(f~~ VOLUME XVII NUMBER 4 - DECEMBER, 1957 @ DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF BARBER SHOP QUARTET HARMONY "BRING BACK THOSE GOOD OLD DAYS" NOW AVAILABLE • •• • THE BEST IN BARBERSHOP ON BARBERSHOP QUARTET WINNERS 1957 INTERNATIONAL MEDALISTS DE~C~ • 2~u mCl 3iU puel 41K PUC! 5TH PUCI 111I WlSKIKGInK KUUKlRY KliKllS UWI CUTInK BUll GlRl.IKUlIIIl S~PPliS, • t1IUiUS 1957 Medalists 1957 International BARBERSHOP QUARTET WINNERS Official S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A. Recordings BARBERSHOP CHORUS WINNERS International Champions: LADS OF ENCHANTMENT Official S.P,E,B.S,Q.S.A, Recordings 2nd Place Winners: WEST COASTERS Jrd Place Winners: GAYNOTES 4th Place Winners: fOUR·PITCHIKERS America· God Save The Queen. Give Me A Night In June 5th Place WInners: PLAY·TONICS • Smllln' Through. Ain't She Sweet. Row, Row, Row. America • Cod Save The Queen • Ro·Ra-Rolllng Along • Roll Them Roly Boly Eyes • Cannibal Isle • Down In The There's A Rose On Your Cheek. Hoop-Oee-Doo • five Foot Jungle Town. I'm Going Back To My Home Town. Dear Old Two, Eyes Of Blue' When I leave The World Behind' Make Up Your MInd' Bye Bye Blues. Can't You Hur Me Call1n' Girl· There Will Be tlo New Tunes On This Old Piano. Just Caroline. Alexander's Ragtime Band' Baby Your Mother. A Girl That Men Forget • When I Wore My Daddy's Brown Colton Picket's Ball. All By Myself Dl B615 Derby. Stephen Foster Medley Ol 8616 Also Available: BARBER SHOP WIHNERS-1956 MEDALISTS. OHicial S.P.E.B.S.O.S.A. BARBERSHOP BAll. THE SCHMITT BRDTIlERS • Barbershop Quartet Recordings. Champions: CONr£DfRATES • Cabin On The HI1llop • • 1951 International Champions S.P.E.8.S.Q.S.A.• Mighty lak' A Ramona· My liltle Dream Girl. and others Dl 8372 • ED 2435·6·7 Rose· Stepp in' Around • lazy River. and others Ol 8208 • ED 2348-9 1956 International BARBER SHOP CHORUS WINNERS • AMBASSA· BARBERSHOP "CHAMPS"-THE BUffALO BILLS. International Cham· DORS OF HARMONY. Gee, But I'm lonesome. In Apple Blossom pions of S.P.E.8.S.Q.S.A.• When I Lost You. When Irish Eves Are Time· Tiger Rag. and others Ol 8373 • ED 2438·39·40 Smiling. That Tumble Down Shack In Athlone • and others DL 8340 BARBERSHOP BATTLE. THE BUFFALO BillS And THE CONFEOERATES • International Champions 01 S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A. •I Want A Girl • Alexander's Ragtime Band. Save YOllr Confederate Money, Boys. and others Dl 8485 • ED 2506 )December VOLUME XVII 1957 NUMBER 4 International Secretary RobcJ( G. Harer Fcaturcs Associare Inlernational Secretaries "I-Chording '0 Preside"t Joe :' ••.......••••... ,. 2 II/ 1958-Awt'rictl Discol'ers Co/umbus......................... 3 Ken Booth \1'. L. (Bill) Otto COl/I'clltion FllctS ., ".,., ..........••... ,............ 4 I,'s The £:qw"sioll Fund . .,., .... , .. , .......••.. , ....••. ,. ,. 16 International Gffice 6315 Third J\\>cnuc Kenosha. Wisconsin Ol)'mpic of -9111 Commcnt International Officers Sit/titS Quotes ..................••........ , ••.. ,., J/ P,uitltnl, Jo~tph E. It,,'is. 2? I! Gnton A\'fnut, To nlast Or Not To Blast. ......... .....••......•••..... 21 DJlb~. TUlS (Pusidrnl NJlionll Bond Ij InHSlnlfnt Co.) HarmollY fleritage .,......................... ••...... 27 In,mrJ;JIf I'JH I',nidln!. Rowbnd F. DJ\';~, lVe ~Iust Keep It Barbershop .. ...