SPECIAL W /RKSTATION A new personal com puter workstation is available to aid students with special needs. DEANS'REPO RTS Deans David Lipsky and David Dittman discuss their schools and their visions for the future in what will be an ongoinq series of conversations with Cornell's deans. K nlos, H olsten testify at N ew York A ssem bly hearings ogy, said that partnerships between the fed- ration with Rome Laboratory, a U.S. Air ç'We believe that Rome Lab iscajable of By Ixqrry Bernard eral laboratories, industry and universities Force facility in Rome, N.Y., Kalos said undergoingthisconversion, but cautlon that Federal Iaboratories play a key role in are critical to the success of New York's that the tkderal 1ab has an important poten- it will take time to accomplish. During the New York's economic development and economicfulure. They separately addresscd tial role in the devçlopmçnt of the National proccss,the laboratory should havetheguid- state government should help fostcr coop- alointAssembly Committeeon Commerce, Intbrmation Infrastructure. ance, support and oversight of the public eration among universities, state and fed- Committee on Small Business and the Lcg- .:l'hc transition from working with the and private sectors,'' he said. eral facilities and industry, Cornell officials islative Commission on Science and Tech- defense department and defense subcon- The Theory Center and Rom e Lab are told a state panel this week. nology, on the Role of Federal taaboratories tractors to forging relationships with uni- amongthefoundersof NYNET, a new high- Testifying before a New York State As- in State Economic Development in Albany. versities and non-defense industries is not a specd communications technology being sembly hearing on Tuesday, M alvin H. The committees are chaired by State Reps. trivial exercises'' Kalos said. ttW here uni- installed by New York Telephone that links Kalos, director of the Cornell Theory Cen- Eileen Dugan (D-Brooklyn), Robin L. versities and corporations have established universities in New York, Rome taab, muse- ter and professor of physics, and Richard D. Schimminger (D-Kenmore) and Ronald J. successful collaborations, it isbecause there ums and, eventually, schools for extremely is direct and constant interaction at a techni- high-speed information exchange. w Holsten, director of research at the Center Canestrari (D-cohoes). for Advanced Technology in Biotechnol- Describingthe Theory Center'scollabo- cal Ievel. Continued on page 4 ' K ennedy M P. Palm er an n ou n ces will retqrn resignation to teachlng Lqing E. Kennedy, Cornell's director of Cornell Provost M alden C. Nesheim has athleticsand physical education, announced approved the request of Larry 1. Palmer, vice president for acadtmic programs and his resignation W ednesday, saying, Gpro- fessionally it is time to move on to other campus affairs, to retufn to his position as .r. :..g .. zq-1. '>,# . d': $:: v%$z+zey. .V.F..M!X,.j. é'j. :4j.(: ;4.> . '. '' .'. ' . ' . ' . ' ' . professor in the l-aw School as of Jan. 1, challenges-'' . r.:ër.t.'.: . 3ï;)' s;.'$'. t.::. ... .. .. -. ?''2M;> . ...k,.. ... k. .). '. Y...q-.'.à.vL. '. 1.bnx k x. ... r :. ;.:r r: 5.E .. '' v 43s. : ... x rt x k; Nt 1995. Athletic director since 1983, Kennedy . .. .Trj.kk.k. : xxl. a . .k.:)c.,...: a .. .xq .y y':yu uxa .,ïs.4 p'iky Palmer will begin a six-month leave of said he is exploring other professional op- Mrlp! ' ' . '..y x . )%: ,$jy tj j4,. j. p ;g:r éG' è kj) :a.l; portunities. : . absence as vice president on July 1. ' . ' . 6 . .:.j . : .r .gjy LR:)jL .j .y t.j y. ypq ..:y uM y vocation in life is teachinp'' Palmer . .. -. -.zg;.k, : =!.-4 j..-' .;:. -.. $ . < 2 . k:.79 . :. ' ' p . :. Kennedy has served in tlthe job of my . r r. ,.,-. z ;i -, ., x, - )jj,-. ., said in a letter to Nesheim dated Feb. 1 1. <%I ) ; . ' '''% X;1' $.( WQ tASR ' . : k. ' jLls dreams'' for 11 years, twice the average . ....pj, ! ypjF . *. )(. y> . .4t 4ë.r t.jy. j: ..'y,' L have not been able to teach for the past two tenure nationallï for nniversity athletic di- . .-, . .- .. ;. ï. ' ,.v. r,' , .. years because of my administrative respon- 7' L: (@E ;'. ' , x. <:.1 i;)C. PF?AP; .... .. w- .jk ; . J. :: 7.: :jœjPjI' ZJ; j J';P:i jjyft.'yy .' rectors. He said ln a letttr to Cornell Presi- .;. : .. Sy' '.' t . :. ,. g .. ... X. .4EQ'h. (. ' - .t'>Vè:tl tay .' ' .,xLtosljtr lk.) ; ;''z' à '... ' .s .2 s .) C1l .EYGC' >*@lw'xq y.tQh. $%' i' sibilities. I do not see any way, consistent :. .. t,;t:yt xt. uy. ., y. jyx , with mysenseof part- . r.j.: . :. ,z. u .2 . à. : .,k. : jyj .j sy, ut , .yà ,ç .t$x. raq,pk jt j. ;:rx,:< jxsyi.x 2 r. : ' . ,..c,t. t ,k:. iu. -và.qs.. .s à' Lpkz .kj4;... x .,. L';Li.'