PAGE 16 HIGH TIDES HAMPTON HARBOR Daylight Saving Time T hursday 2:58 a.m. 8.7 Ju ly 25 3:34 p.m. 8.0 jrust 15. during H am pton’s F riday 3:46 a.m. 8.2 ’, Cuba; 3. ' n m the Although the records are n Stubbs, 17 the American 325th anniversary. at the Abenaqui Ju ly 26 4:21 p.m. 7.8 j), Arlington company on Kte. The entirely complete, the BEAt I Sheehan. 1 The Rye Garden club ex­ house, Miss Barnard Saturday 4:34 a.m. 7.6 Trent ■ COMBER, in conjunction wil field, Mass. July 27 5:09 p.m. 7.6 Lt. Leavitt has tended an invitation to its July 'he next regular ary q the 16th annual Miss Hntnpu 1 Sunday 5:27 a .m. 7.2 tended numerous 23rd meeting: at the Farragut the Hampton Garde. Beach contest, has compiled July 28 5:59 p.m. 7.6 varying types to Playhouse, at 8 p.m. At that at M rs. Betty : list of all previous page hi time Mr. Milton Anderson, U.S. Monday 6:22 a.m. 6.9 ttruct winners. They include the fo training of law Winnacunnet road July 29 Fish and Wildlife Service, will 6:51 p.m. 7.6 Thr The new seminar at 7:45 p.m. Meat Tuesday 7:20 a.m. lowing: give an illustrated talk on salt 6.6 the 11 1962 — 38 girls compete* him to serve as b rin g flower arran** Ju ly 30 7:44 p.m. 7.6 JYccir Jonnye McLeod, 17. Hamptoi such law enforcem m arshes. in g an tiq u e contain* W ednesday 8:17 a.m. 6.6 roller 1st; Louise Ann Richardson, L in the future. There will be a flower show sible. Ju ly 31 8:36 p.m. 7.8 fee i Incorporating The Georgetown, Mass., 2nd; Mai VOL. XXXVI, NO. 5 Hampton Beach Advocate WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1963 T hursday 9:13 a.m. 6.7 Hump thn A. Wiggin, 17. Hamptoi FREE A ug. 1 9:24 p.m. *.0 3rd. 1961 _ 35 girls competed Sandie Kay, 17. Plnistow, piar Just os you trust your Doctor, you con ing first. Sylvia Gustavson. 19 Trust your Registered Pharmacist to fill all Winchester, Mass., copped sec Members of the Hampton prescriptions with professional precision. ond place with Su-Su Smith, 21 Garden club met recently at Prompt Service Always Queen City Beauty Captures Newton Upper balls. Mass., fin­ the Seashore Park for its an­ ishing third. nual picnic. Mrs. Beatrice (Jood- Phone ridge and Miss Beatrice Barn­ I960 — 36 girls took part W A 6 - 3 3 4 4 Winners included: 1. Diane ard prepared and cooked, on Jezak. 17. Dracut, Mass.; 2, the spot, blueberry slump for M iss Hampton Beach Crown Sandie Kay, 16, Plaistow; 3, dessert. r Located in Tht High Lorraine Bourgeois, 19. Man­ A site was selected at the P a rk in g Lot, Hamptoi chester. area where a boulder with Miss Beverly Ann Hebert, an 18-year-old beauty Sat 9 a m -6 pm . Closed Sundoys 1 i 1959 — 36 girls. 1, Dianne plaque will he dedicated on Au- from Manchester, became Miss Hampton Beach of 1963- Lipson, 17. Cranston, R. I.; 2. 64 in the annual beauty pageant staged by the Hampton Marciu Zapaswick, 19, Somer­ rasa set, Mass.; 3, Debbie Zabriskie, Beach Chamber of Commerce under the direction of 17, Newbury port, Mass. : vj Henry Hamel and William Elliot last evening in the ■ t “a H Pf 1 1958 — 38 contestants. 1, • -§ *3 - C jS|_ Jt ^ 4 Carolyn Komant, 17. Kitterv, : : Casino Ballroom. Maine; 2. tie between Marie m 1111 Sponsored by the Casino Ballroom, the 5’ 8” bru­ Mungovan, 17. Belmont, Mass, nette contestant weighed 140 well-distributed pounds and Sandra Murrow, Salem, Mass. and her vital statistics read 36-25-36. 1957 — 32 girls. 1, Sally Ann The second place winner and the first runnerup to Freedman, 17. Peabody. Mass.; Miss Hebert was a senior at Winnacunnet High school 2. Maureen Burke. 16, .Methuen, Mass.; 3, Dianne Wallace, 17. in Hampton, Miss Frances Houlihan of Seabrook. Miss Houlihan, in her first try in the local competition, piled ^ 1956 — 4-1 girls. 1, Cynthia up an impressive number of points as she was edged Fuller, 18. Brighton. Mass.; 2 Lyla Moran. 17, Boston, Mass.; out by the winner. Only 16 years of age. she was the 3, Sally Ann Freedman, 16, youngest girl to place in the top three this year. She Peabody, Muss. was sponsored by the Tides Hotel. 1955 — 23 contestants. 1, Barbara Ann Curran. 18. Wal­ Third place honors and second runnerup awards tham. Mass.; 2, Sandra Sadow- went to another Manchester lass, Lynda Rauding, 30 So. sfey. 18* Kitterv, Maine; 3, Judy Taylor street. She. too. made a lasting impression on Anderson. Woburn. Mass. 1954 — 21 girls. 