..Ytl I I I t I I/ I/ I a a Codsall Community Arts Festtval l Otb Marcb - 27tb Marcb 2010 A biennial Festiual based at Codsall Higb Scbool amd created by representatiuet rf the commumities of Bilbrook, Pattingb am, Perton and Codsall. Progrctntme t 1 ,00 FESTI\AL PROGRAMME {: t- Jrall Crrmmunif\ High School. Elliotts Lane, Codsall (L,nless otherwise stated) - 10 MARCH _ 27 MARCH 2O1O l. Ceiebration ofthe Arts Page 20 Trini4, Methodist Church, Historts Hill "A Celebration of Mothers" Page 20 St Nicholas Churclt, Codsall i l)0-.1.00pm Photographic Exhibition Page 20 St Christopher's RC Church, Codsull -.-l0pm Codsall Drarratic Socictl' presents: Page 21 l.3Opm "Lizzy"Dttcy & Jane" Codsall Village Hall Sar 13 r.3opm Cantorion Clolin Jones Page 22 \{on 15 7.3Opm "Out ol the Wood" with Don Billington Page l: Tue-Thur 16-18 7.3()pm Tr.vo one-act plays: Studio 6l prcsents "The Dean" Page t+ Pattingha:rr Drarna Group presents "As Time Goes Ry" Page 2-\ Pattingh am Village Hall TuEs 16 7.3Opm l,esley Srlith appears as Nell Gwynn Page 26 \\'ed 17 7 30pm Antiques Evening u,ith Heury Szrndon Page 27 Thurs l8 7.3Opm Football talk: Don Goo<lman and Geoft Thomas rvith Jacqui Oatley Page 28 Triniry* Methotlist Church, Histons Hill r9 8.00pm Mike Carnie and his iazz Ail Stars Page 29 :0 7.3Opm "A Celebration ol Charles Dickens" with Robert Powell and cast Pagc 30 Mon 22 7.30pm "An Introduction to Japanese Kirnono and F'abrics" by Helen Sraith Page 3 1 Tues 23 7.30prr An Evening rvith Ann Widdecourbe Page 32 1' \\ ed 7.30prn Benjarnin Crosvenor in Recital Page 33 \\'ed-Fri 24-26 7.30prr Histons Players present "Blood tr4oney" Page 34 Fri 26 7.3Opn'r "Hic!" b-v Julian Cury Page 35 follorved by \r/ine tasting rvith Waitrose >:: 2'7 7.30pm Gala Evening: lohn Miller and his Orchestra Page 36 Tlte Cornntittee reserves the right to amend or cancel anv of the Festival events. BOX OFFICE ARRANGEMENTS From il[onda1,, 22 February- 2010 You ma_v purchase your tickets direct from BR{DSPORTS, Birches Bridge (see opposite page) K-{LEIDOSCOPE, The Square, Codsall (see opposite page) or by postal application tiom: -. r. -,,.;:r:. 5l O:ken Park. Codsall. Wolverhampton, WV8 2BW. Tel: 01902 845230. Plcuse enclose S"A,E, BOX OFFICE No 1 tsRADSPOITTS. BiRCHES BRiDGE SHOPPI\G CI,\TRE Bradsports 01902 845252 Printing & Embroidery School 'Wear,'Work 'Wear, Club 'Wear Team'Wear, Promotional'Wear, Fun'Wear Customise & Personalise your clothing Also Specialists in Danceweat arl..d Accessories Full range of Theatrical & Show Vear Gymnastic Leotards and much rnore BOX OFFICE No 2 KALEIDOSCOPE - 4 The Square, Codsall Kaleidoscope Cross Stitch . Tapestry . Knitting'Wool . Haberdashery Specialist neeclleu'ork s1-rop n.irere 21 warm and friertcllr rl,elcotne :tn':tits ycttt. Personal serr''ice ancl an extclt\jr c t.Lt-t{r u.ill c:lter for :r11 youl neecls Kaleidoscope, 4 The Square, Codsall, Wolverhampton. Telephone: O1902 547 233 1 CODSALL COMMUhIITY ARTS FESTIYAL C RATEFTJLLY AC KNOW L EDC ES FII'JAhJC IAL i\SSI STAi\iC.E F ROM FROM SOUTH STAFF'ORDSHIRE COUNCIL S*uth Staffordshire Coun*il CODSALL COMMT]hIITY ARTS FESTIVAL GRATEF U LLY ACKI\JOWLEDGES THE, COMMU}IITY ARTS FIJND GRAi{T FROM S TAFFORDSHIRE COTII.