COLORADO ROOTS [ Contents/How to Use This Guide FEATURES Contents P. 2 2016/2017 WE LIKE TO PARTY: COLORADO EVENTS & FESTIVALS From strawberries to sage grouse, it doesn’t take much to convince Coloradans to throw a festival. Schedule stops in your trip to coincide with one of these super-Colorado-y celebrations. P. 4 RAISING THE BAR These beer, wine and spirit makers are setting themselves apart with great-tasting beverages that honor the state in their own unique way. P. 8 CRAFTY COLORADANS More than 130 years after the Pikes Peak Gold Rush, Coloradans are still striking gold from the state’s abundant natural resources. P. 12 BYWAYS OF COLORADO Colorado’s byways wind through P. 14 grassy plains and the Rocky Moun- HIGHLIGHTS OF THE HIGH PLAINS tains, past small towns and natural Only-in-Colorado wildlife, historic sites, heritage and Americana attractions beauty you cannot enjoy if you’re are proof that our often-understated eastern quadrant is anything but plain. speeding along at 70 mph. P. 16 COLORADO’S NATIONAL PARKS: A PLACE FOR EVERY PASSION 2016 marks the 100th anniversary of the National Park Service. We’ve created a guide to national parks, monuments, historic sites and rec- reation areas where you’ll find your passion — and the parks to match. P. 24 SEE FOR FREE: HISTORIC DISTRICTS Colorado’s historic districts are the P. 10 P. 18 windows into some of the state’s WINTER DUDE RANCHES 119 MUST-EATS most enchanting, legend-filled nooks and crannies. Uncover You don’t have to be a ski bunny to If you’re the kind of person who fantastic Colorado lore with enjoy a Colorado winter and the dreams of dinner ingredients longer these heritage areas. white stuff that goes along with it. than the average person, you’re gonna want to embark on our tasting tour. CLOCKWISE FROM THE TOP: PAWNEE NATIONAL GRASSLANDS, MILES/MATT INDEN; MERCANTILE DINING & PROVISIONS; DINING & PROVISIONS; INDEN; MERCANTILE GRASSLANDS, MILES/MATT NATIONAL PAWNEE THE TOP: FROM CLOCKWISE EMERSON. NICHOLE BREWING COMPANY, & DRAGON HORSE PAGE: OPPOSITE C2 PHOTOGRAPHY. COMPANY, CHEESE AVALANCHE STATE OF COLORADO John Hickenlooper – Governor COLORADO TOURISM OFFICE HERITAGE & AGRITOURISM COMMITTEE Laura Grey – Colorado Tourism Office P. 4 Heritage & Agritourism Program Director Ian Steyn – Colorado Campground and Lodge Owners Association (Co-Chair) Courtney Frazier – Colorado Dude & Guest Ranch P. 25 ACTIVITIES Association (Co-Chair) TIPS FOR PICKING LISTINGS Kim Farin – Boulder Convention & Visitors Bureau You can be THAT person at the Tim FerrellUSE – THISBerry Patch ONE Farms IF POSSIBLE farmers’ market — sniffing, examin- Kelli Hepler – Colorado Agritourism Association P. 26 Steve Kurowski – Colorado Brewers Guild ing and gently caressing produce. DENVER METRO AREA Rick Manzanares – Canyons and Plains Corry Mihm – Project Works P. 64A P. 32 Krista Roberts – Slow Food Denver COLORADO TRAVEL MAP Bill Scebbi – Colorado Horse Council FRONT RANGE AREA Melody Villard – Moffat County Tourism Colorado is the eighth-largest state Wendy White – Colorado Department of Agriculture in the U.S., with more than 100,000 P. 39 Elizabeth O’Rear – Colorado Tourism Office Heritage & total square miles to explore. NORTHEAST AREA Agritourism Program & Matching Luckily, with so much to see and do, Grants Manager Colorado is very easy to navigate. P. 41 COLORADO TOURISM OFFICE NORTHWEST AREA Cathy Ritter – Director BACK COVER Kelly Barbello – Director of Visitor Services Michael Driver – Director of International Marketing COLORADO P. 48 Laura Grey – Director of Heritage & Agritourism Program CROP CALENDAR SOUTH CENTRAL Kirstin Graber – Communications Manager Plan your trip around when the Kaiti Jacobson – Executive Assistant Anne Klein – Heritage & Agritourism PR Contractor gettin’ is good for your favorite P. 55 Amber Kollman – Director of U.S. Marketing Colorado crop. SOUTHEAST AREA Elizabeth O’Rear – Heritage & Agritourism Program & Matching Grants Manager P. 58 PUBLISHED BY SOUTHWEST AREA ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS milespartnership.com Publisher – Laura Libby P. 65 [email protected] OUR PARTNERS COLORADO PUBLISHING TEAM We couldn’t put this book together without the hand-holding, Content Director – Hannah Brown idea-generating, down-home-love-inspiring provided by these organizations. Guest Editor – Dave Santucci Content Managers – Ashley Hughes, Patricia Kaowthumrong Art Director – Carrieann Stutz Graphic Designer – Alyssa Mahlberg HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE Colorado Roots is a publication of the Colorado Tourism Office. Contents and design ©2016, all rights reserved. Reproduction Get inspired by all the historic, culinary, ranch and without written permission is strictly prohibited. Every effort was farm, and cultural activities to be found across made to