May 12, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1117 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS ANNOUNCING THE 12TH ANNUAL SUPPORTING NATIONAL versary of the first ever Asian Pacific Amer- RENEWABLE ENERGY AND EN- COMMUNITY COLLEGE MONTH ican Heritage Week, made possible by a joint ERGY EFFICIENCY EXPO ON resolution signed by President Jimmy Carter. THURSDAY, MAY 14 SPEECH OF I am proud to represent one of the most di- HON. RON KLEIN verse congressional districts in the country. One in four of my constituents is of Asian Pa- OF FLORIDA cific heritage—many of whom are of Chinese, HON. CHRIS VAN HOLLEN IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Filipino, Korean, Japanese, and Vietnamese OF MARYLAND Tuesday, May 5, 2009 descent. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. KLEIN of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I rise in The 29th Congressional District boasts of an impressive list of Asian Pacific American civic Tuesday, May 12, 2009 strong support of H. Res. 338, supporting the goals and ideals of National Community Col- leaders who are strongly committed to this Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Madam Speaker, as co- lege Month. community. John Chiang, serving California as chair of the bipartisan House Renewable En- Community colleges offer the opportunity of Controller, is the highest-ranking Asian Pacific ergy and Energy Efficiency (RE&EE) Caucus, an affordable college education to students, American elected state official. Also, as one of I rise on the occasion of the 12th Annual Re- working adults with busy schedules and peo- California’s twelve constitutional officers, Judy newable Energy and Energy Efficiency EXPO, ple looking for an alternative to a traditional Chu serves as Vice Chair of the California State Board of Equalization. Other state offi- which will be held this Thursday, May 14 from liberal arts education. Their programs help ad- cials include State Senator Carol Liu and As- 9:30 AM—5:00 PM in the Cannon Caucus dress some of the most pressing workforce sembly Member Mike Eng. On the local level, Room. The EXPO is the RE&EE Caucus’s sig- demands in our country, including nursing, en- we have Alhambra Council Members Stephen nature event and this year will feature over 50 gineering technology, allied health, law en- Sham and Gary Yamauchi; Alhambra Unified businesses and organizations showcasing cut- forcement and computer technology among School Board Members Chester Chau and ting edge sustainable energy technologies. An others. More recently, community colleges have heeded the call for skilled workers nec- Robert ‘‘Bob’’ Gin; Garvey School Board Mem- afternoon speakers’ series in 340 Cannon bers Janet Chin, Henry Lo, and John Yuen; House Office Building will highlight the role essary to build and maintain wind and water turbines, solar panels and other technology Monterey Park Mayor Mitchell Ing and Council that renewable energy and energy efficiency needed to produce a clean, renewable energy Members David Lau, Betty Tom Chu, and An- can play in the areas of economic growth, job infrastructure here in the United States. thony Wong; San Gabriel Council Member Al- creation, national security and energy inde- During these tough economic times, the bert Huang; South Pasadena Council Member pendence. The event is free and open to the need for advanced education and skills is Mike Ten; South Pasadena Unified School public. All are welcome and invited to attend. more important than ever to finding well paid Board Member Joseph Loo; Temple City work in an increasingly competitive workforce. Mayor Judy Wong and Council Member Vin- f Community colleges like Palm Beach Commu- cent Yu; and Temple City Unified School nity College and Broward College located in Board Member Janet Rhee. HONORING THE UNPRECEDENTED my congressional district offer customized During the 110th Congress, I had the dis- CAMPAIGN TO END TYRANNY continuing education programs to fit the needs tinct honor of introducing legislation to pay of emerging and evolving industries in our tribute to the former Mayor of San Gabriel, Chi community—with online, distance learning Mui, by posthumously naming the San Gabriel HON. THADDEUS G. McCOTTER courses to better accommodate working adults Post Office in his honor. Chi was the first Chi- OF MICHIGAN with families and busy work schedules. The nese American mayor in San Gabriel, a city where close to half of the population is Asian IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES flexibility and affordability of many community college programs allows Americans from every American. The bill was signed into law on Au- Tuesday, May 12, 2009 walk of life to pursue an advanced degree or gust 12, 2008 and the post office was dedi- certification that they may not have had the cated on October 25, 2008, one day before Mr. MCCOTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise opportunity to pursue otherwise. Chi’s fifty-sixth