PART 7 PAGE 6. 'CHICAGO SUND-:A;Y; ·TRIBUNE': ~PRIU 26. 1936. By Th e Graph,ic 'Laboratory Mostly About Dogs BOB BECKER • of Popu ar. cre n.ce Spring Presents Problems for Newest Glass Dog Owners THOUGH spring is a delight- countryside. But even more serious ful and a very welcome sea- than the trouble that roving dogs Bends Like son to those of us who live cause home owners is their contri- X in states that are visited by bution to the spread of rabies. cold weather and snow during the Responsible ownership of a dog winter, there isn't any doubt but involves more than giving the dog Rubber that the vernal season brings its food and a place to sleep at night. ptoblems to the dog owner as well It involves supervision of the dog as to people who do not own dogs. By DR. THOMAS M. BECK throughout the day and training the Here are some of the troubles that pup so that it has good manners. In HE chief trouble with glass dog owners may experience at this other words, a satisfactory compan- Is its tendency to break after time of the year. ion dog is a well mannered dog. If you own long-haired dogs, as its elastic limit has been Conscientious ownership a 1s 0 in- T we do, you will find that your pets volves giving the dog proper exer- reached. There is no theoret- are shedding their winter coats. cise in a place where it doesn't Ical reason why the composition of That means work with brush and bother neighbors or persons who the material could not be modified comb. (And it also means distribu- don't like dogs. In such a way as to overcome this tion of dog hair on the seats of the Being very fond of dogs and own- trouble. Its essential properties are automobile and around the house!) ing several, as well as being the In no way tied up with that of brit-- Then there is the problem of keep- possessor of a few fiower beds ing a dog clean during the early tleness. Nevertheless, a wide vari- around the house, we can see the spring months, when the ground is ety of compositions have been tried viewpoint of the home owner who soft and spring rains come. Anoth- gets boiling mad when a roaming out, and all of them show this same er responsibility is getting the dog pet that ought to be kept at home :fault. It is therefore rather improb- properly groomed. Many terriers comes galloping into the yard. But able that a formula can be found that haven't had a ••haircut II dur- we also feel sorry for the poor pups for making really flexible glass. lng the cold weather must receive tha t through ignorance and lack of attention. But even more important However, there recently 0. a v e control by their owners get blessed than these responsibilities is that in- been announcements of the develop- out for doing something for which volving the handling of one's dog so the owner really should be blamed. ment of two different kinds of ••un- that he doesn't bother the neigh- All of us who own dogs and appre- breakable" glass. The adjective Is bors, doesn't injure newly made ciate their fine qualities as com- not strictly correct, as all that is lawns, and doesn't run wild over panions in the home or as working claimed for the glass is a high re- flower beds. aids in field sports might just as sistance to breakage. This isn't the first time that we well face this fact: We are open to have sounded the call for dog own- One of the products Is an im- just criticism if we fail to look after ers to be careful about letting their our pets and keep them from being proved form of the so-called safety pets run the streets at will all day a public nuisance, and also fail to glass. Shatterproof glass Is made long. Dogs given unlimited liberties respect the rights of others. For- A pair of beagles shown at the recent Chicago dog show. The dog by cementing two plates of glass to- become street vagabonds and nui- tunately there are hundreds of at the left is Captain Panel of Wildwood. At the right is W alri~ge gether with a thin layer of tough, sances to neighbors. People who let thousands of dog owners who recog- transparent resin. The glass plates their canine pets roam are not giv- nize the full responsibility of dog Countiss. The beagle ranks as one of the most popular sporting break as readily as before, but the ing the public or their dogs a fair ownership and k e e p their pets hounds in America and is a favorite of sportsmen who like rabbit deal. The roaming dog stands a hunting. (Tribune photo•.) splinters are held fast to the thin (Acme photo.) where they belong. But the few good chance of being killed by an who let their dogs roam as they sheet of resin. The idea is such a New safety glass which stretches like rubber. After the surfaces have been smashed the material can automobile. And if it does manage please are undoing the good work simple one that it is difficult for the be rolled up like a rug. It is made of two sheets of glass with a plastic between them and presents a to avoid injury, disease, or being of the majority. layman to see why it was not In- refinement of the present shatterproof material. stolen it becomes a source of trouble Dogs have been the companions ven ted long ago. for the community in which it lives. and friends of man for countless therefore far more vulnerable than the housewife might well be willing the property of being enormously centuries. They give endless pleas- glass to the combined effects of to forego the matter of polish in strengthened w hen SUbjected to ure to children. They are faithful powerful compression. guardians and gladly give their light, air, and moisture, and also to return for glassware that bounces A dog that is turned out of the abrasion. When the material is when dropped. The glass is case-hardened by lives in defense of their homes or The chief problem in making shat- house in the morning in a residen- the people they love. Hardly a day sandwiched between two pieces of The second recent Improvement in heating it to near its softening point tial community and is allowed to terproof glass has been the finding goes by that dogs do not perform bum around all day, run over newly of a suitable resin. A little consid- glass it is protected to a large extent glass manufacture is the develop- and then cooling it suddenly by a heroic deeds saving lives. We know seeded lawns or flower gardens, get eration of the matter will show that from the injurious action of these ment of case-hardened glass. This blast of cold air. What happens is what pleasure it is to own dogs, and elements. is ordinary plate glass which as a shown by the accompanying dia- into fights, and chase cars, can do we believe that most any kind of a the filler must have a number of much to develop anti-dog sentiment special quali ties. First of all, of It might be added that attempts result of appropriate heat treat- grams. The outside of the plate is pup can contribute a great deal to in a community. Permitting an ani- any family circle. But all of us course, it m u s t be transparent. have been made to use certain of ment has become much stronger and cooled to hardness. As it does so mal to develop into a wanderer of who have dogs in the home must the new water-clear resins as sub- more resilient. A plate of such glass it contracts, but since the glass on the streets is often just carelessness Then it must be very nearly color- take the fu ll responsibility of own- stitutes for glass in tableware. How can be bent more than twice as far the interior is still a little soft, It less. A film of it must be strong on the part of the dog owner. ership so that our pets do not make as ordinary glass without breaking enough not to tear apart and flex- satisfactory they are is not at pres- can flow enough to relieve the strain Those of us who like dogs, own nuisances of themsetves by running ible enough not to shatter when the ent known; at least, these objects and remains intact when subjected set up by the contraction. them, and try to take care of them around when and where they please. might just as well call a spade a glass does. are not on the market. It may pos- to forces, both steady pressures and sibly be that they do not take the sudden impacts, which are many spade. The fact is there are many It must be capable of sticking dog owners who are guilty of shift- polish that glass does. However, times greater than ordinary glass Why I Choose the tightly to glass; to. i s particular lessness and indifference. The y can stand. Moreover, the case-hard- property is far less common to res- don't care.
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