ensure accuracy of the information in this guide as of press time (3/16). However, the Colorado Tourism Office and Miles Colorado in the articles on pages 4 through 25. assume no responsibility for errors, changes or omissions. Then flip to the activities listings, which start on Colorado Roots is published annually by Miles for the Colorado page 26 and are divided by region, to really get Tourism Office. The Colorado Tourism Office (CTO) and Miles make no endorsement, representation or warranty regarding the started planning your trip itinerary. suitability, quality or availability of any goods or services advertised or listed in this publication. Listings and advertisements are Tear out the map on page 64a and tote it along provided by the subject companies, and CTO and Miles shall not be on all your Colorado adventures. responsible or liable for any inaccuracy, omission or infringement of any third party’s rights therein, or for personal injury or any other For even more trip ideas and information, damage or injury whatsoever. visit COLORADO.com/RootsChannel. Cover: Illustration by Chris Gregori, cgregori.com 1-800-Colorado | Colorado.com 1 COLORADO ROOTS [ We Like to Party For many more, visit COLORADO.com/events WE LIKE TO PARTY From strawberries to sage grouse, it doesn’t take much to convince Coloradans to throw a festival. Schedule stops in your trip to coincide with one of these super-Colorado-y celebrations. JUNE JULY Glenwood Springs Strawberry Paonia Cherry Days 2016 Festival strawberrydaysfestival.com paoniacherrydays.com MAY Greeley Stampede Crested Butte Wildflower Festival Mesa Verde Indian Arts & Culture greeleystampede.org crestedbuttewildflowerfestival.com Fest, Cortez, Dolores & Mancos Colorado Brewers’ Festival, Fort Colorado Brewers Rendezvous, mesaverdecountry.com Collins downtownfortcollins.com Salida salidachamber.org Ute Mountain/Mesa Verde Birding Whittle the Wood Rendezvous Colorado Lavender Festival in Festival mesaverdecountry.com in Craig visitmoffatcounty.com Palisade coloradolavender.org Taste of Creede Festival creede.com North Park Never Summer Rodeo Kit Carson Pro Rodeo, Burlington Burning Can Beer Festival, Lyons npneversummerrodeo.com kitcarsoncountyprorodeo.com oskarblues.com National Cattle Dog Trials, Steam- Salida Arts Festival Bent on Birding, Las Animas boat Springs nationalcattledog.com salidaartsfestival.com secoloradoheritage.com Kingdom Days, Breckenridge Telluride Art Hummingbird Festival, Colorado gobreck.com & Architecture Weekend Springs cheyennecanon.org tellurideartandarchitecture.com Ridgway Heritage Days & Ranch Cinco de Mayo Parade, Denver Rodeo ridgwaycolorado.com cincodemayodenver.com CINCO DE MAYO PARADE IN DENVER, MILES/MATT INDEN. IN DENVER, MILES/MATT PARADE DE MAYO CINCO 2 1-800-Colorado | Colorado.com We Like to Party [ COLORADO ROOTS AUGUST San Luis Valley Potato Festival, Monte Vista facebook.com/ Colorado State Fair, Pueblo sanluisvalleypotatofestival coloradostatefair.com 2017 Yampa Valley Crane Festival JANUARY Steamboat Springs facebook.com/ National Western Stock Show, yampavalleycranefestival Denver nationalwestern.com Sneffels Fiber Festival, Ridgway weehawkenarts.org FEBRUARY Artocade Vehiculart, Trinidad Steamboat Springs Winter Carnival historictrinidad.com/artocade.html steamboat-chamber.com Bald Eagle Festival, Brighton Boulder Craft Beer Festival OCTOBER cpw.state.co.us bouldercraftbeerfest.com Durango Cowboy Poetry Gathering Colorado Firkin’ Rendezvous, Colo- durangocowboygathering.org Telluride Mushroom Festival rado Springs bristolbrewing.com shroomfest.com Estes Park Elk Fest High Plains Snowgoose Festival in visitestespark.com Steamboat Wine Festival Lamar highplainssnowgoose.com steamboatwinefestival.com Colorado Springs Bighorn Leadville Boom Days & Sheep Day visitcos.com International Pack Burro Race Twin Lakes Ice Fishing Derby, leadvilleboomdays.com Leadville visitleadvilleco.com Gold Rush Days, Buena Vista Celebration of Ranching & Frontier buenavistacolorado.org Spirit, Saguache scseed.org Palisade Peach Festival palisadepeachfest.com MARCH Watermelon Day, Rocky Ford Colorado Craft Beer Week arkvalleyfair.com coloradocraftbeerweek.org Monte Vista Crane Festival Fairplay Bead & Fiber Show Pagosa Makers Festival cranefest.com southparkheritage.org pagosamakers.org Eckert Crane Days Olathe Sweet Corn Festival Great American Beer Festival, deltacountycolorado.com olathesweetcornfest.com Denver gabf.org Grand Lake Ice Fishing Contest Breckenridge Craft Spirits Festival SEPTEMBER visitgrandcounty.com gobreck.com Pedal the Plains Cycling Tour pedaltheplains.com Harvest Festival, Colorado Springs APRIL rockledgeranch.com September Splendor in the Rockies, Karval Mountain Plover Festival Gunnison & Crested Butte Cedaredge Apple Fest
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