ALICE WALKER: REBEL WITH A PAUSE • FIGHTING FOR HABEAS CORPUS NOVEMBER 2006 BEYONCÉ’S BOOTYFUL BIRTHDAY HOW A LITTLE ECON IS A DANGEROUS THING A POEM BY KURT VONNEGUT THE UNTOLD STORY OF TASER- RELATED DEATHS SILJA J.A. TALVI INVESTIGATES NOVEMBER 0 0 6 IN THESE T I MES contents VOLUME 30 - NUMBER 11 FROntLINE 8 E THNIC C LEAN S ING IN RU ss IA Putin fans the flames of xenophobia BY FRED WEIR AL S O : –Barricade nights in Oaxaca –Wire transfers confiscated in 26 41 Arizona –Why the DoJ is suing the states –Lawyers fight to save habeas corpus 12 APPALL-O-METE R BY DAVE MULCAHEY VIEWS 15 T H E THI R D COA S T Farrakhan steps back BY SALIM MUWAKKIL 20 9 16 BAC K TALK Something’s rotten in the United States BY SUSAN J. DOUGLAS FEATURES 17 D R OPPIN’ A DIME Why should blacks support the Democratic Party? 20 STUNNING REVELATIONS BY LAURA S. WASHINGTON The untold story of Taser-related deaths BY SiLJA J.A. TALVI 18 T HE FI rs T STONE “Strong to the finish, cuz I WHAT WE LEARN eat’s me E. coli.” 26 BY JOEL BLEIFUss WHEN WE LEARN ECONOMICS Why Econ 101 can be a dangerous thing BY CHRISTOPHER HAYES CULTURE 38 T HE P OW E r O f M EAN SEMPEr FI: THE wAY TO wIN 33 Our twisted relationship Lane Evans’ career in Congress provides with authority progressives with a lasting lesson BY LAKSHMI CHAUDHRY BY DAVid MOBERG AL S O : –Beyoncé’s bootyful B’day 36 WITNEssING EXTRAORDINARY RENDITION –Women and their boxes Gillian Caldwell discusses the new film, Outlawed. –Blumenthal’s first draft of history BY AARON SARVER 45 H E A LT H & SCIENCE Why Big Pharma isn’t stopping the pharmafakes BY TERRY J. ALLEN REQUIEM 48 A LL P R AI S E s TO THE PAU S E A POEM BY KURt VONNEGUT The importance of taking a moment BY ALICE WALKER PAGE 19 IN THESE T I MES NOVEMBER 0 0 6 editorial “With liberty and justice for all...” A Nation Is Not a Plate FouNdiNG EditoR AND PublisHER James Weinstein (1926-2005) ack in April 2004, when the po- made more conducive to reality, by add- EditoR Joel Bleifuss litical breeze was blowing right- ing some imaginative nuances. EXecutiVE EditoR Jessica Clark ward, kite-cum-journalist Bob Many analysts have suggested that Associate EditoRs Phoebe Connelly, Brian Cook B EditoR-at-LARge Sheryl Larson Woodward gave readers of his then-new the United States’ actions in Iraq have SENioR EditoRs Craig Aaron, Terry J. Allen, Patricia book, Plan of Attack, an “inside” account been incredibly incompetent, akin to Aufderheide, Lakshmi Chaudhry, Susan J. Douglas, of the Bush administration during the a man who walks into Pottery Barn, Christopher Hayes, David Moberg, Dave Mulcahey, lead-up to the invasion of Iraq. Among breaks something but hopes to pay for Salim Muwakkil, David Sirota, Silja J.A. Talvi, Kurt Vonnegut, Laura S. Washington its treasure trove of conventional wis- it. However, on his way to the cashier, he CONTRibutiNG EditoRs Dean Baker, Frida Berrigan, dom nuggets, the most alluring to the bumps into a shelf, sending an array of Will Boisvert, Phyllis Eckhaus, Barbara Ehrenreich, mainstream press was Woodward’s dis- earthenware plates and mugs crashing Annette Fuentes, Juan Gonzalez, Miles Harvey, Paul Hockenos, George Hodak, Doug Ireland, Hans cussion of the “Pottery Barn Rule.” to the ground. Apologizing profusely, he Johnson, Naomi Klein, John Nichols, James North, As reported by Woodward, Colin then backs into another shelf, toppling James Parker, Kim Phillips-Fein, Jehangir Pocha, Powell evoked the rule when explain- it over and creating another mess. At Fred Weir, Adam Werbach, Slavoj Žižek PRoofReadeRs Alan Kimmel, Brian O’Grady, Emily ing to President Bush the consequences this point, the fed-up employees simply Udell, Norman Wishner of invading Iraq. “You are going to be look at the man and tell him to go, now, INteRNs Nick Burt, Brandon Forbes, Chelsea Ross, the proud owner of 25 million people,” before he breaks anything else. (And in Joshua Steward Powell told him. And according to the fact, according to a September poll by ART DIRectoR Rachel Jefferson dictates of the rule, first coined by New the U.S. State Department, 65 percent of IllustRatoR Terry LaBan York Times columnist Thomas Friedman Iraqis favor an immediate withdrawal of web DIRectoR Seamus Holman in 2003, if you break Iraq, you own it. U.S. forces.) PublisHER Tracy Van Slyke Despite the rule’s august centrist ori- Unfortunately, this analogy too fails, Associate PublisHER Aaron Sarver gins, one could plausibly argue that the in that it absolves the United States of AssistaNT PublisHER Anna Grace Schneider analogy is utterly inane, the kind of sim- the responsibility for its actions, which CIRculatioN DIRectoR Peter Hoyt ulacrum of analysis offered up by a cul- have been not only incompetent, but ADVERtisiNG