Mustang Daly Volum« 39 Numb«r S3 California Polytechnic Sfata Unlv«r»lty, San Lui« Obispo Friday, April 11, 1973 Connally SAC pushes acquitted for new rep ■». of charges # j ¡ ; < k WASHINGTON (HIM) - A by PETE KING letletul jury au|ul(trri former (k»v. Edmund G. Brown's mudi publicized fondness Ini siudrni Treasury Secretary John H. Con- involvement ui all levrls nl education has lilinrit down in iliii nally late Thursday of t hargrs he univrisity. • s " itNik a 110,000 liritrr for helping to The Situimi Affairs ( dirndl Wednesday iiikIii derided In push Ini irenuade Preiidrnt Nixon to raise (he renewal nl siudeni lepiesenialinn nil the I'eisnnnel Review price supports for raw milk. (Ammiileenl ihe Academic Señale._________ Ctronally, who had brrn H u s inuimiiUT look» into rniiiruversial latiiliy In him- hiring and icudiiig a Hihlr while the jury {hr like. In a sense, il is a review Itnaid Ini lar nliy in diier 11 ampluinis ■ deliberated six hours and 43 w hen they la lieve ilieii depai imeni ni srhnni has made an imptn|rer minutes, sal mm tun less as the peisnnnel densinn. jury (oirman »mod and said in a h is nnl> advisory, and has nn legal weight, an ordina to a talm vnitr: "We find the tirfrn- Ik A s|Mikesinan limn Ihe Arademii Senate nil ire here. h CflrA dam tint guilty." I line had lient si ut leni lepiesenlalives in this «loup until 1071. Al Connally'» wife Nellie maided dial lime a levisinn in Tille Vieniti vert the student representatives. Ihe het head and whispered; "Oh, levisinn lead M ' thunk you." "Only memlM'isnl die lat idly wlinare tenured, and iiiihdeparimeni Cnnnully, a former Texas t hail men and luadeinit ailmiriisirainis...inay (wriiripaieatany level nl : governor and once touted as a itiiisirieialinn in the deliberation m vote cm lernmmeiidaiiniis relating m presidential candidate, was one of iti apiMiiniinenl, retention, tenure ni pi ninni inn nl fatuity." only a handful erf persons ur be ASI VUe-l'ies. Mike lluiladn freed of charges among the more mm slut etl a iesulili itili that asked than 30 unused of Watergate* SAC Iti letpiesi Gov, Blown and trialed crimes. die Iruslees nl die Calilninia Hurtado seeks Connally had been mi trial on Siale I'niveisiiv and Colleges two munis of allegedly atrrpiing system m convitici level siila dial ASI presidency !• . - U ' -k>. • two payments of 93,000 rath in l ille Vt hanae, cash in milk-prtidutrr funds for Rep Mall I a ardui I nl die for next year pi I I is S C O T I HARRISON his help as a member of Nixon's SiJ iiniI ni Aki it ninne . anti Mlk« Hurtado, A ll vle«*pr««ld«nt. (isbinei in raising tire federal Naturai Restitutes, was the truly, ASI Vice Piesideni Mike Hun pm r supiNin fur dairymen, repiesenlative itrvnie nn. iatl<> announced lliursttay lie is The jury iurrmao, lire only I le said he wanted in wail until seeking ihenlliteul ASI Picsitleiu while man mi die unnel,, ASI allniuey Mithael Devili Ini nest year, Symphonic band pruimuncrd die vrrdiit of "nut reviewed die mailer. London fell Hurtado said he would lie tun* goiliy" on each touiii, dial if Deviti tifi itlttl ihe lemtival tuna nil a lit kei w ith Roland Hill, "We're happy," Connally told nl siudenis (inni the |H'isnnnel one of thiee vlte-presideniialtan* to play on Sunday newsmen after ihe verdict, "I sup* thdaies, Hill tuiieiilly is student review tiiminiltee was illegal, ¡Mise we nrvrt felt like there mold SAC shnultl endnise a restii ill ini I dim ini nl legal Aide here. I Ite settimi toni eri ni die Santa ShiMiaknvith. rxirrpi* from Malia Svmplmtiy'i 1973 seasnn In* uny nun unit* bui this. Hut they with "mure line in it." Two nlhei male siudenis here made us worry abmii li Im some also announced then tandid.iiy vsili Im | minimeli hy (rii Pnly'i Mahlei '* "Symphnny Nn, 3," Res I lui latlt >'s i esulili inn also asked Min hell's 'Imindut lion and lime this afternoon." ASI President St nit finikin, as Ini die |Misilinn nl ASI vice* witltlv utihiiined Symplmnit Cmmally was asked if he would Rami Un iniui'il, Iruluiing Fantasia," "Pitturesaian Exlubi* tintinnali nl the CSC (IS piesideni Ini the MI7.V7li ir*rinj*i political lilr."l won't works Ini hl' niiiioim unt 'iiiiali aliti Ameni an lion'' by Moutsnrgsky, and PirsitienTs Association, in Inina atatlemlt yeai Wednesday inalii think about il fur some time but I at the Stmlent Affairs Cnnmil 11 un i Misers,•l», willw ili iN'gtnaiIm-« Hp.nt.nn Charles Ives' "March: