University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1952 The aiD ly Lobo 1951 - 1960 9-12-1952 New Mexico Lobo, Volume 055, No 1, 9/12/1952 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1952 Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Lobo, Volume 055, No 1, 9/12/1952." 55, 1 (1952). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ daily_lobo_1952/55 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1951 - 1960 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1952 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. - ~ At ::;; ~-- ri-- Officials i:xPE!tt Enrollment De-..........·. oday 1i3 Women Pledge· frosh ,on Campus; Campus Sororities Awaited Drop Due EW' During Rush Wee/c. '- Albuquerque, New Mexico, Friday, Sept. 12, 1952 :N:o. 1· One hundred .and twenty.. three . 'To 6-1 Terminations --~--~----~~~~ -~~----------~--------~--- .... W01!l~n wer~pledged to seven ,s<!".' .Registration figures for this TOntles durmg Rus!). Week actlVl- . ' t . .', t d t b ties Panhellenic association. an... semes er are expec eo. .e 100 Night Classes' nou~ces. They are: .' ..' lower than last year's an- First AnnuaL Women's UayScheduled A!pha Chi nwga.:.Jan.AJfidi, Mid.. nounc~s J. C.'MacGregor, di .. lothl~n, Ill.;, Bonme Jean BartQn, rector of student admissions. ·Offered for Workers' Barrmgton, IlL; Dorothy Cleveland, About 2000 s'tudents are ex- Albuguerque;Carol Conners,. AI-· '.. '... .. .. UNM is going all out this year Tomorrow in'SUB; Tea Featured . bany,N.Y.; Myra Teresa Cummins, pected, to enroll a~ the ached ... in scheduling night classes for day­ ) DUrango, Colo.; Marguerite De Feo, .uled'tlme to.day wIth late reg­ time workers in the Albuquerque Chicago, Ill.; Mary Patricia Ed- istration taking .place next area, ' The first annual Women's Day Mortar Board,Panhellenici Baptist wards, Fort Sumnet:t. N. M,; Mar- 'week' ' . '. "UNM officials feel a serious ob-. for university co.eds will take place Student Union, Phrateres. Sigma jorie Helen Furrow, lialesburg, Ill.;' • ligation to make educational facili­ tomorrow at the. SUB. Alpha Iota., Mirage; United Stu­ Cornelia Gray, Lake Junaluska, N. So far, about 800 freshmen haVe ties available to a:ll residents who dents . Christian Fellowship and C.; Gilder Gray, Lake Junaluska, ardved on campus. They are in­ cannot attend daytime. classes," The Associated Women Students Women's Recreation Council. N. C.; Billie Grizzell, Roswell, N. Cl1lcded. in the 2000'figure. said Tom L. Popejoy, UNM presi­ organization will sponsor the all­ - All new women students wUl be M.j Mary Holecheck, Albuquerque; University officials say that 'this dent. day affair whieh will include the honored at a tea also in the SUB Coral Johnson, Albuquerque; Elsa marks the· lowest point in college. Night classes are offered in art, presentation of 'Women's organiza~ ballroom at 2 p. m.At 2:30, presi­ Johnson, Albuquerque. ' registration: After· this year, col- . biology, business administration, tions, a tea, and a style show. dents of al~ women's organizations Lucy Krueger, Albuquerque; Joye leges expect a definite rise in stu­ chemistl'Y, economics, education, At 10 a.,m. the activities will be­ wjll be introduced. Lair, Roswell, N. M.; Dianne Ll1ti- dent enrollment.' English, engineering, government, gin with all women's organizations A style show emphasizing cam­ mer, Dexter, N. M.; Phyllis Long- M G 'd th t h b r d histoJ:'Y, law, mathematics and as­ represented with a decorated booth pus .fashions will take place at 3 Will, Mountainair, N. M.,' La.ura . aC? r,egor sal . a e e leve tronomy, modern and classical lan­ 'in the SUB ballroom. They will in­ with Ellen J. Hill commenting. The the present drop was due in some guages, music, physics, psychology, clude scholastic, service, religious, models for the show are Helen Co;x, Lo~ LQvett, B(llen,N. M.; "Elouise part to World War' II veterans social sciences, and speech. and social aspects \of the campus. Patsy Cunningham, Barbara Cun­ Manson, Albuqllerque; Joyce Mil- whose GI Bill had run out. He ex- Organization representatives will . holland, Pasadena, Calif.; Patsy pects Korea veterans to help 'raise More than 100 classes for credit ningham, Alfee Woodward, Thelma Patton, Clovis, N, M.; Carolyn Phil.. the enrollment within the next few .are being offered at hours that acquaint UNM co-eds with the pur­ Nelson, Joanna Beacon,Joan LewiS, lips, Santa Fe, N.M.; Anne Rader, years. would not ordinarily conflict with poses of the group and will try to and Connie Sote!. Albuquerque~ Working hours,Popejoy said. "inter~st women in becoming mem­ Heads. of AWScommittees ar~ Anita Redstrom, Albuquerque; For those who do not specifically bel'S now or sometime in the future. Letitia Creveling, activities; Joann Cecilia Rowe, Albuquerque; Celeste want credit for night classes the