G 'I '; FJlED fEB 171988 SENATE FILE ~ /11 7 BY TIEDEN Passed Senate, Date .3/+;[., \:j "':'<f) Passed House, Date 3/2.~~1I4~ Vote: Ayes ,; / Nays " Vote: Ayes~""L-- Nays I Approved 9" J1 II } Cj ~ l? --'------ A Bill FOR 1 An Act relating to definition and regulation of tip-up fish:ng 2 devices, and providing a penalty. 3 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: 4 5 6 ·... 7 • 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 TLSR 4737XS 72 tj/cf/24 S.F. H.P. 1 Section 1. NEW SECTION. 109.68 TIP-UP FISHING DEVICE. 2 1. A person sha:: not use more than five tip-up fishing 3 devices for fishing :n the puhcic waters of the state. Each 4 tip-up Eishing device used :n fishing shall have attached a 5 tag plainly labeled with the owner's name and address and 6 shall be checked at :east once each twenty-four hours. A 7 person shall not use a tip-up fishing device for fishing 8 within three hundred feet of a dam or spillway or in a part of 9 a stream which i~ closed or posted against use of the device. 10 2. An untagged tip-up fishing device found ill use shall be 11 confiscated by any officer appointed pursuant to section 12 107.13 or 107.14. i3 3. A person using a tip-up fishing device for fishing in l4 the public waters of this state in violation of chis section 15 is quilty of a simple misdemeanor. 16 4. As used in this section. "tip-up fishing deVice" means 17 a mechanism used to hold an unattended fishing rod or pole 18 with line and hook. 19 EXPLANATION 20 This bill deEines and regulates the use of tiP-UP fishillg 21 devices. A tip-up fishing device is defined as a mechanism 22 used to hold an unattended fishing rod or pole with line and 23 hook. Not more than five tip-up fishing devices shall be used 24 for fishing and each must be tagged with the owner's name and 25 address. An un tagged tip-up fishing device shall be 26 confiscated by a conservation officer. 27 A violation is punishable as a simple misdemeanor which is 28 punlshable by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars or 29 imprisonment for not more than thirty days. 30 31 32 33 34 35 LSB 4737X5 77 tj/c~!24 SENATE FILE 2167 5-5211 1 Amend senate File 2167 as follows: 2 1. By striking everything after the enacting 3 clause and inserting the following: 4 "Section 1. NEW SECTION. 109.68 TIP-UP FISHING 5 DEVICE. 6 1. As used in this section, "tip-up fishing 7 device" l1teans an ice fishing mechanism with an 8 attached flag or signal to indicate fishing action, 9 used to hold a fishing rod or pole with line and hook. 10 2. A person shall not use more than three tip-up 11 fishing devices for fishing in the waters of the 12 Mississippi river and its connected backwater. A 13 person may use two or three hooks cn the same line, 14 but the total number of hooks used by each person 15 shall not exceed three. Each tip-up fishing device 16 used in fishing shall have attached a tag plainly 17 labeled with the owner's name and address. A person 18 shall not use a tip-up fishing device for fishing 19 within three hundred feet of a dam or spillway or in a 20 part of the river which is closed or posted against ,- - -. 21 use of the device. 22 3. An un tagged tip-up fishing device found in use 23 shall be confiscated by any officer appointed pursuant 24 to section 107.13 or 107.14." S- 5211 CO!",,':ITTEE ON NATURAL RESOURCES ?iled March 3, 19;8.~ 'J,J;"'~'.i(~1-F?:/) BY :'i ,~i~J,.c..L· ~~ i'l- -"" ~/...".,,; -'"~- "6--;,- V KENNETH SCOTT, Chairperson • SENATE FILE 2167 S-o,324 1 Ame~d the Co~~ittee amendment, 5-5211, to Senate 2 File 2167 as follOWS: 3 1. Page 1. line 21, by inserting after the word 4 "device" the following: "Three tip-up fishing devices 5 may be used in addition to the two lines with no mace 6 than two hooks per line, as specified in section 7 109.72." ::-• S-5324 Filed March 11, 1988 BY DALE L. TIEDEN (~ //..I,-z.:" '-(/1 <t -;"~,,; --i: .'