The voice of the community for more than 70 years • November-December 2019 • Vol. 71, No. 2 Pave Paradise? The community responds to School Board The community unites! Protect our park! Photo: Natalie Belovic On Monday October 7, Chris Ellis, the The Manor Park Community Asso- concerned residents to ensure we have a ed on the bus (some students travel 40 School Trustee for Manor Park Public ciation (MPCA) has recruited interested focused, coordinated approach to effec- minutes each way) and the neglected School (MPPS), hosted an information residents and parents to form a working tively address the numerous issues that schools in their neighbourhoods were meeting for the community to discuss committee to ensure there is a dedicated were raised at the meeting. From our per- raised as key issues by the presidents of the Ottawa Carleton District School focus on this particular issue as it re- spective, we heard the following from the these Community Associations as well as Board's (OCDSB’s/"the Board") site lates to the well-being of our community Board, namely Mr. Mike Carson and the Mr. Rawlson King, our City Councillor, plan proposal for the school. The Board ([email protected]). The com- school principal, Ms. Marnie Patterson: also shares these same concerns. has stated it is proposing these amend- mittee sent the following letter to the Question: Will the OCDSB con- ments to accommodate a school popu- Board’s Director of Education, Camille Issue 1: Overcrowding at MPPS sider immediately introducing an EFI lation of about 800 students by 2023. Williams-Taylor, asking some pointed while several other schools remain program in one of these schools as a so- Most of these students will be bussed questions as a follow up to the community half empty. lution to overcrowding at MPPS, reju- here. The current proposal sees a new meeting. The letter is printed in its entirety. Board Response: Mr. Carson stated venating a school(s) in high-needs areas area for bus loading and off-loading at there is a moratorium on boundary re- and reducing the carbon footprint cre- the front of the school; a new 61-space Dear Ms. Williams-Taylor, views, imposed by the province. The ated by bussing of students? parking lot at the northeast corner of the Thank you for speaking with me and Board cannot proceed to introduce an park; and 12 portables, which will be lo- the President of the Manor Park Com- EFI program into another school until Issue 2: Removing well-used green cated adjacent to the existing portables munity Association (MPCA) in advance this is lifted and the appropriate accom- park and play fields on the school on the school property. of the October 7th special meeting host- modation review can occur. However, property to create a large, temporary With more than 200 people packed ed by Chris Ellis. We thought we would when pressed on whether or not the parking area. in the gymnasium, the meeting was well- follow up with you regarding this meet- Board can introduce a new EFI program Board Response: Despite sharing a site attended by residents of Manor Park and ing and the community’s response to the into a school outside of a formal review plan with the Manor Park School Coun- by concerned parents from the school. OCDSB’s proposed plan to repurpose process, both Mr. Carson and Mr. Ellis cil in June of this year, indicating the Several representatives from nearby com- and pave 1/3 of the current park/playing acknowledged that, yes, it can be done. Board would be submitting it to the City munity associations voiced their concerns field at Manor Park School to accom- In 2018-2019 Community Associa- in November 2019, and despite City about schools in their communities re- modate a new, bigger staff parking lot. tion presidents, trying to encourage the Planning staff attending Monday's meet- maining half empty while the Board was To begin, the meeting hosted by the Principal at Manor Park School to apply ing to answer questions about the plan- purposely planning for Manor Park to be school Trustee was extremely well at- for REACH status, found that only 100 ning process, Mr. Carson stated, "We well over capacity, with no infrastructure tended. More than 200 residents, parents of 654 children came from the communi- have no plan." Mr. Carson also stated improvements to the school. Mr. Rawlson and youth from several affected commu- ty of Manor Park. Most students actually there wasn't a set timeline and that the King, our City Counsellor, also spoke of nities came out to listen, ask questions come from Overbrook, Vanier and other Board was very interested to hear ideas his concerns, indicating he is in favour of and provide input to the OCDSB. areas with the highest concentration of on solutions to the problem of staff park- finding better solutions to the issues cre- Since that meeting, the