LAUREN A. COLBY KMJJ(AM) -1956: 1140 Khz; 10 Kw -D, 2.5 Kw -N, 301 -663 -1086 KMZO -FM -Not on Air, Target Date, Nov

LAUREN A. COLBY KMJJ(AM) -1956: 1140 Khz; 10 Kw -D, 2.5 Kw -N, 301 -663 -1086 KMZO -FM -Not on Air, Target Date, Nov

Abets. Format: C &W. Kermit Kath, pres; Larry Ray Gardner, pres & gen mgr; Elden Ramsey, coml Nebraska, Nevada Radio Russell, gen mgr; Wallace Bazyn, coml mgr; Dave mgr; Stuart Rider, news dir; D. Ray Gardner, chief engr. Dent, prog dir; John Hansen, chief engr. Rates: $8; 8; 8: 8. Wayne KLKO(FM) -Co -owned with KELK(AM). May 1982: 93.5 mhz; 3 kw. Ant minus 314 ft. Prog sep from AM. KCEP(FM) -1974: 88.1 mhz; 4.7 kw. Ant 120 ft. 900 KTCH(AM) -March 18, 1968: 1590 khz; 2.5 kw-D. Stereo. Format: Btfl mus. Joseph E. Hightower, opns W. Owens Ave. (89106). Operation Opportunities. DA -D. Box 484 (68787). (402) 375 -3700. KTCH Inc. mgr. Rates: 56; 6; 6; 6. (acq 6- 1 -78). Net: UPI. Rep: Walton, Soderlund. For- 7, w. 761 ft. KDWN(AM) -April 1975: 720 khz; 50 kw -D, 10 mat: MOR, C &W. Spec progs: Farm 12 hrs wkly. KRJC(FM)- Oct 1981: 95.3 mhz; 450 Ant Stereo. 1859 Manzanita Box 1626 (89801). (702) kw -N. DA -N. No. 1 Main St. (89101). (702) 385 -7212. Dean Craun, pres & gen mgr; Sandra Schulz, coml Radio Nevada. Net: APR. Rep: Blair. Format: MOR, mgr; Dan Baddorf, prog dir; Mark Baumert, news dir. 738 -9895. Holiday Bcstg of Elko. Group owner: Holi- day Bcstg of Salt Lake. Format: C &W. Spec prog: Farm news, talk. A.J. Williams, pres; C. Reis, gen mgr; D. Rates: $7.65; 5.90; 5.90; 3.25. Hubbard, coml mgr; Ken Stahl, opns mgr; M. Messina, 1/2 hr. I Ralph J. Carlson, pres; Randy Mathis, stn chief engr Rates: $15; 13.50; 15; 13.50. KTCH -FM -Oct 19, 1975: 104.9 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 mgr; Alan Hague, exec VP; Jeff Nelson, prog & news ft. Stereo. Dups AM 60%. Format: MOR, top-40. dir; Joseph Torsitano, chief engr Rates: $7; 7; 7; 7. KENO(AM) -1940: 1460 khz; 5 kw-D, 1 kw -N, DA -N. Rates same as AM. S. Blvd. (89103). (702) 876 -1460. Lotus Ely 4660 Decatur Communications Corp. (group owner; acq 6- 1 -65). KWSC(FM) -Oct 13 1971: 91.9 mhz; 320 w. Ant 96 Net: ABC /C. Rep: Lotus. Format: Oldies. Howard A. ft. Wayne State College (68787). (402) 375 -2200 KELY(AM) -July 8, 1950: 1230 khz; 250 w -SH. Box Kalmenson, pres; Nancy L. Reynolds, gen mgr; Bill Wayne State College. Format: Progressive. Spec prog: 600 (89301). (702) 289 -2077 & 3963. Hansen Corp. Alexander, prog dir; Gary Campbell, news dir; Mike Class 3 hrs, jazz 2 hrs wkly. Scot Sipes, gen mgr. Net: UPI. Format: Div. David I. Hansen, Ares & coml Worral, chief engr. Rates: S -; 23; -; -. mgr. Rates: $7.50; 7.50; 7.50; -. York KOMP(FM) -Co -owned with KENO(AM). Sept 1, Fallon 1966: 92.3 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 1520 ft. Prog sep from 1954: 1370 khz; w -D. KAWL(AM)- September 500 AM. Stereo. (acq 3 -77). Net: NBC Source. Format: Box 544 (68467). (402) Prairie States KVLV(AM) -May 9, 1957: 980 khz; 5 kw -D. 1155 362 -4433. AOR. Scott Jameson, prog dir. Rates: $30; -; Bcstg Co. Inc. (acq 7- 1 -81). Net: UPI, Neb. Bcstg. Rep: Gummow Drive (89406). (702) 423 -2243. Lahontan Walton, Soderlund. Format: C &W. Spec progs: Bargain Valley Bcstg Co. Format: C &W. Lester W. Pearce, counter 11 hrs, womens 15 hrs wkly. Robin L Rob- gen mgr & chief engr; Mike McGuinness, coml mgr; KFMS(FM) -Co -owned with KVEG(AM) Henderson. son, pres & sis mgr; Marcia Pozin Robson, gen & prom Katherine E. Pearce, prog dir; Lynn L. Pearce, news dir; March 22, 1963: 101.9 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 1110 ft. (CP: mrg; Douglas Scott Becher, prog & mus dir; Dan Deanna McGuinness, prom mgr. Rates: $5.85; 5.85; 1180 ft.). Stereo. Box 15223 (69114). (702) Staher, news dir; David Johnson, chief engr. Rates: 5.85; 5.85. 732 -7753. Gilday Bcstg Co. (acq 12- 1 -74). Broad- $10.35; 10.35; 9.65; 8.95. casts Associates Inc. Format: C &W. Steve Gold, KVLV -FM 1966: mhz; 2.9 kw. Ant 250 ft. -Nov 99.3 pres; Len Howard, gen mgr; Johnny Steel, mus dir; KAWL -FM 1970: 104.9 mhz; kw. Prog sep from AM. Format: rock, -Dec 20, 2.75 Ant Stereo. Contemp Gordon Alsum, chief engr; Doug Shane. prom mgr. 310 ft. Prog sep from AM. Stereo. Format: MOR. top -40. Rates: 3.30; 3.30; 3.30. $3.30; Rates: S26; 25; 26; 24. Rates: $7.60; 7.30; 6.70; 6.40. Henderson KLAV(AM) -June 1947: 1230 khz, Stereo. 1 kw -D. 250 w -N. 2770 S. Maryland Parkway (89109). (702) KILA(FM) -July 18, 1972: 95.5 mhz; 100 kw horiz. 732 -2555. Frontier Bcstrs Inc. (acq 12- 16 -76). Net: Nevada 61 kw vert. Ant 1120 ft. 2201 S. 6th St., Las Vegas MBS. Rep: Jack Masla. Format: Top -40. Alvin (89104). (702) 731 -5452. Faith Communications Korngold, pres; Jack Hayes, gen mgr; Lynn Seghetti, Corp. Format: Variety, religious. Jack G. French, pres off mgr; Kevin Barrett, prog dir; Pat O'Gara, chief engr. & gen mgr; Chris Staheli, prog dir; Mike Worrell, chief Rates: $25; 25; 25; 25. engr. LAUREN A. COLBY KMJJ(AM) -1956: 1140 khz; 10 kw -D, 2.5 kw -N, 301 -663 -1086 KMZO -FM -Not on air, target date, Nov. 28, 1982: DA -D. Box 14805 (89114). (702) 736 -8910. Western 100.4 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 1180 ft. Stereo. 1901 L St. Cities Bcstg (group owner; acq 9- 1 -70). Net: ABC /E. COMMUNICATIONS ATTORNEY N.W., Washington, D.C. (20036) (202) 293 -7400. Rep: McGavren Guild. Format: MOR. Keith A. Gerst, Pargo Bcstg Corp. Format: MOR. Stanley J. Karas, VP & gen mgr; Dave Van Stone, prog dir; Bob Berzins, Prompt Attention To All pres. mus dir; Joe McCarthy, news dir; Joe Sands, chief engr Rates: $18; 18; 18; 18. FCC Matters KVEO(AM) -1954: 1410 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -2. 1555 E. Flamingo Rd., Las Vegas (89109). (702) 732 -7753. KLUC(FM) -Co -owned with KMJJ(AM). 