FEDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 12 NUMBER 95 Washington, Wednesday, May 14,1947 TITLE 5— ADMINISTRATIVE officer and making final decision that ob­ CONTENTS jections may not be sustained. PERSONNEL (Sec. 2, 22 Stat. 403, 50 Stat. 533; 5 Agriculture Department Pag® Chapter I*—Civil Service Commission U. S. C. 633) See also Sugar Rationing Admin­ istration. Part 01—Organization and Official R ec­ [seal] United States Civil S ervice Notices: ords of the Commission Commission, New Mexico Livestock Ex­ H. B. Mitchell, EXAMINING AND PLACEMENT DIVISION change Stockyards, posting of President. stockyards------------------------ 3152 1. Section 01.9 (a) (3) is amended to [F. R. Doc. 47-4510; Filed, May 13, 1947;" Rules and regulations: read as follows : 8:45 a. m.] Administrative; delegation of § 01.9 Examining and Placement Divi­ authority to Sugar Rationing sion—(a) Organization. * * * • Administrator____________ 3135 (3) The Social Science Placement Sec­ TITLE 7— AGRICULTURE Burley and flue-cured tobacco; tion. This section comprises the exami­ marketing quota, 1947-48____ 3135 Subtitle A— Office of the Secretary of nation units having responsibilities with Alien Property, Office of respect to positons in the fields of social Agriculture Notices: services, economics, accounting and Part 1—Administrative R egulations Vesting orders, etc.: allied occupations, and the various (Appendix) Barbey, August----------------1 3159 phases of administrative management. Costs and expenses incurred DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY TO SUGAR in certain Illinois and Mis­ 2. Subparagraphs (2) (ii) and Ciii) of RATIONING ADMINISTRATION § 01.9 (b) are amended to read as follows: souri courts____________ 3165 Cross R eference: For delegation of Eggert, Ida_______________ 3159 Cb) Delegations of authority. * * * authority from the Secretary of Agricul­ Exportkreditbank A. G_____ 3165 (2) By the division. * * * ture to the Sugar Rationing Administra­ Franke, Karl_____________ 3163 (ii) To departments and agencies. tion of certain authority, powers and Giesler, Elizabeth_________ 3163 Certain phases of the review of applica­ functions transferred to the Secretary Giessen, Ernst A_________ 3162 tions involving acceptability from the of Agriculture by Executive Order No. Goetz, Christian, et al___ __ 3160 standpoint of legal requirements for 9841, see F. R. Document No. 47-4602, Helfrich, Anthony_________ 3163 Federal service, for example, proof of Title 32, Chapter VII, Part 705, infra. Klein, Adam_________ 3160 citizenship, proof that the requirement Lemke, Daisy Vivanti, and limiting the number of members of the Walter Lemke—________ 3164 same family who may be employed in the Natschiff, Christina Mar­ Federal service has been met, proof of garet—,------------------------- 3164 military service and honorable discharge Chapter VII-— Production and Mar­ Rathje, Augusta W________ 3160 in case of five point war veterans; audit ■ keting Administration (Agricultural Rosenbusch, Anna________ 3161 of declaration of appointees; determina­ Adjustment) Schmid, Herman, et al_____ 3165 tion of experience, training, or educa­ Schrecker, Ulrich, et al_____ 3161 tional qualification for transfer, rein­ [Tobacco 13, Part II (1947)] Zendel, Herman___________ 3161 statement, or promotions (under stand­ P art 725—Burley and F lue-Cured Rules and regulations: ards and with limitations prescribed by T obacco Substantive rules; limitations the Commission) ; where a Committee- on representative activities by SUBPART— 1947-48 MARKETING YEAR type examination is involved, mainte­ former employees_________ 3142 nance of the registers of eligibles, certifi­ general cation of eligibles, and audit of reports Sec. Civil Aeronautics Administra­ on certificates (exclusive of authority to 725.330 Basis and purpose. tor act on objections or to determine the 725.331 Definitions. Rules and regulations: 725.332 Instructions and forms. Airway traffic control areas, sufficiency of reasons for passing over 725.333 Extent of calculations and rule of veterans). fractions. „ airport approach zones, air­ (iii) To committees of expert examin­ port traffic zones and radio ers. Where a Committee-type exami­ farm marketing quotas and marketing cards fixes, designation (2 docu­ nation is involved, rating of hand-scored 725.334 Amount of farm marketing quota. ments)_____i____^_a_3142,3148 assembled or unassembled examination 725.335 No transfers. Civil Service Commission papers; securing of corroborative infor­ 725.336 Issuance of marketing cards. Rules and regulations: 725.337 Person authorized to issue cards. mation regarding experience; acting on 725.338 Rights of producers in marketing Organization and official rec­ original appeals on ratings other than cards. ords; Examining and Place­ the written test in machine-scored ex­ 725.339 Successors in interest. ment