birthday, making this the third today in recognition of the Unprecedented By providing everyone in the United States post office in the nation to be named after a Campaign to End Tyranny, which took place with the opportunity to further their education, Chinese American. In addition, to commemo- on May 9, 2009. we can build a more competitive, innovative rate Women’s History Month earlier this year, The Unprecedented Campaign to End Tyr- workforce, capable of addressing the most I had the privilege of naming Melinda Hsia and anny is a Midwest tour across nine states to pressing issues of our time, and restoring our Yin Yin Huang Women of the Year in the 29th support the people who have peacefully quit place as a leader in the global economy. Congressional District. They are truly excep- the Chinese Communist Party. It celebrates Community colleges will play a vital role in tional women who have improved the quality the condemnation of communism and the evo- preparing young people and adults looking to of life for our community. The contributions of Asian Americans to our lution of attitudes that encourage freedom of further their education, with the skills they country is not limited to the above-mentioned speech, religion, and expression. Since 2004, need to advance their careers, provide for individuals. Our Nation has benefited from the nearly fifty-four million Chinese citizens have their families, and get our economy back on contributions of Asian Americans for decades. bravely and publicly disassociated themselves track. The Japanese American 100th Infantry Bat- with the Chinese Communist Party. This num- f talion and 442nd Regimental Combat Team, ber continues to grow by up to 40,000 each ASIAN PACIFIC AMERICAN commonly known as the ‘‘Go For Broke’’ regi- day. The defection movement is gaining in HERITAGE MONTH ments, courageously served our nation during momentum. World War II and earned several awards for Madam Speaker, it is the responsibility and HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF their distinctive service in combat. Earlier this duty of free Americans to stand with those OF CALIFORNIA year, I introduced legislation to pay tribute to who yearn to be free. I ask my colleagues to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the ‘‘Go For Broke’’ regiment by awarding join me in honoring the bravery of those who them the Congressional Gold Medal, have had the daring audacity to publicly step Tuesday, May 12, 2009 Congress’s highest civilian honor. forward and denounce the stifling oppression Mr. SCHIFF. Madam Speaker, I rise today This past April marked the 30th anniversary of communism, and embrace the ideals of to commemorate Asian Pacific American Herit- of the Taiwan Relations Act. It has been three freedom and liberty. age Month. Last week marked the 30th anni- decades since the United States and Taiwan ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Nov 24 2008 03:59 May 13, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K12MY8.001 E12MYPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC68 with REMARKS E1118 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 12, 2009 codified their commercial and cultural relations Seabiscuit’s barn, walking tours of the ranch IN HONOR OF CYNTHIA and a great number of my constituents have and fundraising benefits for such causes as DETTLEBACH, ROB CERTNER benefited greatly from this action. I also re- rescue and aid for injured and retired thor- AND ALICE FINGERHUT OF THE cently had the pleasure of participating in the oughbred race horses. CLEVELAND JEWISH NEWS Committee of 100 19th Annual Conference— a forum to address issues regarding U.S.- Madam Chair and colleagues, I am pleased HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH to enter these remarks into the CONGRES- China relations and issues of importance to OF OHIO the Chinese American community. SIONAL RECORD honoring the legendary race- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Americans of Asian descent are one of the horse Seabiscuit, the Heritage Foundation and Tuesday, May 12, 2009 fastest growing minority groups in the nation. Ridgewood Ranch. Let us salute their con- Mr. KUCINICH. Madam Speaker, I rise I am positive that in the years to come, we will tinuing legacy of historic preservation, environ- today in honor of Cynthia Dettelbach, Rob be adding many more names to the growing mental conservation and public education. list of civic leaders and many more distinctions Certner and Alice Fingerhurt as they retire from the Cleveland Jewish News (CJN) this to their list of accomplishments. I am truly f honored to represent the many extraordinary year following a combined 80 years of service to the Cleveland Jewish community. I stand in men and women in my district and commend HONORING TIMOTHY J. DEWITT their selfless dedication and service to the recognition of their dedication to their commu- community.
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