
HIG POST OFFICE LONDON 412 HIGH ST. (St. John's wood)-con. 23 Ness Mrs 30 Webster Frank 52 Blumenthal Aaron 101, 10!1, 105 & 107 Roberts Mrs. CHARLES LANE :- 24 Connolly John William 32 de Rochefort Gustave Cha.s. L 54 Vorley Henry Bloomfit>ld Elizabeth Marie. boarding ho Tavener ChaP. & Son, bldrs 25 Hodgson Thomas 34 Powlesland Her bert Grosvenor 56 Sadgrove Mrs •••• M-re is 8t,.adbroke road • ... Abbott Wm. Arthur, black­ •••• hertJ is Ronald's road •••• 36 Austin Mrs 58 Allard Louis, boarding house 109 Monti )frs. Marie, boarding ho smith 38 Henly .Alexander 60 Watt James Edward Howliug liB Cableton Edv;ard Dawson John, farrier Bfghbury grange, 44 ..... here is M artineau rootl •••• 62 Olark Douglas 117 Zelin~ki Leou King George, coach builder ol6 LisRack J acob Morril' 64 Ma.ck & Hill, physicians&surgns 119 Vickers Mrs Highbury park (N.) (IsLING­ 50 CatonMFs.MaryAnn,apartments ..• • h~e is Beresford te,.,.ace ... 121 Siegenberg Lewis TON). MAP 13-l Moore J011evh & Son, butchers N 3. 52 Hammond James 68 Samt>son Nathan 128 StevensMrs.MargaretElizahth. 136 Brirt!Zwood Frank, wine&sp.mer BOUTH-WE~T SIDE 54 HeatMock Capt. William 70 Simons Abraham private hotel 138 Mortimore Chas. jun. fruiterer 1 Parrinder Mrs.Charles,boarding 64 Carter llldward N ormat• 72 J osephs Drtvid • • • • here is Balfow road •••• 140 Bay lis Miss Susan, ~<tationer house 66 Colson Alfred Wm. Manners 76 Bonser William Frederick 125 A, Girtin :Mrs U2 Ames William Ralph, chemist ~ Doman George 70 Bishop Wllliam Josiah 78 Mathews J oseph Don glass 127 A, Levy J osepb •••• htll'~ art St. Jolm's wood li Brough Frank 74 Haydon Miss 80 Irvmg William Thoma.P 129 Lichtenberg George 7A., Goudge Hy. Watts Wilkinson 74 Haydon William Nicholson 84 Kendal Mr~ 129A, Turnbnll Mrs. Elizabeth, terrace 4" Circus road • ••• 7 Elliott Miss 78 Wright Harry Samuel 86 Harvey Charles Henry boarrting house WEST SIDE. 9 J ohnson Leo Fred Edmund,boys' 1 Sprott George Agnew, grocer 80 Harveystone Mrs 88 Coutts John 131 Wood Arthur Herbert school 1B, Morris Fox, ladies' tailor 84 Hammond Frank 90 'J'nck Mrs. Herrnan 133 Smith Sidney S Courtenay Edward, chemist •••• here is A.berdu,n f'oad ••.. 88 Ooward Charles Grafton 94 Wood l!'rederick Albert 137 White Miss Catherine Mary, SA, Smyth Miss Isabella Stuart, NORTH-EAST SIDE. 88 Allott Misses Emily & Winifred 96 Munro Mrs ladies' school teacher of music 2 Luscombe Miss • • • • • • htrt is A. ubert pa'l"k ••• .•• 96A, liighbury Athenaum Ltd. herds passage to KelToss road • 5 Jones Hugh. dairy 4 Olowes Henry BAPTIST UH.A PEI W. Mason Bradbear, sec 139 Ran Jacob 7 Lowe & Sons, t-akers 6 Hollway Miss 124 Nichols Frederick Willia.m 98 Da.nemann WUliam 141 Newton Mrs 7A, Aldin Arttmr 18 Smith Cornelius Vincent 126 Society of Bristolians inLondon 100 Roberts Charles Ernest 143 Orgel Mrs 9 Francilil & Co. house furnishers •••. here is A berdten road ••. 