Index Abba, 212 Auf der Fluchtt, 173 Abbey Road Studios, 16, 129–47 Auge, Marc, 235, 242 A Day in the Life, 136 Augoyard, Jean, 228, 242 Adorno, Theodor, 209, 222, 226, 242 Aurigi, Alessandro, 225, 242 Africa Bambaataa, 53 Avalski torani (‘Avala TV Tower’), 96 African Queen, 174 Avionu slomicu ti krila (‘Airplane, I’ll A Hint to the Drinker, 154 break your wings’). 93 Aitch, Iain, 208, 215, 222 Ayers, Edward, 203, 205 Albers, Hans, 173, 184 Albers, Patricia C., 170, 184 Baby’s on Fire, 66, 68, 71 A Letter Home, 201 Bachelard, Gaston, 3, 21 All You Need is Love, 138 Back in the USSR, 136 Allen, Ray, 195 Backstreet Boys, the, 212, 222 Amazing Grace, 200 Baez, Joan, 133 Amadeus, 176 Bajaga, Momcilo, 92–4 Ambros, Wolfgang, 183 Bajraktarevic, Zilha, 88 America, 181–2 Bakhtin, Mikhail, 74, 81, 209, 222 American Ballads and Folk Songs, 195 Balasevic, Dorde, 93–4, 98 Anthology, 139 Ballen, Robert, 70–1 Allen Ray, 195, 204 Bannister, Matthew, 142–5 Aloyshin, Samuil, 160 Bandt, Ros, 5, 21 Alvarenga, Oneyda, 57, 61 Barker, Hugh, 193, 196, 204 Amadeus, Rambo, 92 Barıs¸, Ruken, 32, 42 America Live, 240 Barroso, Ary, 47 Androutsopoulos, Jannis, 65, 81 Barthes, Roland, 216, 222 Ankeny, Jason, 110, 123 Basic Channel, 109 Aphex Twin, 115–16 Baudrillard, Jean, 19, 171, 204 Appandurai, Arjun, 6 Bauman, Zygmunt, 130, 145, 184, Apple, 129 230, 242 Applegate, Celia, 222 Beautiful, 19, 225–9, 231–6 Araujo, Rosane, 226–7, 242 Beatles, the, 16, 129, 142, 145, Arellano, Gustavo, 207, 215–6, 222 213, 221 Armenulic, Silvana, 88 Beatles, the, 133 Armstrong, Edward, 238, 242 Beatles at Abbey Road, the, 138 Arkan, Zelikjo, 90 Being for the Benefifi t of Mr. Kite, 136 Arnautovic, Jelena, 88, 92, 102 Belchem, John, 2010 Art in Estonia and Tallinn from Middle Bell, Thomas L , 5, 23, 27, 42 Ages to Today, 156 Ben 10, 187 Atanasovski, Srddˉan, 14, 84, 90, 102 Benjamin, Walter, 4, 19, 200, 226–8, Atatürk, Mustafa Kemal, 30 233, 237–8 Atkins, Juan, 105 Bennett, Andy, 5, 8, 21, 52, 61, 65, Atkins, Taylor, 151, 165 74, 81, 142, 145, 204, 208, 210, Atkinson, Peter, 16, 129 222, 242 245 246 Index Bergson, Henri, 1 Çesmi Siyahim (My Black Eyed Beauty), Berland, Jody, 233, 242 13, 27, 32 Berman, Marshall, 4, 21, 238, 242 Chamberlin, Daniel, 109, 123 Best, Gary, 18, 21, 183–4 Che, Deborah, 6, 22, 107, 123 Beumers, Birgit, 151, 165 Child of Nature, 136 Beverley Hills Cop, 232 Chruszczewska, Katarzyna, 13–14, 63 Bhabha, Homi K., 11–2, 21, 72, 81, City Life, 108 88, 102 City Records, 94 Bierly, Mandy, 239, 242 Clapping Music, 109 Billig, Michael, 40, 42, 84, 98, 102, Cobb, James, 186, 204 Binelli, Mark, 236, 242 Cohen, Sara, 208–9, 144, 145, 222 Blomkamp, Neill, 78 Cohen, Leonard, 133 Blue Danube Waltz, The, 180 Coleman, Nick, 208, 222 Blue Potential, 116 Colic, Dravko, 93 Blur, 142 Come Out, 108 Bohlman, Philip W., 8, 10, 21, 167, 184 Complete Beatles Recording Sessions: The Bolero, 118 Offifi cial Story of the Abbey Road Years, Bollands, the (Rob and Ferdi), 168–9, the, 139 176, 182 Connell, John, 5, 7, 10, 22, 33, 37–9, Bolterauer, Alice, 171, 184 64, 81, 143–5, 167, 179, 184, 192, Boorman, John, 187 194, 204, 225, 242 Booth, Michael, 203–4 Cook, Guy, 133–4, 145 Bordwell, David, 152, 165 Cook, Nicholas, 239, 