{TY CSLTNCIL Staff#rdEhir* t*#fity C*rrfitil 16 Codsall Community Arts Festival 1}th Marcb - 27tb March 2010 Registered Cbaritl' |lo I 12-06+ ta e b s ite r.u tu tL'. c o d s a I I a r t sfe s t i t' cr l. o r g. u k 17 Welcorne to tbe 17th Codsall Cow-r,munity Arts Festiual I am very pleased to welcome you to Codsali's 17th Arts Festival. Your organising committee has produced what we very much hope will be a varied and entertaining prograrnme. We have sought to introduce new themes and at the same time preserve those events which hur" prored so popular with our regular audiences. This year's Festival will reflect a strong commurrity flavour in our home rvhich is the High School, in the halls where the drama societies perform and in the celebrations and exhibitions in the churches during the *'eek end leading up to Mother's Day. We hope you have made use of our new website wr.wv.codsallarlsfestival.org.uk to keep infomed of our progress and news items as they occur. The current economic climate has proved challenging for us, as well we know it has for our supporters. We are, therefore, all the more grateful to our patrons, sponsors and advertisers without whose help we would strive in vain. The success of our application to become a registered charity will enable us to consider innovative ways of fund raising to complement the generosity we continue to receive from the county and district authorities and parish councils. At the end of the day it is to our audiences that we look for continued suppofi, comment and, hopefu1ly, approval of our endeavours. My fe1low committee members and I look forward to meeting you during the course ofthe festival. Johr-r Hulr:is CLtoirructn CODSALL COMMUNITY ARTS FESTIVAL ASSOCIATION COMMITTEE Presid'ent Ma'rjori'e Tunnicliffe Vi.ce-Presid.ents............................... Judy Dauies, Ken llallo.m, Mariike llolden, Ilylela leiglt, Joan lYaodu'atcl Cbairman Jolnt lrort'is Vice Clcairman Peter Birkert Treasurer Rutb Job Secretary Jttely Dat'ies Patrons Secretary ..... Sbeils Revnolds Prograntnre Secretary ............Mich&el Blacksl.ratr ancl Rtttlt Job Mentbers ..... Anne Birkert, Michael Blackshau'. l-al Cl.ttrpman. Pbilip ctrtd Anne -llctores. Fred Turley Co-optecl Members... Anne Greatbatclt. Ietr V,'arlctw Box Office Alisott Laigltt (O19O2 815230) 19 A CELEBRATION OF THE ARTS Wednesday 10 March at 7.00 pm \ienue: Trinity Methodist Church, Codsall - : .-.',,ts"il f'olltcil of Churches invites you to share in a special Arts Festival service t- r: :: .: ri Tluiitv li'lethodist Church, Histons Hill. Codsall. -. :,-Lnrenical act of r,i,orship is a time when children and young people ol th. - :r',r:,,-l'iirv sirare the celebration tvitir drama. music and dancing. The clergy of all ou: -.,t,:t::iinitv citurches are represeltted and a warm 'uvelcotle is given to all preSent. A CELEBRATION OF MOTHERS Saturdav & SundaY 13 & 14 March Venue: St Nicholas Church, Codsall Si -.,iclrolas Church, Codsall r,r,ill be thc venue lor a special weekcnd Exhibition tr' ;:lel.r'ure motherhoocl in all its forms. During the u,cekend of 13 & 14 March visitors t.' :rr: f hulcit u-ill be able to 1iis1{ $.61kby local artists and craftspeople, as well as displal . ri children fl'om several ofour local schools. Tl.