Cbail'lllln Asher B. Edelman Brooklyn Academy of Music Preside at Harvey Lichtenstein Board of Trustees Vice Ck1irmen Neil D. Chrisman Rita Hillman I. Stanley Kriegel Franklin R. Weissberg Mem~ers Francis M. Austin, Jt Jenne K. Britell SPECIA L FUNDIN G FOR T HI S ANNU AL REPORT HAS BEEN Kevin Burke PROVIDED THROUGH THE GENEROUS SU PPORT OF Joanne L. Cossullo Warren B. Coburn MANUFACT U RERS HANOVER C O RPORATION . Beth DeWoody PRINTED B Y HARD ING Be H ARD ING GRAPHICS, INC. Charles M. Diker Brendan Duggan Choim Edelstein Mallory Foetor Ronald E. Feiner Alan H. Fishman Robert L. Forbes Michael Fuchs Faith G. Golding Morton Gottlieb Stephen R. Greenwald Sidney Kantor Stanley H. Kaplan Andrew K. Klink Bettina Bancroft Klink Robert A. Krasnow lngo Kretzschmar Edgar A. Lampert Eugene H. luntey laurie Mollet Martin F. Mertz Evelyn Ortner David L. Ramsay Bruce (. Ratner Richard M. Roson Jonathon F. P. Rose Robert (. Rosenberg Pippa Scott Mikki Shepard Vaughn (. Williams Ho10r1ry Chlirmen David N. Dinkins Officers Howa rd Go Iden Harvey Lichtenstein, IIHonry Tr11tees President and Executive Producer Seth Faison Koren Brooks Hopkins, leonard Garment Executive Vice President & Managing Director Paul lepercq Douglas W. Allan, Arne Vennemo Vice President for Marfceting and Promotion Ex-officii Jacques Brunswick, Mary Schmidt Campbell Vice President for Administration During the post yeo~ public funding of the arts weathered not only Fuchs and the Recording Industry Council chaired by Elelctro Entertoin­ Amidst a year of uncertainty at the National Endowment lor the intense challenges, but ever declining appropriation levels in the menrs Robert Krasnow, the Golo Committee organized a roving, post­ Arts, and a sense of growing unease with the country's economy, face of budget reductions of all levels of government. Iwont to toke perfonnonce dinner party throughout the Academy's theater spaces, BAM kept its nose to the grindstone. It may not have been a spectoc­ this opportunity to stole the record on the importance of public each thematically distinct with its music, food and decoc ulat breakthrough season lor BAM, but there was important work funding to BAM and to solute those government agencies that ho ve The BAM Opera Council, Belgian Consul General Roger Prues, and done, artists encouraged and produced, and BAM's leadership quali­ mode our programs possible. S.W .l.F. T. (Society lor Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunica­ ties in the perfonning arts reoffinned . We were delighted to welcome Without the intervention of tions) hosted a dosing night benefit lor the American debut engage­ bock Laurie Anderson, who hod New York City and Brooklyn ment of Brussels' Theiitre Royal de Ia Monnaie, featu ring its not done o major work at BAM Borough President in the early outstanding production of Mozarrs lo Fin to Giordiniero. Garrison Keil­ since the United Stoles Ports ' 60s, BAM's historicand unique lor was the guest perfonner at the BAM/BPO Real Estate Council /-/Vin ea rly 1983. It was great facility could hove gone the way Annual Dinner on April 3, which recognized BAMIBPO Trustee Robert to hove o sort of Velvet Under­ of the wrecking boll. The City, Rosenberg and Starrett City lor their leadership support of both ground reunion with John Cole together with Borough Presi­ institutions. and Lou Reed reuniting lor dent Howard Golden , al so BAM was also honored to work with the Women's Sub-Committee of Songs for 'Orella, o requiemlo r played leadership roles in the the Mandelo Welcome Committee, led by Co-Chairpersons Julie Bela­ Andy Warhol; the Ruhr Festival 1977 Flood Recovery Campaign lonte, Karen Daughtry and Jennifer Davis, in hosting the June 22 continued BAM's intemotionol and in the renovation of the BAM Majestic Theotec We also solute "Community Tribute lor Winnie Mandela" during the Mandelas' his­ mini-festivals; and the BAM Majestic perfonnances of Jacques d' Am­ the Brooklyn Delegation of the New York City Council for its vital toric visit to New York Gty. boise's National Dance Institute contributed to our vital program­ support of BAM despite o light city budget. The BAM Visual Arts Programs expanded this season with the organi­ ming. And it was great to sponsor the lOth Anniversary blow-out of BAM first received support from the New York Stole Council on the zation of the Collaborative Arts Council, BAMART, and a third Print New Music America, both here and throughout the city. Arts in 1965, and since then has continued to receive annual grants, Portfolio Series. Through the combined efforts of its member artists, Which leads naturally tothe appointment of Dennis Russell Davies most recently in multi-year awards. For the post three years, the gallery owners, and collectors, the Collaborative Arts Council is raising os BAM Music Director and as Principal Conductor of the Brooklyn State of New York through the Brooklyn Delegation of the State funds to develop joint efforts between