A+ Grade Project

A+ Grade Project

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L + &oi o (/\ :," ia _;6= f x i 5 5aE;ie E ; a93.3i 6' E!9 3*iin' t I 9-3 -Ft q 60q; tt o) gL :q3F1g aJ 5"a: (D 994 3! 3 fia;; '!) F?3gfi;:;. \ i:F o:5 b r i = - r\ i d: 3. =I l-r aEi?3':1i=B 'aYi; o3 = I =.: :. d- s'd E!^95 ? ik I ?Rl;ir :1i: ni E6 x,: :r 3 -E 5 =.: - P il qd; o qR< : :^q e 5 + q.; -€ \N i*.s* r {a {EP=j \ ;6 = r'-l= 6 A- 6! N \ ab M,ei.n€ Saale Bv l- 0s(f-7 Project#3 (K 07)"Meine Traumreise" . "My DreamTrip,, Stage1: Vocabulary,Websites, Questions for Instructor Obligatoryvocabulary A. Thewords in the chad belowhave multiple meanings. Choosing the wrong cerman equjvalent can easilylead to miscompfehensionand even embarfassment. For the Englishwords find the Germanword that relates to travel.Then conkast it to oneor moreother Gefman equivalents ofthe sameword that mean very different things. travel word otherword #1 otherword #2 Example: at the waysof die Sitte,die oel zoll border doingthings Tradition of hotel, die Iimitation, ole where das reservation Einschrdnkung, etc. Vorbestellungrequtrement some lndianer dieBedinqunq lndianslive Reservat ahead of recetved "'il1;':::' vorausoezantl to oo forwirc vorrucKen "tll""#, rme dre to maKea ' I etlzantuno. a suDslance deposit ore- partialpre- anzahlen ote lefton oavment payment Aolagerung Anzantunq something to decide io place srornreren, a cancel notto do ma* aosagen on entlverten somethino somethino to fetch aufheben' aufrdumen, pickup aonoten to hftuo someone ' neoen to bleanup sauber machen B. Thefollowing words are ambiguous in Englishwith rcgard to partof speech.Each can be eithera nounor a 'You vefb.(Example ofverb-noun ambiguity: canfile lverb]this file lnoun].") Choosing the wrongcerman equivalentwill not likelycause embarrassment or downrightmiscomprehension, but your language will come acrossas verydistoded. For each word list both of its travel-relatedequivalents in cerman. stay delay drive verschreber,]' verb (action) bleiben fahren "-. (thinS) der Aufenlhalt dieVerzdgerung die Fahrt ' f'Y^r'l*'l 05$-'< C. Yourspecial vocabulary - add7 or morewods thatare specific to travelof yourspecial interest for rnakingthe t p. Indicatethe sourcewhere you found the word, so we cancorrect erors. Word {Enqlish} Word(German) Source(Dictionary. WWW. etc.) bicycle das Fahrrad Leodictionary (http/dict.leo.oro/ende) lo rent mreten Leodictionarv bikeway,bike der Radweg Leodictionary Dath das Schloss,die castle,castles Schldssef,die Leodictionary Buro museum das IVuseum ctonary cathedral derDom Leo o ctonarv cnurcn die Kirche ctionarv satworks das Gradierwerk Leo d ct|onary derTurm Leod ct|onarv 5olzl-t4J' boatrental der Bootsverleih Leo 0 ct|onary zwrscnen Leo o ctonarv mineralspng, sDa die Heilquelle Leodictionary ,'ir#L'\ Etsure die Freizeit Leo d cttonary recrealon die Erholunq Leo 0 cionary tflDs die Ausfliioe Leo 0 c!onary '4"'ili*YrwrlT*r inn.public house die GaststAtte Leodictionarv quarters(living aran0ementl die Unterkilnfte Leo dictionafy Gothic qotische Leodictionarv '(E\.' vacation.holidav dieFe en Leodictionary leasinq,rentinq dievermietunq Leodictionarv ^^tb1 ^&ffi;+1.",.,',, i\'' fX*t"r^rffi ""4 ,' l<t^'r '";;,'r^'rv"/^ll*/"-t L. Ms-s Project#3 (K 07)"Meine Traumreise" . "My DreamTrip" Websites GeneralInformation on Sachsen-Anhalt http://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Category: Rivers_of_Germany http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saale http://www.saale-unstrut-tousmus.de/de/radwandem/saaleradwanderweg.htrnl http://www.blaues-band.de/saale/index.htm http://www. saale-radwanderweg.de/ Weissenfels http://www-geleitshaus.com/ http://\&'w'w.bismarcktueme.de/website/ebene4/sachsarl/weissenf.html http |//www. naturpark-weissenfels.de/ http://www.saale-unstrut-tourismus.de/de6urger/schlossgoseck.asp Naumburg hltp://wwv/.naumburger-dom.de/ http://www.museumnaumburg.de/ http://www.saale-unsfut-tourismus.de/de/gastgeberverzeichnis/pdvatverrnietung_detail.asp?ID:215 (Placeto stay) Bad Kiisen http://www.rudelsburg. com,bug/index.html Camburg http://www.stadt-camburg.de/ Dornburg lrttp://www.dornburg-saale.del 09tf 'Q DreamTrip, Email for making accomnodationsin Naumbwg Wir sind ein Amerikanerund eineDeutche. Wir suchenin Naumbug eineUnterkunft. Wir sindin Naumburgyom22.Aptil2007 (So) bis 24.Apdl 2007(Di) alsozwei