CLIPPER Queen City Yacht Club August 2012 Junior Club sailor Daniel Sheedy reads the Clipper while hiking out! - by Mike Weber Head Instructor LTS QCYC’s Winning Junior Club Team Daniel Sheedy and Timma Flanagan take first place at PCYC: photo by Isabelle Ziarko, Instructor Club Victories—Steven Hills Profile—Crossing the Atlantic—Building Project—Kitchen Confidential—Doug Miller Profile Editor's Note/QCYC Info Editor’s Note Q C Y C Board 2012 Communications Commodore Moorings The Clipper is published four times a Richard Slee, Clipper Editor & Publisher Ken Owen Steve Gigiel year: May 1, June 15, August 15 and [email protected] [email protected] October 15. Contributions may be sub- This is our third issue of R 905 567-7224 R 416 243-8465 mitted to the publisher via e-mail at the Clipper for 2012. If Vice Commodore Grounds [email protected] or commu- you have any suggestions Steve Hills John Heath [email protected] or ideas please let me [email protected] [email protected] While an effort will be made to pub- know. I would like to R 416 203-1032 R 905 294-8342 lish submissions, the publisher reserves the right to edit material for length and thank Heather Jackson Rear Commodore Membership suitability. who did the art design Graham Dougall Stephanie Swatkow and layout for this issue [email protected] [email protected] for a great job, especially R 416 233.2277 R 416 203-0706 Clipper Editor and Publisher as she did it while on Fleet Captain Planning Richard Slee vacation in England! We Gary Hoeg David Kent [email protected] have extremely important Board Updates from [email protected] [email protected] R 416 238-6190 R 905 471-5492 R 416 207-1877 C 647-294-6190 the Commodore and Planning regarding the new LTS/Locker buildings that are a must read. We Treasurer Entertainment Geoff Heathcote also have updates from our Rear Commodore, Jacqui Cook Clipper Art Design and Layout [email protected] [email protected] Heather Jackson Graham Dougall, on safety, the rest of the sailing R 416 250-5532 R 905 822 3803 season and a call for nominations for our awards. [email protected] Secretary Learn to Sail There is also a bit from myself on our 125th An- 416 929-0538 Genia Vanderkruk Eric Whan niversary celebration activities. Don't miss the [email protected] [email protected] upcoming historical Movie Night on August 25 or R 416 535-2581 R 416 531-6594 Quick Clipper -Moderators the Share Our Heritage Event on September 15. House Chair Yard Chair Jim Neundorf Ron Mazza Randy Benoit and Richard Slee The front page says it all. We should all be very [email protected] [email protected] proud of the accomplishments of our Junior Sail- R 416 203-0996 R 647 401-2233 Webmaster ors and the LTS program. The details of the wins Manager Communications Mark MacRae can be read in an article by Eric Whan, LTS Don Ferguson Richard Slee R 416 274-7741 Chair, and Mike Weber, Head Instructor on page [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 21. We have interviews with long time members 416 203-0929 R 416 238-6190 Doug Miller and Vice Commodore Steven Hills C 647-294-6190 that you should find very interesting. Geoff and Lesley Heathcote still have some wonderful Past Commodore [email protected] events coming up this summer. Look at Geoff's Pat Whetung R 416 366-2345 Advertising article and the posters in this issue for the details. The Clipper offers members and If you ever thought of crossing the Atlantic, take a non-members of QCYC a cost- look at Jim Dow's account of his crossing. Anna Members Rates Non-members Rates effective way to reach an audience of Prodanou discovers what our Caterers and wait SINGLE ISSUE/4 Issues SINGLE ISSUE/4 Issues avid sailors. staff think of us in "Kitchen Confidential". Ads should be submitted as digital Though we didn't excel in the Ontario 300 this 1/8 page $30/$80 1/8 page $60/$160 year as we did last, the story by Mark MacRae files: eps, tiff, jpg (for tiff/jpg ensure shows our racers are undeterred. On the back 1/4 page $55/$150 1/4 page $110/$270 300 dpi). page we provide important information on bar 1/2 page $100/$270 1/2 page $200/$516 For information on placing ads for (Continued on page 23) the Clipper, please contact Richard Full page $180 Full page $360 Slee, [email protected] Algonquin Island Tel 416.203.0929 Algonquin Island Queen City Yacht Club Box 401, Terminal A Fax 416.203.0931 Box 401, Terminal A Toronto, ON M5W 1C2 Web www.qcyc.ca Toronto, ON M5W 1C2 2 Board Updates provide the Board and me with any further rent concept plans that have been presented Commodore comments you might have. and displayed. After challenging the planning committee on a number of occasions to ensure a Ken Owen As you know from