TENNIS SENIORS ACT INC SPRING ISSUE SEPTEMBER 2017 PREFACE Happy 40th Birthday VETSET is the newsletter of Tennis Sen- The first Vetset was printed in iors ACT Incorporated. However the 1977. It was 4 pages (B5 size) views expressed in the newsletter are not with a cover page, and two necessarily those of the committee. pages of typed articles. Membership fees for 2017/18 were due Quoting from ‘A Word From on 1 July - only $20. A membership the Editor’ Jerry Attrick, “this is form is on the website. the first issue of ‘Canberra Vet- The 2017/18 Committee comprises: set’, a news sheet specially de- signed to fit the needs of Can- President berra’s veteran tennis players.” Graham Smith (6161 5352) “Everyone’s heard of the Jet Set Vice President - now we give you the Vet Set. Pat Moloney (6262 3727) We may be a little older, but Secretary we’re no less mobile and a Tim Harris (6231 3642) whole lot fitter!” Treasurer “We hope to make ‘Vetset’ a Peter Breugelmans (6258 4261) regular publication. Your con- tributions will always be wel- Committee come as will your (mild) criti- John Greenup (6254 5263) cism. Naturally, we love bou- Gail Jones (6254 4240) quets.” Colin Lyons (0434 531 449) Barbara McCluskey (6241 4402) See 40 years of Vetset on page 6 Warren Muller (6231 0825) 2017 Senior World Website: www.tennisseniors.org.au/act Vetset by email Titles The cost of producing Vetset has risen significantly. As outlined in the June Congratulations to Ros Balodis, Narelle Inside Page Vetset we are exploring sending Vet- Raftery and Leonie Ainsworth on being President’s Annual Report 2 set by email to members who are selected in Australian teams for the 2018 World Titles 2 happy to receive it by email. 2017 ITF Seniors World Team Champi- Future Australian Team Carnivals 2 onships in Florida, USA from 29 Octo- Gold Coast 2018 (Q18) 3 We know a number of our members will prefer a hard copy especially ber to 3 November. Ros and Narelle Treasurer’s Annual Report 3 are in the Maureen Connelly Cup team Welcome to New Members 3 when they do not have access to email. Don’t worry, a hard coy will (55+) with Ros as captain and Leonie is Tributes-Alan Richardson 4 in the Alice Marble Cup team (60+). still be posted to you. Tributes-Darrell Wallner, Joan Willis 5 Tributes-Marion Hendy 6 We are still evaluating the response We wish them the best of luck. 40 Years of Vetset 6 on your membership renewal forms so Next Sunday Tournament 6 this edition was sent by post only. More Tennis for ACT Seniors 7 Membership fees Brian Hurley World War ll Vet 7 AGM overdue Christmas Dinner 7 Sunday Round Robins 8 The Annual General Meeting of Ten- A friendly reminder that your Senior Tennis Tournament Results 9-12 nis Seniors ACT was held on 9 Au- membership fees for TSACT 2017/18 ACT Calendar 12 gust. The President’s and the Treas- for 2017/18 were due on 1 July. Country/Interstate Calendar 12 urer's Annual Reports were tabled. A Still only $20. copy of these reports can be found on Closing date for December Vetset pages 2 and 3 and on the website. A membership renewal form Monday 5 November 2017 There were no changes in the Officer can be found on the website [email protected] bearers or Committee. President’s 2016/17 Annual Report 2016/17 saw some changes in the Ten- profile for TSACT with the major Other fine performances by our mem- nis Seniors ACT (TSACT) Committee. states and other sports. bers were recognised by Tennis ACT in Pat Moloney stepped down as President Our scheduled list of events for the their awards celebration for 2016. Ros after 8 years and passed the baton on to year was completed with satisfying Balodis was named Most Outstanding previous Vice President, Graham degrees of success. These included 35+ Tennis Senior and Grant Wood- Smith. Gail Jones also stepped down the ACT Open Seniors Champion- bridge won Adult Club Player of the after 16 years, with Tim Harris taking Year. ships, Sunday Round Robins and our on the role of Secretary. Pat and Gail Christmas dinner. While the Twilight The Presidents of the State and Terri- have remained on the committee. doubles pennant had to be cancelled tory associations met with the Execu- Our membership to 30 June totals 149 due to lack of numbers, an alternative tive of Tennis Seniors Australia (TSA) which include 3 Vetset subscribers and competition is being looked at to pro- twice over this last year. Due to 5 year 3 life members. This is a slight decrease vide another form of regular competi- term limits TSA elected a new Presi- from last year and approximates the tion for seniors. dent and Vice President. Among the fluctuations from year to year. items discussed