SAINTSAINT ISAACISAAC JOGUESJOGUES PARISHPARISH 8149 Golf Road, Niles, IL 60714 ¨ 847.967.1060 ¨ Fax: 847.967.1070 ¨ Website: http://sij -parish.com Mission: “A Catholic Parish sharing the experiences of the Kingdom of God” PRAYER IN HONOR OF ST. ISAAC JOGUES Jesus, our Brother, you won the heart of St. Isaac Jogues and helped him grow as a caring, courageous person. He dedicated his life to sharing his love for you by carrying the Good News about your love for all people to others. Remembering the spirit of St. Isaac Jogues, may we all grow in caring and courage. Help each of us, Jesus, to be strong and gentle messengers of your love. Amen. Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 18, 2015 Page 2 Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 18, 2015 THE PAPACY: committed to war, hunting, and fraud than to preaching the Gospel and saving souls! It is of First Consider the Saints some comfort that the worst sinners who occu- pied the “chair of Peter” taught nothing con- This Thursday (October 22) is trary to faith and morals ex cathedra ! It is also the feast of St. John Paul II. reassuring that the “Papal Rogues Gallery” is Some have already dubbed surprisingly small. him “John Paul the Great.” His The 266 medallions of the popes that grace the accomplishments are many nave of St. Paul’s Outside the Walls in Rome and varied. Consider his heroic stand against pay homage to popes who were mostly good Communism, his 104 “pilgrimages” to foreign men. A few of them qualified to be saints. Not lands, his inauguration of World Youth Days, all of our holy popes were popular. In a recent and his promulgation of the Catechism of the article, Fr. George Rutler relates the vicissitudes Catholic . Even before his funeral, the crowds of Pope Pius IX (1846-1878). When elected, Pius carried banners and chanted “SUBITO!” was regarded as a true progressive. Roughly translated, that means “Sainthood now!” Garibaldi wrote from Uruguay to offer military assistance, and Roman youths Now John Paul II is a saint. His successor, Bene- unhitched the pope’s horses so that dict XVI, was one of the Church’s greatest the- they themselves might pull his carriage ologians. He championed ecclesial continuity, through the cheering crowds. By the harmonizing the old and the new. Benedict’s end of his reign, his funeral had to be unexpected retirement and the election of held under the cover of night and a Pope Francis in 2013 ushered in a pontificate mob tried to toss his coffin into the Tiber. marked by simplicity and popular appeal. Pope Francis preaches the “kingdom of heav- The change from popular “progressive” to the en” while being very “down-to-earth.” Riding “prisoner of the Vatican” was the result of revo- the crest of a wave of popularity after his Amer- lution, nationalism and anti-clericalism. Pius IX ican tour, will Pope Francis continue to balance was a very holy man who convened Vatican I authentic teaching with mass appeal? Here and defined Papal Infallibility and the Immacu- the history of the papacy offers no guarantees! late Conception. He and Pius XII are on a “waiting list” for canonization. Because they For more than a century, the Catholic Church have been slandered by critics, they may have has been blessed with popes who have been to wait a long time! My own opinion is men of intelligence, compassion, and extraor- “SUBITO!” for both popes! dinary holiness. Of the 266 men who have reigned as the Vicar of Christ, critics have often As we honor St. John Paul II concentrated on the worst popes. I confess and are grateful for his wit- that, at the tender age of 11, I knew too much ness, let us not forget to pray about the worst popes. It intrigued my great for the canonization of anoth- uncle, who was a very learned priest. After dis- er underappreciated pope, cussing Alexander VI, the infamous Borgia pope Blessed Paul VI. who kept mistresses, advanced his illegitimate children, and burned the reformer Savonarola at the stake, he smiled and told my mother he And may the Spirit of God bless and safeguard thought I had a vocation to the priesthood! our present Holy Father, Pope Francis! Recently, I viewed the film Luther with the “John Viva il Papa! 17 Fellowship,” a group composed of Lutherans and Catholics. It was embarrassing to us Cath- -Fr. Luczak olics to see popes and other prelates more Page 3 Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 18, 2015 The SIJ Parish Pastoral Council October meeting was held on Thursday 10-1. The following agenda items were discussed. • The meeting started with the election of officers for the 2015-16 year • Ed Segraves – Chair • Barb