previous communication at tight program but one that is befitting the prom- the two Town Hall meetings and other discus- inent location selected, the Board is confident Learn to Sail and sions and articles, the objectives of the project we have a design that will serve our needs for Locker Building are to reinvest and renew our aging infrastruc- many years to come and will be a source of Project Update ture by (i) addressing the needs of an increas- pride for current and future members. ingly successful Learn to Sail program (both After two years of junior and adult); (ii) providing opportunities to Throughout this process there has been a great careful planning, de- the newer members we have welcomed to the deal of support for the objectives and the de- sign and many rede- club over the past several years to obtain a signs that have been developed but both the signs reflecting the locker; and (iii) cleaning up the dilapidated membership and the Board have had a healthy excellent input from collection of buildings along our west fence line and well advised concern about the affordability the membership, the including the Manager’s Cabin, Captains’ Cab- of such a large project. We have addressed Board at its meeting of in, garage and paint storage shed as well as the these concerns in two significant ways. First, July 19 approved this important project for im- “temporary” Hollywood Block of lockers. A the planning committee has prepared cost esti- plementation at a cost not to exceed $415,000. I significant number of members have contribut- mates of all the options considered with the want to take this opportunity to provide you ed to the development of a building program input of members knowledgeable in this area as with the latest information regarding the project through charettes, design committees and mem- well as contractors familiar with the unique and, of course, to offer you the opportunity to ber input sessions, all of which resulted in de- challenges of construction on the Island. Many sign refinements that are reflected in the cur- revisions to the plans have been made to ensure 3 Board Updates Outside View Layout the buildings are designed in a way that minimizes in excess of the cushion that our auditor has ad- $4000 in 2014 and will be eliminated by 2015. cost while being mindful of maintenance issues vised an operation of our magnitude should keep That spending room will then be available to fund that will affect future operating budgets. The de- on hand for unforeseen eventualities. In essence, it Club operations, including capital expenditures. In sign, while efficient and cost effective, still retains leaves future Boards with the potential for $40,000 addition, the Club budgets $10,000 a year in ex- an appearance that fits into the location on our in other capital expenses that might arise without pense to pay for our proportionate share of the tax “front lawn”. A great deal of work has gone into risking our ability to respond to unexpected events. appeal that is ongoing. We anticipate that being achieving this result and further reductions would eliminated in a year or two as the case makes its yield inconsequential savings at the risk of unac- Earlier financial plans for the project envisioned a way through the appeal process. Furthermore, ceptable impacts to the overall program. Sugges- higher principal amount and interest rates quoted while there are no guarantees, a successful out- tions to phase the implementation by only building at the time around the 7% mark. The Board decid- come of the appeal will free up significant cash the LTS facility at this time were considered but ed to increase the contribution to the project from which could be anywhere from $10-20,000 a year rejected because such an approach would increase reserves to reduce the cost of borrowing (without in excessive tax payments and may result in a the overall cost of achieving all the project objec- impacting stability as noted above) and negotia- refund that could be on the order of $50,000. tives if both phases were eventually completed. tions with lenders have resulted in an offer to lend The costs of mobilizing to complete two smaller at an initial rate of 3.95% escalating to 4.95% over Against that, the Board has been mindful that projects are always more than doing one larger one 5 years. These steps have significantly reduced the unsettled economic conditions could impact our and additional costs would be incurred to provide impact of the project financing plan on future oper- revenues even though our growth and demand to interim accommodation for the Tender Captains ating budgets.
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