The groups to be represented are McNay, tea; Peggy Dismuke, :;tyle Ruddy, Albuquerque; Jane Ann N. e'w York U Ad·c/s university is offering 38 non-credit Spurs, Home Economics club, Theta show; and Patsy Morrow, general Stinnett, Portales, N:M.; Janet . courses, most of them costing only Sigma Phi, W~terlous, Daily Lobo, arrangements. Thompson, Albuquerque; Belinda $10 for 12 weeks of instruction. Wolfe, Albuquerque. O~eanography Unit In this category are languages, Alpha Delta Pi: Nancy Burke, New York University's College of including Spanish, Russian and Albuquerque; Jessie Capps, Belen, Engineering has redesignated its French, handicraft courses, such as Westlall. Operates College Bookstore N: M.; Norma Chapman, Albuquer­ Department . of. Meteorology the metal cI'afts, leather work~ textile que; Ann Evermon, Albuquerque; Dr. Thorndike Saville, dean of the crafts, arc and acetylene welding, U Book. Store . Is Zavelle's Goal Sue Evermon, Albuquerque; Joan the college, has announced. jewelry making, woodwork, and Grinslade, Santa Rita, N. M.; Bar­ N.Y.U. is the first American uni- pottery making. The University Book store, 2;1.28 "To set up a real college book.. ' bara Grosbeck, Albuquerque; Janet , versity to officially combine meteor­ Accounting for small businesses, E. Central,. operated by Alumnus store, something lacking on this (Continued on 'page 12) , ology and oceanography. He ex­ fundmentals of life insurance, mod­ Archie Westfall, is a new additiOn campus befol'e," is the aim of Al plained that research methods in ern selling techniques, principles of to the neal' campus facilities. Zavelle, the manager of the new both fields were similar since they real estate, and secretarial _work­ Westiall operated his book store Associated' Student bookstore. dealt "with media which are' fluids, shop are being offered in the busi­ in the SUB for 15 years until ter­ Zavelle, with 18 years experience subject to the same physical laws." ness and vocatillnal field. mination of the lease July 1, 1952. in managing bookstores in colleges BA College Initiates Studies leading to the Master's Residents in this area who wish He then moved his 'neadquarters to around the nation, has set up the and Doctor's degrees in this college credit courses will register either the new location. new store, located in the basement became effective with the opening Sept. 15 or 16 from 6:30 to 8:30 in The store, larger quarters than of the SUB, along self-service lines. Adviser Progr~m. of the academic year at N.Y.U. this Crlisle Gymnasium accordipg to the the SUB lobby, cal'lies textbooks, Using modern merchandising tech­ month. first letters of their last Jiame. classroom needs and supplies, refer­ niques that have been tried in other Alpha Kappa Psi, a businessfra­ i TownspeQple who desire to enroll . Dr. Bernhard Haurwitz, chair­ I ence books and handbooks, office American colleges, Zavelle says he ternity for all male students en­ man of the department, said that for non-creait courses may sign UP equipment, engineering supplies, hopes to establish a store that rolled in the College of Business any time during the week Sept. 15- drafting eqUipment, art supplies, "sells more than textbooks, a real Administration, recently a,nnounced the Woods Hole Oceanographic In­ t 20 in Hodgin Hall, room 13. stitution at Cape Cod, Mass., would gym suits and shoes, social sta­ student store." a student advisers program for all cooperate with the N.Y.U. depart­ I tionery, College Outline series; This year, students who have new students enrolling this Septem­ ment. The Woods Hole organization Modern Library editions and Rine­ their schedules already planned. are ber in that particular school. will provide laboratory facilities for hart editions. buying thei): books before registra­ It is the aim of the student ad­ 'kI Fitm Society to The'story of the University Book summer work and arrange for lipar_ tion, using the self-sel'vice system. viser of Alpha Kappa . Psi as well ticipation of our staff membeJ:'s in lip. " stol'e dates back to 1927, when In case of mistakes or changes in as the faculty to aid the new stu­ ocean cruises and airplanellights Sh OW . alsan there was a campus 'shack near the programs, exchanges will be made, dent in every possible way. Each for observation of oceanographic Inter-American affairs building. Zavelle said. new student will be told who their phenomena," he said. Roberto Rossellini's Italian mas.. Westfall worked there while going In the case of used books, Za- student adviser will be', and then terpiece, i'Paisant will open the to UNM. It was called the Varsity . velIe has adopted the policy of giv­ in turn introduced to their respec­ season of the Film Society of UNM shop. ing students half-price for books tive faculty adviser.
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