1!!4 Warwick's Time-btam'/) C~> 102 Lebon Thomas 145 Kirwan John William llA, Cmtis Waiter John 26 Bemon Miss Blanche, teacher 182 ConquestMrs. Georgina,builder 104 Loewenstein Leopold 147 Rendell Henry Woollcombe 13 Cooke William & Co, indian of music lllAS'I' SIDE 106 Beavis Eruest James 149 & 151 Forf!iqn.Mi:JI101U Club Ltd condiment manufacturers 193 Coles Ernest GfDrge & Son, !08 Mi.iller 'Max Arrnin 153 Campbell Duncan 15A, Syers Mrs nurs'rymen ST. AUGUSTINI!l'S (JHUROFI lli6 Gi!lingwater Miss Bigbbury grove (N.) (Is­ 17 Mason Keith & Co. motor garage 103 CrosslAy Walter Haigh llOA, Griffiths Rev. Isaac Davies 157 Manly Henry William 23 Palmer George, ladies' tailor LINGTON), 2 Highbury Ne~ 101 Sagon .Tames 112 Campbell Mrs. Alice Harriett, •• M,., is Highbury quadrant •• 23A, Flanagan Mrs pa'1'k. MAP N 4. 99 Inglis Peter Fullarton Doug!lll boarding house 161 Warman Frederiok 25A, Sorebji Mrs EAST SIDE. 97 Willis Mrs 116 Greenwood George Alfred 163 Bakes Miss May, boarlling ho 29A, Lovell George J oscph LondOfJ Oountp Council Srhnnl 95 MacFarlane Joseph ll8 Salvation Army (officers' nurs- 165 Goodrich M, rris 36 Soester Samuel, musical instru­ (Indmtrial School for Boys) . • here is A ubert park.. • • • ing home) 16~ Lewis Jack ment dt:aler 2 Snow Charle~ Edward 87 Stroud Arthur May 120 Rubinstein Jacob 171 Trausel Josef 37 Eastman & Snn (Dyers & Clean- 8 Holmes Charles 83 Dixon Mrs 120 Rubinstein Alexander 173 Nehmer Ferdinand, dentist ers) Ltd 10 Barton Rev. Edgar Charles 71 Jacob Alexis 122 Festenstein Simon •• here is Highbwry quadirant •• 37 A, Basche .Roman 12 Cruft Charles 69 Smith Joseph 124 Gestetner David 177 Higlibury Park tavern, William 39 Kuttner George Henry, furrier 14 Keele David, surgeon 67 Lnlham Misses 126 Thomson Miss Kinchela Miller 41 Morgan Francis Wm. stationer Hi Andrews Mrs 63 & 65 Chu1•th MissiO'Iw.ry Society's 138 Clarke William 43 Frazer & Co. confr ctiont rs 18 Ha.rvey George James Hostel for Ladie.1, 142 Nevill Waiter Palmer 43A, Dawfs William Henry 20 Hollyman·Mrs Mrs. Douglas Thornton, supt 144 Napper Stdnev Bighbury pk. (.N.) (ISLING­ 22 Dellschaft Adolf 146 Tayler Rev. John Lionel 45 Home &: Colonial Stores Ltd 61 RobertsRchd. Lew~. physn .&srg-n TON). MAP N 3. 47to51 WilliamsonsLtd. who.grorArs 24 Packman HenTy Tillett 57 White Thomas 148 Hall Harry 26 .T ohnson Mrs. .Adele, boarding ho WEST SIDE. viA, Sinqe1· Se!Cinq Machine Co. Ltd 55 Do~>rr Martin, boarding house .•..• here is Paradise road •••. 1 Field Charles, bootma.ker 63 Hurry .Alfred fleo. undertaker 30 Bowles Miss Alma, boarding ho 63 Bell Hugh Hill 1~2 Killby Thomas B Mizen Mr~.EdithMary,confectnr 55 Footring Harris, linendraper 82 Jewish Domestic Training Home, 51 Christie Miss Miss Danziger, matron 154 Schwersee Solomon Henry i J ones Michael, hairaresser 57 Hooper John Arthur, hosier 49 Dawes Rev. Chas. Richard, M.A 156 Dobell Albert Bruce 7 Hudson John, butcher ~9 Repworth Jsph.&Son,fishmngrs •••• here is Aberdeen park ..• - 45 Smithett James Ltddon, J.P 158 Paterson John Ja.mes 9 Jones Alfred Thos. bookseller 61 Hampton CecilCharles, fruiterer 34 Hick~ James .Toseoh 4ll Brett Frederick William 160 Landy Max 11 Latcham Ra.ymond, grocer 63 Parkins George Hillier, furn. dlr 36 Stephany Morris 41 Milled!le John Oakley 162 Edwards Miss 13 .A.uber Ge01:ge, builder 65 Burge Charles, oil & color man 38 Townend Waiter 39 Ha I Misses 166 Branscombe Miss 15 Sa.ddington Miss Susan Matilda, 67 Vevonald Henry, carver & gilder 40 Harvey Alhert Edwarrl 37 Connolly Frederick 170 Lockett Joseph trunerer 69 Bird Henry, fishmonger 42 Polkinghorne James Williams 35 Bushell Arth.Henry,boarding ho 172 Posener Alfred 17 Few Waiter & Sons, builders 7l Carter Willia.m&Co.upholsterexs 44 Gudgeon Mrs. Oath. boarding ho 83 Mathias Edward Powell 176 f:chlund Leon 19 Francis Charles Wm.