TWENTY-SIXTH YEAR. NO. 14. FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 1, 1915, $1.50 PER YEAR Engagement Announced at Her OECEMBKtt POSTAL BUSINESS. Debut. ORGANIZATION OF RESIGNS FROM ACTIVE YEAR 'FOR While the business for the early MOUSE -AT r —OnT ~oTfrHe. prettiest debutante teats part of December at tfio Hummit post of recent seasons was that given on office was light compared with the %Jo i%«> COUNCIL'TODAY Wednesday afternoon by Mrs. Will­ ~L0CAL PASTORATE AW business during the same period last iam Warren Carman at her beautiful year, the Christmas rush was so home on llobart avenue" for her After having publicly presented his The iollowing letter was mailed this heavy that the total month's business youngest daughter, Miss Dorothy E. was brought up to about the same as j^ity Business for Last Year resignation to thfi trustees and dea­ week by the President of the Board of Program of Events for_New Carman. Receiving with Mrs. Car­ cons, Rev. Robert C. Hull, made a pub­ December, 1913.- • The sale of two- Trade, Mr. C. H. C. Jagels, to the mem­ Completed a^Brief Ses­ man were: Mrs. Wallace Mac Mullen, lic announcement on Sunday morning cent stamps was equal to that of the Year's Reception at As= Miss Carman, and Miss Dorothy Car­ from his pulpit in the First Baptist bers of the Board. The letter, which year previous, 100,000. Of one-cent man. Those assisting were: Mrs. church. On Wednesday evening at a tells of some of the activities' of the stamps 57,0OtKwere sold, being an in- sociation Building sion (Tuesday John Brewer, Mrs. Harlan E. Snod- meeting, of the congregation called. crease of 1,000 over last year. The to grass, Mrs. Kenneth L. Taylor, Miss tal receipts for the month were — -^Notes— —— Night Grace Mac Mullen, Miss Brewer, Miss specially to consider the resignation it was accepted with regret. The resig- reads as follows: $4,461.04. Lavery, Miss Graydbn, Miss Florence, In the four days preceding Christ­ nation-takes effect to-day but Mr. Hull _The year known as 1914 is rapidly The Common Council of the City of de Cardenas, Miss Kent, the Misses - mas, 2S4 sacks of mail were'despatch­ The New Year's' Reception and En­ RohnitBonrand-Mlss-Katherine Morse," is to act as supply "for the church he drawing to a close. In all lines of pro­ "SummiObFThe year l»lb will orgaff^ ed, an increase of 42 sacks over the tertainment at the Y.,M. C. A. which.' of Marlboro, Mass. has served for seven years, until such fessional and business activities, inven­ will be held to-day from 2 to 6 p. m., ize in the Council chamber at noon to* time as the church shall call a new corresponding days of last year. Due Mr. and Mrs.' Carman took this oc­ tories are being taken, ledger accounts promises to be, one of the most suc­ 3ay. Councilinan-at-large Clement K pastor^ to the war the international money casion to announce the engagement are being brought into balance, and cessful affairs the Association- has Corbin, will undoubtedly be chosen Mr. Hull is leaving the ministry to order business during December was of Miss Dorothy Carman to Mr. Paul the net result of our many days or busi­ a little less than last year, but the held in recent years. The program as *© president again. It is understood that R. Mac Mullen, son of Professor and enter business. He will be associated ness cares and worries, (be it profit or already announced, will begin at Z in partnership with James C, Mars, dome.stic money orders showed an in­ inasmuch as there is practically no Mrs. Wallace Mac Mullen, of Drew loss) is ascertained, and the answer in crease of 15 per cent. o'clock, with an informal reception ahange in the administration Mayor Theological Seminary, Madison, N. J. better known as "Bud" Mars, the avia­ concrete form is the inspiration and and inspection of the • building. At Bergen will not send a formal mes­ tor, in the manufacturing of a new basis of future efforts, in order that, ^&-«g>4>-OB» i'.'AO an exhibition of gymnasium • invention known as the" "Mars Hy- sage to the Council. The appoint­ the coming .year may show better re-, workvaud recreative games will take genie Air Washer," for purifying the suits in every respect. , plac_e_ in_ the. gymnasium, followed by, ment of various city officials and oi air. The new concern will have of­ activities in the swimming pool and committee members will bo announced -We have lived through_a_remarkable WESLEYAN'S • ' MUNICIPAL XMAS fices in the 'Marbridge Building.' Mr. year in a wonderful age.- bowling _alle-ys. • During the afternoon at this formal organization, Hull expects, to continue his residence .refreshments "will bc__.acry_ed__by_the_ : Our,.business. intcrestsJiaveJaeen. afc. " " " Adjourned Council "Session. in Summit.