Tonight- Tomorroi Mrs. Edith Magjuder will give four Attend the faculty all-star review lectures on current social problems. in Alumni Hall at 8:15. Read the Plan to attend at least one. Complete story on page one. J/te Jiat Lux schedule on page one. STUDENT NEWSPAPE& OF AlFfcED UNIVERSITY VOL. XXX, NO. 22 TUESDAY, MARCH 23, 1943, ALFRED, N. Y. Telephone 29-Y-lll STUDENT BOX HOLDER Alfred University Named St. Pat And Queen Big Faculty Show For Possible War Work Tonight Promises Liberal Arts College Now Eligible According To Government Reports To Be All-Time Hit "Alfred University is included among the colleges named in recent re- leases by the Joint Committee for the selection of non-Federal institutions for "All-Star" Musical Review To the war training programs." stated President J. Nelson Norwood in an inter- view recently. Include Skit, Dancing, Humor This means that the College of Li- beral Arts is now eligible for the W. S. G. President To Be Chosen The spotlight turns on the faculty tonight, as more than 50 faculty mem- same type of program as the Ceramic The president of the W. S. G. bers get ready to don the grease-paint and put on their "all-star" musical re- College was selected for some time will be elected at a meeting to be view, "Spring Time Is Sap Time". Hints as to the program were obtained ago. "The institutions," President Nor- held this evening at 7:15 p.m. in by the Fiat for last week's issue, and an announcement in assembly gave an wood explained, "are selected 'for in- Physics Hall. Nominees for the added inkling of the content of the show, but no official announcement of the spection and possible contract' by the position are Margaret Hopkins program has as yet been made. Piecing together information ob- War Department for basic training '44, Rhoda Large '44 and Jeanne Important Student Senate Meeting tinder the Army Specialized Training McCormick '44. tainable, the program seems to shape Walter East Lee Linhof J'rogram." The Student Senate will hold The meeting is compulsory for up as follows: There is definitely go- Up to the present, he stated in sum- an important meeting tomorrow all university women except se- ing to be a skit entitled "Heaven Pro- jfiarizing statistics received from evening at 7:15 p.m. in Physics Lee Linhof Crowned By St. Pat tect the Chaperron." The cast for Washington, 479, colleges and univer- niors. Hall. Arrangements for campus this skit includes Dean Dora K. Degen, sities appear on the rolls of the Army In Colorful Coronation Ceremony elections will be made at this and Navy training programs. Small time and all members are reques- Miss Leila Tupper, Mrs. Ruth Whit- as well as large institutions are listed; Mrs. Magruder Lee Linhof-—Queen of St. Pat's! As a part of the picturesque proceed- ted to attend. ford Russell, Dr. Lloyd L. Lowenstein,. more are to be added. Schools selec- ings in the annual festival, Lee Linhof '43 was crowned Queen of St. Pat's at Mr. Burton Crandall, and Prof. George ted to date are distributed by enroll- Visiting Alfred the formal ball held Friday, March 19, in the College Gymnasium. Hobart. Prof. Ada Becker Seidlia ment as follows: under 500 enrollment, The high spot of the evening came Class Elections preted by Francis DiLaura '43 and will play some piano numbers, but 161 schools; from 500 to 1,000, 134 Mrs. Edith Magruder, a popular ^s the orchestra played "The Wearing Guy Rindone '43, were engaging mis- it is still a secret whether she will schools, from 1,000 to 2,000, 85 schools; speaker on young people's problems in of the Green." the ten attendants chievous creatures of dubious mental- Scheduled For play classical selections or "boogie- •over 2,000, 99 schools. war-time, is visiting the campus today j formed a line on either side of the ity, valuable only for research. Included in the courses used in the I throne and Walter East '43 as St. woogie." and tomorrow. A good-natured but potent caric- Friday, Apr. 16 Army basic training program are: Tomorrow she will appear as fol- \ Patrick, crowned Miss Linhof as his Nevins Master of Ceremonies ture of the ceramic faculty, the stu- physics (much emphasized,) mathe- Queen. She has been entered in the The list of nominees for the var- lows: dents and their activities, "So This A faculty "St. Pat'Si speech," it ha» matics, chemistry, drafting, English, contest for the National Collegiate I ious offices follow: 9:00 a.m. Dean Degen's and Dr. Is College" was Enjoyed by all engi- been indicated, "will come out of the history, and geography. Physical ed- Senior Class: President; 4John Bak- Warren's classes, Room 1, Alumni I Bond Queen. neers, artists—liberal and ceramic, glass