Omega the mallei lief me the h settime Suittlay, Apiil 20, in thè Perini- ImjM* I nrvrt lose a desire ui hr (omini life n| the Cal Poly inerting lambda Chi." invulvrd in |M*liii«*al afiairs. Hut Phil Bishop anil I tin Hayes utili« Al ls (etnei al Aliali Han- lit what way, I don't know " Aiademii Sellale and ask it "to 11m k ( nllrgr. inventi«,ur die |Missduliiy nl mill SAC they wouldinm|M'le ini Atimissioii in die cnnteri will After the vertflt i was read, Cmt* assui ina a student repiesenlative the veep | misl. I lie viir-presitlffll William V, Jnluisnii.iomini mi In' by Saniu Mai la Symphnny nally » lawyer, Fafward Hrnnrii in iniisultaiive pintfdurr» in also serves as than man nl SAC| nl die ( ini Pois nisemlife, un* season litkels nt Iry single rveni Williams, hugged and kissed Mrs. atademn anil pentUMl mauri»." Itishnp Isa businessmajni Itnm imunted die pinguini Ini die | m*i * lit keis, whit h will Im* available ai (oonally aiul then hugged his Santa Cut/. Hayes Is a SAC tep die In i m office. Pi ices Ini ihrse Hie ir a st mina ImTiìihI die Ism Inimanir veliteli w ili mi Inde die client. this yeai limn the Sthnnl Ilf lit keis will Im* 32 30 fnt atlulls and (continued on page 3) htgmcriin« anti lethnnlnav " Pisi I ve Ove im i e Iry II Ini siudenis. Mis. (imnally was calm and said. "Now, rvrrylMxly knows Black educator speaks whai we know."• Organ concert unites spirituals Calls history selective with classics In i mnmrmmaiion of tire 20rtth Amerita's publit sthtNils bave ai k no w led gè in e n t , salti \» Ini listing. Washington kals. Ils mi lei litáis aie li ai«nvei ■ aiiniveimry of die Ride of Paul tanghi siudentsin thè traili tinti nl Washington, has imi dy Invìi tetti* teniasi il "litiidisllv biased and tini Keveie ami William Duwrt, an selettive histmy, utiouliug m a h a nsi w uh lefcilMMikswhii It limit tilt lesidis au tlisiileillv laasetl All lesis aie t idilli,illv laasetl uigan tonteri will hr piesenied b given Itele yesienlav Iry ni omit i mill tirili bills hv We lini sireeiimg ili vit es In sav /tallii all alt uniteli hv wliilrsl " Sundas Apid 20 ai 4 p.m. Iry mie n| (nlilniuin's mp lrl.it k ttuiHaiiles, w Ilo aie ila «otiti k als ai al the hail SS ashiM«ion < al lisi Ini .III Drlbeil Veiieiable, edili alias "Inali'si liisimy—in «n away Mi. Venerable, assistant Di. keimeih S WashuiKlntt, Inali lite st lei live liisimv llial was ^'piufc»»oi nl t hemistry aiiidPnly, assi, suiM'iinteltdent nl pnlilii in* Iaii«l11 in ila pillila sehunls." cv 111 hold l hr i mu ei I at I fie (' n i ted strili limi, miti ,m audieme in die V 11usui Ini die I ns Allgries Metlintlist Chtirtli, 1313 (al Pnly 1 beane ibis selettive (miimutiiiv ( ^ >1 li «i Disimi, Frtileriiks Avenue, San Cuis hisimy has brrn in theatlvaniage Maslun«nai ilaniusl Irl.aks (as ()ln»|m. Ihr piugiam will in* «>l thè whiies ni Ameiita—and in ila siii«Ii lai «est uuiaailv «loop t halt wmk» hy DehtiMy, Ftantk •ne iteti imeni n| uh nitidi III die lialinill bave li,al In li«lil aittl Hayib-ii. ininotillrt. Ini t«ViaIII Ii«liisllial ali unta n Some liatlidmial piece* will hr in Ini w lillfs " . At'imdiiig io Wasfiinginn: INStoriiieil »nth a* "Deep River", lite tslnialtM sani ibis dis.nl* "I he Red, While ami Ulur", Me tlniyi t.ilk .iImiiiI thè uglv saula«« ls die leasnn Ini siali "lilt Kallle I Iv run of the tm Ameni un Insauvl, we ptnjitls as allumarne ut Unii. Republic" ami "Oh Freedom," mtlv talk ìiImiiii i he ni Ilei illlug»-** Aliliuugh inany uhites dami a Vcneiahle will play hi» erwn Im* •aiti we ilo ibis fseleiuvel\." Ile lev else kmil ni mi ism w uh alili* irmvistf tioh bated (in {Mainisi m lesiIsNiks ami lesiin« maiive ai limi, Wasbingmn sani Imiglelluw'k jMN'tii, "Ih r Mid* m ila pillili, M hi»ils as die pi uni any s|M'tial animi was iimlrtl it|«||i Rule nl Paul Keveir". •iilpnis n| sIihIh ìii« ni Kit il j | it’s Washington del n alesi die Ihe piugiam 1» »|N)ii»nieil by Cdiloini.i's semini highesi* s|Nsial alleluimi In moie Irl.aks ihe Cniiarign I'nivmaliat ¡'•"kilt« edili alni sani. " Ameni a III llllivetsilles Iniitakeopini pasl I t'lluwkhip nl Sail I ail* Oiu»pn !w* òi'vi'i sani dialisi thè htamn piai lite* ni keeping lliem mi) m ( nuiiiy ui w hit h Ml Vem'iahle 1» "'K • ri .iiisImmIs iinn-vvlille," Ita '..piloni hy SCOI I HARRISON (rolli Intieri un page 2) vnepn*ic|eiii ' "alitai,d 1 ir 11 MS Ibis lai k ni 6ÆT Y 6 W Ç .
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