AUDIO ENGINEERING SOCIETY DIRECTORY OF MEMBERS Tb foUoW MswnUIn am aIpb.ktiul .Ild a ~oenphlulIlatln~ of members 01 th. Audio E-.rhq Society. Tb U1. were wqllcd u d 4rU 20. 1061. md laclvd, memkrs In mad atudttw on U.1 ht.. lac a- UUq glns the membershlp @. the buhemm po~itlon. company -. .ddrcas, md telephone number, md the home .ddresm md tehpbne number, where .U of this tnlomtio. mslurni.hed ty the member. Wh.n thl* IniOTmatio. msnot iurni.hed, the m.mbershtp grade md dladdress only, a. @.en. Swntmmbera are Utcd wlth dl*CSS only, except where the achool mafmmbhed. Th. -ul lIaw la a==-d by state, city. .Ild brew country. - Whila evyeMDn nsrmde to hure the accmy of directory. it lm wsible tbt errors braoccurred. It lm requested. tbnfwor., tbt the 8.cnPrj be advised oi such errors lmmedlstely. Tk abbse~tlo~employed to indiute -8 oi mmbershlp are (?d) Member, (A) hwclmte Me-r. and @) Student L(cmber. ABELL, CARL W. (S), 3561 - 92nd St., Jackson Heights. APARICIO, RAFAEL R. (S), 1570 112 E. Chevy Chase Dr., L. I., N. Y. Glendale 8, Calif., CItrus 1-3064 ABRAHAMSON, CLARENCE (S). 34 Basilone Homes, Sun ARRANTE, JOSEPH JAMES (S). 1350 Myrtle Ave., Brooklyn Valley, Calif. 21, N. Y.. GLenmore 5-4023 ACKER, ROBERT C. (S), 5931-112 Mac Call St., Oakland ATEN, DWIGHT C. (M), Consumers' Research, Inc., 9, Calif. Washington, N. J. ACKERMAN, EDMUND K. (M), Facilities Engineer, United AUGSPURGER. GEORGE L. (S), 7041 N.. 14th Place, Phoenix, Broadcasting Company, 5000 Euclid Ave., Cleveland 3, Ariz. Ohio, Express 1-5000; 3650 Pleasant Valley Rd., Cleveland 9, Ohio, LAfayette 4-8031 ACKERMAN, SAM L. (M). Secretary and Sales Manager, Rangertone, Inc.. 73 Winthrop St., Newark 4, N. J., BACHMANN, ALBERT E. (M), 835 Fairview Ave.. Takoma HUmbolt 5-2550; 30 Lavergne St., Belleville 9, N. J., Park, Md. BElleville 2-2932-5 BACHOFEN, GEORGE F. (M), Sound Engr., Riverside Church. ADAMS, CLIFFORD R. (A), Prof. of Psychology (in charge 490 Riverside Dr., New York 27, N. Y., Monument 2-2900; of clinical recording), The Penna. State College, 210 20 Hodskin Pl., Tenafly, N. J., ENglewood 3-4596 Burrowes Bldg., State College, Pa., STate College 8441. BADE. BENNETT L. (M). 12402 Phillips Ave., Cleveland, Ext. 2452; 220 Ridge Ave., State College, Pa., STate Ohio College 3193 BADER. LEONARD (S), 842 Blake Ave., Brooklyn. N. Y. ADAMS, GEORGE (M), 118 West 57th St., Rm. 1132, New BADLER. HERMAN (S), 447 Prospect St.. East Orange, York 19. N. Y. N. J., ORange 2-7320 AFFELDER, CHARLES (M), 8 Valley St., Newark 6, N. J. BAER. RALPH H. (M), 870 W. 181st St., New York 33. N. Y. AGRESS, M. CLIFFORD (M), Chief Engineer, A. J. F. BAIN. ROBERT S. (M). Recording Engineer, WMGM, 711 - Industries, Inc.. 852 Monroe St.. Brooklyn 21, N. Y., 5th Ave., New York, N. Y., Murray Hill 8- 1000, Ext. GLenmore 2-0020; 280-63 75th Ave., Floral Park, N. Y. 141; 7305 150th St., Kew Garden Hills, N. Y., Boulevard Fieldstone 3-8560 8-7948 AITKEN, KENNETH M. (M), Sales Engineer, Sound Products BAIRD. CLYDE W. (M), Supervisor, Electrical, Electronic, Section, Engineering Products, RCA Victor Division, Servo-Mech. Labs., Chance Vought Aircraft Division, 718 Keith Bldg.. 1621 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio, United