Shimura curves and their p-adic uniformization Corbes de Shimura i les seves uniformitzacions p-àdiques Piermarco Milione Aquesta tesi doctoral està subjecta a la llicència Reconeixement 3.0. Espanya de Creative Commons. Esta tesis doctoral está sujeta a la licencia Reconocimiento 3.0. España de Creative Commons. This doctoral thesis is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0. Spain License. UNIVERSITAT DE BARCELONA Facultat de Matemàtiques Departament d'Àlgebra i Geometria Shimura curves and their p-adic uniformizations Corbes de Shimura i les seves uniformitzacions p-àdiques Piermarco Milione UNIVERSITAT DE BARCELONA Facultat de Matemàtiques Departament d'Àlgebra i Geometria Shimura curves and their p-adic uniformizations Corbes de Shimura i les seves uniformitzacions p-àdiques Memòria presentada per a optar al grau de doctor en Matemàtiques per Piermarco Milione Departament d'Àlgebra i Geometria Doctorand: Piermarco Milione Tutora i directora de la tesi: Dra. Pilar Bayer i Isant Pilar Bayer Isant, catedràtica d'àlgebra de la Facultat de Matemàtiques de la Universitat de Barcelona, FAIG CONSTAR que el senyor Piermarco Milione ha realitzat aquesta memòria per a optar al grau de Doctor en Matemàtiques sota la meva direcció. Barcelona, novembre del 2015 Signat: Pilar Bayer Isant “Rien n’est plus fécond, tous les mathématiciens le savent, que ces obscures analogies, ces troubles reflets d’une théorie à une autre, ces furtives caresses, ces brouilleries inexplicables ; rien aussi ne donne plus de plaisir au chercheur.” De la métaphysique aux mathématiques, André Weil Introduction The main purpose of this dissertation is to introduce Shimura curves from the non-Archimedean point of view, paying special attention to those aspects that can make this theory amenable for computations. Despite the fact that the theory of p-adic uniformization of Shimura curves goes back to the 1960s with the results of Cerednik and Drinfeld, only in the last years explicit examples related to these uniformizations have been computed (cf. [FM14]). First of all, let us recall that the canonical model of a Shimura curve, as defined by Shimura in [Shi67], is actually an Archimedean uniformization of the algebraic curve. Given an indefinite quaternion algebra H over Q of discriminant DH and an Eichler order OH over Z of level N, and once a real matricial immersion Φ : H,! M2(R) has been fixed, let Γ(DH ;N) be the Fuchsian group defined by ∗ Γ(DH ;N) := Φ(fα 2 OH j NmH=Q(α) > 0g)={±I2g ⊆ PGL2(R)>0; together with its action on the Poincar´eupper half-plane H. The canonical model of the corresponding Shimura curve is formed by an algebraic curve X(DH ;N) defined over Q, and by an analytic function J = (J1;:::;Jd): H! Pd(C) inducing a bijection J : Γ(DH ;N)nH ' X(DH ;N)(C) between the set of complex points of the Riemann surface Γ(DH ;N)nH and the set of complex points of the Shimura curve X(DH ;N). Moreover, in order to be canonical, this model is required to satisfy an important property related to the classical theory of complex multiplication. The functions Ji : H! P(C) are called uniformizing functions for the Shimura curve X(DH ;N), and the relations of algebraic dependence that these satisfy over Q provide equations of the canonical model of the curve. We refer to the analytic space Γ(DH ;N)nH as the space of parameters of the uniformization. v vi Making use of the definition of canonical model, many interesting arith- metical properties of the algebraic curve X(DH ;N) can be discovered. Nev- ertheless, the computation of equations seems to be more complicated in the case DH > 1 and even in many cases in which the equations are known, the uniformizing functions remain unknown. The difficulty in computing the complex uniformizing functions in the case of discriminant DH > 1 is, as is well known, the lack of cusps and, consequentially, the lack of a Fourier series expansion. The first step in making this complex uniformization explicit is to compute a fundamental domain for the action of the uniformizing group Γ(DH ;N). Secondly, one can consider the problem of looking for the functions Ji which are invariant for the action of this group and satisfy the algebraic dependence relations. This process has been carried out for some cases, in a series of re- search studies: in [AB04] fundamental domains for the action of the groups Γ(DH ;N) in the case of discriminant DH = 6; 10 and 15 are computed, and later in [BT07] and [BT08] uniformizing functions for the canonical model of the Shimura curve X(6; 1) are found as solution to a certain differential equa- tion. In [Nua15] a