VOL. X., NO. 25 JUNE 19, 1915 PRICE 10 CENTS 'owi n rieSea r Seattle ^^^L Saturday US'A THE NEW HOME OF THE SUNSET CLUB Spacious and handsome building to be formally opened and dedicated to the uses of the club next Wednesday See Page Eight QT%1vz$ UOSTptfft 50 .q^ SELECTING INVESTMENTS. Many business men are so occupied with the care and details of their af­ fairs that they have little time or and prevents moth ravages in fur or fabric. For sale at all drug stores. opportunity to make a study of se­ curities. The officers of this bank are con­ stantly in touch with Investment con­ ditions and are pleased at any time to place their knowledge and experi­ GOLD SHIELD COFFEE ence at the service of customers in the selection of high-grade securi­ Nothing Pleases a Coffee Drinker More Than ties, combining unquestioned safety a Cup of Good Coffee, Properly Made and a satisfactory interest return. pAI p\ OLJII7I r\ fOF'P'FP is tne be8t Coffee anyone ever You will find VjWL.iy >DiniLL.l-.LJ K^KJT r I^H. tasted- Ask your gr0cer for it All sorts of finest Imported and Northern Bank & Domestic Delicacies at Schwabacher Bros. & Co., Inc. Trust Company Jacobi's German Delicatessen Fourth Ave. and Pike St. and Lunch Room "no wasted time in our school work, SEATTLE, WASH. M. C. Jacobl, Proprietor. Sausages and Luncheons Our every student is base/ a/I t?ie time. Specialty. WE KEEP HIM BUSY. To/tats our system. 1224 THIRD AVENUE " OXFORD " Corner University St. ><tteepin£ HYATT"FOWELLS Shorthand Phone Elliott 5043. SPECIALIZING Frmrrh and PiVi<=> in MUMfORD & BECK CARPET CLEANERS BUSINESS MEN'S SUITS Oriental and Domestic Rugs at and Carpets Dry Cleaned and Renovated, Washed, Made Th e Seattle National Bank $35.00 TO $45.00 Over, Relaid and Glue Sized. Linoleum Laid. "19 years right here Is your FURNITURE REPAIRING, REFINISHING, AND SECOND AT COLUMBIA guarantee." UPHOLSTERING. 1318 Almy St. Phone Cap, 123 RESOURCES: $17,000,000 Oxford Tailoring Co. 711 Third Ave. New York Block Rubenstein's Prescriptions 218 Cherry Street ORGANIZED EFFICIENCY PROMPT SERVICE Highest Miss Martha Burg MODISTE Quality Late from London, England. We Are Pleasing Others :: :: We Can Please You 711 Seneca Street and Fhone: Main 1932. Absolute MADAME EARL The First National Bank Established 1882 Formerly of London, England PIONEER SQUARE, SEATTLE Purity Late Designer for Marshall Field & Co., Chicago. Capital and Surplus $400,000.00 GOWNS AND FANCY COATS are assured M. A. ARNOLD, President Individual Designs D. H. MOSS, Vice-President C. A. PHILBEICK, Cashier you in Denny Building Main 1436 M. McMICKEN, Vice-Fresdent A. R. TRUAX, Assistant Cashier NEW ACCOUNTS CORDIALLY INVITED HERMAN A-SCHDOEDE a. Maplewood ^?7J-J28UbcrtyBW^.5eattle,Wa*b. DOMESTIC STEAM 'REAL-ESTATE CO^JL IACREACE^FABM LANDS A SPECIALITY PACIFIC COAST COAL CO. Brand TELEPHONE MAIN 3292 Main 8040 Phones =EUiott 92 MILK CREAM Largest Floating Completely Equipped and Dry Dock Shops for ICE CREAM Ship, Engine and Boiler So why not have the Equipment best in your home ev­ ery day? It costs no On the Pacific REPAIRS more. Ship Builders, Engine Builders, Boiler Makers Telephone Coast Iron Founders, Brass Founders, Lumber Manufacturers Pure Milk Dairy, Inc. PARSONS MARINE STEAM TURBINES YARROW BOILERS 1514 Seventh Avenue. SEATTLE CONSTRUCTION & DRY DOCK COMPANY Main 2545 Elliott 4344 THE TOWN CRIER VOL. X, NO. 25. SEATTLE, U. S. A., JUNE 19, 1915. PRICE, 10 CENTS Official publication of the Seattle Fine Arts So­ are due to the fact that those desiring to depart evidence oi what the Society is doing and the de­ ciety. Member Washington State Press Association. this life have been supplied with the means in pressing inadequacy of its means, will be found Published every Saturday by accurately labeled bottles or boxes, duly emblazon­ most convincing. It must have help, and at once. WOOD & REBER (Inc.) ed with skull and cross-bones. They have been Suite 945-6-7 The Henry Building, Seattle. given what they asked for. If the apothecaries Sleep Visits Mr. Bryan Telephone Main 6302 had the right, under the law, to fill these sinister containers with something for the liver, the suicide It is recorded in the news reports of Mr. Bryan's James A. Wood Editor rate would be materially decreased and the world recent eccentricities that on the night after his E. L. Reber Manager resignation from the office of Secretary of State Entered as second-class matter at the United would look brighter next day to a lot of people. States postoffice at Seattle. This thought is somewhat aside from the question had been accepted he enjoyed the first sound SUBSCRIPTION: One year, in advance, $3.00; of good milk and good babies, but it has direct slumber that had come to him in a long time. Mr. six months, $1.50; three months, 75 cents; single Bryan himself is quoted as saying that it was the copies, 10 cents. Foreign subscriptions (countries in