Friday Daily Evergreen Dec. II, 1970 Washington State University Vol. 77. No. 46 Nixon states·attempts to bridge devisive gaps In his first press conference "It is vitally important that the may have given biased pre-trial in almost five months, President president protect our remaining publicity to the Angela Davis, Richard Nixon said that there will forces," he stated, adding that Charles Manson, and My Lai always be age and racial divisions the U.S, would continue its bomb- cases were ·probably unjusti- in this country and the best his ings of infiltration routes and fied," but even lawyers some- adm inistration could do would be communist military sites in Viet- times make mistakes. to "mute" these problems. nam. He said he was still trying On the economy the president Congress was not informed said that he had taken steps to to bring the country together before or during the recent raid and that by winding down the cool inflation and now it is the on a .North Vietnamese prison war, he would regain some lost job of big business to foHow camp because of the high risk support. wage and price guide lines. to the men involved, according In response to questions con- to Nixon. However, he said, If the SST is voted down, NiX- cerning the bombing raids on no attempt was made to with- on said the U.S. would lose the FATE OF LETTUCE ...who will decide North Vietnam, Nixon said that hold the information after the prestige of being the top air- he would not unilaterally halt raid. transport power in the world, all bombing missions because it "Forced integration is not in as well as thousands of jobs and would be too dangerous for the the national interest," Nixon re- foreign exchange. "We should remaining U.S. forces. sponded to a question on inte- go ahead with the SST. I think No decision made we can find an answer for the en- Reconnaisance planes will con- gration in federal housing pro- vironmentalist," he said. tinue to fly over North Vietnam, jects. He said it is his policy Nixon said, and if these planes not to give aid in U.S. housing On other foreign policy issues on UFWOC lettuce . are fired upon, the fire will be or renewal projects where dis- the president said he was inter- returned, the missile site will crimination is shown. He said The university has not yet made a decision concerning the sole ested in expanding arms talks be destroyed and the surrounding his administration will observe purchase of UFWOC lettuce for university use. with the Soviet Union; he has no military complex will also be anti-discrimination laws, but According to William L. POindexter, director of housing and plans to change recognition pol- destroyed. Nixon said he had to would not propose any legislation foods, WSU is subject to state purchasing regulations. When icy toward Red China; and he will continue reconnaisance flights to to force integration of the sub- help to keep a balance of power ordering lettuce from growers, the university is required to accept urbs. the lowest bid received. observe infiltration from the in the Mideast by continuing to north. send arms to Israel. If the lettuce contracts specify UFWOC lettuce, it will result Nixon said his comments that in a 15 to 25 per cent price increase. We don't feel this increase would be fair to the students, n Poindexter said. If the students in the Rotunda, for example, were to vote to have only UFWOC lettuce, then this is possible, POindexter said. MECHA attempts to gain The MECHA petition that is supported by the Student Senate will not be a valid reason for the university to buy only UFWOC lettuce or none at all for dorm use because any university student can sign it," Off campus students should not have a say in what added support for strike the dorm students wish to eat, according to Poindexter. He concluded, "It would be hard for the administration to take MECHA attempted to secure included the purchasing of only Sheets telling which companies a stand in support of the lettuce boycott because a federal court support for the UFWOC lettuce UFWOC lettuce, demonstrate have Signed with UFWOC will judge has determined that the Salinas Valley strike against lettuce boycott, at a forum discussion verbally to local produce mer- soon be made available. growers is illegal." meeting last night. chants why you won'tbuy it and not The floor was opened to ques- Lloyd W. Peterson, assistant attorney general, has studied the Symbolizing the Chicano move- eating "scab lettuce" in the CUB. tions. legality of the lettuce dispute and has referred the matter to the m ent, the discussion began with a department of general administration., A statement is forthcoming theatrical courtroom sketch in- next week. volving three