SHORT LIVES OF THE DOMINICAN SAINTS More Free Items at www.catholickingdom.com THE DOMINICAN TERTIARY'S DAILY MANUAL Br the Very Rev. Father OHN PROCTER, O.P., S.T.L, Pro- vincial of the Lomini-. Being the pi volnme of the 0fKci.l Smes of Dominican Prayer-Book PART I. THE THIRDORDER OP ST. DOMINIC: its Object, Spirit, and Rulc PARTII. OFFICEOF OURIADY IN LATINAWD ENGLISH. ~MX~MORAT~ONOF DOMINICAN SAINTS. DOMINICAN OFFICE OF THE DEADIN LATIN AND ENGLISH. PART111. FORMULARYOF THE THIRDOWEE APPENDIX.MASS ACCORDING TO THE DOMINICANRITa Royal 3zmo. Red limes. Is 6d. net. DEVOTIONS TO ST. DOMINIC. B the Rev. Father WIL- BERPORCE, O.P. Being the ~econi~olumeof the 0tfici.l Series of Dominican Prayer-Books PART I. LITURGICAL I. MPSOfor the Fast of St Dominic. z. Lesser Feasts. 3. Vespers for St Dominic PART11. POPULARDEVOTIONS 'FO ST. DOMINIC I. Little Office of St. Dominic 2. Devotion of the Fieen Tuc& 3. 0 Wonderful Hop, Latin and English. + 0 lrfht of Church. 5. Litany of St Dominic 6. Prnyer o Blessed Jordan to St. Dominic 7. Devotion in the form of Chaplet, sometimes called the Cry of Distress. 8. Prayers to St Dominic for each day of the week. 9. The Blessing of St Dominic in Sickness. 10. Ejaculations to St. Dominic Royal 3zmo. Red lines. THE ROSARY GUIDE, for Priests and People By the Very Rw. Father JOHNPRO~R, O.P., S.T.L., Provincial d the English Dominicans Fcap. 890, 3s. 6d. net. OXFORD CONFERENCES, 1900. By Father RAPHAEL Moss, O.P. FIRST SERIES ON GUCL SECONDSERIES ON THE LIFE OF GRACXL Crown 8v0, Is. 6d. net each. MAGISTER ADEST ; or, Who is Like unto God ? A Book of Catholic Devotion, intended as a Help in Prayer and Medita- tion. With a Preface by the Rev. CHARLESBLOUNT, S.J. PRINTEDIN SYMBOLICALCOMURS. Large crown 8~0,~snet LON DON : KEGAN PAUL. TRENCH, TR~~BNER,(t CO. LTD. PATPILNaTEB HOUSE, CHABING CROSS ROAD, W.C. Private Use Only More Free Items at www.catholickingdom.com SHORT LIVES OF THE DOMINICAN SAINTS A SISTER OF THE CONGREGA'I'ION OF ST. CATHARINE OF SIENA (STONE) THEVERY REV.FATHER PROCTER, S.T.L. PPOV~NCUL or rat LNOLIU~ rnmwcms '-Chrisfi pia gratia Sanctos sublimavit, Quos %Iris Dominici Ordo pro&ytnllVlt ; '&u mmmeritis pctimus juvari, Jtqlrc suis prccibus Dw corn-.'' LONDON KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER w CO. LTE PATERNOSTER HOUSE, CHARlNC CROSS ROAD I 901 Private Use Only mi1 @istat JOANNES PROCTER, O.P., S.T.L. Dic 7 Januarii 19 3imptlmatur HERBERTUS CARD. VAUGHAN, ARCHIEP.WESTMONAST. More Free Items at www.catholickingdom.com PROTESTATION IN obedience to the Decrees of Urban VIII. of March 13, 1625, and July 5, 1634, we declare that, when giving the title of Saint or Blessed to any persons of high virtue mentioned in these pages, or when speaking of miraculous and extraordinary deeds and events, we only do so in accordance with the usage of ordinary language, without meaning in any way to anticipate the judgment of Holy Church. Private Use Only CONTENTS JANUARY. :orb. Blessed Gonsalvo of Amaranths, C.... I 16th. Blessed Stephana Quinzani. V .....4 ~gth. Blessed Andrew of Peschiera, C ..... 7 2yd. Saint Raymund of Pennafort, C. 10 24th . Blessed Marcolino of Forli. C... 13 r6th. Blessed Margaret of Hungary. V .... 15 28th Translation of the Relics of Saint Thomas Aquinas, C.D. .........18 FEBRUARY. 