bearing on this councilmanic nonsense that it Postal Union) $4.00 a year. For sale by all News­ doesn't matter what's in the bottle so long as the first good night's rest he had had in many weeks. dealers. Why the sudden change from the tortures of Payments should be made by Check, Draft, Postal label is honest as to the contents. Stuff that, isn't Order, payable to THE TOWN CRIER, or by Regis­ fit for human consumption simply shouldn't be insomnia to the balm and blessing of sweet sleep? tered Letter. sold at all, whether as drink, food or medicine, no From what perverse pressure that kept him in For Advertising Rates address Suite 945-6-7 Henry wakeful wretchedness was Mr. Bryan so suddenly Building, Seattle. Inquiries within city limits matter how it may be labeled. of Seattle, made by mail or by telephone to Main relieved? The world's war did not come to an 6302, will be personally responded to by a repre­ sentative of THE TOWN CRIER when requested. end on the day that Bryan quit the cabinet; the serious crisis confronting his own country had Unsolicited manuscript must be accompanied by June Time stamps sufficient for return if found unavailable for . been in no way determined; the worries of the publication. Out from the cloistered halls of colleges and President and his loyal advisers had not a whit universities comes a procession of the youth of the abated. There was just as much of battle and Babies and Labels land. In their eyes the light of the storied past murder, grief and sorrow abroad, just as much There have always been babies. Despite the is still shining and in their young hands they of grave anxiety at home, after Mr. Bryan's resig­ recent outpour of sage advice from a certain class bear aloft the sacred chalice of enthusiasm. This nation as before. What, did all this matter to Mr. of "social workers," the present outlook is that is the season of its annual decantation. Un­ Bryan? Nothing. With the closing of his official the supply of babies will be kept up. For natural daunted and unafraid are they as they look out connection with national affairs, he was able to reasons which have not yet been disputed, their upon the world before them, and among the most shake off all considerations that had kept him existence implies a necessity for milk. Good milk valuable assets they bring to that world which wakeful and to slumber like a child without a has come to be inseparably associated with the holds for them the Great Adventure is their fine care. thought of healthy babies; bad milk is blamed courage which will neither recognize nor acknowl­ for their ill-health and shortness of life. A widely edge defeat. It was only an incident in the day's news; prevalent and extremely popular notion is that Enthusiasm is the wine of life. If we, with only a line or two in the papers that told of Mr. babies are worth saving, and to this notion, and vague memories of our own Commencement days Bryan's first night of good rest; yet it seems to no other, is attached the persistent demand for in mind, may be inclined to smile a little over emphasize more than anything else in the recent purity in the milk supply. Yellow and yellowish the zeal of the new-comers in the arena, let it be Bryant stories and statements that colossal egot­ journals which have blunted the sensibilities of a smile of sympathy and friendliness for their ism and selfishness which The Town Crier last their readers with all sorts of sensational Junk; sakes—and for our own. Young, fresh enthusiasm week took into account in discussing his latest persons in public office who seek for various is too precious a thing to make light of; far bet­ political adventure. Mr. Bryan was kept awake reasons to play upon the family heart-strings, al­ ter will it be for us if we brush from our lips the by thoughts of himself; when he got himself out ways know that they can rely upon immediate dead ashes of disappointment or burned-out ambi­ from under the weight of official responsibility and sympathetic response to any appeal for better tion and endeavor to renew the pledge of loyalty he went to sleep. With him it is Bryan, first, last milk for the babies. to the ideals of our vanished youth. and all the time; if there's anything about Bryan or Bryan's future to worry about, he worries; if There is no excuse for impure and unhealthful Never before in the history of the world has the there isn't, his mind is at rest, and sleep, gentle milk in town or country; there is no excuse for need for staunch adherence to high spiritual sleep, theretofore frighted by the thought that he dirty dairies, nor for the careless and unsanitary thought been so great as it is today; and with all might do something to hurt himself, comes to handling of the product from its source to the the strength that lies within us let us welcome weigh his eyelids down.
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