If AVBRAOB DAILY 0OU3CLAT10M .VamoMt of D. S. Wonthic for tbe Month of Febniniy, 1SS4 Now Hnvon 5 , 4 0 2 Fair tenliAt aad Wedneodayt Mhf of the AnAt aomowfaat oolder toal|^A Bnreon of droalntletti. OB Daco lA.) (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE C lM i$ VOL. UIL, NO. 132. MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, BIARCH 6,1984. Cut Hours and Raise Pay, Edict CLAIMS MARiaN THIRTY HOUR WEEK VOTE 20 MILLS, of Roosevelt At NRA Conference CONNECTICUT RIVER QUASH OTHER TRADINGLEADS CRITICIZED, PRAISED TO M ira CRIME CONTINUES TO RISE, BOARD ITEMS REACHING 12 FEET White House Committee Fa BANDITS HOLD UP Town Meeting Accepts Se­ Federal Judge Clark Wonld Yors It> Leaders of Van- SIOUX CITY BANK lectmen’s Recommenda- Stop It and Place Stock SKTY MDI SAVED Bat Foot Feet from Flood oos hdnstries Claim it Is tioBs on Tax Rate, Tarn Markets on Cash Basis— A S S n P S COLLIDE Stage and Going Up a Foot Too Great a Burden. Shoot Poficeman, Carry Off Down Three Proposals. His Reasons. Every Five Honrs Despite Girl Employes as Host­ Waahlngton, March 6.— (A P )—In Washington, March 8.—(AP) — Teighter Befieved Sank Cold Spell— Three Qiil- line with the admlnletration goal Four him^lred of Manchester’s Prohibiting marginal trading and for reemployment of at least 1,000,- ages and Escape. 9,000 voters last night adopted a 20 mill tax rate on the 1938 grand placing Stock Exchanges on a cash dren Killed by Waters in 000 more men In private Industry, After Men Leave— Are On list, but turned their backs on pro­ ))a8is was advocated today before the House labor committee today Sioux Falls. S. D., March 6.— posals to buy additional voting ma­ the Senate banking committee by voted unanimously for a flat 30-hour Board Other Vessel. State— Mnch Damage (AP)—Robbers, armed with ma­ chines, to build on to the municipal Federal Judge Wm. dsirk of New week for NRA Industries subject to garage and to put teeth in the law chine guns, held up the Security Jersey, who contended that margins modification by a governmental National bank in the downtown diS' on removing snow from the side- Done. board in case of labor shortage of trict today, shot a motorcycle police walka lead in “an unconscionable number Halifax, N. S., March 6— (A P )— “other emergencies ’’ man, and then fled southward with ’The 20 mill tax rate was proposed of c a s e s to either death, dishonor or The U. S. Steamship BlEick Eagle This was done while criticism— an undetermined amoimt of loot and by the Board of Selectmen and was distress." pressed through the AtlEintic mists By ASSOCIATED PRESS and some praise—of NRA was be­ based upon the budget analysis carrying several bemk employes as Earlier, the committee said a to the southward of Nova Scotia The rivers of Connecticut spilled ing received at five separate meet­ presented by Town Treasurer member of J. P. Morgan and Com­ hostages. toward New York today with 60 of­ their burden of Ice and water over ing of code authorities brought Firing their guns in the air, sev OM>rge H. Waddell. Upon a ques­ pany would be called for question­ here in an effort Improve the re­ eral of the six men stood guard out­ tion from Walter Mahoney it was ing on the sale of 4,500 shEU’es of ficers and men who abandoned the roads, rallroEuls and some communi­ covery administration. side the bank at Ninth and Main stated by Mr. Waddell that a 19^ United Aircraft stock shortly before British freighter Concordia sinking ties today, threatening the state mill rate would actually cover the Before one of the meeting letters streets while others rou.ided up em­ cancellation of the Etirmaii contracts in mid-Atlantio. with new dsmgers after bringing written by Representative Fulmer, ployes and customers Inside. budget, but it would not include suffi^cient to cover the appropria­ by the government Their stricken ship wels some­ death to three children. (D., 8.C.), were read, advising South Hale Keith, motorcycle officer, FertUnand Pecora, committee CaroUn* saw mill operators to work tions to be asked for at the special where to the southeast of lonely Although lower temperatiiree was shot down as he approached counsel, said he would call the Mor­ Sable Island— the “Graveyard of the on a “common sense basis" regard­ town meeting. brought a slackening of the frethete. the bank, but the extent of his in­ gan partner responsible for the sale Atlamtlc.” less of their NRA code. Fulmer told Bay's Defense the Connecticut river, greatest In juries was not immediately deter­ Jacob Laufer, in a motion which to find out what caused the de­ A gaping hole was ripped