more general approach allows the computation of complex uniformizing functions for all Shimura curves having an Atkin-Lehner quo- tient of genus zero. Now then, with the same objective as in the complex case, we have started the study of the p-adic uniformization of the Shimura curves X(DH ;N). First of all we briefly state the theorem of Cerednik-Drinfeld in a form which will allow us to make it explicit. Let us fix a prime integer pjDH and let B be the definite quaternion algebra −1 over Q of discriminant DB = p DH , and OB[1=p] be an Eichler order over Z[1=p] of level N. Once a p-adic matricial immersion Φp : B,! M2(Qp) has been fixed, we define the following discrete and cocompact subgroup of PGL2(Qp): ∗ s Γp;+(DB;N) := Φp(fα 2 OB[1=p] j vp(Nm(α)) ≡ 0 (mod 2)g)={±p I2 j s 2 Zg: The p-adic points of the Shimura curve X(DH ;N) are obtained thanks to the following bijection: Γp;+(DB;N)nHp(Cp) ' X(DH ;N)(Cp); 1 1 where Hp(Cp) := P (Cp) r P (Qp) is the set of Cp-points of the p-adic upper half-plane Hp over Qp and once an immersion of Q inside Qp has been fixed. As in the Archimedean case, the first step in order to make explicit the Cerednik-Drinfeld uniformization is, then, to compute a fundamental domain vii in Hp(Cp) for the action of the group Γp;+(DB;N), together with its inter- pretation as an analytic variety. Following this path, first we have to deal with a p-adic analytic geometry, known as rigid analytic geometry. It is well known that the theory of non-Archimedean uniformization of curves starts with Tate's result on the p-adic uniformization of elliptic curves with split multiplicative reduction. In the same way, the birth of non- Archimedean analysis can be recognized in some Tate's notes from the 1960s, published only later in 1971 (cf. [Tat71]). In these notes, Tate defined the theory of non-Archimedean analytic functions which took care to avoid the lack of analytic continuation for these functions, caused by the fact that the p-adic analog of the complex plane, Cp, is totally disconnected. The theory of Tate is adapted, and even extended, by Mumford to the pure algebro-geometric language of some formal schemes, for which rigid analytic varieties turn out to be the generic fibre, in a totally new sense of the word since, in general, the generic fibre of a formal scheme is not defined. Specifically, let A be an integrally closed, local, Noetherian and complete ring, and let K be its field of fractions and k be its residue field. In his celebrated paper [Mum72] Mumford finds a family of algebraic curves C defined over K, with integral model C over A, admitting a uniformization for certain discrete subgroups of PGL2(K). In the language of formal schemes this means that the formal completion Cb of the scheme C, along its closed fibre C0=k, can be expressed as a quotient in the following form: ΓnHbΓ ' Cb; where Γ is a certain discrete subgroup of PGL2(K) and HbΓ is the \half-plane" associated to Γ, as a formal scheme over Spf A. Mumford's uniformization is the first one to use, in the non-Archimedean context, a space of parameters similar to the hyperbolic spaces of parameters, such as the upper half-plane H, or the upper half-space f(z; x) 2 C×R j x > 0g. The p-adic spaces of parameters HbΓ are, in fact, constructed by Mumford starting from the groups Γ in order to obtain a properly discontinuous action: for this reason he has to exclude those points which are accumulation points for the action of the group Γ, i.e. the set of limit points. The groups con- sidered by Mumford are the well-known p-adic Schottky groups. When the ring A has Krull dimension dim A = 1, Mumford's theory can be translated into the language of rigid analytic geometry, as is done in [GvDP80]. The advantage of the theory of p-adic uniformization of curves, compared to the complex one, is the presence of a reduction map. Every rigid analytic variety over the field K has naturally associated a reduction map which viii coincides with the reduction modulo p of the strictly convergent series locally defining this variety. Hence, as a reduction of a rigid analytic variety over K, we obtain an algebraic variety defined over the residue field k. In those cases in which these rigid analytic varieties are obtained as rigidification of algebraic varieties, that is endowing an algebraic variety over K with a structure of rigid analytic variety, then the reduction of these analytic varieties becomes more interesting since it can be identified with the special fibre of a certain, well-determined, integral model of the algebraic variety.
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