Today's weather: Partly cloudy and mild. High 47-51 degrees; low W-38 degrees. •ypjUi WlStFIELD LEADER The LeadlM0*mdMoBt Widely Circulated Weekly Seuspaper /« Union County EIGHTY-FIFTH YEAR — *M>. 28 WESTFIELD, NEW JEBSEY, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1976 21 Pages—15 Cents Baptists Send $500 to President Housing Project Rail Fare Hike Hearing Tuesday Hearings Here s~\ & i w r» Ap "Share" of Grain for Hungry Moves Step Ahead The Department of Tr- ansportation's Commuter On School Budget A check for MOO has been Another step (oward schedule. Operating Agency (COA) ant *o President Gerald The Westfield Board of attend the public hearing on fruition of the eentorctUzens The council also will act has announced that is public Education will hold a formal Tuesday night when board Fard by Ihe members gf the housing project will be on the appointments of hearings will be held Pint Baptist Church of public hearing on the ten- members will explain the taken by the Town Council special police for 1975. throughout the State in tative $12,618,247 school budget and answer ques- Westfield « its "share" of Tuesday night with the various investments by the March and April on the the cost of shipments of budget proposed for 1975-76 tions. introduction of an ordinance treasurer, establishment of proposed 25 percent fare at 8 p.m. on Tuesday in the Citizens will have Ihe grain to meet the needs of 10 vacate street rights of a depository for the welfare increase on the four State- <fce world's hungry. auditorium of Westfield opportunity to vote on the way in the Boynton Ave. office's petty cash fund and subsidized passenger High School. school budget at ihe polls on "We, in First Baptist iract. The step is necessary change fund for the railroads. Two hearings on The board adopted the Mar. 11. Church, as a consequence of 0-VCEMm- JERSEY BANK for development of the site. recreation department, the Central Railroad ofNew pattcy decisions, committed transfers between 1974 tentative budget for nexl kUDTMIMC Also on Tuesday's 6:30 Jersey will be held in year at its public meeting on (tahges of lifestyle and p.m. agenda is the in- budgei accounts, ap- Westfield. Chamber Plans collected funds are in a plication for local assistance Feb. 5. Following the public •KUII-OlitSiS OtV'OOt troduction of an ordinance Increased revenue' from hearing Tuesday night, position to set a constructive to restrict parking at the State Aid for 1875. an ap- tone for the accommodation plication for a raffle license railroad patrons is being board members will for- Civic Award intersection of Dorian Rd., sought to help preserve mally vote on the proposed I* everyday living of these Park St. and WestfieW Ave. for the North Central Jersey Clyde Fitch, president of contending forces," a Region Women's American railroad commuter service budget wheih is $981,929 or Slated for public hearing in the State. The Depart- 8.4 percent more than the the Westfield Area Chamber ajMfcesman said, referring and final action are or- ORT, a contract for a of Commerce, has an- ••Joint problems of "cries of No Vacation for 32 platform (ruck and ex- ment is facing a deficit of current 1974-75 school dinances establishing the $25.9 million in fiscal 1975 budget. nounced lhat a Westfield tie hungry" and the post of public defender and tension of sick leave with for rail and bus subsidies, of Two public "input" Area Civic Person of the national debt. "Some may making minor amendment* pay for Patrolman Keegan Year Award will be spon- Consider the result to be an fce until Mar. 31. which almost $15 million is sessions were held by the School Administrators to the swimming pool needed to keep commuter sored by ihe Chamber of set of love." While Weit field school school board in the fall dealt with attendance, structure of reports. trains running until the end during preparation of the Commerce. This award is lo a The, SHARE Committee students art vacationing discipline and suspension of June. be presented lo an out- had polled members of the from school this week, 32 school budget. rules and regulations. Candidate Backs Budget {Continuedon page4) standing man or woman of congregation on the administrators for the Mrs. Marie Scian, coor- met with Mr. Payne to The public is invited to ihe Westfield area in honor allocation of the funds school system are par- School board candidate proposal themselves. dinator of elementary educ- discuss the following topics: Joan Corbet today irged "Unless this tentative - of outstanding achieve- Mtowtngft campaign by the ticipating in two-day long ation, conducted a seminar student examination- eval- ments and services to NationalCouncU of Church- seminars. residents, to approve the budget is changed substan- i for elementary school ad- uation procedures; student proposed school budget, lially," she said, "I plan lo ihe community. <•• Is, American Baptist On Tuesday Dr. Laurence ministrators on system wide progress, grade, mid- Churches USA and other calling it "a prudent