Nachte. Wir mdchten einDoppelzimmer mit Duscheaber eine Etagendusche ist gul Wir fahrenmit dem Fahrradvon Weissenfelsund wir braucheneinen Platz fiir unsereFahr2ider. Kijniten Sie mir hierzu ein Angebotmachen? Mit ft eundlichenGriissen, Rc' 09ts-7 Dream Trip, Email armouncingmy impendingarrival andwanting to connectfor transportation Christineund Hans, Wir kommenin Leipzig um &eizehn Ulr am I 6. April 2007 (Mo) an und wir habenzwei Gepeckstiicke mituns. Holen Sie uns an der Gepiickausgabe 'm dreizehn Uhr drel:r?:h "^: k _ U be^\ Danj<esch6n' /;6^"t^Yfu*"u"*' ,*wu, 1- V1_E R Wut )sr_ wdll) f nu,4fr^iD","u6/e ", December15, 2006 DearAunt C Greetingsfrom Portland.I hopeall is well in Massachusetts.I am gladyou met Verenathe last time we werethere to visit. I startedleaming German this fall termat PortlandState and I am hopingto put i1to usethis Sp ng. Verenawas telling me abouthow herarea of Gennany(Leipzig-Halle) and the basinarea ofthe Saalefuver hasa lot ofhistoryand culture. So I havedeveloped a trip to Gennanythat combinesseeing the SaaleRiver at differentplaces (you know how I like water),history, German, and bikinginto onerelatively cheap t p. I haveincluded my ideafor a trip itineratyalong with somephotos of someof the castles,cathedrals and churcheswe would visit. We would startin Merseb[g where VereDa'sparents live to seethe histoical sitesthere ard rentbikes and head down the bike trail nearthe river to the next town of Bad Diirrenberg.Fron therewe would continuefrom tow[ to town on biko visiting the castlesand historicalsites along the way (Seethe last two pagesof the pholoswhere I includedmaps). Eachtown seemsto havea goodselection of inexpensiveplaces to stay. For example in Naumburgthere are familieswith a few roomsfor rentfor about$15. Admissionsto sone of the museumsand castles range from $1.5 to $13al1d some have student discounts beyond these prices. Thenice thing about this trip is Verena'sparents will pick us up at the airportand bring us back wl]ich also givesher a chanceto visit with dlem and it meanswe don't needto rent a car. They are helpinghel with costof ailplanetickets and some money for museumsetc. Theonly thing is I am not sureI can afford it. It would be a very packedtrip with lots of photos,history. and practicjngmy German- overallvery educational-Would you be ableto helpme with financingthe t p? In rctu t I cangive you a slideshow ofthe historicalsites, recite some of the Geman I pickedup on the trip, and b ng you somechocolate. Love, I )@:!:rf-'i'jj;;J'^ t Ti"'wlot"t'" ,Tfi;;6, I N/f-( T p Itinera.y MoDday 04/16/2007 Fly from Portlard to Franlfurt Tuesday 04117/2007 Anive in Frankfurt andfly from Frankfurtto Leipzis \4eetup uirh hjendsand stay at theirhouse lor tireiieht in Merqebulg. Wednesday 04/1812007 Visit Me$eburgcastle (Merseburger Schloss) and the museumof cultue andhistory (See Figues I and2). Rentbicycles for trip. Ridenear Saale Rirer {See FigLu-e ltatrd spendnighr ar tiienciis housein Mersebutg. a/2007 Thursday 04/| Bike to BadDtidenberg. Visit thecity, the Borlach-Museumand tho saltworks (See Figure 4). Stayovernight. lriday 01/)0/2007 Bike to Weissenfels.Visit city andGustav-Adolf-MuseuDr and the Bismarcktower. Stay overnight. Salurday 0412112007 Hike in the naturepark in Weissenfelsand rent a boat to eo boatingon the Saale Rir er {See Figure 5 ). Stal overnighi Sunday 04/221200'1 Biketo Naumburg.Visit Goseckcastle (near Schdnburg) on way Monday 04/2312001 to Naumburgftom V/eissenfels.Visit thecity ofNaumburg t Varkelplaza r. including rhe lraumburg carhedral rSee l- igure 01. theNaumbug city musermand the Nietzsche-Haus. Stay 2 dehts. Tuesday 04/24/200'7 Bile lo BadKdsen. Visir rhe cir1. rhe LuLherin Church. and rhe medicinalmineral spring and salt works, Stay overnjght. Wednesday 0412512007 Visit Rudelsburgand Burg-Saaleck near Bad Kdsen Tlrnrsday 041261200'l Biketo Camburg(See Figue 7) andvisit Tiimplingcastle. Stay overnight. Friday 04/27/2007 Biketo Domburgand visit thethree castles from theRenaissance andlater cothic periods(See Figure 8). Saturday 04128/200'l Biketo Jena,Meet up with friendsup who will bringus backto Surday 04/2912007 Merseburg.Stay 2 nights. Monday 04/3012007 Fly from Leipzigto Frankfurtand fly from Franldut to portlaDd Maps ofthe generalarea and route and shownin Figues 9 and 10.

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