Fortis et Fidelis THE ALUREDIAN KING'S' COLLEGE TAUNTON • Vol. IX. No. 3. Michaelmas Term, 1932 THE ALUREDIAN. ]~j)J' I'OU " J . M. SWE'.l'E. Mi 'ha e ]m a~ '1' 1'111 , 19:32. SCHOOL CALENDAR. SCHOOL NOTES. Consid ring that this is tho winter T('rm, tho w at.l) r has b en v ry F. Sept. 16th Term begins. good to us, and) onl y l' 'entl hav w had enou CT h raillfall for (ram s to Suo t' 18th Seventeenth Sunday after TrinUy. W . .. 21st S. Matthew, A.E.M. b come really mudd~/. F . t, 23rd Ember Day. S. 24th Ember Day . Mr. 'hort, who was once a master her, visited the 'chool 011 Su. .. 25th Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity. November 6th, and gave an inter sting talk on Archit ture. TB. .. 29th S. Michael and All Angels. S. Oct... lat 1st XV. v. Minehead R.F.C. (1:t0me). During the w ek-end of November 12th we receiv d a visit from Suo .. 2nd Nineteenth Sunday after Trimty. ltailway Club Lecture. Mr. White. We are glad to h ar that he is very happy at Brighton, S. t, 8th lat XV. v. BlundeU's School 2nd XV. (away). and we wish him every success for the future. Su. .. 9th Twentieth Sunday after Trinity. W. .. 12th lat XV. v. All Hallows School, Honiton (home). Mr. C. L . Woolley gave an X ' edingly interestin g lectur in the 2nd XV. v. All Hallows School, Honiton (away). town. on September 30th on " E xcavations at r of the Chard s," and S. t, 15th lat XV. T. King's School, Bruton (home). 2nd KV. v. Taunton 3rd XV. (home). those of us who w nt thoroughly enjoyed it. Su. .. 16th Twemv-first Sunday after Trinity. llailway Club Lecture. M. .. 17th Inter-House Rugb;r. First rOUDd. The chool thanks M1'. H all and his assistant s for the Trojan work T u. .. 18th S. Luke, Evan~ehst. they are doing in cl orating the S hool , and congratulat s 1rs. R all on TB. .. 20th Certificate" A ' (Practical) Examination. the high standard of her ooking . S. .. 22nd ht XV. v. Taunton Reserves (home). Suo .. 23rd 'l'wenty-second Sunday after l'rinity. On Novem.ber 19th Mr. Nicks, a form l' North Sea fi hing kipp 1', W . 26th King Alfred. 1st XV. v. Wellington School (home). now l' presentative of the Mission to Deep Sea Fish )'111 11 , nte)'tain d .. Colts' X V. v. Chard School Colts (away). TB. .. 27th Inter-House Rugby. Second round. us with an int l' ting and amusing ac ou nt of Ilis work. F. 28th SS. Simon and Jude, A. and M. .. Mr. Battiscom h gav an int l' sting 1 cture on " 'lye nre a nd S. 29th Prize-Giving-The Dean of Winchester. .. 1st XV. v. O.A.'s (home). Cret " on .october 14th in the Wyndham Lecture Hall, and w all Su. 30th Twenty-third Sunday after Trinity. Railway Club Lecture. njoyed) it vcry much . M. .. 31st Whole Holiday . Tu. Nov... 1st All Saints' Day. This Term we have hall no pidemics 80 far, and a fairly 1 an bill of W . t, 2nd 1st XV. v. Newton College (away). health in general. In this we shouldl consider ourselves lucky. 2nd XV. v. Wellington School 3rd XV. (home). S. .. 5th lat XV. v. West Buckland School (away). The School welcomes Mr. R. D. 'fownsend, B.A., of Emmanu 1 2nd XV. v. West Buckland School (home). College, Cambridge, who has taken up a. post on the staff at very short Colts' XV. v. West Buckland School (home). Suo .. 6th Twenty-fourth SundlloY after Trinity. Railway Club Lecture. notice this Term. M. .. 7th Shooting Match v. Weymouth College. "Ve were v ry glad to e Mr. Williams when he visited uS on Tu. .. 8th Certificate .. A" (Part n.) Examination. TB. .. 10th 1st XV. v. Taunton Barbarians' R.F.C. (away). De ember 5th, although the visit was short. H e 1 v ·ry lm.y in hi.' S. .. 12th lat XV. v. Minehead R.F.C. (away). new parish, but w 110pe, to see him again . oon . Su. .. 13th Twenty-fifth Sunday after Trinity. TII. .. 17th 1st XV. v. Queen's College (away). Miss J oan King with h l' fidrl1 e, th • hool Choral oci ty with Colts' XV. v. Queen's College (aw ), their voic s, and h. Wyman at th oro'an , provid d a programm of S. 19th lat XV. v. Taunton Reserves (awa . .. 