242 Bork, Horst, 168, 176, 184 Cookie Thumperr, 66 Born, Georgina, 29, 42, 123 Corba, Riblja, 94 Born of Fire, 239 Courreges, Andre, 154 Boym, Svetlana, 191, 204 Cox, Christophe, 110–13, 123 Bozza, Anthony, 231, 242 Craig, Carl, 118 Bracewell, Michael, 209, 222 Crang, Mike, 4–5, 22, 169, 184 Brandt Bauer Frick, 114–16 Crazy Horses, 221 Brest, Martin, 232 Crewes, Harry, 196 Brinkmann, Thomas, 110, 123 Crveno (‘Red’), 90 Britpop, 129, 142–3 Cukic, Dejan, 92 Brown, James, 46 Cumming, Naomi, 218, 222 Bruno, Anthony, 233 Cunningham, Stuart, 29, 42 Buck-Morss, Susan, 227, 242 Cutler, Anne, 214 Bull, Michael, 7, 21, 227, 242 Burns, Andrea, 232, 242 D’Angelo, Sandra, 13, 44, 55–6 Burns, Gary, 133, 139, 145 Data de Groove, 171–2 Burton, 29 Dawkins, Marcia, 226, 242 Byrds, the, 135 Davis, Hunter, 135–45 Davis, Todd, 133, 147 Calhoun, Craig, 101–2 Daynes, Sarah, 37, 42 Calic, Marie-Janine. 86, 102 Day Tripperr, 135 Cama de Piedra, 216 DBX, 119 Carl, Robert, 117 Debord, Guy, 170, 173, 182, 184 Carlos Machado (DJ Nazz), 54–5 de Certeau, Michel, 4–5, 22 Cave, Nick, 198 de Cinio, Florella, 225 Cenciarelli, Carlo, 117 De Clermont, Araminta, 70 Index 247 Decker, James, 141, 145 Einzelhaftt, 17, 172, 176 Deep South, 201 Electric Counterpointt, 114 Deep South Paranormal Research, 187 Elektricni orgazam, 92 Deleuze, Gilles, 2, 4, 22, 217, 222 EMI, 129–31, 138 Deliverance, 187 Eminem, 19–20, 73–5, 169, 225–6, Dennison, Stephanie, 48, 61 229–30 De Nora, Tia, 15, 22, 141, 145, 227, 242 End of a Love, the, 154 Devereux, Eoin, 207, 222 Enduring South, the, 187 Derrida, Jacques, 12 Engels, Friedrich, 4, 23 Detroit: City on the Move 232 English Heritage, 146 Detroit Symphony Orchestra, 113 Enter the Ninja, 66, 68, 71–2, 76 Detroit Techno City, 106 Ernst, Peter, 171–2, 184 Detroit the Blueprint of Techno, 111 Everett, Walter, 131, 146 Deutsche Grammophon, 120 Everything in Its Right Place, 116 Devereux, Eoin, 207 Die Antwoord, 13–14, 63–82 Fairley, Jan, 9–10, 22 Die Hard, 74 Falco (Johann Hölzel), 17, 185 Digital Detroit, 231 Falco 3, 17, 176, 181 Dillane, Aileen, 207, 222 Fatty Boom Boom, 66, 68, 71–4 District 9, 78 Felperin, Leslie, 203–4 Dixon, Terrence, 119 Fiedler, Matthias, 44, 53, 61 DJ Magda, 105 Filene, Benjamin, 194–196 DJ Marlboro, 45 Fink, Matt. 200, 204 Doknic, Branka, 87, 102 Fink, Robert, 112, 123 Dominatorr, the, 114 Finnegan, Ruth, 209, 222 Dordevic, Bora, 96, 102 Fisher, Jaimey, 234, 243 Dordevic, Branka, 87, 102 Fisher, Mark, 201, 204 Douglas, Andrew, 18, 188 Fiske, John, 209, 221, 222 Dowd, Johnny, 196–7 Fitch, William, 213, 222 Downey, John, 225, 243 Fitkin, Graham, 114 Downton Abbey, 228 Foley, Malcolm, 18, 23 Doyle, Peter, 59, 61 Forman, Miloš, 176 Dr. Dre, 229 Forman, Murray, 27, 42, 65–6, 81 Drift Study, 109 Foucault, Michel, 1–2, 5, 17, 22, Drowning by Numbers, 117 170–2, 175, 184 Dubey, Madhu, 188, 204 Frahme, Laura, 238, 243 Du Noyey, Paul, 142, 146 Fratres, 120 Duffy, Michelle, 21, 24 Free as a Bird, 139 du Preez, Amanda, 63, 69, 77, 80, 82 Freud, Sigmund, 71, 76, 81 Duricic, Dragoljub, 97 Freire, Lybni Silvia, 53, 61 Durkovic, Misa, 91, 102 Freston, Tom, 233, 243 Dylan, Bob, 133, 183, 195 Frew, Elspeth, 18, 22 Dyer, Richard, 17, 49–50, 61 Frith, Simon, 5–6, 