budgei vote for it and I would urge "This lime of Bicen- F. Greene, superintendent inservice training, com- marking reports and report tennial causes us to pause of schools, began the day fitting for our tight-money fellow residents to do the (Continued on pag* 4) munications and testing. cards; standardized testing times." same." and give recognition to those with a discussion of "Teacher Evaluation - - needs for improvement; who have been leaders of the "Overall Planning." Gary Administrator Compe- Mrs. Corbet, after Residents vote on the and plan books and ex- reviewing the tentative budget Mar. U, the same civic community and un- TaJEjcplore P»ynef director of • secon- tency" was the subject pectations. Dr. Greene met selfishly strive Inwards a dary education, then worked which started Wednesday's proposal with school ad- lime they decide the school with elementary ad- ministrators, said the board candidates! races. better place to live and work Bikeways with the administrators on seminar, under the direction ministrators to explore the in," Fitch remarked. "This writing specific objectives »f Dr. Greene: Mr. Payne budget, "carefully walks the Mrs. Corbet said her elementary school thin line tetween providing examination of the spending award is given to honor such 'The , Union County to carry out the goal: then discussed writing organization, kindergarten a distinguished individual." Bikeways \ Conference, an acquisition of bosk learning eacher evaluations and the and pilot programs. for Increased expenses in schedule showed that 77 to#ormation»l seminar, will needed areas and holding percent of the $12.6 million ,The winner of the award b« held at t p.m. Tuesday in down costs In areas of lesier proposal is being spent to will be honored at a dinner priority " provide instruction for Clark Leslie today urged alt concerned ctttieai of (Continuedon page*) the auditorium of the County In the afternoon. ims flower Class Sizes Administration BuiWjng, Noting, that the Board ot children and only 2.2 per- Westttcld to attend the Board of Education budget A, , „ 900 Nortlr Avenue Epst. Gre«i« had s^rorkshop for Always Raise (,AMS <ormally cent for administration, hearing Tuesday at 8 p.m. In the high school auditorium. AlpaUgtl Stresses Sponsored? % !he Union ministrators«^Met wts fileiy Mqnd ratio, Leslie, vice prcffM*nt of the board, Is seeking rcelecUon County Environmental Students' Attitudes" and imum shrinking school population "telly when you realize / w* Mar.'li. ••.. ••»' "\. .•'„••.. > i': •:.•... m •%/ - • •• n -'i' "' I Health Advisory Com- size "Pnae • surrounding ( foille stated, ••H Is essential that everyone understand " *>." MCar tSudget) t ..*# _.. tihat .N»gef. lathi* year of sever* Inflation to • ' mittee. .-, .':' •••'•'':."" '>:'":* iously com- generally discount the Keynote speaker, Gary peting .interests and advantages of smaller class represents boln mVn"T**pm*m*m*mmmm*ttmlm quality education. The Increase of 8.4 percent Lisa, chairman of the viewpoints," according to size, there seems to be some JNichoIs: "Return to Basics" projected five year plan, Citizens for NJ. Bikeways, Mar. 8 the Council for Education consensus that smaller class science and spelling. believe, among the lowest in New Jersey this year. Our Trudle Nichols, Board of current spending per pupil is also below that of most establishing financial ptans to define the necessity research Committee, "As sizes contribute to the well- "Children need a'firm priorities of Ihe system and for bikeways. The Westfield Rotary Club Education candidate, called comparable districts. The 4 percent reduction In our Pancake Day has been set financial conditions become being of students. This is so,' today for renewed stress.on grounding in these basic initiate cost savings Sandy Weeks of the increasingly distressed for because if allows the subjects at the earliest projected enrollment is reflected by the elimination if from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. development of the basic eight teaching positions and two administrative programs. He feels it is Cranford Bicycle Com- most school districts, the teacher to be able to in- possible level in the essential lo budget for mittee also will describe Saturday, Mar, 8. skills in reading, math, positions.This Is a responsible budget and deserves Heading committees are. call for greater Individual dividualize the instructional elementary school," Mrs. future fiscal requirements how one plans for bikeways attention for pupils comes approach, to experiment Nichols commented. public support." as a prequisite to planning in one's own community. Frank Gelger, supplies; Leslie's candidacy hag been endorsed by the Westfield Vincent Washvtlle, dining from both parents and more, and to develop the "Without adequate for these expected ex- Walter L. Sharpe of the teachers. This has become a students' potential by being' preparation in these basics Citizens Organizetlon.
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