technology department." Many ucation is also a part of the program er, Verle Campbell, Thomas Grove, Hall. " Social Forces at Work in the [ Ladies-in-waiting to Queen Lee faculty and townspeople who attended. to be 'provided by the institution. Augustus (Jerry) Hathaway, Frank different faculty members, including Nation." were: Margaret Aylor "43, Mary Wal- Other events of the festival were This is in addition to the military J. Hickey, Fred Kaplowitz, William the Registrar, Dr. Waldo A. Titsworth, 10:00 a.m. Prof. Hobart's and Dr.ker '43, Ailsa Johnstone '43, Helen the tea dance held in the Ceramic 1 training the soldiers will get in the i Cottrell, Charles Rieck; Vice Presi- will appear in a ballet number. Mrs. Russell's classes, Room 4, Kanakadea. Nelson '43. Mary Lou Jeffrey '44, Mar- Lounge Thursday from 3 to 5 p.m. colleges. ion Mason 44 Mar ret Gibbo 44 dent; Robert Coburn, John Heebner, Virginia Spicer will sing a "modern" "The Student's Stake in the United, ' ' S» ' ' and "Springtime in the Rockies" given Carolyn Howe, Louis Kelem, Janet Courses leading to post-war recon- ; Elizabeth Burns '44, Janet Secor '44, duet with Dr. Roland Warren. Prof. struction work and to regular peace- States' Foreign Policy." that night. Secor, Mary Tremaine, Mary Jane and Shirley Baldwin '44. Cermlins, as the theme, pranced W. Varick Nevins will act as master time professions, such as law, medi 11:00 .m. Chapel Service, Kenyon McAllister; Secretary: John Busch Lee Linhof. formerly of Rochester, jmelrjl y through the festival, their pro- of ceremonies, and it is rumored he cine, dentistry, teaching and business, Hall. Topic to be announced. Olivia Bussell, Elmer Fitzsimmons, now of New York City, has been ac- will continue where there is demand, 11:30 a.m. Dr. Warren's class, Room flciency in sabotage illustrated by Eileen Hannell, Jerome Schwartz, Ja- will play the accordion. i tive in student affairs. She is the sec- stated President Norwood in discuss- cartoons. net Secor, John Baker, Jeanne Sher- 1, Alumni Hall. "After the War— retary of the Student Senate and the Some vague mention has been made ing the war-training program. man; Treasurer; Barbara Bloss, Ro- What?" Footlight Club, was acting chairman Bus Tickets On Sale Tomorrow of a twenty-piece faculty orchestra, bert Bowman, Carl Deyerling, Ray- of the Student Life Committee, is the to play in the pit, but this aspect of Tickets for buses to meet train mond Dry, Mary Lou Jeffrey, Fred viee-pi'esident and chaplain of Theta the show has neen kept clouded in leaving Hornell at 11:14, Friday, Kaplowitz, Thomas Knapp. Army, Navy Qualifying Tests Theta Chi and a member of the Cera- March 26, will be sold in the Re- mystery. mic Guild. Her chief hobby is that of Junior Class: President; Doris Hill, gistrar's Office tomorrow after- Apparently there will be other acts, To Be Given Here On April 2 collecting symphonic records. Lee Jean Gardner, Alvin Glaser, Thatl- noon. Single fare, 35 cents, round but their nature remains a secret un- also likes swimming, riding, reading deus Kupinski, Marjorie Muenzen- trjp, 65 cents. til tonight. Qualifying tests for the new Army and Navy College Training Program and sketching. She loves to eat cho- maier, Isabel Smith, Helen Dreher, Hardly a faculty member can be will be given in the lecture room of Physics Hall on Friday, April 2, between colate cake and drink water. After Buses will leave shortly after Francine Robbins; Vice President: found who does not have some part the hours of 9 and 11 a. m. Only one examination will be given at this time college she hopes to continue her work 10:00 a.m. Eugene Bodian, Alfred Cooper, Robert in the review. Although they fire in Alfred and it is open to all men who are qualified in the two colleges and in ceramic design. Frost. Jean Gardner, Edwin Gere, Margaret Long, Marilyn Miscall, Ruth hesitant to tell exactly what they are the Ag-Tech Institute. East Active on Campus Ag-Tech Institute t to do, they all seem enthusiastic and The purpose of this examination is Ann Weitz; Secretary; John Cara-1 East, of Patchogue, L. T., has been confident that the entertainment will to discover potential officer material. sure his assignment to a replacement Plans Graduation billo, Ernest Faust, Lewis Hoffman, J versatile in his activities throughout be remembered a long time, "perhaps Those who are interested in the Navy training center as a potential Army Margaret Sutton, Thomas Wiggins, j Specialized Training Program trainee. his college years. He has participated Exercises April 2 (Continued on page four) i too long," as one professor remarked.
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