On Some Applications of Group Representation Theory to Algebraic Problems Related to the Congruence Principle for Equivariant Maps Zalman Balanov∗1, Mikhail Muzychuk†2, and Hao-pin Wu‡1 1Department of Mathematical Sciences, the University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, Texas, USA 75080-3021 2Department of Computer Science and Mathematics, Netanya Academic College, Netanya, Israel 4223587 Abstract Given a finite group G and two unitary G-representations V and W , possible restrictions on Brouwer degrees of equivariant maps between representation spheres S(V ) and S(W ) are usually expressed in a form of congruences modulo the greatest common divisor of lengths of orbits in S(V ) (denoted α(V )). Effective applications of these congruences is limited by answers to the following questions: (i) under which conditions, is α(V ) > 1? and (ii) does there exist an equivariant map with the degree easy to calculate? In the present paper, we address both questions. We show that α(V ) > 1 for each irreducible non-trivial C[G]-module if and only if G is solvable. For non-solvable groups, we use 2-transitive actions to construct complex representations with non-trivial α-characteristic. Regarding the second question, we suggest a class of Norton algebras without 2-nilpotents giving rise to equivariant quadratic maps, which admit an explicit formula for the Brouwer degree. 1 Introduction arXiv:1706.02756v1 [math.RT] 8 Jun 2017 1.1 Topological motivation The methods based on the usage of Brouwer degree and its infinite dimensional general- izations are unavoidable in many mathematical areas which, at first glance, have nothing ∗[email protected] †[email protected] ‡[email protected] 2010 AMS Mathematics Subject Classification: 15A69, 20B20, 20C15, 20D20, 55M25 Key Words: Brouwer degree, equivariant map, ordinary representations of finite groups, solvable groups, doubly transtive groups, Norton algebras Acknowledgement. The authors are thankful to A. Kushkuley for useful discussions. The first and third authors acknowledge the support from National Science Foundation through grant DMS-1413223. The second author acknowledge the support from Israeli Ministry of Absorption. 1 in common: (i) qualitative investigation of differential and integral equations arising in mathematical physics (existence, uniqueness, stability, bifurcation of solutions (see [28, 33, 15])), (ii) combinatorics (equipartition of mass (see [6, 37])), geometry (harmonic maps between surfaces (see [17, 24])), to mention a few. In short, given a continuous map Φ: M → N of manifolds of the same dimension, the Brouwer degree deg(Φ) is an integer which can be considered as an algebraic count of solutions to equation Φ(x) = y for a given y ∈ N (for continuous functions from R to R, the Brouwer degree theory can be traced to Bolzano-Cauchy Intermediate Value Theorem). In general, practical computation of the Brouwer degree is a problem of formidable complexity. However, if Φ respects some group symmetries of M and N (expressed in terms of the so-called equivariance, see Section 2.1), then the computation of deg(Φ) lies in the interplay between topology and group representation theory. Essentially, symme- tries lead to restrictions on possible values of the degree. These restrictions (typically formulated in a form of congruencies) have been studied by many authors using different techniques (see, for example, [27, 29, 22, 7, 5, 2, 36, 26, 14, 31] and references therein (see also the survey [35])). The following statement (which is a particular case of the so-called congruence principle established in [29], Theorems 2.1 and 3.1) is the starting point for our discussion. Congruence principle: Let M be a compact, connected, oriented, smooth n-dimensional manifold on which a finite group G acts smoothly, and let W be an orthogonal (n + 1)- dimensional G-representation. Denote by α(M) the greatest common divisor of lengths of G-orbits occurring in M. Assume that there exists an equivariant map Φ: M → W \{0}. Then, for any equivariant map Ψ: M → W \{0}, one has deg(Ψ) ≡ deg(Φ) (mod α(M)). (1) Clearly, the congruence principle contains a non-trivial information only if α(M) > 1 (for example, if a non-trivial group G acts freely on M, then α(M) = |G| > 1). Also, the congruence principle can be effectively applied only if there exists a “canonical” equivariant map Φ : M → W \{0} with deg(Φ) easy to calculate (for example, if M coincides (as a G-space) with the unit sphere S(W ) in W , then one can take Φ := Id, in which case, for any equivariant map Ψ : S(W ) → W \{0}), one has: deg(Ψ) ≡ deg(Id) = 1 (mod α(S(W ))); in particular, deg(Ψ) 6= 0 provided α(S(W )) > 1). This way, we arrive at the following