2nd XV. v. Dr. Mor,a.n's School, yridgwater (home). Sacred Music on the last Sunday of T 1'111 , which wa appr iat d by SUo .. 20th Twen~y - sixth Sunday after Trinity. the S hool and vi itors. W . 23rd 1st XV. v. Exeter School (home). .. 2nd XV. v. Exeter School (away). The Vice-Provost referred in his sp ech at the Prize Giving to the S. .. 26th 1st XV. v. Queen's College (home). loss which the Division has sustained by the r esio-nation of Provost F. M . Colts' XV. v. Queen's Colleg__ Colts Ihome). Etherington. We cannot allow the oc asion to pass without xpr s in g SU o .. 27th Advent Sund~. Shooting Match v. Territorials. S. Dec. 3rd Inter-House Rugby Final. the thanks of past and present boys to Mr. Etherington for ma ny Suo .. 4th Second Sunday in Advent, personal acts of kindne s for whicll w ar indcbt dl to him. Mr . M. .. 5th School Certificate Examination begins. TB. .. 8th lat XV. v. Taunton Barbarians' R.F.C. (home). Etherington is on of the most lovabl of m n with a 11 , (' of humour S. .. 10th lat XV. v. Old Morlt'&nians' R.F.C. (home). which di arms the naughtiest and wins th most timid. W l~ ope tha~; Suo .. 11th Third Sunday in Advent. he will soon be well and strong again and that we shall oft(,n se him W. .. 14th Ember Day. S. .. 17th Term ends. and hear him. We may ha v~ lost a Provo t, but w hav not 10 t a friendi, and for hi friend 'hip and devotion to th highect int('r ts of Oll1' chool we d voutl>, and revel' ntly thank Goel , 2 The Alllredian. T he A luredian. 3 This Tcrm, too, w say goodhy to anoth l' old and tri d fri nd in .1\11'. U. H. WYlllan. THE LIBRARY . For foud n \' ar' M.l'. 'Vymun ha~ b on t~ mClllut'r of tho t achin g 8ill ' last '1' 'j'11t t Jl e Librar y has gain cl by the addition of books staff, and all t hat tuno he ha~ given g n rOlls ly of h is r:;e n ri 'es at the uquen.th d by th late R ev. A. 8 . A lt lta1l1. Th majority of the " wi ll or("ral1. He 1 av" t h singing ill Impel ut-ttor t it a n it 11<~ s be n for 1'0],111 part 0[' t h Th ological Lending Libl'u,l'Y, but tho fo ll owing volum H 0111e ' ear~ and w cannot t ha nk him enough for t h ch rfu1 and loyal . , " ha,' b ~ 11 p ia' d on t he shelv s of t he G neraJ Library :-A History of wav in which 11 ha ' O'on about h ir:; work thi T rlll und r what must .' b the Papacy Bishop Cl'eig hton, 6 vol s., Longmans; Duml1onia. and t he b' to him , a to oth 1'8 of u , a keen di appointm nt that th Preparatory Vall oy of the P nl'l'C't, W. H . P. Greswe JJ , Vve x Pr ss; Historical ,,'chool had to b cl0 cl down. No 0110 co ul cli ha\' giv 11 himself more E bsayr:; Bishop Lightfoot, Macmilla n . Invi 'hly to th int l' ts of thos small boy'. ::\1.r. Wyma n t akes with And from M. '. 1'. Harding (O.A.) we howe received a 'opy of him who 1'('" r he go H t h a ff oction and good ",isll e .. of ma ny fl'iends, 'l'hackeray's " The Newcomes." young n nd olcl. ANNUAL PRIZE GIVING. FOOTBALL. 1'hi. was 11 Id on etober 2~)th , t h e aturda. aft0r King Alfr cl 's '1'his Terlll 'H fooUndl lH~s beon mol' successful t han of lat. With Day. '['hE! Vi ·('-Provost pr ic1e([ and paid a warm tribute to th Rv. tltr '0 matchet> still to p lay, t he lHt ~r v. hay all'eady improved cOllsid 1'­ F M. 4..th rington, who h alth had co mpelled him to 1'o"-io'n the aul,)' Oil last r:; aSO ll 's l' suIts, a nd -honld fini r:; h up 1uwino' won at least Provo t hip. The H acJmuRter gay· a .ati factory account of t he lw,lf t heir matches. 'chool, and thank cl th boys cspecially for what they wer doing to gi,'o '1'ho b . t pel'fOl'l11a ll '0 of t he Term was in t ho opening School match it a goocl name. 'rh prizes were distributed by the Dean of Winch st ('l' against Blundell's 'cho01 2nd XV., aw"t,V. E,Xcell nt work by tlt' Hy­ t he Very R ev.
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