- ,.r.eekenc1 u,ill f-urish rvith a special 'oCelebration of Mothers" lor Mothering Sundar *t 6.30pnron Sunday evening, l4 N'Iarch, u,ith contributions tiom the Bridgnorth ;.,r.nnrLLnit-v singing group 'Voices irr Han-nony' and the school choir liom St Nicholas CE Frlsr Sc1.roo1. All arc welcomc. PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPETITTO]\ AND EXHIBITION Saturday - Fridal', l3 - 19 March, 2.00 pm - 4.00 pm \'enue: St Christopher's Roman Catholic Church, Codsall r.:roil.rcL pliotogriiphic feast! "Advanced Photographers" can enter their r.vork in Class I. ,,t.ie tlre rcst olus. thc l,u,oricl's "Happysnappers", can submit our favor'rrite snapshots rrl Ll.r.. ll. hr both classes, the subjcct matter is completely open. The closing date foi' -:,1:ri: rs Saturclay 20 Februarl'2010. Dctaiis of the Competition and Exhibition can be . ., r.ri.t tl.ont IIr A Turlev, 42 Princes Gardens, Codsall, Wolverhampton, WVS 2DH r I cl: t)1902 8,13586). .: :. 1n Lrorh classes u,ii1 be on ilisplay for a rveek in an Exhibition at St Christopher's ( frur.e h. \trollcrhampton Road, Codsall betil'een Saturda--v 13 March and Frida-V l9 \1:rih. Tl:r Erhibttion rvi11 be open daily betr.veen 2.00 pm and 4.00 pm. Admission tt' --. --tt-.::r:tlec. Sponsored by Chris N{anley Associates 20 CODSALL DRAMATIC SOCIETY presents Lizzy, Darcy & Jane b-v Joanna Norland Wednesdal', Thursdal'& FridaY EYening: 10 - t2 F'larch at 7'30pm Saturdar- N'Iatinee: l3 ]larch at 2.30pm Venue: Codsall \-illage Hall As Jane Austen writes Pride & Prejudice, the boundary between reality and fiction begins to blur"' ln I795 Jane Austcn began writing a novel u,hich she cntitled F'irsl lnprcs.siorr'r, but lr hich was published as Pricle arul Prejutlit:t,. Its popularity has led to its bciiig tilmed. dlamatiseil ancl televisecl. but rvhat was happening to Jane at this linie uhicl'r enablecl her to clcate this cr-rduring masteq.riece? Authors o1'ten speak of the ir charactets ll-s ctltltl'oilirtc thcit'ou u destinies: Jane seems to have experienced this llhL'llonle 11011 In Li::-r'. Darct' ruttl Jrute. Jane Austen pits her u'it ancl u rll against her greatest adversary and ally - the intlepid heroine of Pritle ond Pre.iutlice, Eiizabeth Bennet. Headl' rvith her first taste of love for the clashing Tom LeFroy, Jane Ansten creates Elizabeth in an exuberant moment of inspiration, ancl Mr Darc.r,' takes on the role of her arch enerny and reluctant acimirer. But rvl'ren Jane's romance with Tom sours, she begins to change tlie p1ot. The fates of tlre author. the novel and its heroine are at stake. Elizabeth Bennet must take action to overcome pride and prejudicc. Directed by Phil Harper whose previous productions include An Experiment tvith an Air Ptuttp and the NODA award nominated Colder Than Here.In our 61st year Codsall Dramatic Society are excited to present this production which takes a fresh look at what might have happened in Jane Austen's tife and what 1ed her to write one of the greatest novels of all time.
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