. SENATE fILE lIb 1 BY 7rED£~ (AS ~~ENDED AND PASSED BY THE SENATS MARCH 14, 1988) ALL New Language by the Sendte Ii. /., ' Passed Senate, Date ,>1.-"/",~94 I Passed Hoc;se, Date .3'(,~/·h (1, liaS) Vote: Ayes '-' 7 Nays Vote: Ayes '77 Nays _L.I ___ Approved A BIll FOR 1 An Act relating to definition and regu:atcon 0: tip-up fishing 2 devices, and providing a penalty. 3 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLl' OF THE STATE OF' IOWA: 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 1.4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 SF 2167 S.L 2(101 ELF. 1 Section 1. NEW SECTION. 109.68 TIP-UP FISHING DEVICE. 2 1. As used in this section, "tip-up fishing device" means 3 an ice fishing mechanism with an attached flag or signal to 4 indicate fishing action, used to hold a fishing rod or pole 5 with line and hook. 6 2. A person shall not use more than three tip-up fishing 7 devices for fishing in the waters of the Mississippi river and 8 its connected backwater. A person may use two or three hooks 9 on the same line, but the total ~umber of hooks used by each 10 person shall not exceed three. sach tip-up fishing device 11 used in fishing shall have attached a tag plainly labeled with 12 the owner's name and address. A person shall not use a tip-up 13 fishing device for fishing within three hundred feet of a dam 14 or spillway or in a part of the river which is closed or 15 posted against use of the device. Three tip-up fishing 16 devices may be used in addition to the two lines with no more 17 than two hooks per line, as specified in section 109.72. 18 3. An untagged tip-up fishing device found in use shall be 19 confiscated by any officer appointed pursuant to section 20 107.13 or 107.14. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 SF 2167 ~ Ycc/26 • • • ';~na~~ .~e 2.6;, 0 !. A;- ur:tcHE,·d ~:p'Ul) :'I"h_'H] d~"~c<.' !: -~ \;' JSt' ~;~i1_1 0(; ~?llf~~>r:C!:,,~d t)', ;;,r',Y ');!'ICt:r ,"'P;-<)1c.t",.: ;)\::~;;~ :, c ,~~(. ~ _:: J' 10'; ., c:' ~O"J.14 ~:f~,"":-E r::..t: ;~6~ JO ;'N~ Z l..... y.r.ry_~.~ I'I'e:;idc~,t o{ .:.C S't.':',dt~ ,\N ;,C T f.(E:."TI~IG:'O o~;r;:Nln(>N ;..~() tn:c;:rU-,T:;)fJ <..w ','I?"UP fl!;r.:~~(; DLV:C:~;, ;..~o :'ROVIOiNG }\ PENA:.":''i. DONALI> o. ;"\):',~;SO~ :H; I'!' EN,\C7ED BY PI:: C:::;:::R,'\L t·,SSr:.v.3L1 0:' n~f: :;rA'j'[ c,:.- IO\~l\: Spca\Cf 0f t:',': EO\lf,~ S~ct:lon 1. NEL-l S.::,CTi9N. 109.68 TIl: ·:!P fl:;II!NG )CVIC~. 1 here::.y certify tl\t\t thia blll O:~9::1c1:~'; In ~:"Ip. So.:!'lato':' (iii'; I. ,\:;, 1...~E'd If. l:'ll~ :;,(.'ctI0:). -" _ .II. (~!'.t'.·:'l9 dt"J)~~" :nt·~~r.s .~~ l{rw .... n ,!S Sec.ate !'"i:e 2167, Sevp."t"l-~e(7c:-,: G<"f":l't.'ll ,.;s~(>r.tb:'y, ,HI lce fla(lln(j nw.:toitt)i~;m w.r:h .:1.11 "jl,t.:l.:';~lI~d !1,19 ()~ al" .... al to indicate fi:;ilinq actl()l\, ..J:'l'" to tl(Ld a {1!'7 .... lrh~ I'Ge ·)f p\>le wLth lin~ and hook. 2, f\ r'er:.;o~ slnl! ,,()r', d::'.-: r.:):f! "h'lrl tllrl:~ t,?· rp fl~·~r-._;l~; JOlW F. :'.,";TE devlc~s for (isni~g In t~(~ Wdt~ru of t,he ~r!~~i5nlppi fIV('r a~d Secretary of : ... e ScndtP it:; CO!"lne<.'ted bClC'-:\oIate;. ,\ p('r~.:)f"; rr.d'l ll~;e ~·"'G O~ t.:'r0.t~ :l:)O·.... ~.• 198Cl 011 the SCi.::l<" li:lL', bllt t()(.' :.("'t.1l ."lmbf~r of t~cu;;s used :"y ;,.>l.ch JJ-. Eilet·. ti.~:'·;lp fiahing oevlC'{' .e"","~ per~()n ~hij,~l r.ct: e;<c~~(: threl'. used i~ flSh~~g ~1~~11 hd~~ attacll~d ~ t~q ~ldln~'1 la~elcd ~i~~ (f) the ow~er·s ~a~e c;.~d ad~ceGs. A :.C[~()~ ~nal_ 1\.)( us~ il tlp··ll? "T1 T::::·U~·.i F.. 3RAN$';AD ..., !~r ~'IS!lln9 'Jit.t:ir t:lrf~'~ ht;ni.lt't.',! f"l!t ,-f il ';.'Im ~iS:linQ oeVtc€: .... G:;'V(>r:lOC a> or '!ipi 11'Jay cr ~;) <i ,),Ht cl th .. r.ver ·A·ll)(":t". 1$ (;}0:>CO cr .... po:>~co) <lqa~n~t usp ~f tnp device. rhr(:c :IP-ll~ fist~~q ,:pvi<.'e'!> nay j)p \:a(>-:J III ",ddll,18rl ~,() thl..' !,W';) 1.:":1~:; ...·.tt: r·.c· m.... to:­ t.t'i"l~ ~"'O :l()Ok~ ;o'er llr!('.
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