AND MARketiNG CooRdiNatoR Erin Polgreen ture whose social imagination is limited criminal. By torturing Iraqi prisoners, PUblisHING INteRNs Jesse Evans, Mary McKane, to the confines of a television screen. Its indiscriminately using banned chemi- Kelly Ragusa, Kamardip Singh aim is not to provoke thinking, but stop cal weapons like white phosphorus and, IN THese Times PublisHING CONsoRtium it, as even the gentlest critical prodding indeed, breaching the U.N. Charter by Grant Abert, Theresa Alt, Aris Anagnos, Stuart makes the whole thing fall to shambles. invading in the first place, the United Anderson, Collier Hands, Polly Howells and Eric Werthman, Nancy Kricorian and James Schamus, For starters, there’s the mundane States has behaved more like a disgrun- Lisa Lee, Chris Lloyd, Edith Helen Monsees, Dave point that Pottery Barn has no such tled ex-employee with a grievance, who Rathke, Abby Rockefeller and Lee Halprin, Perry policy. When accidental breaks do oc- seeks redress by walking into Pottery Rosenstein, Lewis Steel, Ellen Stone-Belic, Dan cur, the company simply writes them Barn and going postal. Terkel, Studs Terkel off as losses. (It’s one of this administra- But this analogy should not end there. BoaRD of DIRectoRs Joel Bleifuss, Janet Geovanis, Robert McChesney, David Moberg, Dave Rathke, tion’s lesser casualties of truth, but there Once a crime is committed, civilized Beth Schulman, Tracy Van Slyke nonetheless.) societies hold the perpetrators respon- In These Times (ISSN 0160-5992) is published monthly by the Institute for More on the analogy’s terms: How, sible. And if those responsible are rich Public Affairs, 2040N . Milwaukee Ave., Chicago, IL 60647. Periodicals postage paid at Chicago, IL and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address one might ask, can a nation of 25 million enough, they are made to pay for the de- changes to In These Times, 308 E. Hitt St., Mt. Morris, IL 61054. This issue (Vol. 30, No. 11) went to press on October 27, for newsstand sales November 3 to citizens, brutalized for decades by a sa- struction they have caused. December 1, 2006. The entire contents of In These Times are copyright © 2006 by the Institute for Public Affairs, and may not be reproduced in any manner, distic dictator, be seriously equated with That Iraq has been broken is now so either in whole or in part, without permission of the publisher. Copies of In These Times’ contract with the National Writers Union are available upon an inanimate piece of hardened clay? self-evident that even our faith-based request. Contact the union at (212) 254-0279 or www.nwu.org. Similarly, what do you do when you now president appears to have become vague- Subscriptions are $36.95 a year ($59 for institutions; $61.95 Canada; $75.95 overseas). For subscription questions, address changes and back issues “own” a piece of pottery that has shat- ly cognizant of the painful fact. To put it call (800) 827-0270. tered into a thousand tiny shards? You in terms that he might understand, all Complete issues and volumes of In These Times are available from Bell and Howell, Ann Arbor, MI. In These Times is indexed in the Alternative Press don’t hold onto the shards. You throw of our cruise missiles and all of our men Index and the Left Index. Newsstand circulation through Big Top Newsstand Services, a division of the IPA, at (415) 445-0230, or [email protected]. them away. will not be able to put it back together Printed in the United States. But such criticisms, however valid, again. We should leave now, and use the MMUNIC PHIC CO ATIO GRA NS are strictly negative. They tear down the millions we’ve been spending militarily UNION LABEL ® IN GCIU TER ION 759-C Pottery Barn Rule without putting any- as reparations for the unforgivable harm NATIONAL UN thing else in its place. Perhaps, despite we have done the Iraqi people. its flaws, the rule can be resurrected, —Brian Cook NOVEMBER 0 0 6 IN THESE T I MES mixed reaction QUID PRO QUO Bush told the truth. Hell froze. — William GibsoN, A submissioN to THE QUID: WIRED magaZINE’S siX-woRD-loNG scieNce fictioN In June 2005, Gary Aguirre, an attorney at the stoRY coNtest FRom THE well-KNOWN CYbeRpuNK autHOR. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), was investigating whether John Mack, then head of Credit Suisse Group, may have given LABANARAMA BY teRRY labaN inside information to one of his good friends at the investment firm Pequot Capital Man- agement, resulting in a profit of $18 million. Though Aguirre’s immediate supervisor was enthusiastic at first, after it was announced that Mack was being considered to head Morgan Stanley, he wouldn’t allow Aguirre to question Mack.
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