two problems: Problem A. Under which conditions on M, is α(M) greater than 1? Problem B. Under which conditions on M and W , does there exist an equivariant map Φ: M → W \{0} with deg(Φ) easy to calculate? Assume, in addition, that V is an orthogonal G-representation and M = S(V ) (recall that S(V ) is called a G-representation sphere). Then: (i) Problem A can be traced to the classical result of J. Wolf [38] on classification of finite groups acting freely on a finite- dimensional sphere, (ii) both Problems A and B are intimately related to a classification of G-representations up to a certain (non-linear) equivalence (see [2, 36, 1, 30]). A study of numerical properties of orbit lengths of finite linear groups has a long history and can be traced back to H. Zassenhaus [37]. A special attention was paid to studying regular orbits, orbits of coprime lengths, etc., in the case of the ground field of positive characteristic (see [18] for a comprehensive account about the current research 2 in this area). To the best of our knowledge, the case of zero characteristic was not as well studied as the one of positive characteristic. It seems that the invariant introduced in our paper (the α-characteristic of a linear representation) has not been studied in detail before. The goal of this paper is to develop some algebraic techniques allowing one to study Problems A and B for finite solvable and 2-transitive groups. We are focused on the situation when V and W are complex unitary G-representations of the same dimension and M = S(V ) is a G-representation sphere (in this case, we set α(V )= α(S(V )) and call it α-characteristic of V ). However, some of our results (see Corollary 7.3) are formulated for equivariant maps of G-manifolds. 1.2 Main results and overview (A) If V and U are (complex unitary) G-representations, then α(U⊕V ) = gcd {α(U), α(V )}. This simple observation suggests to study Problem A first for S(V ), where V is an irre- ducible representation. By combining the main result from [25] with several group the- oretical arguments, we obtain the following result: G is solvable if and only if α(V ) > 1 for any non-trivial irreducible G-representation (see Theorem 3.8). Among many known characterizations of the class of (finite) solvable groups, we would like to refer to The- orem 3.7 from [5] (where a concept of admissible representations is used) as the result close in spirit to ours. Also, if G is nilpotent, we show that for any non-trivial irre- ducible G-representation, there exists an orbit G(x) in S(V ) such that |G/Gx| = α(V ) (see Proposition 3.19). On the other hand, we discovered that a sporadic group (the Janko Group J1 (see [23])) satisfies the following property: all irreducible J1-representations have the α-characteristic equals 1 (recall that J1 is of order 175560 and admits 15 irreducible representations). With these results in hand, we arrived at the following question: Given a (finite) non-solvable group G different from J1, does there exist an easy way to point out an irreducible G- representation V with α(V ) > 1? In this paper, we focus on the following setting: Given H < G, take the G-action on G/H by left translations and denote by V the augmentation submodule of the associated permutation G-representation C ⊕ V . It turns out that α(V ) > 1 if and only if |G/H| = qk, where q is a prime (see Lemma 4.4). Combining this observation with the classification of 2-transitive groups (see [10], for example) allows us to completely describe faithful augmented modules V associated with 2-transitive group G-actions on G/H such that α(V ) > 1 (see Theorem 4.3). Finally, it is possible to show that if H E G, V is an H-representation and W is a G-representation induced from V , then, α(V ) divides α(W ). This observation suggests the following question: under which conditions, does α(V ) = 1 imply α(W ) = 1? We answer this question affirmatively assuming that V is irreducible and G/H is solvable (see Proposition 5.5). (B) In general, Problem B is a subject of the equivariant obstruction theory (see [36, 5] and references therein) and is far away from being settled even in relatively simple cases. On the other hand, if W is a subrepresentation of the m-th symmetric power of V , then one can look for a required map in the form of a G-equivariant m-homogeneous map Φ: S(V ) → W \{0}, in which case deg(Φ) = mn. In particular case when m = 2, 3 Problem B reduces to the existence of a commutative (in general, non-associative) bilin- ear multiplication ∗ : V × V → V ⊂ Sym2(V ) satisfying two properties: (i) ∗ commutes with the G-actions, and (ii) the complex algebra (V, ∗) is free from 2-nilpotents.
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