CONNECTICUT U.S./WORLD SPORTS 11“ ’t Fifty years ago, Voters in France Big East ousted the floods struck shift to the right in N C A A play ... page 5 ... page 9 ... pag« 11 iEaurhratrr Hrralft ) Manchester — A City of Village Charm Monday, March 17,1986 2S Cents aturday, March 15,1986 Reagan says States 11 U.S. is under turns green, )id ‘mortal threat’ for St. Pat >nd By Joncrtlum Oofis By Helen Thomas The Assoclofod Fross United Press International Related stories ''^VMilliwis o t Americana of Irish anoMtry d in g WASHINGTON - President ' and millions of others who wear the green Reagan, putting his case to the on page 7 Just once a year mark St. Patrick's Day public for resuming arms ship­ today :witb parades and parties, wUle ments to the contra rebels, says th'e t^usatgto fn ^ BoskKitpS^ V on United States is under "mortal is a simple one; Will we give the •litolheswingnfthlnfaeaiy vwnwcekeiid threat" unless Soviet-sponsored Nicaraguan democratic resist­ I communism in Nicaragua is ance the means to recapture their -»ln N ^ York City, the nation's iddesf and stopped. betrayed revolution, or will we f 'biggesirpartHie was omectfd to draw ftp Seeking to set off a wave o f . turn our backs and ignore the V kMia) crini^df'about 7th,M p e o ^ , but with pressure on a balky Congress in a malignancy in Managua until it vb mood leas politicised than in past years. nationally televised address Sun­ spreads and become a mortal v^OfOdais in Savannah, Ga., expected LE day, Reagan warned of the growth threat to the entire New World.” 800,0iWpe(HPle t6tunioattodayforap8Ar8de of "a second Cuba, a second Libya, The House debate begins Wed­ featuring 30 bands and more than 40 floats. right on the doorstep of the United nesday with a vote expected The bars in this coastal dty were ready to States." Thursday on the 18-month alloca­ serve the revelers green beer, green grifs, His immediate goal was to win tion of $70 million in new weapons ' and green eggs. House passage this week of $100 — the first U.S. arms for. the million in arms and supplies for the ^ Chicago’s Slst aninul St. Patrick’s'Day contras since October 1984. It also parade was expected to draw 130,000 rebels fighting the Sandinistas in would include $30 million in control of the Managua ' vectntors to watch 302 groups, indudiog a "non-lethal" aid, an extension of n i ^ of Blinois politicians in this election government. $27 million in humanitarian assist­ Telephone calls to the White ydir; As always, the Chicago River Was to ance approved in 1985. dyed green with 100 pounds of vegetable House right after the speech ran White House chief of staff better than 2-to-l In favor of the Donald Regan said Sunday the dye;. president’s position, assistant administration had "well over” President Reagmi, America’s No. 1 press secretary Dale Petroskey 200 of the 218 votes needed to Irish-Amerlcan, idninied to niark the said. Of the first l,079calls, he said, assure victory, but most forecasts boUday by m e ^ g With Irish Prime 742 were In favor of military aid to have Reagan losing in the the contras and 321 against. Democratic-controlled House. The president was to meet today Sen. James Sasser of Tennessee, with special envoy Philip Habib delivering the Democratic re­ a rr^ id the ngdOsi’S: capital toidght, who returned Saturday from his sponse to Reagan’s address, said dUMtv one ynart^nflin' his “Shamrscfc four-day trip to Central America. there was no disagreement that Suounit’’ with ResigaitIniCanada. Mulroney But he did not mention Habib's Nicaragua "must never become a and Reagan are tb nkeetTPesday. k Beds mission and dismissed his critics' base for Soviet military adventu­ Over the weekend, Irikii-AmaricaBs and demands for more negotiations rism in this hemisphere." woukHw IrisihAipericaiis turned out in art at with the Sandinistas in one para­ "Our disagreement is with the Boston, Baldmore; Ajtlanta. New Orleans, graph of the 22-minute speech. means the president has used to Denver, Los Angeldi, Beverly Hills and "The question the Congress of aiamrock, Texas, to watch floats arid the United States will now answer Please turn to page 10 marching bande (WeddHate in other ways. “We’ve bemi partying for three days," Ron Reed, manager (d the Long Branch Saloon in Savannah, Qa., said Sunday night Swedish man charged during that coastal ciVscelebrathni, which offlcially starts Satiuday and aids Tues­ Hwald phase by BMhaw day. “There’s thousands of people down in Paime assassination here, getting drunk, having a good time.” Qene Nead of Manchester watches as the |innual St. Patrick's Day parade v Memphis, Tenn., officials made that STOCKHOLM. Sweden (UPI) - about Palme. passes by on Capitol