•.•• _.. .. .•.•. .. .. .•.. 28 Room 1755. 195 BtoJ,hnor. Ntw York 7, N. Y. (Amrliun Ttl. (1 Ttl. Co.) How /I Can Be DOlle ,,, ••.. , .. ,., •••... , ....• ' 29 Fiut Via Pluidcnt. O. B. filII. J •. 10950 J\!Jg,hlru A\'r.. Los Alios. ClliL (Grnul! QUENDECO 30 Elrclric Co.) Srcon<l Viet Plfsidcnt. Cluron JJI\'ing. l6·38 E. Eighth St.. lIolll",!. Mich. (l',nidml. !'copln Slile Ihnk) Vief I'rrsidrnl. Gcorg~ Punspill. 15 BrookdJlr A\'c., Milford, Conn. (Engnr.. Drp!. Un;ttd Departments AircrJrt Corp.. Sikouk)' Air. Di.... ) Viet PtHidnl, R. Glorge Ad~nn. 325 N. In\'rr­ Key Challges From The Chapters, .. ..••.......••.......•••. 5 w~\·. lnve,nr". PJ1Jtint. Ill. (Vire Presidrnt U SHY.. ProlfClion ~tutuJI InsurJncr Co., Chi· Ol'er The Editor's Shoulder . ....................•.. 13 ogo. Ill.) Trr~IUrrt. John SJlin. lIo1r! Wrnlworth, 59 W. Share The Wea//Ii.. .......,.,. 18 -I61h St.. Nel\' YOlk, N, Y. (ll~nhr. GUH' Nell'S A bOll/ Quar/e/s ....•••.......•. 22 Jnlr Trult Co.) Barbershop Cralt .... .••..... 31 Board of Directors Comillg EI'c,,'s ," .. ...•••.. 33 (fum expir;nlJ J"nt lO. JlJj8) OUI' !\'ClI' Chapters , .•••.......•••..... , .•• ' ... 33 1\1'lett FiI1.hugh. 2035 I'arlington 51., Dalbs 7, TUH (Purl Orrl Diudbuting Co.) Louis R. Ilardngton. 2)61 NJlionJI BJnk Bldg.• Detloit 26. Mich, (AItOfney) I\enneth Phinney. 89 WJShinlton An., Kenmore Notc: J. Gcorge O'Brien's colu1IIn HUO You Rcmembcr" will 1I0t appe~r 17, N, Y. (Aant. Pludrnt;allnl. Co.) L. A. POtliClOr, -4300 C1l1yslef Bldg., Nt", YOfk 111 this issuc. Sec P~gc 9. 17. N. Y. (DisL Suptf\'hor Armco Stul COII'.) Flo)"d Stlong. 21-4 Insufance Building. Topth. Kanus (AIlOlntr) (Tum Expiring Jrlnt lO. 1959) Rud)' Ibn. II I 2 Ohio St.. Milhigan City, In­ diJnJ (SJles. Sodrty lingerie Compan)') Hilfon H. Howe. ))-4 I\hnol Road EJSI. TOlonto 7. Onulio (oi\', Suptrinlrndenl. Toronto Tunsil Comm.) Louis Laulr!. -4617 Walur \"ay. EI Paso, Tun (Mil., Industrial Supplr Dept. Miu U Smtlttr Suppl)' Co.) Riehald S\'anoe, 3-418 GuiUold Road. Rockfold. Illinois (Illinois nrll TrI, Co.) John M. Wald, 343 Bailey A"e.• Pittsbulgh II. PennJ. (I.elal oh·.• VrtelJns Adm.) t!erm f.xpit;n!l June JO. 1960) L)'h Cashion. P. O. Dox "567. Juirl.n. Minis­ sippi (President. Lyle Calhion Co.) JJmes Cblh. Roule 2. Box -468. SJn JOle. Calif. (James Cb,1.t Co.) Edwald H. liJmltl. 2921 Nicollet AI,t.. Min· nupolis. Minn. (00(101. Nic·O·LJke Clinic) John Ii. Lubo. Rouu 2. Box 550, Crnwell. O,ellon (O"·nrr. liills Crrtk Lumber Co.) Sul'Iord Taylor. 66 S. 6th St.. Columbus, Ohio (ElCfCUli\·t. Byrr U Bownun Ad .... Alencr) Contrib"ling Editors HARMONY HALL Jun BOJ'dman 6315 THIRD AVENUE Krn Booth Paul Dr PJolis Robut G. Hare, KENOSHA, WlSCONSIN R. M. Hockrnbloulh W. L. 0110 l'itJl'Iord Taylor F. Stirling Wilson THE IlARMONIZER is lh~ officiJI publitJlion of lh~ Sodrl)' fOI th~ PuuI\'Hion Jnd EnCOll" .Ig,'nunt of Bnlul Shop QUJllrt Singing in ,\mtritJ, Inc. It is publilhrJ qUJll~t1)' in I\brdl. Int'[ j\,J agazine Commit tee Junt. Stpttmbtr Jnd Darmbrt Jt InltrnJtionJI HudqllJllUI. 6) 15 Thif,1 A\·~ .. KtnOlhJ. Wis.. Il. M. Ilockrnbrough. CllJifmJn Jnd rna,ed JS Hcond·clJss mJlttf Jl the (loS! offic~ Jl DIlroi!. I\lichilJn. undrt th~ Act of I\hrch 3. 