Aircraft Corp.. P. 0. Box 5907, Dallas, Teas; CHerry 1-3450; 340 South St., Chardon, Ohio. CHardon 2327 Monticello Place, Columbus 3, Ohio, EV. 3010 5-8921 BAKER, DOUGLAS H. (S), 355 West 85th St., New York, N. Y. ALBERT. SIDNEY L. (S), Barnard Hall, North Brothers BAKER, HENRY CRINE (S), 25 E. 2nd St., Clifton, N. J. Island, Bronx 54, N. Y., MOtt Haven 9-8811 BAKER, LESTER C. (S), 1521 Ocean Ave., Brooklyn 30, ALEX, EDWARD C. (S), 172 Pennsylvania Ave., Brooklyn 7, N. Y., NAvarre 8-8783 N. Y. BAKER, MITCHELL (S), Y. M. C. A., 405 - 2nd. N. W., ALLEN, HUGH S., JR. (M), Engineer, Lang-Worth Feature Canton, Ohio Programs. Inc., 113 W. 57th St., New York, N. Y., BALDWIN, DONALD E. (S), 1560 Amsterdam Ave., New Judson 8-5700; 25-10 31st Ave., Astoria 6, N. Y., York 31, N. Y. RAvenswood 8-8380 BANNARD, WILLIAM H., JR. (A), Office Engineer, Dept. ALLEN, ROBERT SUTTON (M). 1052 North Hobart Blvd., of Property & Supplies, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Hollywood 27, Calif. Main Capitol Building, Harrisburg. Pa., HArrisburg ALLEN, WADE (M). 1104 Weaver Ave., Route $8. 5151, Ext. 2842; Shepherdstown. Pa., MEchanicsburg Kalamazw 88, Mich. 9819 ALLISON, R. E. (M), 419 Vista Del Llano Drive. Whittier, BARKER, VIRGIL R. (M), 215 E. Longview Ave., Columbus, Calif. Ohio ALTER, WILLIAM D. (A), Staff Engineer (Electronics & BARRON, LOUIS (M). Partner, Sound Portraits Recording Instruments), Aluminum Company of America, Box Co., 9 West 8th St., New York 11, N. Y., ORegon 1012, New Kensington, Penna. , NEW Kensington 3600; 7-2734 717 Hazlett St. , Brackenridge, Penna., TArentum 1142R BATCHELDER, ROBERT (M), 11104 Vernon Ave., Garfield AMAITIS, EDWARD (S), 310 S. 3rd St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Heights 25, Ohio ANDERSON, A. STEPHEN (M). Recording Engineer. Free BAUCK. LELAND H. (M), Senior Engineer. Audio Visual Lance Motion Picture Recording, 949 Third Ave., New Education Service, University of Minnesota. Minneapolis York 22, N. Y., PLaza 9-3589 14, Minn., MAin 8177, Ext. 8243; 2319 E. 36th St., ANDERSON, CLAIR LEON (M), 880 Bloomfield Ave., Akron, Mi~eapolis6, Minn., DUpont 7085 Ohio BAUER. LOREN EDWARD (S), University of Hollywood. ANDERSON. GILBERT L. (M), 2450 Overlook Road. Cleve- Hollywood; 2306 Tenth St., Santa Monica, Calif., land Heights, Ohio EWrook 95163 ANDERSON, JOHN REID (M), Member of Technical Staff - BEAR, HOWARD C. (M). Route 3, Kent, Ohio Electrical Engineer, Bell Telephone Laboratories, BEAR, NEAL (M), President. Neal Bear Corporation, West Murray Hill, N. J., SUmmit 8-6000, Ext. 542; 22 Richfield, Ohio, WEst Richfield 100 Princeton Ave., Berkeley Hts.. N. J., SUmmit 6-6326W BEARDSLEY, CHARLES (A), Recording Engineer, National ANDERSON, JOSEPH E. (M). 2453 Neil Ave., Columbus. Broadcasting Co., 30 Rockefeller Plaza. New York, N. Y., Ohio CIrcle 7-8300, Ext. 8376; 163 Tooker Ave.. Springfield, ANGELARI, RICHARD D. (S), 46 Powell St., Brooklyn, N. Y. N. J., MIllburn 8-0843 ANWAY, ALAN (A). 3000 E. 35th St., Minneapolis 6. Minn. AUDIO ENGINEERING SOCIETY BEAUMONT, JOHN H. (A). Recording Engineer, Audio & BERRY, FINLEY L. (M). Electronic Maintenance Engineer- Video Products Corp., 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y., ing. Finley L. Berry. 