Avenue in Hartford^ Althoughi he did riot n>aroh in Missiuippi River dty’scelefaration drier by A Swede who nnade threatening The suspect denied involvement the parade, Nead donned a clown outfit and entertained some of the banning the annual pub crairi. statements about Prime Minister in the assassination, Holmer said. In New York, about 1S0,0M people were “He is lying or does not want to children who watchM. V . ^ Olof Palme was charged today •V •'h. •- ; • * ■ :. ' : . , . expected to (pro but to watch 1W.IIM with assassinating the Swedish tell about his activities during the night of the murder,” Holmer said. marchers, fncloding M boids of bagpipf^ leader 17 days ago, officials said. and'St ether ban«, ahiit downheoi^ 3 Chief prosecutor K.G. Svensson, "In the first hour after the murder required by law to either release he was seen in twodifferent places, mliw MFlfth A y^.: - r the man or press charges because on a street near the murder site St. Patrick’s Dayparades in recent years he has been in custody since last and at a movie theater. have been spicid by controversy over Wednesday, formally accused him "On the street he tried to flag By John F. Kireh ^ green sweaters and auvas,. flowers and Northern Ireland, but the 338Ui editian of being “an accomplice in the down a car to get a ride. He entered Hardid Reporter . shoes — and even green bagels. > promised m be calmer. “ ’ - murder as perpetrator.” the movie theater long after the ..rc .......... - .. ■ •.*. —is ' • . - “ When I first saw one, I couldiiTt believe ' Grand M arshal A U k ^ O'Hagan dr.-has The man was identified only as film had begun. Everything indi­ HARTFORD — Streets’ weite it,’f said Edward Norton of Bristol, wliq expfeiised deteriiitnatloa that the paradb Swedish and 32 years old. cates he was on the run," said the covered with green Saturday as hundreds was watching the parade. not be politicised, and Hie Irish government HAMES Svensson told a Stockholm dis­ chief, who is Jieading the biggest of people lined Capitol Avenue and Main,' ''They taste Just like normal bagels,’’ has dr^iped Us boycott of the event trict court that suspicions against manhunt in Swedish history. Church and Trinity streeto to watch . saULNorton’s friend, Mary Perkins, also While O’Hagan supports a 'Tlree And ‘vard the man hardened following his Palme, 59. was buried Saturday Hartford’s ISth annual St. Patrick’s Day of Bristol. Perkins carried three green undivided Ireland,’’ he has not t i t e a ^ in an 18th century churchyard arrest last Wednesday. Parade. bagels as Mie took a Mte out of a fourth. radical a stance as some past grand Legal sources said the prosecu­ within sight of where he was killed. ' Tliebagds were free, but that wasn’tso m arshals, who bade the Irish RepuhUeau tor’s statement indicated he now He, had been walking with his Fire and police departments, school for other itraas peddled by vendors along Army. ’The IRA is fighting against British believed the suspect was in fact the wife when he was shot in the back bands and politicat pers^ialitiies — rule in Northern Ireland. gunman who shot and killed Palme with a .357-Magnum m etal­ imduding sothe from Mandiester — Pdlce alaoewettheperade tobe a viiet on a Stockholm street the night of piercing bullet, probably fired marched tiwoughtbe capital tocdebrate hats co itg l.'s... ' ^ one. The AdioeD^pQrtiiientslddahdlitiyiN Feb. 28. from a Smith and Wesson the Mrtbday of Irdand’s patron saint. “Hwe, tty thitrdBe on,’!, Alan Drek, a handgun. officers were being asrigaed to the event Stockholm police chief Hans Among the peo|de watching were vendor, UrioCcusfoaicr its hePladod a down 10 percent Item last year. Holmer refused at a news confer­ Svensson said the suspect charged today "wore clothes that bladu, wUtes, AslansandHlspanics.>Rut. plastic green hat on his bead. “Ineik you . In Boston, a cm rd police estimated at ence to elaborate on the charge, all bad one thing in common-f they wore but said police were searching the may fit observations made by go. That’s nice.'* 500,000 waved green bdloons and cam a-. man’s clothes for traces of witnesses on the site of the green. tioos at marching bands and pniitiPiaiis gunpowder. murder.” Police have quoted There were green balloons and bats. I to p ag es Sunday. He said the man was known to witnesses as saying the assassin make "threatening statements” wore a blue ski jacket and a cap. 7 TODAY’S HERALD Senate race getting under way Bv Mark A. Dupuis an uphill fight they are not ready to regard to Central America. Weicker Jr„ R-Conn., to lay the Canoelstt prapare Index United Press International concede the race.
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