STEDMAN'S IJuly I SA~~§LM.AN lt9asl OF SPECIAL INTEREST TO· EVERY MERCHANT WHO WANTS TO ENLARGE HIS BUSINESS AND INCREASE HIS PROFITS G-" CANADA '-R POSTAGE PAID 2c. PJr. J. H. Vandet~.urgh. Permit No.896 R. R. # Fisher·vi lle, TORONTO Nellep Cornel~:>,· Ont. POSTMASTER-If this Book is not delivered in ten days, Please Return. stating reason of non-delivery-We Guarantee Postage. V aloes That Will Keep Your Summer Sales Up For Price Guarantee See Terms on Back Cover Stedman Bros., Limited WHOLESALERS OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE Favorably Known Since 1907 PHONE ELGIN 3178 25 Wellington St., W. Toronto - 2, Canada We Sell Only By Mail ~------.'E,r,.-~-__________ ...;.......; _________________ ~ FIRST IMPRESSIONS COUNT Did you ever stop to consider what gives your cus­ tomers their first impression of you? And did 'you ever stop to wonder what that first impression of you might be? Naturally, the first impression a prospective cus-. tomer gets of you and your store is through the front of the store- your windows. For this very reason it's­ generally recognized in good retailing that the front and windows of a store are the most important space in a store. A good many dealers don't realize this; or at least yotl. couldn't know that they did from their windows. They're not attractively dressed; they're nQt clean and inviting; they're not filled with seasonable goods, plainly priced and they're not changed often enough. Few merchants have the knack or the materials to make the elaborate windows the big store or chain store window experts have. But elaborate windows aren't necessary to sell goods. Any merchant can make a nice, clean, attractive window of goods appropriate for the season, and most important, he can price ticket each item and show his faith in his values, which too many mer­ chants seem afraid to do. And it is important, too, to keep your store front well painted. Nothing makes a store look dilapidated so much as the lack of paint, and the cost is so small that it does not pay to neglect it. You'll agree that it is important that the first/im­ pression of you and your store be favorable. So why not make sure that it is. ----~~--·--~---~-~~-------------------------' '------~~~~~--~--------------------------------------------------~ SALESMAN These Prices Good Only Until July 31st, 1935 Page 3 July Trade Boosters Lines of outstanding value, selected only because they are big sellers. We don't suggest cutting your profit; use them as feature display items for July, a few each week. Make them the backbone of your selling efforts for July. Women's Women's Lace Trimmed Women's White Summer House Celanese Brassieres Frocks Silk "Great Variety of Attractive Colorings" A305- Women's Sum· Crepe mer House Frocks, brand new styles, made from the new 1935 Slips Prints in Tub-Fast col­ A4032-Women's 'Real ors, full sized and not Silk Crepe Slips,J with skimped in any way, Lace trim, 2}B in trim at carefully assorted as to bottom, }B in. at top sizes, colors and styles, with lace yoke, bias cut, one dozen in bundle. adjustable s hio u 1 de r A40W- Women's White Celanese straps, strongly sewn Brassieres, hias bound, silk shoulder seams, colors of White straps, elastic insert at back, hook and Dozen or Tea Rose, sizes 34 to eye fastener, sizes 30 to 38, (White 42, %: dozen of size and only), dozen assorted to bundle. color to package. $5.25 Dz. $9.90 Dozen $1.25 Women's Peach Men's White Lawn Balbriggan Bloomers Women's Peach Balbriggan Bloomers, fine knit, medium weight, set-in gusset, elastic wa'ist, Peach "'' 'l chiefs,~:~~~~~~~!~!~. size 16%: in. x 16%: in., good color only, sizes are small,. medium J quality matenial with ;.4 inch hem- and arge, 36, 40, 44, dozen of size · to ibox. \ -~-~-~ I stitched edgo~;;~ p ~ Al192-With Elastic Knees. 40 Al192X-W.ith Cuff Knees. Small size ................................. Dozen $2.05 Medium size ....................... Dozen $2.25 Kraft Paper Window Shades Large size ................................. Dozen $2.50 A96 - Window Shades (no Women's Pure Silk Chiffon Hose roller), 3 feet wide, 6 feet long, "Lady 'Beth" Brand made from strong kraft paper, B200 - Women's Pure Silk Chiffon Hose, will not crack or fade, can 1be .f2 gauge, full fashioned, silk to top, silk plaited tacked to any standard roller, in white, cream and green colors, foot, fancy open work stripe at top, sizes 80 to please specify. 