in the the state, continued Its steiuly rise, reporters he stood by the letters. mined. He was taken to a hospl cision, although he did not yet know The House committee acted, alter was referred to later by Charles Concordia’s plates in a collision reaching 12 feet—only four fefit tal. which one bad charge of the trans­ President Roosevelt in opening the Ray as “good comedy”, suggested with the Black EEigle 40 miles off from flood stEge—Emd still goinff Scores watched the robbery from that the tkk rate be put at 26 mills action. NRA meeting yesterday, had called Sable Island yester&y. up about a foot every five hours. " the street, perched on automobile “just to see what the Selectmen Dickinson Testifies ’The United States Weather Bu­ for shorter hours and higher pay in bumpers, and from windows of It was believed the vessel '.ad could do If they had all the money At the same time, the House In­ simk, Edthough there was no definite reau in New Haven predicted fair his plan to restore prosperity. nearby buildings. they asked for.” This drew ap­ Although Secretary Perkins, terstate commerce committee beard word of her fate. and colder weather tonight, with Police Are Disarmed plause from Laufer’s followers and John Dickinson, assistant secretary freezing temperatures tomorrow NRA Administrator Hugh Johnson Several police who drove up to the CaptEiin A. Murray sent out wire­ also brought Mr. Ray to his feet in ot commerce, testify that only the morning, but rivermen say thfit and eW A Administrator Harry bank, were halted with a burst of a stalwart defense of the Select­ less messEigeb that his ship wels i : Federal government could regulate sinking condition when be Eind bis warmer weather Effter tomorrow Hopkins opposed an arbitrary 30- machine gun Are, forced to leave men’s proposal. Mr. Ray said that would renew the threat of serious hour week in industry, the commit­ their car and disarmed by the men be was in accord with those who stock exchanges on account of their crew abEmdoned her. But the freighter steamed away, the fog floods. tee was hopeful the legislation as on guard. wanted to save money on taxes, but interstate cbaract^ir. drafted was sufficiently broad Keith was shot down from inside he thought the voters misunder­ Dickinson added that the Fletch- closed down and no more was seen Water Covert Tracks meet their objections. the bank, one of the robbers firing stood the financial situation in er-Raybum Exchange Control Bill, of the Concordia. An ice jam at North Kent bridge Chairman Connery said he would through the window as the officer which the town is placed. He point­ with its rigid margin requirements, Collided In Fog poured the waters of the Housatonlo seek immediate Hovise ronsldera- stood on the sidewalk. First re­ ed out that a 19^ mill rate would would result in the liquidation of The ships met in the fog as the over the bEuiks and the Berkshire tion. ports said he was shot in the back probably leave the town with a Concordia, owned by Etonaldson division of the New York, New Ha­ It wat a bill by Representative and arm. deficit at the end of the year and (OoBtinoed OB Page Two) Brothers of GlEuigow, beaded for the ven and HEirtford river was tied Up Connery (D., Mass.), that the Pursued to a point about two “deficits cost money." He told the Scottish port with a full cargo from Eis water covered a mile and a haft House committee approved. miles south of the city, the robbers voters that by voting a 19% mill Saint John and Halifax. Aboard of tracks above the Kent station. Many Spekiesmen halted their car, forced girl em­ rate they were actually taxing were more than 400 head of cattle. At Elast Derby, near where th« Meanwhile, many industrial ployes from the bank whom they themselves more in the end than if TO DISBAND eW A The BlEu:k Elagle, bound for New Housatonic Emd Naigatuck meet, spokesmen at ^'TRA’s code authority had carried away .rith them, to they voted the 20 mill rate now, be' “The NRA is a fixture in the na tlon’s Hfe; wages must be raised, York from Rotterdam, stood by the the water was within a foot of the hearings hammered awav against a stand about as shields while they cause the interest cost would keep hours of the work week cut, and more men employed,” declared Pres­ stricken ship iffter the coUision EUid New Haven-Waterbury road tad further reduction of work hours. drove back the three pioeuing ma­ adding to the amount that must be ident Franklin D. Roosevelt, shown here ah bt began his address 'o picked up the men as thw rowed drawing nearer.
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