MAY 25, 1973 25 CENTS VOLUME 37/NUMBER 20 A SOCIALIST NEWSWEEKLY/PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE WORKING PEOPLE Who rules America? II Justice Dept.'s Mitchell: indicted White House adviser Ehrlich­ for perjury; organized Water­ man: stolen wiretap records gate as campaign chief. found stashed in his safe. FBI's Gray: was boss of nation's Commerce Dept. head Maurice secret police; helped cover up Stans: indicted in Vesco probe; Watergate trail. supplied sabotage funds. CIA deputy director Cushman: Securities and Exchange Com­ used CIA resources "to get" Ells­ mission: cooled its probe of Rob­ Nixon: still claims he knew nothing about any illegal acts berg. ert Vesco for $200,000. Watergate revelations show involvement of entire government apparatus in illegal acts .. Whose interests are these people serving? See page 5. Plans for African Liberation Day/9 US. keeps bombing Cambodia/a ',-"<•, • ~ -,.,_ . ~ -~--- ·-~. ' In Brief SIXTEEN-YEAR-OLD DENIED BALLOT SLOT: Scott COURT GRANTS A MOTION BY RUCHELL MAGEE: Cooper, who we reported some weeks ago was challenging Ruchell Magee was granted a motion on May 4 to move the minimum age requirement for running for office, lost his trial away from San Francisco. The court's action THIS his bid to be permitted to run for the Ossining, N.Y., in granting the motion contrasts with the previous rulings school board because of his age. New York law requires that Magee, a self-taught "jailhouse lawyer," must speak WEEK'S candidates to be 18. He did, however, capture 3 percent only through his court-appointed attorney. Defense coun­ of the vote in a write-in campaign. sel Robert Carrow later expressed surprise at the mo­ MILITANT Cooper's right to run was defended by the Committee tion, but reported that Magee "wants to go to Los An­ for Democratic Election Laws. The judge, ruling on a geles." 3 House votes to stop suit filed by David Schwab II, refused to allow Cooper Before the ruling, Judge Morton Colvin denied a motion bombing of C9mbodia to be placed on the ballot, while conceding that the clerk by Carrow that the charge against Magee of aggr'avated 4 Ellsberg freed; gov't who refused to certify him when he filed the petitions kidnapping be dropped. Carrow maintained that the in­ had exceeded her authority. dictment constitutes double jeopardy. All 12 jurors in indicted As a result of Cooper's campaign, the issue of student Magee's first trial voted on April 3 to acquit Magee of 9 Rich's strike continues rights became a center of discussion to which all the school aggravated kidnapping, while voting 11 to one for con­ 10 Goodrich strike is blow board candidates addressed themselves. viction on the charge of simple kidnapping. The count to bosses Indicating the popularity of his fight among fellow stu­ charging Magee with the murder of Judge Harold Haley 11 Teamster officials dents, Cooper, a member of the Young Socialist Alliance, has been dropped. steeped in corruption was just elected interim student body president of his high school. He ran on a program of student-faculty RAP BROWN SENTENCED: H. Rap Brown was sen­ 12 ILWU ranks push Bridges control of education. for action tenced May 9 to five to 15 years imprisonment. Brown, IRISH ACTIVISTS HARASSED: Three members of the former chairman of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating 13 SWP National Commit­ Philadelphia Irish Northern Aid-Dan Duffy, Neil Byrne, Committee (SNCC), was framed up for the robbery of tee meets and Danny Calahane-were subpoenaed to appear before a Manhattan bar a year and a half ago. Two of his 14 U.S. gov't in 'illegal a federal grand jury on May 8-9 to answer questions codefendants received similar sentences and a third was alien' shakedown about the group's activities. Picket lines to protest their granted a postponement pending further evidence. 15 New York CP supports harassment were held on May 8, 9, and 10 at the fed­ "Truth crushed into the earth will rise again," said eral building. The hearings have been postponed until Brown to the court before his sentencing. In response Democrat May 21. to other pleas in Brown's behalf, including one from 16 Right wing attacks abor­ Earlier this year, five Irish Americans from New York Imamu Baraka, the prosecuting attorney insisted that tion ruling were subpoenaed before a federal grand jury in Fort "try as one might, this case is not political." 17 Swedish ex-Maoists join Just before the sentencing, Brown's attorney, William Fourth International Kunstler, pleaded for a delay on the grounds that he 18 How SWP fought anti­ had just received an affidavit from a man now in prison saying that he and two other men had actually committed Semitism in the '30s the robbery. The judge, however, refused to grant the 19 UFT forces challenge delay. Kunstler was given two weeks to develop the new Dist. 1 .school board evidence and is expected to file an appeal. 