Chicano defendants found guilty of being Mexican and proud by a jury of lettuce grow- Spring strike to effect ers, Governor Ray Gun, Spiro Mouth, and Big Dick Nickson. State, local activists The spelling of their names was future budgets - Terrell included on signs. The discussion was held to pro- "Because of the student strike in student fees next year, with to speak at teach-in vide a background for under- that occurred last May, the uni- out of state students paying two standing the lettuce boycott prin- versity is going to have a hard Activists from the San Fran- A representative from the Free or three times the tuition they ciple. Tomas Ybarra, MECHA tim e collecting state appropri- cisco Bay area, Seattle, Eastern Angela Davis Committee in pay now. It will mean analyz- boycott chairman, termed the ations for next semester and next Washington and WSU will speak Seattle and Leroy Seth, a member ing programs: with some pro- boycott a "self-determination for year," said President Glenn Ter- at an all day Justice in America of the Nez Perce Tribal Com- grams phasing out, others slow':' all peoples." rell speaking at Regents Hill teach-In, Monday. mittee, will also speak. ing down, and som e never be- The basis for today's strike, D.ormitory last night. The teach-In, which will be The ASWSU Films Committee ing established." according to last night's discus- "Not until early summer," he held in the CUB Ballroom} is is co-sponsoring two films at Terrell added that student en- sion, was a lack of represen- declared, "did I realize how many sponsored by the Coalition., The 2:30 p.rn, The films are "Peo- rollment next year will remain tation of the UFWOC in contracts persons were interested in what Coalition consists of MECHA, ple's Park" and "An Interview at the number it is right now. Signed by the team sters and com- goes on at WSU. Legislators Radical Organizing Committee, with Bobby Seale." "The worst thing I could do is panies last spring. and taxpayers were horror the Women's Liberation Front Ida Chambless, director of the to accept more students without "This allows the rarrnworker stricken with the events of and the YWCA. Seattle Eastside YWCA, and funds to educate them," he said. no freedom of chotce ," said the strike, and we'll feel it when Leading off the teacn-tn at Bertha Russell, dfrector of. the "I love students," he said, Ybarra. they cut our budget in the Jan- 9 a.rn, will -be David Sternberg Spokane Indian Center, will talk "and I want to always be fair Ways in which the buyer can uary session." and Richard Hovard, assistant at 3: 30 p.rn, Chambliss is a with them. And if the day comes demonstrate his support of the "A cut in budget," said the professors of sociology. Stern- former staff member of the when I'm not fair, " he said, boycott were described. They prestdent, "will mean an increase berg specializes in criminal YWCA Student Southern Region "I'll quit." SOCiology, while Hovard special- headquarters in Atlanta, Ga. Rus- izes in political sociology. sell is a member of the Col- Jack Sandoval, dean of Chicano ville Indian Tribe. Lecturer to talk Studies at the University of Cal- Ernie Thomas, former chair- Whitman County unaffected ifornia in Berkeley, will speak man of the WSU Black Student on sexual trends at 10 a.rn, Sandoval will dis- Union, and Robert Regli, legal by food stamp restrictions cuss <Los Siete" which are six assistant in the Soledad Brother's "Sexual Behavior, Sexual Stan- Chicanos who were detained in case, will end the teach-in with dards and Population Growth," The new restrictions on food stamps, which went into effect a San Francisco jail without bail speeches at 7 p.rn, the first in a series of public Wednesday, are "not going to change the things in Whitman County for over a year on a charge of lectures sponsored by Zero one hair," according to Carroll G. Clifton, Whitman County wel- killing a policeman, according Population Growth, will be Mon- fare administrator. to Linda Fullerton, Coalition Strike cancelled day at 7;30 p.rn, in Todd 144. Clifton said that the new rules should have no effect on the 600 spokeswoman. Mervin F. White, assistant households now using food stamps in Whitman County. He said The six were acquited after it CLEVELAND, Ohio (AP) - The professor of sociology, will give that if the new restrictions constitute an attack on communes, "it was discovered the policeman United Transportation Union yes- his views of current sexual trends is a pretty mild attack". had been shot by his partner, terday cancelled the nationwide and project what will happen in Clifton pointed out that the "core issue" of the new rules involves Fullerton said.
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