.X k.:';.:> :w:.r.:) . w. .z' .' .:' k@$y'. ,l:,.tr. jk.y k4 k. j) '.)2kq 14<8jL t tkk;L. qt. nership with my col- . j . ' . ;.: . r . .. .. ë? r. ),, jyuw . ,ï$ . w QG . W W+ leagues in the admin- etï. kt. L6 tu jyi. st. ay?. p.;?.?;kuaz4o ' ';tj ygtjtj ' '$-%x-' '-' .,L7 sxlt t'iHè-s'- 1$'4) : eYou have eham pioned a sa istration, that I could !.. ....k kxt. L.yx . , i.; . '. : . .C. .. <i: t. :'.,j. eom prehln*ive peogeam . ' ; h #' . ' f : ià : . continue to do any . '-....A-k :ubt' *'.c'.x '. .c . .. ., -. devoted '@ 'h* needs of 'Ne , , e: jk meaningful teaching : J: .CE '' ' (' '..'7* '' ' ' ' '.k1'* f!'ïï' t'! ):' ii'b kà1' k; :: k9' . 1. ' .. .' ' over the next few enli'e l'uden' bodw and #ou . ( .j .E' .' . r .2. .. 5:g. :j;y ijqr) t.(,). :ùi ;.E . .'. .j . ' gjjprjjo .':. .. .: . lqzy. ! . k!y'. ; .. ... y. : ' years, even on a part- have exlm plifild 'o oue .'-. .. .. --.-- . ,-.- -llij- . time basis. ln addi- ' .: 7 ' ... r.tj;@. kjtjT, ) jt. 4t' L.@t; s'udenA-athl*t*s th* s'an- .. .E ..:. s . : ,à. i. 2, . q)jLàj., ëyj. g@,! )ib ::...: . shj. .. s . .: :. q .j. t:). : : s;(yy. tion, there is simply ,k.t ;4 '..' :(ri:;.: . ;;' , çklpkl.u. .'likiI'lg. t. .: . ; . '.. dards of fair play and eom pe- . I . j ( :.: .y y jx )# yq j. y y so much going on in jj. j),E. k yt.,.,; :. :ryl tition 'ha' a- so im pod anl . /. ,. ;:gytjg. y areas of medical eth- Palmer :. x c..xxxxx. ''t.j: ;9$:2'x ;. t%. u':%... l C S ,human experi- 'o oue soeietw' .)'?14)tg, '?/'q()' '%<,%ktïk$r . j yjk, y;., yk,(:xx . s. )xx .) 42.6u,. ly . u.'? k,.kj4(.j mentation and health-care delivery - some . .<, - President Frank H.T. Rhoées . j; x jx . $ 41 . 'E t. .' . of my long-standing scholarly interests - , xkw., , that I would like to be more engaged in as a . : . Noyvxqt . .? . , . ..uu, . t.' )2j kSr)j j, yr k .. x:. ' u . x::. t.t:.tt: <k u ja. :'.: :z.x..:?hk.. scholar/citizen. In short, l misstheteachihg, . GD a . d. $.tL' .k :. ' .' cs,: . .. :q14 f. t.j; . ï. x. $. q jg.' . the daily engagement with students and the dent Frank H.T. Rhodes that he would leave . ' 1 grappling with the interface of the theoreti- the post no Iater than July. 1, 1995. He . ! k! .q.. ., 1. ?'. .' . l'1)blt N' ca1 and the practical that teaching Iaw pro- pledged to work with Rhodes and Senior vides me-'' Vice President James E. Morley to Hassure Palmerwill workwith university admin- a smooth transition'' in leadership of the istrators on a Hdetailed plan for transition'' athletic department. that will be developed before he leaves his Citing Kennedy as ttthe model for ath- post, hesaid.Duringhissix-month leave, he Ietic leadership in the Ivy League,'' Rhodes will prepare to teach the first-year criminal said in a Ietter to him, RYou have champi- Charles Harringtonluniversity Photography wozk on th* new Vete inao M ieal l*ntee @n Tower Road is a nnllw justice course at the lxaw School and con- oned a comprehensive program devoted to tinue his research and writing related to law the needsof theentirestudentbody,and you s*veral m@nths ahead @f K hedul*. V*Iew *I* @f th* O ulh l*Ide Gairwell of the n*w building, w hieh is expeeted 1* e eupl n*xt lpn-ng. and medicin'e. He will attend a seminar in have exemplified to ourstudent-athletesthe Germany for two weeks in June. standards of fair play and competition that @ * are so important to our society.'' Rhodes Nesheim praised Palmer's Itdedication l - and care'' during his seven-year tenure as a also noted thalunder Kennedy's leadership, Cornell administrator. G'rhroughout that uour athletic facilities for lntercollegiate centrating on deferred-maintenance is- By David Stewah sues . entire period, you have been a champion of and intramural s/rts have been dramati- , campus plannlng and a long-range the concept that student academic and resi- cally improved, wldely acclaimed new pro- W hat adifference a decade makeson look at possible construction projects 10 dential experiences at Cornell should be grams in outdoor education and wellness the campus construction scene. The to 50 years down the road. have been initiated, and our succeu in Ivy mutually beneficial,'' he wrote to Palmer. 1980s marked the largest, most inten- While the numberof majorconstruc- uYour recent reorganization of the Campus M ague, Iuqtern and National comjetition ' has been unprecedented,'' and pralsed his S1 ve and expensive constructlon period tion projects has decreased Nthe dollar Lifestaffwill moveussignificantly forward in Cornell's history, with dozensof new value remains fairly hig- h because of the ' effortsin improvingopm lunitiesforwomen . ' . y on the path to implementing that objective . bulldlngs, addltlons and renovatlon College of Vetennary M edlclne s new ! students, coaches and staff.
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