JOURNAL OF UKRAINIAN STUDIES Summer -Winter 1996 CONTRIBUTORS: GUEST EDITOR: Stefania Szlek Miller Stefania Szlek Miller John S. Reshetar, Jr. Mykola Riabchouk Paul Robert Magocsi laroslav Isaievych John-Paul Himka Henry Abramson Julian Birch Bohdan Harasymiw Zenovia A. Sochor Steven Rosefielde Andrea Chandler Liu Dong Zhao Yunzhong Howard Aster Journal of UKRAINIAN STUDIES Volume 21, Numbers 1-2 Summer-Winter 1996 Ukraine: Developing a Democratic Polity Essays in Honour of Peter J. Potichnyj Contributors Guest Editor Stefania Szlek Miller Stefania Szlek Miller John S. Reshetar, Jr. Mykola Riabchouk Paul Robert Magocsi laroslav Isaievych John-Paul Himka Henry Abramson Julian Birch Bohdan Harasymiw Zenovia A. Sochor Steven Rosefielde Andrea Chandler Liu Dong Zhao Yunzhong Howard Aster EDITOR Roman Senkus Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies Editorial Board Zenon E. Kohut, David R. Marples, Marusia K. Petryshyn, Danylo Husar Struk, Frances Swyripa, Frank E. Sysyn, Maxim Tarnawsky Journal of Ukrainian Studies Advisory Board Olga Andriewsky (Trent University Peterborough, Ontario), L'ubica Babotova (Presov University), laroslav Hrytsak (Institute of Historical Studies, Lviv State University), Heorhii Kasianov (Institute of the History of Ukraine, Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv), Bohdan Krawchenko (Institute of Public Administration and Local Government, Kyiv), Marko Pavlyshyn (Monash University, Melbourne), Myroslav Shkandrij (University of Manitoba, Winnipeg) The Journal of Ukrainian Studies is published semiannually by the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta, 352 Athabasca Hall, Edmonton, Alta., T6G 2E8, Canada. Telephone: (403) 492- 2972; fax: (403) 492-4967; e-mail: [email protected]. Annual subscriptions are $26.75 (GST inch) for individuals and $37.45 (GST inch) for libraries and institutions in Canada. Outside Canada annual subscrip- tion rates are US$25.00 for individuals and US$35.00 for libraries and institutions. See inside back cover for prices on available back issues. Sub- scribers outside of Canada should pay in US funds. Subscriptions are payable at the above address by cheque or money order (made out to the Journal of Ukrainian Studies) or by VISA or MasterCard. Please do not send cash. The Journal publishes articles and book reviews in Ukrainian and Ukrainian-Canadian studies. Persons wishing to submit articles should first send a letter of inquiry and an abstract to the Editor, Journal of Ukrainian Studies, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont., M5S lAl, Canada. Telephone: (416) 978-8669/978-6934; fax: (416) 978-2672; e-mail: [email protected]. For additional guidelines, see the note for contributors on the last page of this issue. Copyright © Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, 1997. Articles appearing in this journal are abstracted and indexed in Historical Abstracts and America: History and Life. Printed in Canada. ISSN 0228-1635 Volume 21, Numbers 1-2 Summer-Winter 1996 Special Issue Ukraine: Developing a Democratic Polity Essays in Honour of Peter J. Potichnyj Stefania Szlek Miller Introduction / 1 John S. Reshetar, Jr. Imperial Decline and Collapse as a Problem in the Social Sciences / 9 Mykola Riabchouk The Nativist-Westernizer Controversy in Ukraine: The End or the Beginning? / 27 Paul Robert Magocsi Ukrainians and the Habsburgs / 55 laroslav Isaievych Ukrainians and Poles: Recent Developments in Politics and National Historiographies / 67 John-Paul Himka Krakivski visti and the Jews, 1943: A Contribution to the History of Ukrainian-Jewish Relations during the Second World War / 81 Henry Abramson Foreword to the Turei Zahav of Rabbi David ben Shmuel Ha-Levi (Volodymyr, 1586-Lviv, 1667) / 97 Julian Birch Ukraine—A Nation-State or a State of Nations? / 109 Bohdan Harasymiw Ukraine's Political Elite and the Transition to Post-Communism / 125 Zenovia Sochor From Liberalization to Post-Communism: The Role of the Communist Party in Ukraine / 147 Steven Rosefielde Ukraine's Economic Recovery Potential to the Year 2000 / 165 Andrea Chandler Social Policy and Political Discourse in Post-Soviet Ukraine / 191 Liu Dong Sino-Ukrainian Co-operation: Prospects and Problems / 213 Zhao Yunzhong The Study of Ukraine's History in China: Problems and Tasks / 217 Howard Aster Reflections on the Work of Peter J. Potichnyj / 223 Peter J. Potichnyj: A Select Bibliography / 235 Contributors / 241 Book Reviews Ivan Lysiak-Rudnytsky Istorychni ese, 2 vols. (Serhy Yekelchyk) / 243 Orest Subtelny Ukraine: A History, 2d rev. ed. (Paul Robert Magocsi) / 249 Andreas Kappeler, Kleine Geschichte der Ukraine (Thomas M. Prymak) / 252 Marta Bohachevska, Duma Ukrainy—zhinochoho rodu (Christine Worobec) / 256 Mai Ivanovych Panchuk et al, comps., Natsionalni vidnosyny v