March 29, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE S 4777 modernization and reform in our Fed- done and the job that I know they will emulated. Indeed, Mr. President, if I eral courts. My efforts have been fo- continue to do during the remaining had to make a two-word speech against cused on improving the Federal judi- months of my service in the Senate. term limits, it would probably be cial system and relieving court conges- No one knows what the future will ``HOWELL HEFLIN,'' because HOWELL tion in criminal and civil matters. I be, but I plan to return to my beloved HEFLIN's leaving this body will make it have always subscribed to the expres- Alabama and devote more of my time a decidedly lesser place. sion, ``Justice delayed is justice de- to the people in my life that I treasure There are other words that come to nied.'' We have been successful to a the mostÐmy devoted and lovely wife mind when you think of HOWELL HEF- major degree in our efforts to achieve Elizabeth Ann, who is affectionately LIN. Clearly integrity has to be one, be- these goals. However, much remains to also know as ``Mike''Ðmy son Tom and cause his is an integrity so strong that be done. This country's system of jus- his wonderful, talented, and beautiful nobody would ever seek to disparage it. tice today faces one of its greatest wife CorneliaÐand, Mr. President, the Indeed, no one would seek to defend it. threats in the Congress. The founda- two finest grandchildren a person could I mean, you do not have to say HOWELL tion of our civil justice system and be blessed with, Wilson Carmichael HEFLIN is a man of integrity because more than 500 years of the development Heflin and Mary Catherine Heflin. Wil- that would be redundant. Everyone of common law are under attack, in- son is known to his ``Pop'' as ``Wil,'' knows that. It emanates from every cluding the right of trial by jury. We and he calls his sister ``K.K.'' because pore in his body, from his history and will continue the battles to improve he says Mary Catherine is too much of from his lifetime of work. the administration of justice, as well a mouthful. I do not wish to omit from He was, indeed, the first choice of al- as maintain its historic role of protect- the treasured list my other friends and most everyone to be a member of the ing the weak, the minorities, and the relatives in Alabama, particularly Ethics Committee. defenseless. those in the Shoals area. Mr. President, clearly in describing Mr. President, for 13 years I served I will enjoy living the remainder of HOWELL HEFLIN, you would have to on the Senate Ethics CommitteeÐtwo my days in my hometown, for refer to his sense of humor. It is leg- periods as chairman. My service on the Tuscumbia, AL, is a wonderful little endary. It occasionally erupts here on Ethics Committee can be described town to be from and it is the best little the floor of the Senate. More com- with many adjectives, none of which town in America to go home to. monly, in political speeches back in include enjoyable. From the descrip- Mr. President, while my career and Alabama. I would hate to be the object tion ``of how it used to be,'' I would work here in the Senate is yet to be of his wit, either in Alabama or any- have to say that I am convinced that completed for I still have much to do, where else, because, while it is gentle the Senate has made great strides in I, nevertheless, thank the people of and while it is funny, it can be, indeed, ethical behavior and standards during Alabama ``who I so dearly love'' for the devastating. my time in this body. While there is faith and trust bestowed upon me I will never forget the story of the still room for much improvement, I which allowed me to serve as Chief Jus- Grey Poupon, the way that HOWELL am, nevertheless, convinced that the tice of Alabama for 6 years and as a HEFLIN could describe to those who Senators now serving are the most eth- U.S. Senator for three terms. I also thought themselves too sophisticated ical in the history of the Senate. thank my Creator for the blessing of to be from Alabama, and the way he During the last several decades, in- health during my three score and thir- could use that humor to not only en- cluding the time that I have spent in teen years thus far, and for having the lighten and to lighten the debate, but the Senate, there has been much im- opportunity to serve this great Nation also as a tremendous political weapon. provement in civil rights. However, and my fellow citizens. Mr. President, this Senate will not be race relations continue as a divisive Thank you, Mr. President. the same when HOWELL HEFLIN leaves. issue in numerous ways. The path to- Several Senators addressed the It simply will not. It will be a much ward the achievement of equal oppor- Chair. lesser place. I will be leaving as well. tunity for all persons, regardless of The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. So it is not that I will miss him. I will race, color gender, or creed, has many FRIST). The Senator from Louisiana. enjoy service with him for the next miles to go. We foster democratic prin- f year and 8 months. I hope he completes ciples throughout the world and have his agenda, as I hope I complete mine. seen democracy make great strides in HOWELL HEFLIN But, Mr. President, for I think dec- many nondemocratic countries. Yet Mr. JOHNSTON. Mr. President, as ades to come, people of Alabama will our own democracy faces its greatest most Members of this body, I received revere the service of one Chief Justice threat from within. Elected officials, word of Senator HEFLIN's retirement HOWELL HEFLIN and one Senator HOW- media personalities, elements of politi- just a few moments ago. As I began to ELL HEFLIN, one of the most outstand- cal parties, and other organizations contemplate his service here, I won- ing Members this body has ever pro- strive to pit one group of Americans dered what was the single word that duced. against another. We must set a new best epitomized Senator HEFLIN's serv- Several Senators addressed the course in this Congress and across the ice. Mr. President, the word that came Chair. landÐa course of moderation, toler- to mind first was ``wisdom.'' The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- ance, responsibility, and compassion. Wisdom is a rare thing. It is acquired ator from South Carolina. We need to return to the traditional genetically, and our Creator has been Mr. HOLLINGS. Mr. President, there value of being just plain neighborly. very generous with Senator HEFLIN in is one word that comes to my mind, I Not until we become genuinely ``one endowing him with a huge amount of say to the Senator from Louisiana, and Nation under God, indivisible, with lib- wisdom and a huge amount of ability. that is character. Certainly, HOWELL erty and justice for all,'' can this coun- It also is born of experience, and hav- HEFLIN is an individual with the high- try realize its potential for true great- ing served the people of Alabama now, est of integrity and, yes, humor. But it ness. both as chief justice and as a Member has to be said, I am glad the Senator I am proud of my staff. I have always of this body, for some 23-plus years, he from Louisiana did not continue on been proud of my staff. Most of them has acquired both the skill and the about HOWELL's humor, because most have come from Alabama but, regard- knowledge, along with that genetically of those stories could not be told on less, all have worked with devotion, inspired wisdom, to be, indeed, one of the floor of the U.S. Senate. dedication, and professionalism. They the wisest Members of this body. We should all remember his work on have worked with me to assist thou- In fact, if the Senator from Alabama the Ethics Committee and the out- sands of AlabamiansÐand I might say rises on any issue in this Senate, not standing job that HOWELL HEFLIN did thousands of Americans outside of Ala- only do Members of the Senate listen, as chairman. It is a very thankless bamaÐin every imaginable area. Staff but as far as this Senator is concerned, task. members seldom receive praise, but I he almost always follows, because Sen- The idea of any kind of farm legisla- thank them from the bottom of my ator HEFLIN is seldom wrong and is tion and, as the Senator mentioned heart for the great job that they have someone whose wisdom is greatly to be earlier, anything concerning peanuts. S 4778 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE March 29, 1995 He will knock all of these desks to the what happened with the line-item veto. Senator from Alabama. I hope on this floor to make sure the peanut farmers I have sponsored line-item veto legisla- side of the aisle that I can claim the are taken care of. tion for some 10 years. I have a bill, S. right to miss him more than any other In addition, we have been blessed 238, that was referred to the Rules Republican might miss him, because with his incredible expertise as a mem- Committee just this year.
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