•lining rms 73 Mackessack Alex. antq. furn.dlr 46 O'Neill Mr~ 31 Cooper Miss Kate Dorothy, 178 Sydney Herbert Henry 21 Small Miss Harriet, fancy drapr 7o Rothwell Wm. Bagg,cabinet ma 4&;iBowness Williarn boarding house 184 Duthoit Misses 21A, Winter Miss May Fanny, 50 Maxwell Rev. D:wid Ardill M.A 2·'> Gamble Miss Ar.nie,boarding ho 186 Wood Jacob confectioner High st. 8hadwell (E.). See 52 Rabey Ernest 23 Erlebach Woodland •••• here are the Green lanes •••. 21A, Geyer Arthur & Co. estate agts Shailwell High street. 54 Kartowski J oseph 21 Row Samuel Wilson Bickford 21B, Cohen Tobias, tailor 56 Stephens Stanley Tanner 19 Anst.ed Rev. Joseph Boord, M.A WEST SIDE, •••• here is Hamilton road •••• High st. or 56A,SpencerC.G.&Hons,balloon mas 17 Connolly Mrs Shureditch (E. 56A, Manor Lawn Tennis Club 11 & 13Graf Mrs.Elizh.boarding ho B Kerry J ames 39 Hobbs James, apartments N.E.). 8ee ShortditehHiqhst. 60 Burls Misses 9 Mizet> Robert Henry 6 Leapman Mrs. McDonald 4!1 & 46 lngram Wm.Alfd.boys' schl 64 MacKeand Robert James Craig, 7 Jamrs Mrs. Franccs, apartmnts 7 Cresar Arthur Renry 49 Medical .Missionary Association, High st. Stepney (E.). 8e• boarding house ;; Spicer Wm. Henry, boarding ho 9 Wood Rev. .A.rthur, B. .& James L. Maxwell, M.A., 11 Wake Richard M.D. supt. & sec Stepney High strtt~t. •••• here is ~High1Yu1'"JI park •.• - 1i! Scott & White, boarding house 51 Taylor George WEST SIDE. Hlghbury ma.ns1ous, 279 15 Withall Fredt~rick 53 Street Edward High street, Wapping (E.). 1 FletcherMrs.MaryAnn.brdng.ho 17 Davies Robert, boarding house 59 Courthope Prederick 3 Church Army (lncorponaed), to 286 Upp('}l' street (N,) 19 Dickson John Stanley Set Wapping High strut. prisoners' wives' workroom (ISLINGTON). MAP M 5, M 6. • • • . • !we is A ubert park • • ... 5 Fry Samuel Herbert, trade pho­ 3 Broxhourne George 21 Young 8idney 68 Mead Fredk. & Oo. linendrapers High st. Whitechapel (E.). tographer 4 BiRhop Alfred Samuel 23 Werner Au~rust Henry 65 Barnes Mrs. Minnie, grocer 25 Mallet Philip William 67 Seeker Mrs. Horace, dressmaker {'lte Whituhapel High stTtet. 7 Burt Mrs 5 J arvis Rev. George J ames, B.A 9 Fremont Mr8.Eroma,boardng.ho 6 Hugbes George l'hilip 27 Collins Arthur Ro1:1" 69 Sanders Frederic:k:, naturalist 31 Higginbot~om !<'rerterwk James 71 Hills Rd.John, wine & spirit dealr 11 ~mith Henry Albert 7 Lege Anibal Jean Baptiste Bighbury crescent, & High­ 8 Eaton Florist William 33 Hewer Beaton, surgeons 73 Bulling Fra.ncis John, bootma 15 Briggs George 35 Collins Frank Laird .i:ioward buTy (N,) (ISLINGTON~ 15 Briggs Waldo Raven 9 Harris Mrs • • • • here is Lucerne road •••• MAP M 4. 37 Lewis Rev. Howell Elvet. M.A Mould Rev. William Thomas 17 Shenton Mrs. Elizh.boarding.ho 11 Lauth Clarence Harold 3!1 Myers Alfred London tf: 1:'1·ovincial Bank Ltd.
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