith, Ph.D., Dean of Instruction in the College of Arts and Sciences and General Coordinator of Veterans' Education Lide Spragins, M.A., Dean of Women Robert G. Storey, B.A., LL.D., Dean of the School of Law Elmer C. Rieck, M.A., Dean of Men Claude C. Albritton, Jr., Ph.D., Dean of the Faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences Eugene Blake Hawk, B.D., D.D., LLD., Dean Emeritus of the Perkins School of Theology Ellis W. Shuler, Ph.D., Dean Emeritus of the Graduate Schoolt George C. Baker, Jr., Ph.D., D.D., Chaplain of the University Ronald C. Knickerbocker, B.A., Director of the Office of Informa- tion and University Publications Leonard G. Nystrom, M.A., Registrar and Director of Scholarships Henry L. Pritchett, Ph.D., University Student Counselor Robert M. Trent, M.S., Director of Libraries* Charles L. Wisseman, Ph.D., Director of the School of Education and Director of the Extension Department "With rank of Professor. tDeceased January 1, 1954 . DESCRIPTION OF THE UNNERSITY THE SCHOOLS Southern Methodist University, a coeducational institution, com­ prises seven distinct schools: I. THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND ScIENCES,offering the follow­ ing degrees: Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Arts in Medical Art, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Education, Bachelor of Science in Home Economics, Bachelor of Science in Journalism, Bachelor of Science in Physical Education, and Bachelor of Science in Music Education. II. THE GRADUATESCHOOL, offering the degrees of Master of Arts, Master of Business Administration, Master of Education, Master of Religious Education, Master of Science, Master of Science in Civil Engineering, Master of Science in Electrical Engineering , and Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering. III. PERKINS SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY, offering the degree of Bachelor of Divinity. IV. THE ScHOOL OF Music, offering the degrees of Bachelor of Music and Master of Music. V . THE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING, offering the following de­ grees: Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Industrial En­ gineerin g, Bachelor of Science in Mechan ical Engineering, and the professional degrees of Civil Engineer, Electrical Engineer, and Mechanical Engineer. VI. THE ScHOOL OF LAw, offering the degrees of Bachelor of Laws and Master of Laws.
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