Ukraini u XX st.: Zbirnyk dokumentiv i materialiv (Oleksandr Maiboroda) / 258 lu. I. Rymarenko and I. F. Kuras, eds., Etnonatsionalnyi rozvytok Ukrainy: Termini/, vyznachennia, personalii (Oleksandr Maiboroda) / 261 Ann Lencyk Pawliczko, ed., Ukraine and Ukrainians throughout the World: A Demographic and Sociological Guide to the Homeland and Its Diaspora (Ihor Zielyk) / 264 Hans-Joachim Torke and John-Paul Flimka, eds., German-Ukrainian Relations in Historical Perspective (Karel C. Berkhoff) / 268 Dmytro Doroschenko, Die Ukraine und Deutschland: Neun Jahrhunderte Deutsch-Ukrainischer Beziehungen (Karel C. Berkhoff) / 271 Wolodymyr Kosyk, The Third Reich and Ukraine (Ihor Kamenetsky) / 272 N. M. Iakovenko, Ukrainska shliakhta z kintsia XIV do seredyny XVII st. (Volyn i Tsentralna Ukraina) (Frank E. Sysyn) / 274 Andrzej Sulima Kaminski, Republic vs. Autocracy: Poland-Lithuania and Russia, 1686-1697 (A. B. Pernal) / 280 O. I. Zhurba, Kyivska arkheohrafichna komisiia, 1843-1921: Narys istorii i diialnosti (Bohdan Klid) / 282 Isabel Roskau-Rydel, Kultur an dev Peripherie des Habsburger Reiches: Die Geschichte des Bildungswesens und der kulturellen Einrichtungen in Lemberg von 1772 bis 1848 (John-Paul Himka) / 284 Roman Kukhar, Videnska "Sich": Istoriia Ukrainskoho akademichnoho t-va "Sich" u Vidni (1868-1947) (Theodore Mackiw) / 285 Heorhii Kasianov, Ukrainska intelihentsiia na rubezhi XIX-XX stolit: Sotsialno- politychnyi portret (Yury Boshyk) / 288 Robert Weinberg, The Revolution of 1905 in Odessa: Blood on the Steps (Heorhii Kasianov) / 289 Symon V. Petliura, Vybrani tvory ta dokumenty; and Vin—z kohorty vozhdiv (Krashchi konkursni pratsi pro dorevoliutsiinu diialnist Symona Petliury) (lurii Shapoval) / 292 George Liber, Soviet Nationality Policy, Urban Growth, and Identity Ghange in the Ukrainian SSR, 1923-1934 (Myroslav Shkandrij) / 295 Ivan Bilas, Represyvno-karalna systema v Ukraini, 1917-1953: Suspilno- politychnyi ta istoryko-pravovyi analiz (Hiroaki Kuromiya) / 298 O. S. Rublov and lu. A. Cherchenko, Stalinshchyna i dolia zakhidnoukrainskoi intelihentsii (20-50-ti roky XX st.) (Serhii Linetsky) / 301 Ryszard Torzecki, Polacy i Ukraihcy: Sprawa ukrainska w czasie II wojny swiatowej na terenie II Rzeczypospolitej (Wasyl Veryha) / 304 Bohdan Huk, ed., Zakerzonnia: Spohady voiakiv Ukrainskoi Povstanskoi Armiv, Bohus Chhoupek, Banderovci; and Jan Fiala, Zprdva o Akci B. (Peter J. Potichnyj) / 310 Myroslav Prokop, Naperedodni nezalezhnoi Ukrainy: Sposterezhennia i vysnovky (Oleksa Haran) / 313 Volodymyr Lytvyn, Politychna arena Ukrainy: Diiovi osoby ta vykonavtsi (Anatolii Rusnachenko) / 316 Paul Robert Magocsi, ed.. The Persistence of Regional Gultures: Rusyns and Ukrainians in Their Garpathian Homeland and Abroad (lurii Kundrat) / 318 Marko Antonovych, ed., 125 rokiv kyivskoi ukrainskoi akademichnoi tradytsii, 1861-1986: Zbirnyk (Thomas M. Prymak) / 321 V. M. Zaruba, Postati (Studii z istorii Ukrainy. Knyha druha) (Thomas M. Prymak) / 323 Liubytsia Babota, Zakarpatoukrainska proza druhoi polovyny XIX stolittia (Nadiia Ferents) / 324 Maxim Tarnawsky, Between Reason and Irrationality: The Prose of Valerijan PidmohyTnyj (George S. N. Luckyj) / 327 Halyna Kosharska, Tvorchist Liny Kostenko z pohliadu poetyky ekspresyvnosti (Mykola Riabchouk and Vera Andrushkiw) / 328 Marta Tarnawsky, Ukrainian Literature in English: Articles in Journals and Gollections, 1840-1965 (Lev Goldenberg) / 331 I. S. Koropeckyj, ed.. The Ukrainian Economy: Achievements, Problems, Challenges (Val Samonis) / 333 Vsevolod Naulko, Ihor Vynnychenko, and Rostyslav Sossa, Ukrainians of the Eastern Diaspora: An Atlas (Ihor Stebelsky) / 335 Pavlo Rafaliuk, Spohady: V 45-littia zasnuvannia Nottinghamskoho viddilu Soiuzu ukraintsiv u Velykii Brytanii (Serge Cipko) / 337 John Anderson, Religion, State and Politics in the Soviet Union and Successor States (Serhii Plokhy) / 339 Archie Brown, Michael Kaser, and Gerald S. Smith, eds.. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Russia and the Former Soviet Union (Serhii Plokhy) / 342 Books Received / 347 Peter J. Potichnyj Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https://archive.org/details/journalofukraini2112cana Introduction Stefania Szlek Miller This special issue of the Journal of Ukrainian Studies is in of honour Peter J. Potichnyj. The theme, ''Ukraine: Developing a Democratic Polity," reflects his special interest in Ukraine and his contributions to the advancement of East European studies. While he continues to be affiliated with major universities in North America, Europe, and China, his primary academic home remains McMaster University, where he taught for over thirty years. It is thus appropriate that this Festschrift was sponsored by the McMaster Interdisciplinary
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