9th . Blessed Bernard Scammacca, C . 21 12th. Blessed Reginald of Orleans. C .....24 13th. Saint Catharine de Ricci. V ......27 14th. Blessed Nicholas Palea of Giovinazzo. C ...31 15th. Blessed Jordan. of Saxony. C ......3q 18th. Blessed Lawrence of Ripafratta. C .....38 19th. Blessed Alvaru of Cordova, C..... 42 ~1st. Blessed Aimo Taparelli. C...... 45 25 th. Blessed Constantius of Fabrianq C ....47 28th. Blessed Villana de Botti ...50 Thursday after Sexagesima Sunday. Translation of the Relics of Saint Catharine of Siena, V ...53 MARCH . 1st Blessed Christopher of Milan. C .....56 ZDd. Blessed Henry Suso. C...... 58 6th . BldJordan of Pisa, C. 61 7th. Slint Thomas Aquinas, .C. D.. 6q ni More Free Items at www.catholickingdom.com viii PAGE 10th. Blessed Peter di Jercmia, C...... 68 18th. Blessed Sibyllina Biscossi. V ......72 22nd . Blessed Ambrose Sansedonio, C. 75 APRIL 3rd . Stigmata of Saint Catharine of Sima, V . 78 5th. Saint Vincent Ferrer. C ..81 9th . Blessed Anthony Pavone. M..... 85 10th. Blessed Anthony Neyrot, M.. 87 13th. Blessed Margaret of Castello. V.... 90 14th . Blessed Peter Gonzalez. C..... 94 17th. Blessed Clara Gambacorti. W ..... 96 20th . Saint Agnes of. Monte Pulciano. V ..loo ~1stBlessed Bartholomew of Cerverio, M ....103 26th Blessed Dominic and Gregory. CC.. 106 29th. Saint Peter. M.. 107 30th. Saint Catharine of Sienq V ...LXX MAY. 5th. Saint Pius V.. P.C. ........ 10th Saint Antoninus. B.C. ...... 12th. Blessed Jane of Portugal. V...... 13th. Blessed Albert of Bergamo. C..... 14th. Blessed Egidius of Portugal. C ..... 2bth. Blessed Columba of Rieti. V...... ~2nd. Saint Servatius. B.C., Protector of the Order . zgrd Blessed Lewis Mary Grignon de Montfort, C . 25th . Translation of the Relics of our Holy Father. Saint Dominic, C......... 27th . Blessed Peter Sang B., and his Companions, MM . 28th. Blessed Maria Bartolomea Bagmsi. V .... zgth . Blessed William and his Companions. MM ... ~1st. Blessed James SaiomonioyC ...... JUNE. 1st. Blessed Alfonso Navarreie and his Companions, MM ......... 159 md . Blessed Sadoc and his Companions. MM ..163 4th . Translation of the Relics of Saint Peter. M ...166 9th . Blessed Diana, Cecilia, and Amata, VV ..168 Private Use Only FAG8 10th. Blessed John Dominia. C ......I71 13th. Blessed Stephen Bandelli. C...... 174 18th. Blessed O-na, V ........175 ~2nd. Blessed Innocent V.. P.C. .....179 JULY. yd. Blessed Mark of Modena, C...... 182 7th . Blessed Benedict XI. P.C. .....184 9th . Saint John of Cologne and his Companions. MM . 187 r I th. Blessed Ignatius Delgado. Dominic Henares. BB., and their Companions, MM .....191 13th. Blessed James of Voragine, B.C. ....194 18th. Blessed Ceslas, C......... 197 z2n d. Saint Mary Magdalen. Protectress of the Order . 201 23rd Blessed Jane of Ortrieto. V ..205 27th. Blessed Augustine of Bugella, C..... 208 28 th. Blolsd Anthony della Chiesa. C..... 210 30th. Blessed Mannes. C........ 213 AUGUST. 2nd . Blessed Jane of Aza. Mother of Saint Dominic 4th. Our Holy Father Saint Dominic, C. 8th. Blessed Augustine of Lucera, B.C. 9th. Blessed John of Salemo. C ... 16th. Saint Hyacinth. C..... 17th. Blessed Emily Bicchieri. V ... 23r d. Blessed Jamesof Mevania. C . 28th . Saint Augustine. B.C.D. ... 