community child poverty in the city. The health of ing. He indicated his staff, along with a ated by the Board's proposal. has convened a dedicated committee of these children, the valuable time wast- >>CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 See page 24 for details Campaign to save playground unites East End for better schools and safer, healthier kids. See related stories on pages 6 and 42 Page 2 • Manor Park Chronicle November-December 2019 School board, cont. from page 1 team of consultants, was look- school. This would not have these issues for our community. ing at other options. He also happened without support In fact, this could be the impe- stated the Board "needed to from the community, the tus to establishing an entirely talk to the right people.” Board and the City. Where new way for us to partner and Question: Will the OCDSB is that spirit of caring and to help OCDSB successfully ex- strike a working group of “the collaboration now? ecute on its Strategic Plan. We'd right people” that includes • Lastly, this plan does noth- be grateful if you could share representatives from, and se- ing to support a culture of with us your thoughts with re- lected by, the established Co- social responsibility. More gards to our questions as above, mittee to take a new and in- busses on the road, for lon- as well as OCDSB’s intentions novative approach to solving ger periods of time, and in terms of next steps and time- this issue for the needs of all paving over green space to lines on these important issues. stakeholders involved? put in a parking lot do not We look forward to hearing demonstrate progressive from you at your earliest con- Issue 3: Safety concerns stewardship of the environ- venience. related to bus loading and Standing room only. Photo: Sharleen Tattersfield ment, nor do they reinforce off-loading. for children the importance Sincerely, Board Response: Ms. Patter- etc.). If school enrolment is go- Unfortunately, the meeting of protecting green space, Natalie Belovic and the "Save son indicated that the bussing ing to increase, it is important on October 7th only rein- playing outside and being The Park" Committee Manor situation was so serious that that the school engage parents forced that the OCDSB was part of a healthy community. Park Community Association she "could not sleep at night”. to discuss all health and safety not in “listening mode” She indicated that safety was concerns, to identify where in- and on its current trajec- The above were our criti- Your assistance is always paramount to all other issues. vestments need to be made and tory, this process stands to cal takeaways. Superintendent appreciated. If you are inter- A parent suggested that the to identify solutions. jeopardize the long estab- Olga Grigoriev attended the ested in sharing your concerns Principal begin actively com- Question: Will the OCDSB lished, mutually beneficial meeting as well and took co- about the Board’s plan, please municating these safety con- explore short-term solutions to relationship the community pious notes on a flip chart. We email them to community@ cerns, and her mitigation plans, address student safety at the and the school in Manor would appreciate these notes manorpark.ca and we strongly to parents and students, in addi- school, including environmen- Park have traditionally being shared with us and would encourage you to share your tion to providing clear logistical tal safety, while more expensive enjoyed. Two prominent like to understand what the thoughts with the people below information regarding drop-offs and longer-term options are examples of community en- OCDSB’s key takeaways were copying us on that correspon- and pickups. There is an im- being considered? gagement stand out. from this meeting. dence: mediate opportunity to improve First, the Manor Park Manor Park and MPPS Steve Gauthier, city planner – safety by better communicating Finally, the OCDSB’s 2019- School Council organizes have enjoyed a valued and [email protected] with parents, reinforcing drop- 2023 Strategic Plan was raised the annual Mayfair event, trusted relationship for more Renee Proteau, city parks – off at the appropriate area, and numerous times at the meeting. which has been a staple in than 70 years. The community [email protected] supervising the pick-up/drop- In this plan the OCDSB states this community for over 60 has and continues to make sig- Rawlson King, Councillor – off areas, which has long been that it will strive to create a years. In one day, the event nificant contributions to the [email protected] a concern for parents. There Culture of Innovation, Caring raises upwards of $10,000 school, from countless volun- Olga Grigoriev, Superinten- is a need for more discussion and Social Responsibility.
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