f ■ ' I WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 1961 Average Daily N^t Press Run The Weather iHanrliPBrtfr'IEwptttug For the Week Ended FerecMt of C. S. Wenther Bureau Dec. 81. leeo PAGE EIGHTEEN Ineeeaeing high eloudtoeee late tonight. Uttle change in tempera- 13,314 tore. Dow near SO. Friday oloUdy, m a i n s t r e c t About Town 0 tfCrasso . Member of the Audit . breesy, mild, 'ghanoe of a few Burenu .of CIrcnIstlan •howere. High in BOe, Corntr of Ook Manchester— AjCity of Village Charm Th# Rev. Curl.'V. .1ohn50ir^<'’ e , AtCavagnaro HOUSE ■ k HALE itrtford Scmlnarj'’ *’* i oWeher *t tht-'f^nten •;<iuiet ^ VOL. LXXX, NO. 128 ,^TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1961 .(Claeallled AdvertUlng on Pago 18) PRICE n V B CENTS hotir" iiemfe.«tivtvisnue] Luthcmn Fete Mttrch 25 CTureVtettlftlit Bt 7:3''. ThftEmin- STARTS TOMORROW! uet-^W r win sing. Secretam- of SUte F.lla Grasso \ciii he present at the testimonial Peace Parley Nears State News VIr». '^orence Streeter, vli»li - dinner in honor of former Demo- man of the ways and mean<! com- mtttaa of\he VF\V Auxiliary, w»ll craUc Town Chairman Steve ba in charts of a rar4 party to­ .Cavagnaro. • ' . | SALE OF Roundup morrow at ^ .m . at the post home. .. The dinner will be held at R*freshments\will he sen-ed. Fianb's Restaurant in Bolton Sat­ Algeria Rebels, urday. March 25. at 6 p.m. ' .Howard F. X^chie' Jr., elertri- UlS. Rep? Emilio Q Daddario rian's mate flreirvM, t*SN, son of .will' be the main speaker. Fred Dempsey Acts Mr. and Mrs..HoYard F. Machie I Dooev, state senator ■ from the PRECIOUS SMALL , Sr.. 480 N. MaiiW St., recently ' fourth district, nill be present, as To Speed Tax partcipated. aboard the attack i will Congressman-at-large Frank French to Talk carsro ship USS VerthiRpn. in the 1 Kowalski. , Relief Project "AUantic Fleet s amphitoiotm strik­ Co-chaimien of the affair are C»l Pane Btiidlo ' offer ing eJcercise in the Cambean. He ' former state repre.senlatives Irvin Rabat, Morocco, March 2t^«3>m Parii bearing a new Hartford, March 2 {IP)— prjticipated in. a .'ea anV helicop­ ■ .Aronson aniflDave Barry. E n g ta ^ e d ter assault off Vieqiics,\ Puerto , In chatge .of ticket sales are ^ T h e Algerian rebels to- 'T foS S a rn ” ''Minister Gov. John Dempsey moved Rico. , 1 Janet Bvcholski and Edward Tom.- day accepted * French Presi- Louis Terrenoire disclosed in Paris quickly today to comply with kiei, a.ssisted by Nancy Scott. ■ The enpagemeiU of Miss Mar­ deni Charles de Gaulle’s bid that De Gaulle told Beurguiba a New York state law that France la no longer insisting that Tells Soviet Marine Pfc. Walter P Schultz, ; Barbara Coleman. Jo.«eph Ma- garet Young of Hazleton. for peace talks to end the long would provide income tax re­ C o n g o le se son of Air. and Mr.s. WaltcV P. caione. Pascal Ma-slrangelo, Frank the rebels lay down'their arins be­ j Marine Pfc.Terdinand S. Lychocli and costly Algerian war. Di­ fore negotiations take place. A lief to_ConnecticUf residents Schultz Sr., .375 Ad.tnvs St..\ is Slamlcr. Otarence Foley. Fra'icis of Manchester is announced by her rect -negotiations appeared^ participating in a training exercke Mahonev, Henrv Becker. William cease-fire would have' robb^ the working in that state. K ill 4 4 in Acts Could . at Vieque.s, Puerto Rico, with tire Viens and Herbert Stevenson, ■mother. Mrs. Rita Young o f ’ Imminent. Algerian Nationalists . of their The Governor announced that Hazleton. The rebels Insisted on their goal main political weapon, which is First Battalion. Sixth Marine Regi-' % ■ a bill to permit Connecticut em­ 1 Tiie . bride-to-be is also . the In the 6'i-year .war; Independence the war itself. ployers to ,withhold taxes from • ment, an infantry unit of the Sec­ The twb sides see the negotia­ ond Marine Pi\i.sion from Camp daughter of the late Arthur Young. from Frafice. They softened it New Yorkersworking in Connecti­ Street Fight Spark W ar [aniiarv Checks Her fiance is the son of Mr. apd somewhat, by saying that Moroc­ tions differently.-The rebels, want cut would be submitted to the Lejeune. N. C. His unit is receiv­ to talk only about independence. ing training^ in infantrv tactics ■Mrs. Ferdinand S. Lychock. 