9430 113th St.. Richmond Hill 19. PLaza 7-0780; 49 Beach St., New York 13. N. Y., CAnal N. Y.. VIrginia 9-0510 6-0898 BERTRAM. ARTHUR A. (M), Engineer, International Broad- BEAVER, WINTON H. (A). 209 Pineleaf Lane. Greenville. cast Division, U. S. Dept. of State, 224 West 57th St., Ala. New York 19, N. Y., CIrcle 6-4400. Ext. 290; 247 West BECK, JOHN WILLIAM (S), 400 Leonia Ave., Bogota, N. J. 13th St., New York 11, N. Y.. BRyant 9-5146 BECK, RICHARD M. (M), 15 Guerrero St., Apt. 6, BEZOLD. PAUL (S), 289 Ross Ave., New Dorp. Staten Island. San Francisco, Calif. N. Y. BECKER, BYRON G. (M), Senior Engineer. Radio Division. BICKEL, RICHARD L. (S), Engineering Dept., University of Western Electric Company, Inc., 120 Broadway, New Cincinnati, Cincinnati 20. Ohio; Farmersville, Ohio, York 5, N. Y., Worth 4-2100; 2160 East Tremont Ave.. FArmersville 26 Parkchester, Bronx, N. Y., UNderhill 3-2748 BIELEK, ALFRED D. (M), Technician-Engineer (Radio 8 TV- BEDDOE. ALLEN C. (M), Asst. Chief Engineer. Canadian Sound), Nutley Park Radio & Television, 503 Franklin Ave, Aviation Electronics, Ltd., 17 de Castelnau St.. E.. Nutley 10, N. J., NUtley 2-0421; 359 High St., Nutley 10, Montreal, P. Que., Canada, GRavella 7766, Ext. 4; 204 N. J., NUtley 2-0445 Kindersley Ave., Town of Mount Royal, P. Que., Canada,. BINNS. LITA S. (A). Research Technician, Laboratory & Loan ATlantic 8159 Equipment, The Viking Fund, Inc., 14 E. 71st St., New BEEMISH, EDWIN D. (M), Chief Engineer, Beemish York 21. N. Y., Butterfield 8-8754; 988 Tiffany St., New Electronic Laboratory. 60 Myrtle Ave.. Trenton 8, N. J.. York 59, N. Y., DAyton 8-3768 TRenton 2-2236 BIRD, J. Le GRAND (M), Countryside, Summit, N. J. BEHNKE, HENRY E. (A). Asst. Dept. Manager, William L. BIRD, WILLIS ALBERT (S). 15 Seymour St., Winthrop 52. Mass. Barrell Company, Inc., 40 Worth St., New York 13, N. Y. BIRKENHEAD, WARREN D. (M), Lieut. Commander U. S. BArclay 7-8700; 15 West 64th St.. New York 23, N. Y., Navy, Commander Fleet Air Staff, Guam, M. I., Navy TRafalgar 7 -6081 943, F.P.O., San Francisco BEISER, LEO (S), 3716 Tenth Ave., New York, N. Y. BLACK, W. LINDSAY (M). Member of Technical Staff, Bell BELDEROK, HERMAN C. (S). RCA Institutes, Inc.. New Telephone Laboratories. Inc., Whippny. N. J.. WHippany York; 139 North Columbus Ave.. Freeport. N. Y.. 8-0160; 8 Barton Road, Mountain Lakes, N. J.. BOonton FReeport 9- 9795 8-02295 BELL, FLOYD W. (M), President, Bell Sound Systems, Inc., BLANEY, JAMES J. (S). 172 W. 107th St., New York 25. 555 Marion Rd.. Columbus 7. Ohio. GArfield 1193; 1988 N. Y. Edgemont Rd., N.. Columbus, Ohio, KIngswood 4754 BLEHR, ERIC (S). P. 0. Box 88. Coeymans, N. Y. BELLI. LOUIS WM.. JR. (S), 4377 167th St., Flushing, N. Y. BLESSING. HENRY L. (M), 220 W. Cooke Road, Columbus BENDER, PAUL HENRY (S), 413 W. 6th St.. Davenport, Iowa 14, Ohio BENEDICT, GEORGE R. (S), RCA Institutes. Inc., New York; BLOW, ANGUS W. (M), 98 Beaumont, Springfield.' Mass. 31 Glenwood Ave., Edgewater. N. J.. CLiffside 6-1109J BLUM, KENNETH L. (S). RCA Institutes. New York; 1590 BENJAMIN, WILLIAM CLYDE (A). 5460 Grant Rd., Mt.
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