Division___________ - 8135 aminations; preparing registers (subject 725.340 Invalid cards. Coast Guard to Commission approval) ; considering 725.341 Report"of misuse of marketing cards. Notices: . objections offered by the appointing (Continued on next page) Approval of equipment___ _— 3152 3135 3136 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued CODIFICATION GUIDE— Con. Post Office Department Title 24— Housing PaSe fEDERAi^REGISTER Rules and regulations: Chapter VI—Federal Public Hous­ V 1934 ¿¡¡P Postal service, international; ing Authority: *gift parcels for prisoners of Part $05—General procedural war held abroad__________ 3151 provisions-______________ 3149 Part 611 — Low-rent housing Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Securities and Exchange Com­ and slum clearance program; and days following official Federal holidays, mission policy_________________ — 3149 by the Division of the Federal Register, the Notices: National Archives, pursuant to the authority Hearings, etc.: Title 32— National Defense contained in the Federal Register Act* ap­ Chapter VH—Sugar Rationing proved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as Electric Bond and Share Co. amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula­ et al________________ _ 3155 Administration, Department tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ Philadelphia Co. et al______ 3157 of Agriculture: mittee, approved by the President. Distribu­ Standard Gas and Electric Co; Part 705—Administration (2 tion is made ojily by the Superintendent of and California O regon documents)_______ _______ _ 3150 Documents, Government Printing Office, Part 707—Rationing of sugar_3150 Washington 25, D. C. Power Co. (2 documents)_3155, The regulatory material appearing herein is 3159 Title 39— Postal Service keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, Sugar Rationing Administration Chapter I—Post Office Depart­ which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant ment: to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Rules and regulations: Part 21—International postal amended June 19, 1937. Administration; delegation of service______1____________ 3151 The F ederal Register will be furnished by rice price control functions to mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Sugar Rationing Administra­ Title 49— Transportation and per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad-, tor— ^________ 3150 Railroads vance. The charge for individual copies Sugar rationing_________ 3150 Chapter I—Interstate Commerce (minimum 15tf) varies in proportion to the Institutional users________ 3150 Commission: size of the issue. Remit cheqk or money Part 176 — Transportation of order, made payable to the Superintendent War Department household goods in interstate of Documents, directly to the Government Rules and regulations: Printing Office, Washington 25. D. C. commerce.___ _____ ;---------3151 There are no restrictions on the republica­ Aviation cadets, enlistment; tion of material appearing in the Federal training program_________ 3142 Register. MARKETING or other disposition op tobacco CODIFICATION GUIDE AND PENALTIES Sec. CONTENTS— Continued A numerical list of the parts of the Code 725.342 Extent to which marketings from a of Federal Regulations affected by documents farm are subject to penalty. published in this issue. Proposed rules, as 725.343 Disposition of excess tobacco. Federal Power Commission Pa&e 725.344 Identification of marketings. Notices : opposed to final actions, are identified as such in parenthesès. 725.345 Rate of penalty. , Hearings, etc.: 725.346 Persons to pay penalty. Interstate Natural Gas Co., 725.347 Marketings deemed to be excess Inc__________________ 3154 Title 5— Administrative Person- PaSe tobacco. Kansas-Nebraska N atu ral nel 725.348 Payment of penalty. Gas Co., Inc. and Tri- Chapter I—-Civil Service Commis­ 725.349 Request for return of penalty. sion: County Gas Co_________ 3154 RECORDS AND REPORTS Manufacturers Light and Part 01—Organization and offi­ Heat Co________ 3154 cial records of the Commis­ 725.350 Producer’s records and reports. sion------- ------------------------ 3135 725.351 Warehouseman’s records and re­ Southern Natural Gas Co. ports. and East Tennessee Nat­ Title 7— Agriculture 725.352 Dealer’s records and reports. ural Gas Co________ 3152 Subtitle At—Office of the Secretary 725.353 Dealers exempt from regular records United Fuel Gas Co— _____ 3154 and reports. of Agriculture: 725.354 Records and reports of truckers and Federal Public Housing Author­ Part 1—Administrative regula- persons redrying, prizing or stem­ ity tions------------------------------- 3135 ming tobacco. Rules and regulations: Chapter VII — Production and 725.355 Separate records and reports from General procedural provisions; persons engaged in more
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