Viennaand Oakton Remembering Long-Ago Vienna Insiders Guide, Page 8 Virginia ‘Ginny’ Staats still lives in the turn-of-the- century house owned by her husband’s great-aunt. Classifieds, Page 17 Classifieds, ❖ Vienna Festivals Sports, Page 12 ❖ Celebrate Community Insiders Guide, Page 3 Calendar, Page 10 The Best Part Of Growing Up in Vienna Requested in home 8-26-10 home in Requested Insiders Guide, Page 14 material. sensitive Time Attention Postmaster: Attention PERMIT #86 PERMIT Martinsburg, WV Martinsburg, PAID U.S. Postage U.S. PRSRT STD PRSRT Photo by Donna Manz/The Connection Photo www.ConnectionNewspapers.comAugust 25-31, 2010 ❖ Volume XXIV, Number 34 Vienna/Oakton Connection online❖ August at25-31, www.connectionnewspapers.com 2010 ❖ Insiders Community Guide 2010-2011 ❖ 1 Grand Opening Special 25% OFF All Services Insiders Guide With this ad. Offer expires 11/30/10 Offering: Facial Treatments, Welcome to the Manicure & Pedicure, Waxing, Spa Packages, Nail Enhancements Neighborhood et me introduce you to the Fairfax Symphony LOrchestra (FSO), an im portant part of your new 121 Maple Ave W. • Vienna, VA 22180 • 703-242-8334 community. From our unique and For the safety of each client, we use self-sanitizing equipment and pipe-free technology (disposable liner system). valuable education programs in County schools, to our free sum- mer concerts in the parks, to our fabulous concert season through- “One of the best shops out the year at George Mason in the DC region” University’s Center for the Arts, we – Washingtonian Magazine are everywhere you are. Take ad- vantage of our low ticket prices, convenient location, and neigh- borly environment and come to a concert this season. Founded in 1957, the FSO has Pear Tree Cottage features European antique, grown to be one of the finest re- vintage and Hollywood chic furniture, home accents, lighting and gifts for all occasions. 2010-11 Season We have marked all garden and nautical items Sept. 11 – Philippe Bianconi, piano Zimmerman 25-50% OFF! Oct. 23 – David Salness, violin and Gregory Rupert, viola Nov. 20 – Timothy Fain, violin Pear Tree Cottage Jan. 15 – Chee-Yun, violin Here’s my personal 130 Maple Avenue East • Vienna, VA 22180 • 703-938-1331 • ThePearTreeCottage.com March 19 – Matti Raekallio, Closed Mondays & Tuesdays piano invitation to you May 14 – Mahler Symphony No. 2, “Resurrection” and your family — For tickets: 888-945-2468 or www.fairfaxsymphony.org. come hear us this year. You’ll be glad gional orchestras in the country. We routinely welcome world-class you did. guest artists to perform with us on our stage, and are committed to — Christopher Zimmerman fostering music education for ev- ery age group, from the youngest beginning student, to the adult www.fairfaxsymphony.org today learner. Our highly trained, profes- to find out more and join our email sional musicians come to us from list to hear about special ticket of- all walks of life: they are teachers fers and other events before any- in the public schools, members of one else. military bands, computer techni- Best of all, we are right here in cians, bank tellers, mothers, fa- your own backyard. Here’s my thers, and neighbors that you personal invitation to you and might even know! Their love of your family — come hear us this performing and music draws them year. You’ll be glad you did. together. See you at the Symphony. Ticket prices are $25, $35, or $55 for adults and $5 for students Christopher Zimmerman under 18. Visit us on the web at Music Director Upcoming Events ❖ First Congenital Heart Memory Walk and Walk, Sept. 12, at George Candlelight Rally at Mason University, 10 a.m., Reston Town Center, registration opens at 9 a.m. 11921 Freedom Drive in The walk is a joint effort Reston on Sunday, Sept. between the Adult 26. (a 1 mile walk followed Congenital Heart by a candlelight rally). 4 Association and the p.m. - Registration Opens; Children’s Heart 6 p.m. - Program and Walk Foundation. See Begin; 7 p.m. - Candlelight www.congenitalheartwalk.org. Rally. Contact: 703-359- 4440 or send an email to ❖ 2010 Northern Virginia [email protected] 2 ❖ Vienna/Oakton Connection ❖ August 25-31, 2010 ❖ Insiders Community Guide 2010-2011 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Vienna/Oakton Connection Editor Kemal Kurspahic Insiders Guide 703-778-9414 or [email protected] Welcome ViVa! Vienna!, which runs for his issue of the to the editor or three days TConnection in to send an email over Memorial cludes our an- letting us know Day weekend, nual Newcomers and about some- features hun- Community Guide. thing you espe- dreds of ven- Through narrative, list- cially liked or dors, food ings, viewpoints and pho- didn’t like