were the 2017 Austra- The Seniors Residents Championships 2016/17 has been a successful year for were held in conjunction with the lian Championships in Adelaide, the our teams and for a number of our ACT Resident Championships and upcoming 2018 Championships on the members. again proved successful with 30 en- Gold Coast, TSA/TA relationships, membership, sponsorship and Business The Australian Seniors Championships tries. This was an increase from the previous year. The seniors were also and Communication Plans. were held in Adelaide in January. TSACT fielded 5 men’s teams and 3 well represented in the Resident Ti- Financially TSACT is in a sound posi- women’s teams. Unfortunately our tles. tion with money in the bank and no expected large financial outlays. teams found the competition too strong Our main event, the Easter Tourna- this year. Our best results were two ment, an ITF Grade 2 Championship Sadly this year we saw the passing of seconds and one third which was not was again held at the Canberra Tennis four well known identities, founders sufficient to contest the overall trophy Centre as a Claycourt Championship. and supporters of Tennis Seniors ACT. as we have done the last few years. 174 players participated, this being an The successful running of Tennis Sen- In the Individual Championships of the increase from last year. Many highly iors ACT during 2016/17 is attributed second week we had some good per- ranked players competed and so the to the good work put in by the commit- formances from our eleven players who Grade 2 category should be main- tee members. I thank them all for their tained for 2018. stayed and competed. Ros Balodis won support and contribution. the 55+ singles defeating fellow ACT The entries included 25 past and pre- player Narelle Raftery in the semifinals. sent Australian team representatives, 2018 World Titles Ros combined with Leanne Swaysland showcasing strong and competitive (NSW) to edge out Narelle and Wanda tennis. The format of separate events The dates and venues of the three 2018 Howes (Vic) in the final. for IPIN and non-IPIN players is con- World Championships are as follows: Narelle also finished runner-up in the tinuing to work well and provides a ITF Young-Seniors World Team and mixed doubles with Martin Warwick better opportunity for our ACT non- Individual Championships (Vic). Colin Holgate reached the semi- IPIN players to compete on separate Venue: Mendoza, Argentina days. finals of the 60+ doubles while John Dates: 1 - 14 April 2018 Greenup and Pat Moloney finished run- Ten Sunday round robins were suc- ITF Seniors World Team and Individual ner-up in the men’s combined 140 dou- cessfully held over the year at Weston Championships bles. Creek and Belconnen. Good weather Venue: Miami, USA (to be confirmed, On the international scene Ros Balodis, brings out the most players with 20 else Umag, Croatia) participating in March and April. Narelle Raftery and Leonie Ainsworth Dates: 28 October - 10 November 2018 have been selected to represent Austra- At the Christmas dinner our two ma- ITF Super-Seniors World Team and lia at the ITF Seniors World Team jor awards were presented. Tim Har- Individual Championships Championships in the US in November. ris won the Frank Thornton award for Venue: Umag, Croatia Ros is captain of the Maureen Connelly achieving the most notable tennis suc- Dates: 16-29 September 2018 Cup 55+ team which includes Narelle. cess over the past year, and Pat Molo- Leonie is a team member of the Alice ney won the George Henshilwood Closing dates for nominations are yet to Marble Cup 60+ team. We wish them Award for his administrative years as be announced. all good luck. President. ACT players have also successfully Members of TSACT also hold posi- Future AustralianTeam competed in our local International tions on TSA committees. At TSA's Carnivals Tennis Federation (ITF) Easter tourna- last AGM in Adelaide Peter Breugel- ment and the various interstate ITF mans was re-appointed as TSA's Pub- 2019 - Shepparton tournaments held over the year. All lic Officer and Pat Moloney was re- 2020 - Tasmania these representations and wins are seen elected as Secretary. 2021 - Perth as important as they maintain a high Page 2 Gold Coast 2018 (Q18) The 2018 Australian Seniors Teams Carnival and Individual Championships will be hosted by Tennis Seniors Queensland on the fabulous Gold Coast. It is a wonderful place to spend Coast Seniors Club, Miami Grass, a team or looking to be placed in a KDV tennis (clay) Tweed Heads, team. a holiday and play a little tennis while you are there.
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