30th . Saint Rose of Lima, V ... SEPTEMBER 3rd . Blessed Guala, B.C. ..247 5th . Saint Catharine of Raconigi. V ..249 6th. Blessed Bertrand of Garrigua. C... 253 15th. Commemoration of our Holy Father Saint Dominic, in Soriano ........256 16th. Blessed Imelda Lambertini. V ...; . 259 20th . Blessed Francis Possadas. C... 263 26th. Blessed Dalmatius Moner. C... 265 More Free Items at www.catholickingdom.com .. .- OCTOBER 1st Sunday of October. Feast of the Most Holy Rosary 3rd. Blessed John Massias. C...... 4th. Saint Francis of Assisi. C...... 5th . Blessed Raymund of Capua, C..... 7t h. Blessed Matthew Carruii. C...... 10th. Saint Lewis Bertrand, C...... 12th. Blessed James of Ulm. C ...... 14th. Blessed Magdalen Pannatieri. V ..... ~2nd. Blessed Peter of Tiferno. C ...... 23rd. Blessed Bartholomew Breganza, B.C. ... 26th . Blessed Damian Furcherio, C..... 29th. Blessed Benvenuta Bojani. V ...... NOVEMBER 3rd. Blessed Simon Ballachi. C ...... 5th. Blessed Martin Porns, C ...... 7th. Blessed Peter of Ruffia, M...... 9th . All Saints of the Order ...... 14th. Blessed John Liccio. C ....... 2nd Sunday in November. Patronage of our Bld Lady ......... 15th. Blessed Albert the Gnat. B.C. .... 16th. Blessed Lucy of Narni, V ...... 25th . Saint Catharine of Alexandria. V.M., Protectress of the Order ........ 17th . Blessed Margaret of Savoy. W..... 29th. Blessed James Benefatti. H.C. .... DECEMBER 16th. Blessed Sebastian Maggi. C...... 339 zznd . Blessed Mary Mancini. W ..342 CHRONOLOGICALLIST OF CANONIZEDAND BEATIFIED SAINTSOF THE DOMINICANORDER ...347 Private Use Only INTRODUCTION THISbook is an album of Dominican pictures. The pictures are word-painted and not limned in crayon or oil; they are drawn with a graphic pen and not painted with an artist's brush. They are pictures all the same-lifelike, faithful, and true. Each chapter- and there are nearly a hundred of them-is a portrait, the original of which once lived in a Dominican cloister, in a Convent home, in an ancestral hall, in a princely or noble mansion, or, like Jesus at Nazareth, in a lowly cottage amongst simple, humble, working folk who earned their daily bread by the sweat of their brow. They are offered to the reader for his study, his admiration, and maybe wen for his imitation. There are lights and shades in all these pictures, as there an lights and shades in every human life, if we except one, that was ever lived, or will be lived, from Eden to Jehosophat, from the dawn of creation to its doom. Each of these pictures tells its own story, each teaches its own lesson, each preaches its own sermon, each is a picture from life and from a holy life-for each is the life of a Saint. The word Saint is used in itm compnhensive sense. Ail, the stories of whose lives arc here briefly told, are not canonized Saints. Some are only "Beati" or the beatified of Saint Dominic's Order. They await the Church's final seal. Not one of the vay large number beatified by the voice of the peopk, but not as yet declared blessed by the voice of the Church, finds a place in this book. xi More Free Items at www.catholickingdom.com xii Introduction There are several portraits introduced into this Domini- can series over which Saint Dominic has no right or claim.
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