.. 1! i aUntiian wtttt. I SUSS SEMI-WEKKL- VOL. XI.I. Ni HAWAIIAN GAZETTE, 1'KID.W J.M'AK- - u. i. WIIOkK 270.1 BUSINESS MEN NEW STEAMER LINE NOW ASSURED ENTERTAIN AT W300O000000O(00OK000OOOOO0O FESTIVE Pacific Navigation Co. to Run From BOARD San Pedro to Hawaii Tropic Fruit Company Interested. Annual Dinner of Honolulu Mer- chants9 Association at Royal (Associated Press Cablegrams.) Hawaiian Hotel. SALT LAKE, Utah, January ia. The Pacific Navigation Company is negotiating or the charter of two steamers connecting San Pedro with Hawaii. Seldom liaa Honolulu seen a moro pleasant and smooth-runnin- festive event The Tropic Fruit Company of Honolulu .lias beeninteresterin of Merchants' Association ipon a largo Bcalo than tlo annual dinner, 1900, The the project and has agreed to give its shipments to the new line. of Honolulu, which tookplaco at tho Hoyal Hawaiian Hotel last night. Seats were taken at the tables set on tho Ewa lnnal at 8 o'clock and tho program, The P. N. Co. is opening coal fields in Southern Utah. merrily proceeded until 11 o'clttck, wbon President Geo. W. Smith without ceremony declared the banquet adjourned sine die. M'CALL PAWNS MANSION. One of tho most .pleasing features was tho informnlity of the speeches. 3sTo rolls of manuscript were pulled upon an unsuspecting company, yot or perhaps rather because of this deviation from a too common practice of tho NEW YORK, January : 2. John A. McCall, o past the flow of soul was peculiarly one from men to men. While there was BYBON 0. CLABK, MANAGER OF THE TEOPIO FEUIT to. the New York Life Insurance Co., has given a deed of trust on his the palm for words of pith and much point in most of the postprandial efforts, OOOOC)OOOOOOOOOOO0OOOOCOOOO risidence to secure the $150,000 note covering the Hamilton ad- moment easily fell to Judge Sole. vances. Thero was one table in tho raiddlo for tho maBtcr of tho feast nnd tho speakers' on tho program. Then there wero two pairs of tables, parallel, ex- SURGEON GENERAL WYMAN tending therefrom. At the center table President Smith of the Association had A POLITICAL SCHISM. for his vis-a-vi- s Secretary Wood of tho Hawaii Promotion Committee, and fac- FINDS THE RIGHT MAN ing each other across the table wero United States Judge Dolo and President WASHINGTON, January 12. Fifty Republican congressmen Lowrey of tho Chamber of Commerce. i Overhead in tho lanai was a canopy of tho pepper vine, bespangled with After a prolonged eclipse, light has again dawned upon tho Federal are reported pledged to oppose statehood bills, joining with the immacu- - Wossoms of tho bougainvillca vine. Tho tables were bespread over tho project. It would" appear that delay hus not been consequent upon Democrats. ' lato linen with delicate ferns, ornamented with carnations. While red, white difficulty over the building scheme, but in connection with a.search for a suit- tho rim of tho lanai roof, tho center table was and bluo electric bulbs lined able man to superintend tho institution when it has been erected. eoftly illuminated with ground glass globes and tho wing tables with single- - Now tho man has been found, nnd "something will be doing" soon. This SEVERAL LIBRARIES LESS. light silver candlesticks. , ' information is on tho authority of Surgeon General Wyman. THE SERVICE. H. C), E. R. Stackable, Judge Dole, J. R. Gult, M P. Robinson, F, J. "I have received a personal letter from Surgeon tleneral Wyman," Gov Manager Bews and his deputy, E. M. GREENVILLE, January 12. The Carnegie Steel Company's Lowrey, J. G. Spencer, H. P. Wood, Carter said yesterday, "stating that ho has got a man for the Lepro Boyd, personally supervised the ser ernor J. Emmeluth, E. G. Keen, R. Cham- sarium on Molokai. plant has been burned. The loss amounts to half a million dollars. if . ....... Y.m.1. i.iitiiln. art. fntllt... - berlain, Lieut. Slattery, Major Fuller, I 'i Vice, Willi;; ivaa uuui icfiuia. "That has been the cause of the delay, ho' gives' inc' to understand. Tho if less. The menu was one of rare deli J. W. Young, Paymaster Hagner, John re McCandlcss, Daniel Logan (Adver- wholo problem depended on getting tho right kind "of a man to make a scien- cacy, as may bo Judged from its ' MORALES' EVIL CASE. tiser), W. R. Farrington (Bulletin), tific studyr of tho disease. y t e . production below, and while It was be Knffd-se- n, GeoTF. HenshalfTStaf JT E. A. "Apparently ho thinks the building a secondary matter. Ho docs not discussed n. line feeling of neigh C. ing R. W. Breckons, E. R. Hendry, give the namo of tho man. borly fellowship and good cheer was S. Hollowny, E. C. Peters, L. E. Pink-ha- "Surgeon General Wyman believes that beforo long ho enn convince tho CAPE