1956: 98.5 Battle Mountain Broadcast Assocs. (acq 8- 28 -72). Rep: Katz. Format: mhz, 25 kw. Ant 320 ft. (702) 739 -9383. Net ABC /C. C &W. Steve Gold, pres; Len Howard, gen mgr; Dick Format: Contemp. Randy Lundquist, mus dir; Murray KLME(FM) -1978: 88.1 mhz; 10 w. 550 E. Alten- Shayne, news dir; Doug Shane, prog dir; Jack Abell, Westgate, news dir. Rates: $21.50; 21.50; 21.50; burg (89820). Lander County School Systems. For- coral mgr; Johny Steele, mus dir & prom mgr; Gordon 21.50. mat: Div. Alsum, chief engr. Rates: $27; 25; 27; 25. KNPR(FM) -March 24, 1980: 89.5 mhz; 5 kw. Ant KVOV(AM) -May 1956: 1280 khz; kw -D. Boulder City 5 Box 400 1570 ft. Stereo. 5151 Boulder Hwy. (89122). (702) (89015). (702) 564 -2591. KVOV Inc. (acq 12 -76). Net: 456 -6695. Nevada Public Radio Corp. Net: NPR. For- KRRI -Not on air, target date unknown: 105.5 mhz; Sheridan. Rep: Lazar. Format: Black, Spanish. Joe mat: Class, jazz. Steve Morris, churn; Lamar 120 w. Ant. 1488. Stereo. Box 97 (89005). Ferraro & Newman, pres; Larry Warner, gen mgr; Ghino Barmore, Marchese, gen mgr; Bob Dambach, prog dir; Gale Ferraro. Arthur Ferraro, pres & gen mgr; Jodi prog dir; Tony Gallimore, mus dir. Rates: $8.50; 8.50; Gilbreath, chief engr. Crowfoot Ferraro, opns mgr & prog dir. 8.50; 8.50. KNUU(AM) -Feb 21, 1962: 970 khz; 5 kw -D, 500 w- KXTZ(FM)- .February 10, 1971: 94.1 mhz; 41 kw. Carson City Ant N, DA -2. 2001 E. Flamingo, Magna Executive Center. minus 119 ft. (CP: 100 kw. Ant 1,210 ft). Stereo. 307 (89109). (702) 735 -8644. Las Vegas Electronics Inc. Water St. (89015). (702) -2696. KKBC(FM)- Listing follows KPTL(AM). 564 Pennino Music (acq 1972). Net: CBS, MBS. Format: News, talk. Co. Rep: Groskin. Format: Btfl mus. Jeannette Joseph McMurray, pres & gen mgr; Russ Cole, prog KNIS(FM) -Nov 25, 1970: 94.7 mhz; 29.5 kw. Ant Banoczi, pres; Jack Banoczi, VP & gen mgr; Brian St. dir; Darrell Dreyer, news dir; Dan Peluso, chief engr. 2,150 ft. Stereo. 6363 Hwy 50 E. (89701). (702) Peters, cam! mgr; Bill Oaks, stn mgr; Gordon Alsum, Rates: $12.50; 10.50; 11.50; 10.50. 883 -5647. Western Inspirational Bcstrs. Format: Con - chief engr. temp Christián. Ray Koon. pres; Tom Hesse gen KORK(AM) -June 1953: 920 khz; 5 kw -D, 500 w -N, mgr; Craig Miller, mus dir; Charles Schreiber, chief Incline Village DA -2. Box 42129, 1950 Sandhi!! Road (89104). (702) engr. 457 -5511. Southwestern Bcstg Co. (acq 7- 15 -55). KLKT(FM) -Not on air, target date unknown: 93.5 Group owner: Donrey Media Group. Net: ABC /I. For- KPTL(AM) -May 14, 1955: 1300 khz; 5kw -D, 500 w- mhz. North Lake Tahoe Bcstg Co. mat: MOR. Donald W. Reynolds, pres; Gene Spray, N. DA -N. 1937 N. Carson St. (89701). (702) 882 -1319. gen mgr; Jack London, opns mgr; Richard Urey, news Woodward Communications Inc. (group owner; acq Las Vegas dir; Bryant Smith, chief engr. 10-1-82). Net: UPI, RKO. Rep: Christal. Format: MOR. Jerry Schafer, gen mgr; Bill Stathes, coml mgr; Greg KORK -FM -Nov 29, 1961: 97.1 mhz; 50 kw. Ant Pellant, prog & mus dir; Adrienne Abbott, news dir; La- 1950 ft. Stereo. (CP: 1936 ft.). Prog sep from AM. rry Vosper, chief engr. Stereo. Format: Btfl mus. Radio /TV Brokers specializing in with KPTL(AM).

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