"jTOSt D esserts" - see Page 20 Area Girl Scouts Doing Good Deeds...................................................... ......... ...............Page 2 McCracken Joins Francis Asbury Manor........................................................................ Page 3 Foodtown - New Talent Show.........................................................................................Page 7 Breakfast with Santa.........................................................................................................Page 7 A Great New Restaurant Comes to Belmar...................... .............................................Page 9 Creative Loafing...Thirigs to Do &■ Places to Go............................................................ Page 12 The Nutcracker Comes to Red Bank..._..................................... „....Page 13 Larrison Honored.__________ Page IB Avon Mayor's Ball a Success--------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 19 .. i M l S at the jersey s Asbury Park, A jlmar, Bradley Beach, Weptune, Neptune City, Ocean Grove, Point Pleasant Beach, Spring Lake, Sea Girt, Wall, &■ Surrounding Communities Since IS7S Vol. CXX Township of Neptune Thursday, November 13, 1999 USPS 402420 25 cents ASoORY PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY a sb u r y park , new JERSEY Avon's Beach Party Launches Sand Replenishment...see page 2 Jersey Shore Opera Teams up with Manasquan S 0l!^O O l...sed pace 8 Belmar Honors Pavliv Named Officer's Bravery "Architect of the Year" By Alesha Williams New Jersey Architects honored two local Jersey Shore Residents at a Princeton University ceremony as part of Belmar - Mayor Kenneth Pringle, along with Councilmembers the third annual American Institute of Architects (AIA) De­ and police officers joined to honor Belmar police officer Sean sign and Service Awards Day. Pringle at Belmar’s town meeting on November 10. On November 5, Mark Pavliv, principal architect and Officer Pringle was honored for his ‘ lieroic response” in founder of the Ocean Grove architectural design and his­ the capture of a robbery suspect. The Mayor’s resolution in toric restoration firm known as “The Architect’s Studio” was Officer Pringle’s honor detailed events from the officer’s in­ named the 1999 “Architect of the Year” by the State’s Chap­ vestigation of the crime to the officer’s pursuit of the suspect ter of the AIA. Robert Green, also of Ocean Grove, was cited outside Belmar courthouse in the foot-chase that led to the as New Jersey’s “Resident of Seabrook Turkey the Year.” The prestigious suspect’s capture. ’The next time someone does something like that, they awards were presented before will not hang around on court day," joked Mayor Pringle. Trot Helps Charities an unprecedented assem­ Special thanks were also given to other Belmar, South blage of over 500 local and na­ Belmar, Spring Lake and Spring Lake Heights officers that By Alesha Williams tionally recognized architects Tinton Faiis - One hundred residents at Senior Campus and design professionals. assisted in the apprehension of the suspect. (BcjochCim m a Living’s Sea Brook Village walked, trotted and rolled along Also honored was Councilman Jack Manutti, who was Pavliv was cited for both MAIN SmtEET* BRADLEY BEACH a mile-long course for charity in the Village’s “Turkey Trot” his service as president of AIA presented w«h an award for “50 years of service” to the Good­ KEVIN SPACEY on November 16. Jersey Shore, community ser will Hose Company. ANNEHE BENING vice in the region and nearly In other business, the Mayor declared that a “slew” of For every resident that completed the walk around the perimeter of the campus. Sea Brook donated a turkey to thirty years of award-winning AMERICAN bids was received for the 11th Avenue repavement project. needy Monmouth and Ocean County families. architectural practice. Pavliv is ~ ' '^d to Monmouth and Ocean Contractors BEAUTY ® best known for his urban de- Nov 18 1999 Interfaith Neighbors and the Food Bank of Monmouth V124 N46 ...Continued on page 7 ...Continued on page 8 ...Continued on page 6 Monday is Date Night Resident Prefers Park for Kids Rather than Assisted Living for Seniors By Alesha Williams responded, “I’m glad the Mayor and that the officer will enforce Neptune - Tempers flared at made the announcement that ordinance if leaves are left N eptune’s Novem ber 15, when he did, because that may on the curb. 1999, Township meeting when bring other contractors to the Later in the meeting, Dorothy Argyros, Neptune, took table,” noting the visibility of Mayor Beson suggested that the public comment stand to town projects during election perhaps the Committee will at­ again address the develop­ time. tempt to change the ordinance ment of Bradley Park. She in­ In other business, an to allow private landscapers to sisted that the Committee has Ocean Grove resident ad­ leave leaves and branches to been lax in moving forward in dressed when the storm drain­ be disposed of by the