HAYTIEN, January 12. President Morales is reported evinced about the boards. This was E. R. Adams, J. Lucas, II, T. Moore, W. H. Babbitt. pcoplo of earnestness in tho matter by showing them thore's something doing." the menu wounded and his capture is probable. "Is thero no danger of tho appropriation lapsing, so that a new appropria- MENU PROGRAM OF TOASTS. tion should have to bo madct" was asked. i President Smith was toastmaster am not certain nbout that point," tho governor answered. DATTO AND DEMOCRAT. Manhattan Cocktail and, In Introducing those billed to "I OYSTERS "Tho Surgeon General has not been in any sort of worry on that propos- respond In the regular list and those Toke Points on the Half-she- ll ition." Amanttllado he called on after the conclusion of the feli- DULUAN, January 12. W. J. Bryan has been created a datto. SOUP set program, was both brief and tries. The Chinese and Japanese, In- You business men know how Impor- Consomme vol au Vent citous In remarks. structed In the schools here, will have tant It Is to the business of Honolulu RELISHES "President Roosevelt" had a blank op- an lnlluenco In Asia perhaps a strong for a hundred families to scttlo In tlxi Celery AFTERNOON REPORT. Olives posite his name, but his health was and a permanent Influence causing army reservation which Is now being Salted Almonds things to may In- prepared for occupation. You If none less be done thero which know FISH drunk with tho enthusiasm. fluence tho future of the world.' there would bo a thousand families Planlced Mullet a la Duchesse "Tho Territory of Hawaii," with un- - you prosper I think that the Territory of Ha settle here would all be IRKUTSK, January 11. Tho prefect of polico of this placo was assas- Cucumbers Haut Sauterno amendable fitness, was coupled with waii Is making a record of good gov- -' ous. The policy that would brine a sinated today. Tho murderer escaped. ICES the name of Judge Sanford B. Dole,' ernment and fair administration. Tho thousand. families here la a very Im- Tuttl Fruttl Floats Judge for Ha- j United States is controlling this coun portant matter. RIGA, January 11. Tho troops routed revolutionists who wero attempting Banquet Rolls United States District Land Commissioner Pratt told me being try as it pleaej. wo are alsappointeu to loot a train with treasure. Slxty.fivo wero killed. ENTltEES waii, chief author of Us and In some things. The policy of tho the other day that thero was over 100,-0- Breaded Frog Saddles, Fine Herbs Its first Governor. He responded to United Stntes In regard to Immigra- acres of Government land not leas- WASHINGTON, January 11, The Scnato Commlttoo on Commerce has or- Sweetbread Patties the following effect: tion Is disappointing to some of us. ed the past year und that within five dered a favorable report made on the appropriation of 3225,000, for a revenuo Asparagus Tips I passage or six years 050,000 acres the leases of JUDGE DOLE'S ADDRESS. am going to read a short cutter to bo stationed at Honolulu, Chateau Margeaux from Roosevelt's message. which will run out. A great deal of President WASHINGTON, January 11. show sugar Imports PUNCH Mr. iVesIdent and Gentlemen of the I am going to bo short because I want this land Is unsuitable for settlement, Statistics that tho of the suppose one-elgh- sult-nb- le Cream de Montho Vertho Merchants' Association: I thank you to give a chance to Mr. Lucas and but of It Is country for tho eleven months ended November Gth wore tho largost on record, ROAST your other speakers. thero Is a chance for 2500 families showing a value of $148,575,340. Hawaii furnished 832,721,387 pounds and Hawaiian Squab a la Chasseur all for the opportunity of enjoying to make a living. hospitality and renewing old acquain- (Judge Dole heVe read fpm the Presl. Look at WAhlawa, where tho Philippines 77,997,421. Windsor Potatoes Petit Pols message where tho desire was fourteen Dry Monojiolo you. When was to dent's families settled seven years ago. They LONDON, January 11. Princo Arthur of Connaught, Admiral Seymour and tances with I asked expressed that tho population of tho BALAD speak on the Territory o Hawaii, were Americans nnd they experiment- other members of tho royal commission who will present tho Order of tho Hawaiian Islands should Increase by ed with fruits nnd vegetables. Final- Waldorf Salad In Tomato Baskets saw It was a subject of thought in of American citizens.) Garter to tho Emperor of Japan, started for Toklo today. Tho Princo Is also) CREAM the number ly they tried pineapples and last year ICE Is policy the American tho orders Admiral Togo Champagne order to be able to make brief remarks.
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