Administration of William J. Clinton, 2000 / Dec. 12 economic opportunity in Ireland and the out- third time I did that, to put it charitably, I reach and impact you’re having beyond the bor- thought I had lost my mind. [Laughter] But ders of your nation, is also a part of the peace I can tell you that every effort has been an process, because you have shown the benefits honor. I believe America has in some tiny way of an open, competitive, peaceful society. repaid this nation and its people for the massive And nobody wants to go back to the Troubles. gifts of your people you have given to us over There are a few hills we still have to climb, so many years, going back to our beginnings. and we’ll figure out how to do that, and I hope I hope that is true. that our trip here is of some help toward that For me, one of the things I will most cherish end. But as long as the people here, as free about the 8 years the American people were citizens of this great democracy, and as long good enough to let me serve as President is as their allies and friends in the North increas- that I had a chance to put America on the ingly follow the same path of creating opportuni- side of peace and dignity and equality and op- ties that bring people together instead of argu- portunity for all the people in both communities ments that drive people apart, then the political in Northern Ireland, and for a reconciliation be- systems will follow the people. tween the North and the Republic. I don’t know So it is very important that all of you recog- how I happen to have such good fortune, and nize that whatever you do, whether you’re in even though it gave me a few more gray hairs, politics or not, if you are contributing to the I’m still grateful that I did. present vitality of this great nation, you are help- Good luck. Stay with it, and God bless you. ing to make the peace hold. And for that, I am very grateful. NOTE: The President spoke at 2 p.m. in the Arrol Let me just say in closing, when I started Suite at the Guinness Storehouse. In his remarks, my involvement with the Irish peace process, he referred to Celia Larkin, who accompanied to put it charitably, half the political experts Prime Minister Ahern; and Prime Minister Tony in my country thought I had lost my mind. Blair of the United Kingdom. The transcript re- [Laughter] In some of the all-night sessions I leased by the Office of the Press Secretary also had making phone calls back and forth over included the remarks of Prime Minister Bertie here through the whole night, after about the Ahern. Statement on the Ethiopia-Eritrea Final Peace Agreement December 12, 2000 I congratulate the leaders of Ethiopia and Eri- two allies and friends embroiled in a tragic con- trea for the final peace agreement signed today flict. I look forward to resuming our strong co- in Algiers. My relief and happiness on this occa- operation with Ethiopia and Eritrea across the sion mirrors the sadness I felt when I witnessed spectrum of bilateral issues. Remarks to the Community in Dundalk, Ireland December 12, 2000 Thank you very much. First let me thank easy for someone who makes a living in private the Taoiseach, Bertie Ahern, for his leadership business to stand up and give a speech before and his friendship and his kind and generous a crowd this large. If you look all the way back words tonight. there, there’s a vast crowd. You can’t see it Mr. O’Hanrahan, thank you so much for the in the dark, but all the way back here there gift and your words. Joan McGuinness—it’s not are just as many people. So I think we ought 2687 VerDate 11-MAY-2000 12:36 Dec 05, 2002 Jkt 188968 PO 00000 Frm 00523 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 E:\HR\OC\188968.009 pfrm12 PsN: 188968 Dec. 12 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 2000 to give Joan McGuinness another hand for the States, with Irish technology firms in Boston, speech she gave here. [Applause] New York, and Atlanta. I thank the Government ministers, the Mem- And I want to note, because we’re here in bers of the Congress, and other Americans who County Louth, that the man famous for the are here. I’d like to thank the musicians who ideas behind this prosperity grew up just a short came out to play for us tonight and those who distance from here, in Drogheda—or Drogheda. still will. You know, I like music, and so I have [Laughter] Anybody here from Drogheda? [Ap- to say it may be cold and dark, but I’m back plause] I told them to put you in the front in Ireland, so, in the words of U2, ‘‘It’s a beau- row. [Laughter] tiful day.’’ Listen to this: In a major report in the late And I am particularly glad to be here in Dun- 1950’s, T.K. Whittaker wrote, ‘‘Sooner or later, dalk, the ancient home of Cuchulain. I want protectionism will have to go and the challenge to acknowledge some natives of Dundalk who of free trade accepted, if Ireland wishes to keep are among our group here—the Taoiseach’s pace with the rest of Europe.’’ Well, over the spokesman, Joe Lennon; the White House cor- last 6 years, Ireland has outpaced the rest of respondent for the Irish Times, Joe Carroll; a Europe. Indeed, you have turned deficit to sur- member of our American Embassy team in plus, slashed debt, seen employment grow 4 Dublin, Eva Burkury, who has been taking late- times the rate of Europe, and seen your econ- night calls from us all week to make sure we omy grow faster than any other nation in the do the right things in her hometown. entire industrialized world. Let me also say that for Hillary, Chelsea, and Earlier this year, as the Taoiseach said today, me, it’s great to be in the home town of the Ireland was selected by our distinguished Massa- Corrs. Now, we had the privilege of being with chusetts Institute of Technology as the Euro- them and hearing them sing in Washington just pean location for its media-lab research center. Sunday night. They did you proud. I understand The director said he did this because—I love their success has been great for your commu- this—because of Ireland’s antiestablishment atti- nity, except that in this tight labor market, you tude to innovation. [Laughter] The Wall Street haven’t been able to replace them down at Journal says, Ireland enjoys one of the freest McManus’ Pub. economies in the world and one of the most In a few weeks, I’ll have a little free time. responsive governments. [Laughter] You know, I feel at home here. And With the strong leadership of Prime Minister so, even though I can’t claim to have a granny Ahern and the Government, computer science buried in Castletown, I hope you won’t call me graduates in Ireland have jumped fourfold in a blow-in. In America, over 40 million of us just the last 4 years. Now Microsoft, Intel, claim Irish roots, and the number keeps going Nortel, IBM, Oracle, Lotus, Xerox, and Heinz up every year. I’m not sure whether that’s be- and so many others are in Ireland. And Ireland cause so many millions are green with Irish an- has now displaced the United States as the num- cestry or just green with envy of Ireland. ber one software exporting country in the entire There are so many reasons to admire Ireland: world. But you enjoyed respect in the world the beauty of the land, the people, the music, long before this boom because Ireland has been the dance, the movies, the golf—[laughter]— exporting compassion a lot longer than software. the literature. You know, according—Americans Probably the saints in heaven don’t spend too in the audience will understand this—according much time boasting of their achievements. But to the latest manual count—[laughter]—you if they do, I suspect the saints can bear no have won approximately 66 times the number more bragging from Saint Patrick, for no nation of Nobel Prizes in literature you would be enti- has ever lived up more fully to the virtues of tled to, based on your percentage of the world its patron saint than Ireland. population. In so many ways, you have had an Some years ago, when your then President, impact far beyond your numbers, especially in Mary Robinson, paid a visit to America, she your worldwide reputation for compassion and told of a kindness Ireland received and never taking on humanitarian causes. forgot. During the Potato Famine, the Choctaw And then there is your amazing Irish econ- Indians in the United States, who, themselves, omy. Today, we’re seeing your economy reach- were very poor and displaced from their own ing out across the ocean to us in the United land, collected from among themselves $147 and 2688 VerDate 11-MAY-2000 12:36 Dec 05, 2002 Jkt 188968 PO 00000 Frm 00524 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 E:\HR\OC\188968.009 pfrm12 PsN: 188968 Administration of William J. Clinton, 2000 / Dec.
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