Libraries CLOSED-CAPTIONED AND SUBTITLED TITLES The Media and Reserve Library, located in the lower level of the west wing, has over 9,000 videotapes, DVDs and audiobooks covering a multitude of subjects. For more information on these titles, consult the Libraries' online catalog. 0.5mm DVD-8746 1964 DVD-7724 10 DVD-1717 1968 with Tom Brokaw DVD-5235 10 Things I Hate About You DVD-0254 1984 (Hurt) DVD-4640 DVD-0812 DVD-6795 1000 Eyes of Dr. Mabuse DVD-0048 2 Autumns, 3 Summers DVD-7930 10th Victim DVD-5591 2 or 3 Things I Know About Her DVD-6091 11th Hour DVD-5026 20 Million Miles to Earth DVD-3608 12 DVD-1200 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea DVD-8356 12 and Holding DVD-5110 2000 and Beyond: Confronting the Microbe Menace DVD-0126 12 Angry Men DVD-0850 2001: A Space Odyssey DVD-0260 12 Monkeys DVD-3375 DVD-1239 DVD-8358 DVD-8357 12 Years a Slave DVD-7691 2010: The Year We Make Contact DVD-3418 127 Hours DVD-8008 2012 DVD-4759 13 Going on 30 DVD-8704 21 Grams DVD-8358 1408 DVD-7675 21 Up South Africa DVD-3691 1776 DVD-0397 24 City DVD-9072 180 DVD-3999 24 Hour Party People DVD-8359 1900 DVD-4443 24 Hours 24 Million Meals: Feeding New York DVD-8157 1900 House DVD-0500 24 Season 1 (Discs 1-3) DVD-2780 Discs 1930s (Discs 1-3) DVD-5348 Discs 24 Season 1 (Discs 1-3) c.2 DVD-2780 Discs 1930s (Discs 4-5) DVD-5348 Discs 24 Season 1 (Discs 4-6) DVD-2780 Discs 1940s House DVD-3463 24 Season 1 (Discs 4-6) c.2 DVD-2780 Discs 1/25/2018 24 Season 2 (Discs 1-4) DVD-2282 Discs 39 Steps DVD-0337 24 Season 2 (Discs 5-7) DVD-2282 Discs 39 Steps c.2 DVD-0337 c.2 25th Hour DVD-2291 4 Films by Virgil Wildrich DVD-8361 25th Hour c.2 DVD-2291 c.2 4 Little Girls DVD-0051 25th Hour c.3 DVD-2291 c.3 400 Blows DVD-8362 27 Dresses DVD-8204 DVD-0336 28 Days Later DVD-4333 42 DVD-5254 28 Days Later c.2 DVD-4333 c.2 42nd Street DVD-1075 28 Days Later c.3 DVD-4333 c.3 DVD-0232 28 Weeks Later c.2 DVD-4805 c.2 42nd Street c.2 DVD-0232 c.2 3 Days of the Condor DVD-8360 49 Up DVD-1913 3 Penny Opera DVD-3329 5 Deadly Venoms DVD-9185 3 Times Divorced DVD-5100 50 First Dates DVD-4486 3 Women DVD-4850 500 Nations DVD-0778 3 Worlds of Gulliver DVD-4239 56 Up DVD-8322 3:10 to Yuma DVD-9012 60's DVD-0410 DVD-4340 61 DVD-4523 30 Days of Night DVD-4812 70's DVD-0418 30 Days Season 1 DVD-4981 7th Voyage of Sinbad DVD-4166 30 Days Season 2 DVD-4982 8 1/2 DVD-3832 30 Days Season 3 DVD-3708 8 1/2 c.2 DVD-3832 c.2 30 Rock Season 1 DVD-7976 8 Mile DVD-1639 300 DVD-6064 9 Souls DVD-0372 DVD-9078 9 to 5 DVD-2063 300: Rise of the Empire DVD-9092 9.99 DVD-5662 35 Shots of Rum DVD-4729 9/11 c.2 DVD-0056 c.2 36th Chamber of Shaolin DVD-9181 90210 Season 1 (Discs 1-3) c.1 DVD-5583 Discs Page 2 1/25/2018 90210 Season 1 (Discs 1-3) c.2 DVD-5583 Discs Act of Violence/Mystery Street DVD-3065 90210 Season 1 (Discs 4-5) c.1 DVD-5583 Discs Adam DVD-5052 90210 Season 1 (Discs 4-6) c.2 DVD-5583 Discs Adam Bede DVD-7149 9500 Liberty DVD-8572 Adams Chronicles DVD-3572 9th Company DVD-1383 Adam's Rib DVD-1715 A Nous la Liberte DVD-8363 Adaptation DVD-4192 A.I. Artificial Intelligence DVD-2714 Adaptation c.2 DVD-4192 c.2 DVD-2713 Addams Family DVD-8162 Abandoned: The Betrayal of America's Immigrants DVD-5835 Addicted to Love DVD-3376 Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein DVD-4230 Addicted to Plastic DVD-8168 Abduction from the Seraglio (Mei) DVD-1125 Addiction DVD-2884 Abduction from the Seraglio (Schafer) DVD-1187 Address DVD-8002 DVD-1131 Admiral DVD-7558 Abolicao VHS-4360 Adventure of English DVD-5957 Abolitionists DVD-7362 Adventures of a Young Man DVD-3864 Abominable Dr. Phibes/Dr. Phibes Rises Again DVD-3313 Adventures of Baron Munchhausen DVD-3909 Aboriginal Architecture: Living Architecture DVD-3261 Adventures of Don Juan DVD-2916 About a Boy DVD-3900 Adventures of Juan Quin Quin DVD-6084 About Last Night DVD-0928 Adventures of Milo and Otis DVD-4025 Abraham (Bible Collection) DVD-0602 Adventures of Prince Achmed DVD-8364 Abraham and Mary Lincoln: A House Divided DVD-0001 DVD-7737 Absence of Malice DVD-8243 Adventures of Priscilla Queen of the Desert DVD-4365 Abyss DVD-8020 Adventures of Robin Hood DVD-1303 Accused DVD-6182 Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle (DeNiro) c.2 DVD-3959 c.2 Ace Ventura Collection DVD-8163 Advertising and the End of the World DVD-1460 Across the Universe DVD-5997 Advise and Consent DVD-1514 Act of Killing DVD-4434 Advocate DVD-5187 Page 3 1/25/2018 Affair to Remember DVD-1201 Aguirre: The Wrath of God DVD-4816 Africa, Africas DVD-5279 Aguirre: The Wrath of God c.2 DVD-4816 c.2 African American Lives DVD-5125 Aida (Domingo) DVD-0600 African American Lives 2 DVD-3281 Air America DVD-3884 African Queen DVD-5238 Airplane DVD-8365 After America…After Japan DVD-4538 Airport 77/Concorde Airport 79 DVD-3317 After Hours DVD-3053 Airport/Airport 1975 DVD-3307 After Life DVD-4558 AKA DVD-2492 After the Spill DVD-9095 Akira DVD-0315 After the Storm DVD-3252 DVD-1214 After the Thin Man DVD-3021 Akira c.2 DVD-0315 c.2 After Winter, Spring DVD-8820 Al Qaeda Files DVD-5382 Against All Odds DVD-8241 Al Qaeda in Yemen DVD-6211 Against All Odds: Inside Statistics (Discs 1-4) DVD-2225 Discs Aladdin (Disney) DVD-6181 Against All Odds: Inside Statistics (Discs 5-7) DVD-2225 Discs Aladin (Bollywood) DVD-6178 Against the Odds: The Artists of the Harlem Renaissance DVD-4502 Alaska Gold DVD-5594 Against the Wall DVD-2894 Albert Nobbs DVD-7456 Age of AIDS DVD-1721 Alexander DVD-5380 Age of Anxiety VHS-4359 Alexander Nevsky DVD-8367 Age of Consent (Michael Powell) DVD-4779 DVD-4983 Age of Heroes (Blu-Ray) DVD-8993 Alexander Nevsky (Criterion) c.2 DVD-4983 c.2 Age of Innocence DVD-6179 Alfred Hitchcock Presents Season 1 DVD-7782 Age of Innocence c.2 DVD-6179 c.2 Alfred Hitchcock: The Masterpiece Collection Bonus DVD-0958 Disc Age of Kings, Volume 1 (Discs 1-3) DVD-6678 Discs Ali: Fear Eats the Soul DVD-4725 Age of Kings, Volume 2 (Discs 4-5) DVD-6679 Discs Ali: Fear Eats the Soul c.2 DVD-4725 c.2 Age of Reason: Age of Passion VHS-5255 Alias Nick and Nora DVD-2956 Agony and the Ecstasy DVD-3308 Alias Season 1 (Discs 1-3) DVD-6165 Discs Page 4 1/25/2018 Alias Season 1 (Discs 4-6) DVD-6165 Discs All that Heaven Allows DVD-0329 Alias Season 2 (Discs 1-3) DVD-6171 Discs All That Heaven Allows c.2 DVD-0329 c.2 Alias Season 2 (Discs 4-6) DVD-6171 Discs All that Jazz DVD-4310 Alias Season 3 (Discs 1-4) DVD-7355 Discs All the King's Men DVD-3291 Alias Season 3 (Discs 5-6) DVD-7355 Discs All the King's Men: Picking Up the Pieces DVD-2649 Alias Season 4 (Discs 1-3) DVD-6177 Discs All the Mornings of the World DVD-1274 Alias Season 4 (Discs 4-6) DVD-6177 Discs All the President's Men DVD-1775 Alias Season 5 DVD-6183 DVD-8371 Alice DVD-4863 Alleessi: An African Actress DVD-3247 Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore DVD-3070 Allosaurus DVD-8913 Alice in Wonderland (Depp) DVD-4917 Almost Famous c.2 DVD-1638 c.2 Alice in Wonderland (Disney) DVD-8369 Almost Famous c.3 DVD-1638 c.3 Alien DVD-0838 Almost Famous c.4 DVD-1638 c.4 Alien c.2 DVD-0838 c.2 Along Came a Spider DVD-8207 Alive Day Memories: Home from Iraq DVD-6536 Alphaville DVD-0369 All About Eve DVD-0980 Alphaville c.2 DVD-0369 c.2 DVD-8370 Alphaville c.3 DVD-0369 c.3 All About My Mother DVD-4262 Alzheimer's Project DVD-4436 DVD-0965 Amada DVD-6087 All About My Mother c.2 DVD-0965 c.2 Amadeus DVD-0099 All American Girl DVD-3363 Amar Akbar Anthony DVD-5078 All in the Family Season One DVD-2382 Amarcord DVD-4426 All in this Tea DVD-2349 Amateur DVD-5619 All is Lost DVD-7470 Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse DVD-9081 All of Me DVD-2988 Amazing Race Season One DVD-0925 All Quiet on the Western Front DVD-0238 Ambushers DVD-5616 DVD-1284 Amelia DVD-7455 Page 5 1/25/2018 Amelie DVD-1724 American Movie c.2 DVD-0183 c.2 DVD-1723 American Outlaws DVD-8451 America and the Holocaust DVD-2861 American Pastime DVD-5083 America Fever: A Norwegian Emigration Story DVD-3573 American President DVD-7307 America Goes to War: World War II DVD-8059 American Promise DVD-7846 America in Primetime DVD-5425 American Psycho DVD-6071 America Rebuilds DVD-0806 American Psycho c.3 DVD-6071 c.3 DVD-0853 American Revolutionary: The Evolution of Grace Lee DVD-7823 Boggs America the Beautiful DVD-5942 American Road DVD-8095 American DVD-7454 American Sign Language for Kids and Adults DVD-5585 American Beauty DVD-2690 American Sniper DVD-8997 American Dream (Hormel) DVD-3290 DVD-8328 American Dream (Marines) DVD-7453 American Soldier DVD-7225 American Dreamer DVD-9161 American Splendor DVD-4828 American Dreams (lost and found)/Landscape Suicide DVD-7160 American Teacher DVD-3105 (PAL) American Friend DVD-5636 American Ultra DVD-9035 American Gangster DVD-3140 American Werewolf in London DVD-2657 American Graffiti DVD-0857 Americanization of Emily DVD-1501 American Graffiti c.2 DVD-0857 c.2 America's Dream DVD-2724 American History X DVD-3287 America's Sweethearts DVD-6176 DVD-0019 Amilcar Cabral DVD-5602 American Horror Story Season 1 DVD-7048 Amistad DVD-0021 American Horror Story Season 2: Asylum DVD-7367 DVD-8372 American Horror Story Season 3: Coven DVD-7891 Amityville Horror (2005) DVD-1092 American in Paris DVD-0856 Among the Righteous DVD-8343 American Matchmaker DVD-6624 Analyze That DVD-7452 American Movie DVD-0183 Analyze This DVD-8450 Page 6 1/25/2018 Anand DVD-5044 Animatrix DVD-5910 Anatomy of a Murder DVD-4814 Animatrix c.2 DVD-5910 c.2 Anchorman 2 DVD-9099 Anita: Speaking Truth to Power DVD-6434 Anchors Aweigh DVD-0476 Anna Akhmatova File DVD-6152 And God Created Woman DVD-4827 Anna Christie DVD-2073 And Justice for All DVD-8244 Anna Karenina (Garbo) DVD-2019 DVD-3965 Anna Karenina
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