1879. Editorial Jnd Ad\'euising o(lius Jrr Jl InlUnJlional Ih~dquUlrfl. NOlict of chInle of addttll shollid b~ submitted 10 lhe cdiloriJI ollicu of THE HARMOi\:IZF.R at IUlt lhill)" d~l's bdott lhr nnt publicalion ..ble. SubHriplion prict is $2.00 )'url)' and $.50 an illu~. A-CI-IORD-ING I Barbershopping enthusiasm, inter­ newals and accomplish our Expansion gram. Believe me, my heart was over­ est, initiative, cooperation and good Fund objectives. Ilowing with gratitude. fellowship is moving throughout our Then on to the Michigan District and Tonight, (Oct. 24) r will be enroute Society at an all time high. r kuow the week-end meeting of the Sage Lake to Canada for a few days of harmony because, since OUf meeting in June, I Chapter. Talk about ringing chords, for with barbershoppers of the Ontario have been very fortunate in having the two days wc had them bounding from District. The deadline is upon me and I opportunity to sing aud visit with Bar­ every nook and corner. What a week­ will not have, at this time, an oppor­ bershoppers of the Southwestern, Illi­ end of harmony and good fellowship' tunity to write abollt my visit, however, nois, Michigan, Central States and Early in October, the Barbershop­ this week-end, I know, like those of the Johnny Appleseed Districts and tonight pers of Central States District held their past, will give full evidence that we arc r will be on my way to the Ontario convention in Colorado springs. I was all working together "IN A CHORD". District. Believe me, we've been ringing deeply impressed with the enthusiasm January I, 1958, marks the begin­ a multitude of great chords. and interest of the District membership ning o[ a new year for membership. The Cloudcroft, New Mexico (South­ and the smooth operation and thor­ Let us all stop for a moment and take western) gathering gave me an oppor­ ough planning of the District and Chap­ inventory of ourselves. "Am I a Barw tunity to listen to a number of bush ter officers. Here again} I listened to bershopper who has paid his 1958 league quartets that might very well, in top quality quartets and managed to do dlles'!"-"Haye r fllifilled III)' obliga­ the future, prove tough competition. a little woodshedding on my OWI1. tiOIl to Ihe Society's Headquarters Ex­ The District's Mountain-Gla committee Another great week-end of harmony I}ansion Program?H-"Havc I brought evidenced careful planning and pro­ and hospitality that ended all too soon! a nc\\-' mcmbcr into the Socictl'?"­ gramming of all activities. It was a This past week-end the barbershop­ "Havc I rcnewed thc intcrest and mcm .. week-end that will be long remembered. pers of the "jumpin" Johnny Appleseed bership of a "Lost Chol'd?"-"Have I Then came the first meeting of your District rolled out the red carpet in becn taking an activc part in chaptcr, Executive Committee in Kenosha, Wis­ king-size style. Enroute to Lima} Ohio area and district affairs?"-"Am I consin. Words cannot express the deep where the convention was meeting, I singing in a quartct?"-"Havc I bccn warmth and reverent feeling experi­ stopped over in Columbus for a quick a conscicntious chorus mcmbcr?"­ enced by each one of usas we gathered look at the June '58 Convention site.
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