--- fected and changed by legislation, INE-GONGERT Women_'s Auxiliary 'and the program - --TREE A SUCCESS. -'The^ congregational meeting Wed­ which, without exaggeration might be will he concluded with an entertain­ ' - To close irp~the city's business af­ ment inisthc auditorium beginning at nesday night appointed the following termed revolutionary, -W-_e.~are today fairs for the year 1914, the jmmon The largest and most successful ot 4.30. Messrs. Hosani and Reynolds Sunday night will be the last night pulpit Bupply committee: Bert Under­ living by legislative enactment under Council held an adjourned meeting on wood, "S. W. Kent, J. M. LaRue, Rev, the entertainments' held during the high class entertainers, will provide Tuesday evening in the Council on which the Municipal Christmas an environment of social and .economic roliday week was the concert given by a program of*" humorous readings Tree in Bonnel Park will be lighted. J. C. Robbins, and J. C. Foley. ' This conditions which a ,few years- ago chamber at the Municipal Building committee in addition to looking for the Wesleyan Musical Clubs'in Beech- character sketches, comic songs, dia­ The session was a brief one and way Beginning with Christmas Eve the would have been considered the ir- wood Ha'll, Wednesday eveniug,under lect delineations, and an exhibition of beautiful tree has been shining forth a new pastor will prepare a set of ridescent dream of a visionary. -followed by a conference of the coun- suitable resolutions expressing the re­ the .auspices of the High School Athle­ juggling, chapeaugraphy and shadow- - oilmen .-with* the'only new member of each night as an indication of the Have wo-aS" members of the ^oard tic Association. The proceeds-will be graphy. These entertainers have a Christmas spirit in our city. Every­ gret felt by the church members over the new" Council which is to organize Mr. Hull's resignation. of Trade'taken an interest and have we devoted to the fund for tire-further im­ reputation of never failing to enter­ to-day, Mr. Bonj. V. White. one has admired -the big tree of participated in the solution of the va-. Mr. Hull is a graduate of Columbia provement of Brayton Athletic Field, tain and amuse an audience. the forest with its 450 red, green rious social, economic and business A letter was received from Kirby W. "^he college boys gave a program of All -members and friends, both and white lights, and topped by a University and of the It&ehester Theo­ problems' affecting our City, State and Dennis, foreman of Hose Company No logical Senminary. His letter, read splendid variety. The work of the ladies and gentlemen, are cordially in­ 2, thanking the Council in the name of beautiful star. The tree is a great Nation? last, Sunday to his congregation, was Glee Club was particularly good. They vited >to" be the guests of the Associa­ the company, for the new automobile credit to Summit. If you answer the question in the as follows: sang three numbers at the opening tion on this occasion. hose car recently turned over to that The exercises held at 7.45, Christ­ negative, why not make a resolution with splendid interpretation and ef­ Dec. 20th, 1914. ."Open house" will be observed all- company. The foreman pledged the mas Eve, were attended by about 2,000 that the coming year shall witness fect: "Come Raise a Song," Davis; The First Baptist Church, afternoon and everyone will_be_wel= company to do its utmost for the pro- people, in spite of the severe cold your earnest effort to be an active par­ "Old Eli's Sons," and "Secrets," Smith. Summit, N. J. come and made to feel at home. __, .tection of life and property in the weather. Lead by a cornetist, the en­ ticipant in the discussion and settle­ Their arrangement of "Swing Along," "My dear friends: —n— fighting of fires with the new appara­ tire gathering joined in singing "O ment of all public questions. by Cook, "was also very pleasing. In "It is with deepest regret that I in­ The Bible Classes of the Y. M. C. A tus. Come All Ye Faithful," and "It Came the - Second part they sang "Back to trude this communication upon your Individual initiative and protest are will resume their regular sessions By resolutions of the finance com­ Upon the -Midnight Clear." Two carols, Ireland," by Uuhp, and "O That We Christmas rejoicing. A communica­ almost hopeless. after the Christmas recess, on Janu­ mittee a total of $79,700, was ordered "Hark! How Sweetly the Bells," and Two Were Maying," by Nevin. These tion which would come with the ut­ The Board of Trade is and should be ary 4th.
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