visual and perfonning artists. Philhannonic Orchestra; and of the newly established liaison of the Legi~ature and the Natural Heritage Trust has provided additional BAMART is a new lund raising initiative that benefits all Academy Orchestra and BAM. Maestro Davies adds tremendously to the musi­ project support for the Perfonning Arts Program for Young People programs through the generous donations of works of art. We are cal life of the Academ y and to the vitality of the Orchestra. and our multicultural programming efforts. especially grateful to Cristo, Jasper Johns, Ellsworth Kelly, Roy Uchten­ Perhaps most disturbing have been the attacks levelled at the stein, Jules Olitski, and Lawrence Weiner lor participating in this Lost, but certainly not least, is the Notional Endowment for the Notional Endowment lor the Arts throughout the yeoc It is not that undertaking. The success of the Artists Print Portfolio Editions promises Arts, which, in porticulat hoscontributed support for new initiatives, the Endowment is perfect and beyond reproach, rather that the to continue with o new third series featuring the works of Richard Estes, including the creation of the NEXT WAVE Festival in 1983. In addi­ attacks have been vicious, unfair and out of context. It has been a Peter Halley, Gaudio Hart, Sol LeWin, Will Menlot Suzan Pitt, Robert tion, the NEA has awarded three Challenge Grants to BAM: in 1977 dossic smear campaign, with one or two out of context incidents Ryan, and Tom Wesselman. Our thanks to all those participatingin the for program development, in 1983 to establish the Academy's first used to smear the Arts Endowment as a whole. And not only the cash reserve, and in 1988 to launch BAM Opera. The National Visual Arts Programs. specific grants, but the process itself has been under attack, with the Endowment for the Humanities was also an important participant Our ongoing efforts to match the NEA Challenge Ill Grant lor BAM peer panel system of awardi ng grants under siege for supposedly in the early years of the NEXT WAVE and most recently was the Opera by June 1992 were furthered by new leadership grants from The being an "old boy" system. major supporter for the television filming of Peter Brook's Pew Charitable Trusts, the Ula Wolloce-Reodets Digest Fund, the As someone who has served on NEA panels, and who cu rrently The Mohobhorato. Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Eleanor Naylor Dana Charitable serves as an NEA Council membe ~ Ifind these accusations scurrilous. During the 1989-90 season, BAM was very pleased to welcome to Trust, and the Booth Ferris Foundation. We are grateful as well It is on easy thing to soy, "Of course, the system is corrupt, panelists its Boord new members Kevin Burke, Brendan Dugan, Stanley to all BAM donors who increased their contributions to benefit this award grants to their friends. " The only way to refute the accuso· Kaplan, lngo Kretzschma~ Bruce Raine ~ and Vaughn Williams. I also campaign. lion is to be port of the process and to see how scrupulous and careful want to acknowledge the special dedication and generous support of The season ended with o new lund raising event, the BAM Auction the panelists are in evaluating the appl ications. At least tho! has departing Trustees Francis Austin, Elizabeth Bouman, Warren on June 26, hosted by Rudolf at his downtown night dub, Quick, and been my experience. Coburn, Cecil Forstet and Faith Golding. co-chaired by Rudolf, Hoi Rubenstein, Bob Patino, and Cindy How important are the arts to the citizens of this country? The The season opened with the seventh annual NEXT WAVE Festival, for Crawford. answer should by no means be taken lor granted. which Philip Morris Companies Inc. provided primary corporate spon­ In dosing, I wont to express the sincere appreciation of the BAM sorship for the fourth consecutive yeac BAM Trustees Beth DeWoody Boord and staff lor the loyal and generous support of the Friends of Harvey lichtenstein and Robert Forbes chaired the NEXT WAVE Gola on November 8 salut­ BAM, our audiences, foundation and corporate donors, and once again President and Executive Producer ing the tenth anniversary of NEW MUSIC AMERICA and honoring lor the government agencies that hove anchored BAM's financial Bianca Jogger for her long-standing dedication to the NEXT WAVE . growth and health. Together with the NEXT WAVE Producers Council led by H80 's Michael Asher B. Edelman Chairman NEXT WAVE Festival AM's NEXT WAVE FESTIVAL SETS THE PACE IN THE CONTEMPO- RARY PERFORMING ARTS FIELD, COMMISSIONING AND PRESENTING NEW WORKS BY INNOVATIVE ARTISTS FROM AROUND THE WORLD. BUT THIS YEAR IT SURPASSED EVEN ITS OWN REPUTATION WHEN IT SPONSORED AND PRODUCED THE TENTH ANNIVERSARY OF NEW MUSIC AMERICA - 69 CONCERTS BY MORE THAN 100 COMPOSERS AND ENSEMBLES IN TEN DAYS AT TWENTY- THREE VEN - UES THROUGHOUT NEW YORK- IN ADDITION TO ITS ANNUAL NEXT WAVE PRO- GRAMMING.
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