1. Priscilla the judges and audience as she accumulated many final McNally. 20, Haverhill Mass.; round points to walk off with the third place honors. 2. Barbara Curran. 17. Wal­ tham, Mass.; 3, Beverly Brinda- Lynda was sponsored by the Anchorage Restaurant. mour, IS. Hampton. Thirty-seven contestants entered this year’s race 1953 — No date nt'flilnlkU for the coveted Miss Hampton Beach title and faced tough competition. While Frank Lawlor’s Hampton Beach Concert Band played background music, the girls A ” STREET HAMPTON BEACH were rated by a distinguished panel of judges headed by Claire Devaney, TV celebrity and well-known area fash­ « — fc«\j irij ion coordinator. Others on the panel were Walter Green, WUJIHT. •y i photo-editor for Associated Press International; Denny Whitmarsh. New England TV news expert; Jack Hamil­ ton of the amusement section of the Boston Globe: and Claude Higgins from the Sullivan Agency. Boston. Mass. This year, all top five girls received honors in the p H‘‘«y Marshall, 20, 200 Bikes M ri^T', Mass-: 3* Barbara With final stages of the contest. Selected as the fourth run­ ™ d- 1!»- Portsmouth. In Excellent Condition In the Penthouse 20 - 24" - 26" Automctic Pinsetters nerup was Miss Louise Ann Richardson of Georgetown. 12 Bid*. Caryle Ca- V/ell Ventilated Mass., the present reigning Miss New England. The , 18' A’ bnfrton, Mass.. 2, w Z . kT '" - lpswich' & Good Lanes third runnerup was Miss Nancy Joan Brackett, a comely Crtr, ' ' lr,:inm Stubbs. Tandems 20 G o o d p 'n s blonde from Brighton. Mass. 3-Speeds Area residents will be interested to know that an­ i l ®. 12 Kirls. 1. Lorraine ? % l £ m C°uHeous Doucette. 1!,; 2. Caryle Cadario other Hampton girl. Miss Pam Hunter, sponsored by the r Arllnf°n, Mass.; 3. Dollj Regulars ■ssone, Lawrence. Mass friendly Servii Hampton Beach Lifeguards, placed seventh in the con­ _ Jhe winners of the Mis, — 7 Bruns** test. Pam, an honor graduate of Winnacunnet High BEACHCOMBER cover Or Air Cooled this year, was eliminated in the last round. th e^ l! Pocket To^ Bowl to Stay Slim" In an impressive ceremony. Miss Hebert received "ere as f o K " Ch Sh°'VS Wall to Wall Carpeting Open Weekdays & Sundo)- her robe and flowers from members of the court. She 1!M7 — 1° ^ irig . 1 , Lois Yell was crowned by Jay Dineen and was presented her <. Hampton Beach; 2. Curv! BO W LIN G 3 1e a n 'R1:, rfArlinRton- Mass. trophy and savings bond by Joseph Flynn, president of A V C “ w ards 9:30 A M. TO MIDNIGHT 1 , „ Hebert 18, Manchester. N- H.. became the th.rd 71 Jtan Bilodeau, IX. A l b b ic y c l e s HAMPTON BEACH 1963-64. Beverly Ann H • ^ ^ ^ ^ The win came the chamber of commerce. Trophies, crowns and savings bonds were also presented to the first two runnersup. Hampshire Kirl in the past three consecutive ' ^ ^ of a p^^ble 100 points. Placing Hi girls. l. Marilan ?1 Durham BO W LIN G The new Miss Hampton Beach will be officially -• Virginia 1J BILLIARDS five rounds of judging during which Mm* 1 ^ a local area girlf M is s Frances Houlihan crowned by Miss Jonnye McLeod at the Coronation Ball >e second, only a few points behind the ''wnda Rauding. also of Manchester. The in the Casino Ballroom. August 21. An interesting side- ____ JilCYCLES abrook, N. H. Third place h o n o r s went * ’ rs Qf fhe contest. Massachusetts girls S H 0 P note to the contest is that Jonnye is now in Miami W hy Mot Try rave New Hampshire girls three winners in t e ^ tallest girl in the contest Beach. Florida, where she has been a participant in the AT lold the most wins with eight. Miss Hampton unable to be present because of com- ling lanes Miss Universe contest as a result of winning the Hamp­ t r a d in g p o s t The former title holder. Miss Jonnje Me ^ wj||, however, be present for the Tel. P R 8-8948 c . ton Beach title last year. This week, her proud parents ^‘n9 * Highway ol 7jK «, ent« in Florida following the Miss Universe cont — photo by Colt EVE«y"d F'" - W * N were notified that she was being given screen and talent For All Your coronation ceremonies in August. tests and therefore would not be at home for the local . “ Y " N ° n ?g h t 7•RhAT1 FOR A I) IT/.’ > beauty contest last night. [dub and the^Hampton Beach I Women's club.
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