10~ dozen to box. Colors are : Sherrytone Squil'rel Solera Each 11%c Taupebark Fawntaupe 4unmetal Crashtone Smoke Brown Sun touch Manoa Women's Fashioned Leg Dozen $5.95 Colored Lisle Hose B200A-Assorted Colors ..................... Dozen $6.00 B167-Women's Colored Lisle Hose, made from fine quality mercerized lisle, fashioned leg, douible heel, toe and top, sizes 80 to 10, one dozen of size sol,id color to box, colors Women's Full Fashioned are: Manoa Sungleam Pure Thread Silk Hose Trotteur Gunmetal Dozen $2.1 0 "Lady Beth" 1Brand B167A-Assorted colors of above. B100-Women's Pure Thread Silk Full Fashion~d Hose, six strand, 42 gauge, extra Dozen $2.15 fine kmt, close fitting ankle with French panelled heel, guaranteed fast colors, sizes 8~ to 10~; %: dozen of size, solid color to box. Colors are : Smokebrown Fawntaupe Suntouch Women's Dress Shields Manoa Trotteur Marrona AlOI-Women's Dress Shields, No. 2 size only, these are Taupebark Crashtone Squirrel made from selected rubberized cotton and come in assorted Solera Gunmetal colors to dozen !box. Dozen $5.95 B100A - Assorted colors of above (no Dozen $1.00 black or white) .... -............................................. Dozen $6.00 Page 4 These Prices Good Only Until July 31st, 1935 STEDMAN'S Men's Men's White Woven Duck Caps Chambray MlOOOW---Men's White Woven Duck ·Caps, well tailored throughout, qual.ity close woven duck, eight piece top, unlbreak­ Work Shirts able peak, assorted sizes 6~ to 7y.i to dozen ·box. A well-tailored line of quality chambray Work Dozen $1.50 Shirts, ·triple stitched laid-on yoke, attached collar, extension neck Men's Red Back band, one pocket, large cut sizes 14 to 17~, solid Blue Denim Rivet Pants or assorted sizes to M35--Men's Red Back ~Blue Denim Rivet Pants, good weight, dozen. 2 side, 2 hip and watch pockers, belt loops, adjustable .hack M109-Biue Chambray. strap, double stitched 'throughout, sizes 32 to 44, sohd or MS24-Indigo B I u e assorted sizes to dozen !bundle. Chambray.- Dozen $9.95 Doz. $5.45 Men's Cotton Hose Men's Cotton Striped M123- Men's Work Socks Canton Fancy C o t to n Gloves Hose, combed cot­ Ml - Men's Med­ ton with attrac­ ium Weight Cotton M19- Men's tive pattern in • Work Socks, assort­ Striped C a n t o n fancy colors, dou­ ed grey . and white, Gloves, 8 oz. ma­ ble heel and toe, blue and white ran­ ter.ial, cream with close knit, feels dom colors, white blue stripe and almost like wool, toe, heel and top, dose knit blue size 10 to 110, 1 elastic rih top, dozen Nrist, 1brushed cot­ dozen of size to in !bundle. ton lining, well box. sewn, dozen pair in package. Doz. $2.10 Dozen $1.50 Doz. $1.30 "Dry Fast" Aluminum End Curlers N169 - "Dry Fast" Women's White Purses End Curlers, a simple ~ N1112-Women's White Purses, water waving device i . 6 assorted styles in box, compris­ that cannot injure the ing Envelope and Top Handle hair, perforation allows hair to dry qUiickly, 4 on styles, a well made bag for this · ··. :·..... \;~-:- -~ ... card. price, inside compartments, some .·~:·J.:.~; ?" :1 ··.J,::,~•:-:·~':.~i , with mirrors, all wrapped in . -~~~--~·-·~·::.. ..::.::·::·::::·::~·~:::·.~~: .. ·: ..... Dozen Wavers cellophane. :· · ., ;•. ·'i --~ ·v~ :.~._:).\ :~· ~ 40c Doz. $4.50 1·, .~·~.·= -~: ., i Women's White Purses in assorted styles of Back ~trap, Under Arm, Top Handles, some with chan~e purse and ~1rror, White Dressing Combs others with swing frame purses, some z1pper styles w1tho?t change purse. A beautiful assortment, each purse wrapped m cellophane, well lined. dlllllllllllllllllll~lmllllmrnmlmml N1109-Assorted styles, (no zippers) but other features. N3-White Dressing Combs, stamped "Super~or Quality", NlllO-Assorted styles witho;;~en $S. 8 inches long, curved back, self-cleaner style w1th fine and coarse teeth, dozen in ibox. 75 Dozen SOc Flat Style Black Shoe Laces Metal Hair Bandeaux ·' ...... , Nl06-Metal Hair Bandeau, has 3 strands of bright ~rimped metal with fancy side fasteners, well suited for this year's These are good quality, 5 str·and laces, fine even weave, sty.les in hair dressing, dozen in package. metal end tabs, 1 .gross laces in box. N701-24 inches long. • ................... Gross 74c Dozen $1.15 N703-36 inches long. • .•.....•....•..••.. Gross 82c Hold Bob Hair Curling Kits "Ajax" Hosiery Savers N204-Hold Bob Hair Curling Kits, consists of curler and 12 bobiby pins, each set on card with complete directions for Nl17-.. Ajax" Hose Savers, a device that prevents wear use. on hose, stops theel tblisters, eliminate .side gap, champagne color, full directions for applying to shoe with each pair, dozen pair on diS!play c·ard. Dozen Carda $1.10 Dozen Pairs 72c SALESMAN We Sell Only By Mail Page 5 Newest Styles and Patterns in Men's Hosiery Men's All Wool Men's Cotton Work Socks Work Socks Men's Work Socks, pure wool, weights 20 lbs. to dozen, reinforced heel, toe and M3-Men's Cotton Work Socks, fine top, dozen iri bundle. knit, medium weight, close knit top, rein­ forced heel and toe, 8 grey and 4 brown M2-0xford Grey.
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