62 , co, 'lYinisia and jAlgeria are plan- General Assembly today. To Idle §224s7.?0 ; Duval St. Pr^'Eiister Values From ,nlng to join in a loose federation De Gaulle, Terrenoire said, wants (By THE ASSOCIATED FBESS) with the use of helicopters. "We have to move fast on this," Leopoldville, The Ckingo, Miss Young, a 1960 graduate of retaining friendly ties with Paris. to discuss “the conditions for self- determination the Governor told his press con­ March, 2 '' </P)— Rampaging Adlai E. ' Stevenson de­ Ui\mp|ovment benefit checks,. St. Gabriel's .High Schriol in The rebel ajinouricement came Star of the East. Rovai Black In a joint communique, issued af­ By this he meant the De Gaulle ference, which- was attended' by ir^qle.se .soldiers killed 44 clared today that the United Perceptory. will meet Friday at lotalirrc 3224.730 . were disbursed I Hazleton, is a .Student at the Mc- _ plan for letting Algeria decide ifij State Attorney General Albe: ‘ Cann School of Biuslness iji that ter talks here between the Algeri- civilians in bitter street States wants an end to all 7:M p.m. at Orange Hall. ! in .Tam^ry by the Manchester Cn- Nationalist jeadeVs . and their! own political future through free Coles, emplovment Compensation Omce, citv. '.UA' An aMiuuiiiinwL ftrnucia - aim l u c i i i . ^ j ~ m fighting at Luluabourg, the; outside intervention iri The Mr. Lychock is a 1959 gradaute two neighbors and supporters. T u -! elections. Independence from Coles said the bilL-tlT be sub­ • it was announced by John .1. nisia_ t 1 and_____1 Morocco.___ _______ T-»Rebel _ V- _ 1 rPremier t.-. _ . ’ UFrance 't - a n / 'A i isI one of the choices De mitted to the Connecticut legis­ United Nations reported to-i Congo, and esp^ially that "of ■ Loomis, office manager, ' Of Manche.ster High School and is Gaulle has outlined. day. the new imperialism of the attending aviation electronics Fcrhat Abbas conferred with King lature wssj^ady and would prob-. I The checks compensated 5.85... to . Massani II of Morocco and Presi­ The key portion of the North 'The troops ran' wild through tlie Soviet Union.” : .school at the U.S: Naval Technica! ably ba-.-rtL5sed by the Labor com­ weeks of unemLp.I.osTuent with an 288 dent Habib Bourguiba of ..Tunisia African' leaders’ communique said: mitted town after three of their comrades The chief U.S. delegate to tha DON'T "Z -r"” average check of $38.40»*Paynicnts Training Center in Memphis, Tenn Still plenty of wear left in until just before dawm^. Connecticut must also furnish had been killed and three wound­ United JSiatlons made the state­ bv check are made directly to No date has been set for the 68.00 Bourguiba had come ^irectly (Continued on Page FlveJ.- ed by a pro-Lumumbist mob. ment in a speech, prepared for de­ ahoea when brought here for wedding. * dy«fl muskrat stole (qray, dork brown, light brown) .. New York State by April 15 the expert; repairing. cihimants in the local office. names and'addresses of the 7,000- The violence boiled over in the livery at a luncheon given him by Loomis said that the ratio of aftermath of last week’s takeover * muskrat stole (bdge, medium brown, dork brown) ------- . 88.00 New- Yorkers w-orking in Connec­ Mayor Robert T. Wagner at the Open Mondays All Day Xhosp filing aveekiy claims during ticut. of the capital of Kasai Province by Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New jCloaed Wednesday the last week of the month to the J elvish Newsletter Report^- Lumumbist troops from Stanley­ York City. Afternoons . 88.00 Gov. Nelson Rockefeller yester­ number covered byjhe Unemploy­ ATLA-NTIC * russion dyed marmot stole (dork brown) .......... ville. These troops pulled out two “ When we in America give our ment Cnmpsensation Law was H 8 day signed the New 'York bill that days ago knd left the town in a support to the eliding of all out­ SAM YULYES ,. per cent as compared with 7.7 per FURNACE OIL . 98.00 w'ill give Some. 22,000 Conndticut ferment. side intervention, we mean some­ * dyed squirrel stole (dork brown, medium brown) — residents working in New York “ SHOE REP.AIRIXG cent for the state. In Jamiar>". Automatic Delivery Luluabourg. 400 miles east 'of thing definite and practical," Am­ o r THE BETTER KIND" the local office area ratio (which in­ 158.00 A n t i -U > S i ^ an estimated 32 million income tax bassador Stevenson said. L.T. W O O D C O . * natural mink stole (natufdlTVcy' brown, smoke gray) relief for 1961 and thereafter. Leopoldville, w-as the scene of trib­ 23 OAK STREET cludes .Vernon. Rockville and Bol- Phone Ml 8-II2S al clashes liL,the days'just after “ We believe that Belgium Same Side As Watkins , tom was 11.9 pier cent compared * dyed joponese mink stoleAdork broWn) ............ 198.00 Most of the Connecticut recii- The Congo gained independenoe should qomplete its withdrawal. to 10 8 a year ago, he said. dents live in Fairfield county. from Belgium last summer.-' We believe that no other foreign 198.00 Staifted Lavon Affair The New’ York law extends to The.
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