Watson - Vice Chair • Elizabeth Houlihan - Recording Secretary • Bylaws were updated to reflect the publishing of an annual report. • We discussed the term of council members that are defined in the bylaws and the recruitment process for re- placements. Several names were brought up and ideas brought up on transition. A notice will be published in the bulletin that describes this in more detail. • The Archbishop will be at the Synod on the Family through most of the month and can be followed on Twitter and Facebook. The use of these social media tools will allow him to get his message out to a larger group of people easily. We are exploring ways to keep parishioners informed outside of these tools. A summary of the some of the topics will be published periodically in the bulletin by our representatives to the APC. • Maintenance of SIJ infrastructure continues to be a challenge. Using some of the funds from the To Teach Who Christ Is campaign and creative financing we will be able to repair the elevator, a portion of the roof, the school boiler and the church boiler. • SIJ has great space and we are exploring ways to rent it out on a limited basis. A contract has been created and considerations documented for potential clients. As always, if you have questions please drop a note to the Pastoral Council: [email protected] The St. Isaac Jogues Parish Pastoral Council is a consultative body that discerns the needs of the parish and advises the pastor how best to respond to those needs. Prayerfully, the council helps to empower the parish to carry out the Mission of Christ. Membership includes representatives from parish commissions, parish staff, and St. Isaac Jogues parishioners at large. Each council member is interviewed by the pastor and goes through a process of discernment and formation. The bylaws of the Council specify term limits. Three members of our Pastoral Council now need to be replaced. If you are interested in becoming a council member, please submit your name to the SIJPPC8149 mailbox or inform one of the current members. Applicants will be required to complete a brief questionnaire. The questionnaire will be re- viewed. The selection will be made with parish diversity and representation of all commissions in mind. Openings on the council are limited and not everyone who applies will be selected. Know that your interest and willingness to serve on the council are greatly appreciated. FR. MC GLYNN’S GOLDEN JUBILEE LITURGICAL MINISTERS GATHERING Fr. Philip McGlynn, OSM, will celebrate his 50 th Anniversary of Priesthood with family, friends, and parishioners of St. Isaac The Annual Liturgical Ministers Gathering will th Jogues at the Noon Mass on Sunday, October 25 th . A recep- be held on Thursday, October 29 , at 7 p.m. Fa- tion will follow in the Holy Family Room. Join us as we give ther Bernard Kennedy, OFM, will speak on The Eu- thanks to God for Fr. McGlynn’s 50 years of ministry and in charist and the Spiritual Works of Mercy as we an- particular for the sacramental ministry he has carried out here ticipate the Great Year of Mercy announced by Pope Francis to begin on December 8 th . Interested at St. Isaac Jogues over several years. If you would like to parishioners are also welcome to come. For plan- help with set up, serving or cleanup for the reception, or if ning purposes RSVP to the RE Office by October you would like to provide cookies, bars or other small 26 th , 847/966-1180 or [email protected]. pastries, please sign up in the Holy Family Room today or The Liturgy Board looks forward to sharing this contact Dee Stanton by Wednesday, 847/966-1180 or evening with you! [email protected] . It would be greatly appreciated! If you are providing desserts, please bring them to the HFR before the Noon Mass that day! Page 4 Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 18, 2015 Women’s Club Clothing Drive Where: Holy Family Room BeneLitting: Cornerstone Community Outreach Women’s Club Guild 2 invites you to in Chicago-a center which gives shelter to the home- enjoy dinner out with the family to less and feeds those in need in their neighborhood. benefit St. Isaac Jogues! Please bring your clean usable items on November 7th and 8th after all masses. The Take the family out for a treat on Wednesday, center is especially in need of coats, gloves, hats, and November 4, 2015 at Kappy’s restaurant and scarves for men, women, and children. Blankets, mention you are from St. Isaac Jogues and the sheets, pillows, and towels would also be appreciated . church will receive 20% back from your bill any time from 5:00 p.m.
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