21 Sales drive goes over top . CODEL FIGHTS CALIF. ELECTION LAW: The U.S. Supreme Court last week granted the Committee for Demo­ 24 Demand end to STRESS cratic Election Laws ( CoDEL) the right to file a friend in Detroit of the court brief in a challenge to California ballot re­ quirements for independent candidates. The suit, filed on 2 In Brief behalf of Gus Hall, Communist Party candidate for pres­ 6 In Our Opinion ident in 1972, and two other independent candidates, Letters challenges the short 23-day petitioning period and re­ 7 National Picket Line strictions on who can sign nominating petitions. CoDEL was granted the right to present arguments against the Women in Revolt high number of signatures required. 8 Great Society The California election law is the most restrictive in - La Raza en Accion Demonstrations like this one, held March 4, 1972, in the country. The undemocratic requirement that indepen­ By Any Means Neces­ City, indicate growing support for the Irish freedom struggle. dents get signatures equal to 5 percent of the voters who sary do not vote in the primary, and that parties seeking rec­ ognition get signatures from 10 percent or register 1 14 Campaigning for Social­ percent of the voters into their party, makes it very dif­ ism Worth, Texas, and are currently being held without bail for refusing to answer questions. In San Francisco, a ficult for an independent campaign to win support and 20 In Review grand jury indictment of an Irish activist led to a totally gain a hearing. 21 American Way of Life unconstitutional sentence prohibiting his involvement in Contributions to aid this important legal fight should any activities involving the Irish American community. be sent to CoDEL, Room 1104, 150 Fifth Ave., New WORLD OUTLOOK These acts of harassment are only a- part of the U.S. York, N.Y. 10011. -MIRTA VIDAL 1-4 Canadian Trotskyists government's complicity with British repression in Ire­ hold convention in land. During March and April of this year, Green Berets trained 800 British Commandos in counterinsurgency tac­ Toronto tics at Camp Lejeune, in North Carolina. The Defense Department has denied that this had anything to do with YOUR FIRST the struggle in Northern Ireland. But the 800 are part of a unit now doing occupation duty there, and the British ISSUE? embassy has confirmed that the training included bomb disposal and street fighting techniques. The Irish Northern Aid groups have called for a mas­ SUBSCRIBE sive protest rally on Sunday, May 20, at 3 p. m., at In­ dependence Hall in Philadelphia, around the demands: TO THE THE MILITANT " End Harassment of Irish Americans," and "End U. S. Complicity with Great Britain." The Irish Republican VOLUME 37/NUMBER 20 Clubs, the Socialist Workers Party and other groups are MILITANT MAY 25, 1973 helping to build the demonstration. While the FBI, CIA, and CREEP were conspmng against CLOSING NEWS DATE-MAY 16, 1973 Ellsberg and Russo ... The Militant was exposing the Penta­ gon papers trial as a political frame-up. The Watergate Editor: MARY-ALICE WATERS MEMORIAL TO HONOR IRISH REVOLUTIONISTS: Business Manager: SHARON CABANISS A meeting to honor the memory and accomplishments revelations have now shown who the real criminals are. Southwest Bureau: HARRY RING of the Irish revolutionists and labor leaders James Con­ For the truth, read The Militant. Published weekly by The Militant Publishing Ass' n., nolly and James Larkin will be held at 8 p.m., May 25, 14 Charles lane, New York, N.Y. 10014. Phone: Ed­ in the auditorium of the Robert F. Wagner Jr. High School IITRODUCTORY OFFER itorial Office (212) 243-6392; Business Office (212) at 220 E. 76th St. in Manhattan. ( ) $1 for three months of The Militant. 929-3486. Southwest Bureau: 11071/2 N. Western The program includes speeches on the lives and works Ave., los Angeles, Calif. 90029. Phone: (213) 463. ( ) $2 for three months of The Militant and three months 1917. of Connolly and Larkin by Gerry Foley, a staff writer of the lnterna'tional Socialist Review. Correspondence concerning subscriptions or changes for the socialist weekly Intercontinental Press, and Joseph ( ) $5 for one year of The Militant of address should be addressed to The Militant Busi­ O'Brien from the history department of John Jay Uni­ ( ) New ( ) Renewal ness Office, 14 Charles lane, New York, N.Y. 10014. versity, as well as traditional Irish entertainment. The Second-class postage paid at New York, N.Y. Sub­ two Irish labor leaders played an important role in the scription: Domestic, S5 a year; foreign, S8. By first­ NAME---------------------------------- doss mail: domestic and Canada, S25; all other coun-.
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