Town­ the development of the area. age project for Main Street ship, to the applause of meet­ Argyros also implored the would commence. ing attendees. Committee to keep the recre­ ‘There’s a big pipe that President of the West ation of the children and teens runs under the boardwalk along Neptune Homeowners’ Asso­ of Neptune in mind, and im­ Ocean Avenue that dumps the ciation again prodded the plied that they had not been do­ drainage onto the beach,” ex­ Committee regarding the ing so thus far. plained the resident, “What number of cars lined up out­ Committeeman Joseph used to happen, is that the side Sansone Auto Mall, Route Krimko denied Argyros’ accu­ drainage would run into a little 66. He quoted that variance sations, stating, “I have publicly gully that ran out into the ocean. rules state that applicants are C\J said that the people are inter­ Now the beach is flat for 2 or 3 not permitted to park or display LJJ ested in a senior assisted liv­ hundred feet. What will happen vehicles on grass or the right- O < ing complex as well as recre­ now is that the drainage and of-way of the site. Q. ation for the town.” debris will end up on the beach. The Committee assured Committeewoman Patri­ If the drain gets restricted...that that the area is under the juris­ cia Monroe also disagreed with will flood Main Avenue. We need diction of the state, and that the Argyros’ accusations. ‘When I to get that handled before the Committee had, in fact, con­ met with potential developers, springtime.” tacted the State Department of Good Girls Doing Good Deeds I insisted they go beyond the The Mayor assured that Transportation. While the state (recreation area for young chil­ once the beach replenishment was not concerned that the cars Girl Scouts throughout the State of New Jersey are participating in a program called dren), so you could also have a project is complete, a project are parked in the right-of-way. Beatrix Bookworm. The program is simple, just spend time reading alone, or to others, or pocket park for adolescents. addressing the drainage Committeeman Manning said being read to. Troops acquiring the most number of hours will be eligible to participate in But we don’t have control over should commence. He slated that the site plans of the busi­ a state-wide literacy celebration. the private owner of that prop­ that the Committee would in­ ness will be reviewed by the As part of the Beatrix Bookworm program, local Girl Scouts recently visited the Nep­ erty.” quire as to when the town will township, in case any other tune Convalescent Center. Committeeman James be able to get the project action can be taken. Junior Girl Scouts from troop #987 hosted a 1940's talk radio show featuring the W. Manning, Jr, stated that he started, and have an answer A Stratford Avenue resi­ Abbott and Costello’s famous script, “Who’s on first. What’s on second and I Don’t Know’s takes offense to Argyros’ at­ for the resident shortly. dent continued to request the on third...” and an authentic Fibber McGee and Molly script. tacks upon the Committee re­ Another Neptune resident committee take some action Brownie Girl Scouts from Troop #779 and Daisy Girl Scouts from Troop #1506 also garding the development of the slated that an individual has against the tree-parts busi­ participated by reading children’s stories to the residents of the Convalescent Center. property. been circulating Neptune ad­ ness on the street. The resi­ To broaden the promotion of literacy, outside of Girl Scouts, each Girl Scout that “We have the interest of vising grass-cutters and leaf- dent also complained that the participated also brought a donation of a children’s book. The books collected were the residents in mind, every blowers that they are respon­ business owner keeps an “un­ donated to the Linkages women with children shelter. For information on Girl negotiation, every talk we have. sible for gathering leaves that sightly” dog pen, in addition to Scouting call the Monmouth Council of Girl Scouts 938-5454. Shown above are Samantha We are not trying to (cheat) the are blowing off of the resident’s piles of rotting tree-parts, in front Morrows and Jordan Gruber with resident of the center. residents of Bradley Park. And properties. of the property. In addition, the I resent you continuing to say “I want to know who this resident stated that the dogs’ that,” said Manning. individual is. I’d like to know if barking causes a disturbance. Continued from page 1 Avon Beach Party When Argyros became ve­ anyone has given authorization Committeewoman Patri­ Avon residents, town officials, and engineers involved in the sand replacement project hement, Mayor Michael Beson to this individual, and I want to cia Monroe responded that the see a badge on him,” de­ Committee investigated the gathered on November 14 at Taylor Pavilion to celebrate the commencement of the project interrupted to allow another au­ manded the resident.
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