8–9, 11–2, 15, 21–2, 36, 38, 42, 217, 221, 228 Eagleton, Terry, 12, 22 Frith, Jordan, 231, 243 Eco, Umberto, 19, 189, 204 FroDoDaGod, 237, 243 Edmond, Maura, 233, 243 From Me To You, 134 Eles, Cameron, 115, 123 Fukuyama, Francis, 3, 22 8 Mile, 239 Funk Brasil, 45 248 Index Gabriel, Juan, 215 Hertsgaard, Mark, 131, 146 Galster, George, 232, 243 Hesmondhalgh, David, 5, 23, 29, 42 Gangnam Style, 8–9, 212, 221 Hetherington, Kevin, 170 Gann, Kyle, 104–5, 123 Hewison, Robert, 138, 144, 146 Ganz Wien, 169 Hewett, Ivan, 118, 123 Gavrilovic, Ivan, 89 Highmore, Bem, 228, 243 Get Back, 221 Hinter uns die Sintflflutt, 172–4, 176, 182 Gibson, Chris, 5, 7, 10, 22, 33, 37–9, Hip-hop sublime, 229 64, 81, 143–5, 167, 179, 184, 192, Hoad, T. 103 194, 225 Hoch wie nie, 180 Gilbert, Jeremy, 216, 223 Hocu s tobom da duskam (‘I want to Gilbey, Ryan, 239, 243 dance with you’), 89 Gilroy, Paul, 12, 61 Hodgin, Nick, 18–9, 186 Gill, Andy, 191, 205 Hood, Robert, 109 Glass, Philip, 105–9, 120 Huber, Michael, 7, 23 Gledhill, Christine, 98–102 Human Resources, 113, 119 Goffmann, Erving, 191 Houston, John, 174 Golblatt, David, 70 Hutson. Cecil, 198, 205 Gonzalez, Eulalio, 215 Huq, Rupa, 73, 81–2, 142, 146 Goodman, Nelson, 20, 22 Goodman, Steve, 102 I Am the Walrus, 136 Goodwin, Andrew, 233, 243 I Am Fascinated by the City, 155 Gordy, Eric D., 7, 22, 90, 102 Icct Hedral, 116 Graham, Phil, 223 Ice Cube, 229 Graves, Steven, 6, 22, 229, 243 Igra roken rol cela Jugoslavija Gregory, Georgina, 18, 207 (‘The whole of Yugoslavia is Griffin, Larry, 186, 205 dancing to rock and roll music’), 93 Gronstad, Asbjorn, 201, 205 Ikaria, 110 Grossberg, Lawrence, 6, 22 In C’, 110 Grujicic, Nebojsa, 92, 102 In Re Don Giovanni, 117 Grup Kızılırmak, 13, 27–8, 30–1, 38–42 I Fink U Freeky, 66, 70–1, 79–80 Guattari, Felix, 2, 4, 22 Illmatic, 229 Guilbault, Jocelyne, 10, 22 Infante, Pedro, 215 Güney, Yilmaz, 35 Irish Blood, English Heartt, 214 Its Gonna Rain, 108–10 Hairdresser on Fire, 207 Ivackovic, Ivan, 87, 103, 92 Hall, Stuart, 12, 28, 42 I Want to Hold Your Hand, 133–4, 213 Hardt, Michael, 11, 23 Hargreaves, David, 213, 223 Ja volim svoju zemiju (‘I love my Hargreaves, Jon, 213, 223 country’) Harris, John, 142, 146 Jacka, Elizabeth, 29, 42 Harrison, George, 210 James, William R., 170, 184 Harvey, David, 4, 12, 23, 170, 184 Jameson, Fredric, 2–3, 5, 23 Haupt, Adam, 63, 74–8, 81 Jamrozik, Z˙ aneta, 19, 225 Hawkins, Stan, 21, 208 Järviluoma, Helmi, 58, 61 Hawtin, Richie, 109 Jeanny, 168 Hello Day, 152 Jeremija, 89 Helter Skelterr, 137 Jenkins, Gareth, 32, 42 Hesketh, Kenneth, 116 Jewesbury, Daniel, 170, 183–4 Index 249 Jigsaw Falling Into Pieces, 116 Lawrence, Alistair, 129, 146 Johansen, David, 198 Lawrence, Tim, 107, 123 Johansson, Ola, 5, 23, 27, 42 Lebas, Elizabeth, 238, 243 Joksimovic, Zeljko, 97 Lefebvre, Henri, 3–4, 19, 23 Jones, Rhys, 101–2 225–31, 243 Julien, Olivier, 131, 146 Leo Canhoto and Robertinho, 50 Junge Roemerr, 168, 174, 176, 180 Leonard, Marion, 210, 223 Jurkovic, Beti, 87 Lennon, John, 18, 23, 135 Levitt, Theodore, 211, 223 Kanon Pokajanen, 118 Lewisjohn, Mark, 129, 146 Karmo, Heldur, 152–3 Lim, Merlyna, 225 Keller, Florian, 231, 243 Lipsitz,
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