about treats, live tographs, we endeavor to our coverage, entertainment, capture what it means to and suggestions children’s live here, highlights of for improve- activities and places to visit and things Mary Kimm ment. amusement to do, a snapshot of local We appreciate rides. history, help finding community readers’ ideas. If you see some- resources and tips on adjusting thing that you think might be a to living here. story, or something you have a If you are new to the area, question about, give us a call, Photos by Donna Manz/ you’ll find resources and ideas on or drop us a line. If you know The Connection these pages and on our Web site, of a person or an organization www.ConnectionNewspapers.com. doing important work, some- Even some longtime residents thing that might make a good may not have visited some of the feature story, we are looking for key places in and nearby their people to feature each week. Vienna Festivals community. We want to know if someone We offer many more re- in your family or your commu- sources on our Web site. nity published a book, became There you will find the com- an Eagle Scout, raised money Celebrate Community plete community guides for for a good cause, accomplished each of our 15 papers, includ- some feat like running a mara- ing more extensive listings than thon or having art included in Festivities highlight appear in the newspapers. an art show. We publish photos the seasons. You can also access the print and notes of a variety of per- edition of each of our papers sonal milestones and commu- online, showing each page exactly nity events, including births, By Donna Manz as it appears in the paper, includ- engagements, weddings, anni- The Connection ing cover, photos, display ads and versaries, awards and obituar- classified advertising. Go to ies. We are also interested in omething fun-filled and family-oriented is www.ConnectionNewspapers.com, events at your church, mosque, always going on in Vienna, thanks to the and click on “Print Editions” in the synagogue, community center, Smany special events, some expansive in red bar. pool, school, club, etc. scope, that take place throughout the year. As a locally owned, weekly Email us a photo and a note On the Wednesday morning before Halloween, it’s newspaper, the Connection’s about the event. Be sure to in- not unusual to see blankets and folding chairs lined mission is to bring the news you clude the names of all of the up down Maple Avenue. It’s not a community-wide need about your community, to people who are in a photo, and yard sale. It’s people setting up location to watch give you the information you say when and where the photo the Halloween parade, in which the spooky and fes- need to enjoy the best things in was taken. We also publish tive merge. and near your community, to notes about news and events Historic Vienna, Inc. kicks off the holiday season advocate for community good, from local businesses. Notes with a stroll down Church Street, highlighted by a to provide a forum for dialogue about openings, new employ- visit from Santa Claus, arriving in an antique fire on local concerns, and to cel- ees, anniversaries are welcome. truck. ebrate and record milestones It is especially important to us ViVa! Vienna! maintains its panache as a three-day and events in community and to let people know about events extravaganza over Memorial Day weekend, while people’s lives. ahead of time in our calendar Oktoberfest celebrates the autumn with music, of events. We appreciate getting children’s activities, vendors and food and drink. Taking place rain or moonlight the AT THE CONNECTION, we notice at least two weeks ahead More special events include the egg roll on the lawn Wednesday before Halloween, the annual invite newcomers to the area of the event, and we encourage of Freeman House and the Walk on the Hill, both Vienna Halloween Parade draws thou- and long-time residents alike to photos. Events for our calendars sponsored by Historic Vienna, Inc. sands of visitors who line Maple Avenue be a part of providing more should be free or at nominal “I love the sense of community that we have here,” watching floats, bands, dancers, tiny cars, reader input. Let us know how cost and open to the public. In said Anne Stuntz of Historic Vienna, Inc. “Even horses and marching children pass by. The we’re doing and let us know covering the issues, we strive to though we are a big town, and an even bigger Vienna- 64th Annual Vienna Halloween Parade, on what is going on in your part of provide a voice for our readers. metropolitan area, Vienna has such a sense of place. Oct. 27, is co-sponsored by the the community.
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